Andi Agusniati
�Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Amkop Makassar, Indonesia
[email protected]
KEYWORDS Financing, Education, Indonesia |
ABSTRACT The quality of education is
an important component that needs to be considered in order to achieve
educational goals, there are several things that affect the quality of
education in Indonesia, one of the factors is education financing which is
also an important issue throughout the world. This study aims to determine
the effect of education financing on the quality of education in Indonesia.
This study uses a quantitative research method with a descriptive approach.
Data collection techniques in this study used questionnaires and literature
studies. The research data were then analyzed using the SPSS program. The
results showed that education financing had an effect on the quality of
education with a significance value of 0.000 and a proportion of 91%. Education
funding affects the quality of education because it is very necessary for
school programs, procurement of facilities and infrastructure, teacher
salaries, employee salaries, the need to support the achievement of the
school's vision and mission and create quality human resources |
Education is an
important component for us as humans living on this earth. Because with
education, we will know what actions and attitudes we must show and must face
when we are in any situation and anywhere. Therefore, every human being on this
earth needs education, be it education related to God, education related to
other humans, as well as education related to the surrounding environment. So
important is education for everyone that we always need its existence in living
an orderly and prosperous life. Education is not only important for oneself but
is also important for an increase in the quality of a country's human resources
in order to advance the country (Saat, 2015).
Education is now
required to answer three things, namely: the ability to meet needs, the ability
to develop a meaningful life, and the ability to glorify a meaningful life.
Education is also faced with globalization, which is marked by the
industrialization of education. Educational institutions must make every effort
to improve the competitiveness of graduates, academic products and other
services, which among other things can be achieved through improving the
quality of education. All parties need to equate thoughts and attitudes in
improving the quality of education in dealing with these problems. The quality
of education is an important component that needs to be considered in order to
achieve educational goals, there are several things that affect the quality of
education in Indonesia, one of the factors is education funding (Azizah,
financing (financing of education) is one of the important issues in the
development of education in almost all countries in the world. Developing
countries generally spend relatively less on education than developed
countries. The low financing of education in developing countries has become a
public discourse that always wants to find a way out at any time, but because
of the complexity and complexity of the problem, efforts to solve the problem
cannot be completed (Shaleha
& Panggabean, 2022).
Funding for
education is urgently needed for operational needs, and school administration
based on real needs consisting of salaries, employee welfare, increased
teaching and learning activities, maintenance and procurement of facilities and
infrastructure, increased student development, increased teacher professional
skills, school administration and supervision. The teaching and learning
process will run optimally if the goals to be achieved meet the requirements
that have been determined in accordance with the plan (Sa�adah
& Budi, 2021). However, until
now, the world of education in Indonesia, including basic education, is still
facing a variety of very serious and complex problems, starting from the low
budget allocation in terms of financial assistance from the government, the
inadequate upgrading of training in improving teacher professional competence
due to the small education budget in Indonesia (Kurniawan,
2019). Based on the
background of these problems, researchers are interested in conducting research
with the title "The Effect of Education Finance on The Quality of
Education in Indonesia".
This research is a quantitative research with a descriptive approach.
According to Sugiyono in (Irbah,
Ichsan, & Fauziah, 2022) the
quantitative research method is a research method based on positivism (concrete
data), research data is in the form of numbers that will be measured using
statistics as a calculation test tool, related to the problem under study to
generate a conclusion. The descriptive approach in this study is intended to
create an objective picture or description of a situation by using numbers,
starting from data collection, data interpretation as well as display and
results. According to (Daly et al., 2007)
descriptive method is carried out by presenting facts which are then followed
by analysis, not just describing, but by providing sufficient understanding and
�� The population used in this study are
universities in Indonesia. This study took 30 samples from the population based
on suggestions from (Kerlinger
& Lee, 2000)
suggested a minimum sample size of 30. The sampling technique is random
sampling, namely taking samples of members of the population periodically
without regard to strata in the population. This method is used when members of
the population are considered homogeneous (Garaika
& Darmanah, 2002).
it allows researchers to get respondents according to the amount generated.
Data collection techniques in this study used questionnaires and literature
study with secondary data collection through journals, appropriate articles and
previous research with research obtained through the official Google Scholar
Figure 1
�Framework of Thinking
Based on this
framework, it is obtained that the research hypothesis of education financing
has an effect on the quality of education in Indonesia.
Based on the
results of this analysis, it was obtained that a significance t value of 0.000
<0.05 and a calculated t value of 17,240 > t table 0.683 then Ho1 is
rejected Ha1 is accepted. So it can be concluded that
Education Financing (X) has a positive and significant effect on Education
Quality (Y), so that the Hypothesis is accepted.
����������� Based
on the research data, the R Square value is 0.914, which means that the
influence of the Education Funding variable (X) is 91%.
In the
implementation of education, finance and financing are very decisive potentials
and are an integral part of the study of education financing management. The
financial and financing component at a tertiary institution is a consumptive
production component that determines the implementation of teaching and
learning process activities in schools. In other words, every activity carried
out by tertiary institutions requires costs or funds (Fadia
& Fitri, 2021). Cost is a
determining element in the budgeting mechanism. Determining the cost will
affect the level of efficiency and effectiveness of activities within an
organization that will achieve a certain goal. Activities carried out at low
cost and the results are of good quality can be said to be carried out
effectively and efficiently (Mulyono,
Investment in
education financing involves financing teachers and staff, Teaching and
Learning Process (PBM) and Teaching and Learning Activities (KBM),
administration and administration, facilities and infrastructure, as well as
financing related to maintenance including investment maintenance and other
facilities. In this regard, one thing that is an important concept in financing
education is the issue of education costs which are very necessary in the
implementation of education (Ramadhani,
In this regard,
one thing that is an important concept in financing education is the issue of
education costs which are very necessary in the implementation of education.
Fees at educational institutions usually include (Ferdi,
Direct costs are defined as spending money
that directly finances the implementation of education, teaching, research and
community service. Direct costs are also defined as costs that directly touch
aspects and processes of education. For example, the costs for teachers'
salaries and the provision of teaching and learning facilities. The costs
incurred for the purposes of carrying out teaching and learning activities of
students in the form of purchasing learning tools, learning facilities,
transportation costs, and teacher salaries, both issued by the Government,
parents, and students themselves.
Indirect costs (indirect costs) can be
interpreted as costs which generally include the loss of student income due to
being in education (earning foreign by students), free of tax burden due to the
non-profit nature of the school (cost of tax exemption), free rent school
equipment that is not used directly in the educational process and depreciation
as a reflection of the use of school equipment that has been used for a long
time (implicit rent and depreciation).
Monetary costs are all forms of
expenditure in the form of money, both directly and indirectly incurred for
educational activities. Fourth, non-monetary costs are all forms of expenditure
that are not in the form of money, although they can be assessed in terms of
money, both directly and indirectly spent on educational activities, for
example materials, time, energy, and so on. In Government Regulation Number 19
of 2007 concerning National Education Standards (SNP) Article 62 it is stated
that education financing consists of investment costs, operating costs, and
personal costs. Investment costs for educational units include costs for
providing facilities and infrastructure, developing human resources, and
working capital. Education unit operating costs include: the salaries of
educators and educational staff and all allowances attached to salaries;
consumable materials or equipment; and indirect educational operating costs in
the form of power, water, telecommunications services, overtime pay,
transportation, consumption, taxes, insurance, and so on.
This education
funding is very necessary for school programs, procurement of facilities and
infrastructure, teacher salaries, employee salaries, the need to support the
achievement of the school's vision and mission and create quality human
resources (Saifudin,
the context of education, the notion of quality refers to input, process and
output (result). However, in terms of educational outcomes, quality is related
to the achievements of schools within a certain period of time. These
achievements can be in the form of results of academic ability tests such as
end-of-semester exams, report cards, national exams and non-academic achievements
such as achievements in sports, arts and skills (Nursyamsiyah,
In the
implementation of education, finance and financing are very decisive potentials
and are an integral part of the study of education financing management. The
financial and financing component in one school is a consumptive production
component that determines the implementation of teaching and learning process
activities (Agustina,
However, until
now, the world of education in Indonesia, including basic education, is still
facing a variety of very serious and complex problems, starting from the low
budget allocation in terms of financial assistance from the government, the
inadequate upgrading of training in improving the professional competence of
teachers due to the small education budget in Indonesia. For example,
weaknesses in the education management sector, gaps in educational facilities
and infrastructure in urban and rural areas, weak government support,
old-fashioned mindsets in society, low quality of teaching resources, and weak
learning evaluation standards. Some of the things above are factors in the low
quality of education in Indonesia (Fadia
& Fitri, 2021).
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Agama Islam, 1(1).
Ramadhani, Rezky
Fahman. (2017). Pengaruh Pembiayaan
Pendidikan Terhadap Kualitas Pendidikan (Studi Empiris Di Pondok Pesantren
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& Budi, M. H. S. (2021). Manajemen
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Shaleha, K., & Panggabean,
D. S. (2022). Pengaruh Pembiayaan
Pendidikan Terhadap Kualitas Pendidikan Di SD Siburbur Kabupaten Tapanuli. Edumaniora,
1(1), 35�46.
Copyright holders:
Andi Agusniati (2023)
First publication right:
Devotion - Journal of Research and Community Service
article is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International