Text Box: Volume 4, Number 1, January 2023
e-ISSN: 2797-6068 and p-ISSN: 2777-0915




Yusintha Tanduh, Reni Rahmawati, Milad Madiyawati

Universitas Palangka Raya, Indonesia

E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]




Local wisdom, products, wicker, Purun


Local wisdom is the noble values that apply in the living system of the community, including protecting and managing the environment sustainably, so local wisdom is a view of life and science as well as various life strategies in the form of activities carried out by local communities in answering various problems in meeting their needs (Law No. 32/2009). Activities or habits that are inherited and owned by a certain member of society, affect many aspects of life, including religion, customs, politics, language, clothing, buildings, to works of art. The purun products produced by partners have� relatively little change because the products produced are limited and there are not many options, so they are only used by certain circles and for limited occasions. This product requires breakthrough ideas, both in terms of design/model, and user designation, so that the existence and sustainability of its production can continue to be improved, The purpose of this activity is to provide assistance for community entrepreneurs as business partners by offering solutions / providing insights and encouraging craftsmen to be able to further develop new ideas and breakthroughs in making designs / models in order to produce more modern products according to the tastes of today's consumers



The Purun plant has a hollow straight stem and is leafless.� Generally, Purun is used as tikar, hats, baskets and kitchen spices and fish. Before being woven, Pcrowdfunding is first processed into raw materials (Priangani, 2013).� The process of processing Purun until it is ready to weave, of course, goes through several stages (Subiyakto et al., 2022).� After being harvested, the prune is immediately dried to dry, after which the purun is ground with the intention of changing its originally round shape to thin / flattened elongated, making it easier during the weaving process (Tamelan, Laos, & Boimau, 2021). This growing uses a tool in the form of a pestle whose base is rather wide and made of wood (Isnaini, 2019). �Furthermore, the process of menganyam is carried out. Purun weaving is an activity where a person makes or produces a work in the form of a mat or other artwork using weaving techniques by combining several materials into a pattern that has use and aesthetic value (Akmal & Prihatin, 2020).

Partners are craftsmen who in their daily lives weave purun to increase the cost of living. In addition, other side jobs make cold herbs and powder (Puspadewi & Putra, 2014).

The purun products produced by partners have relatively little change because the products produced are limited and there are not many options, so they are only used by certain circles and for limited occasions (Irwansyah & Rusniati, 2012).

This product requires breakthrough ideas, both in terms of design / model, as well as the designation of its users, so that the existence and sustainability of its production can continue to be improved (Ariswoyo & Nasution, 2005), The solution offered to overcome the above problems is to provide insight and encourage craftsmen to further develop new ideas and breakthroughs in making designs / models in order to be able to produce more modern products, and in accordance with the tastes of today's consumers (Najiyati, Asmana, & Suryadiputra, n.d.).

Goals and Benefits of Activities

1)   Provide training to increase insight, knowledge, skills and independence for crafters to increase the selling price of products.

2)   Providing assistance for product modernization, in order to have more competitiveness in the market.

3)   Increasing product variety through various designs/models.



This socialization, training and assistance activity in its implementation was carried out on Jln. Sangga Buana 1 No. 34. Palangka Village, Jekan Raya District, Palangka Raya City.� �The Regional Location Map which shows the distance between the �Proposer and Partner Universities (PT) to the location of the target area, can be seen in Figure 1. �The implementation time until the activityreport is carried outfor 2 (two) months, from November to December 2022 (Simanjuntak, Idham, & Ardian, 2016).


Figure 1

Location Map for the Implementation of Community Service Activities (partners)


Partner Activities

����������� Partners are purun wicker craftsmen totaling 5 (five) people. The determination system is based on the business activities that have been engaged in so far, namely the purun handicraft business.

Devotion Methods

The method of implementing service activities to partners is carried out in the form of:

1. Preparation for the implementation of activities

��� Preparing an agreement on the timing of the implementation of activities and the preparation of tools and materials.

2.Discussions are as friendly and discussion

��� Providing insight and knowledge to partners in the form of counseling in the form of delivery

material, explanation of the introduction of tools and materials.

3. Trainingto improve product modernization skills.

��� Training is carried out following the module guidelines submitted, in the modules covered

��� description of each stage of activity for each product.�

4. Assistance during training is carried out on partners to� mampu partners

��� menyelesai it and able to produce product variety / design.

5. Products that have been produced by partners will then be marketed. Marketing process

��� Done through online sales as well as in-person sales.

With this activity, it can directly open new jobs in the group of crafters as partners, grow the spirit of partner skills and increase income for these partner members. The involvement of students in this Community Service activity at least opens up insights and applications and applications about entrepreneurship so that a business spirit is formed. This activity is a Community Entrepreneur Assistance Lecturer Program (PDPWM) which also collaborates with the City Government in this case is the Palangka Raya City Industry and Trade Office. The expected contribution from the City Government to the activities carried out is the existence of Coaching and Assistance to Partners, to be further included in several events so that products can be known and in demand by the market (Apiati, Heryani, & Muslim, 2019).


1.   Socialization and Counseling Activities

This socialization activity is a follow-up to the implementation of the training, which is to determine the agreement on the schedule of activities, as well as ensure the readiness of the members of the artisan group to carry out the training.

Counseling activities are to provide knowledge, information, processes and stages so that what is done can achieve the ultimate goals and objectives. Introduction of tools and materials to be understood and understood every use of the tools and materials prepared. These tools and materials are as shown in Figure 2.

Description: D:\2022 LPKM\FOTO KEGIATAN\3\IMG_20221109_080146.jpgDescription: D:\2022 LPKM\FOTO KEGIATAN\3\IMG_20221109_080303.jpg

Figure 2

Tools and materials


Purun products to be modified are large size purun bags, small size purun bags, tambuleng shape purun bags and purun mats, as shown in the following picture (Diniaty & Agusrinal, 2014).

Figure 3

Purchase of woven purun material to be modified


Figure 4

Preparation of Training Activities

Figure 5

Modules for reference modifications

During thediscussion�� and activities, we received a visit from BRI in sisoalisasi activities for several facilities in the banking industry, such as partnering in lending KUR, access to payments using QRIS, BRI Mini and others (Rusdi, Soeprayogi, & Mesra, 2020).

Figure 6

Bri's visit during the training

2.   Tablecloth Making Activities

Modernization of the p-thud mat into a table cloth combined and combined with a typical Kalteng binti karn fabric; in which case i n i adjusted it with the desired motive if. Likewise, the resulting tablecloth depends on the desired size. The process of manufacturing and finishing activities as well as the results of modernization as in the following figures (Khasanah, 2020)

� �����������

� ������

Figure 7

Manufacture and transfer of Tablecloth patterns to purun mats

��� �������

Figure 8

�Results and appearance of purun mat tablecloth

3.   Second training (Modernization of Tikar to Sendal)

a.   Creation of Pola Sandals� ��������

���� Cutting mat material for the manufacture of slippers as shown in the following Figure

� �����

Figure 9

�Mats to be cut according to the pattern��


Figure 10

Cutting tikar purun according to the pattern and size of the feet and products of p-urun sandals

4.   Peexercise Kethree (Modernization of Baskets)�����

�������� Bakul modernization can be varied with some sewn or pasted decorations; Likewise as a safety the contents can be installed zipper. To beautify the appearance, it can also be combined with Vinyl either for the bag handle or the bag body. Modernization from mats to bags, as in the following Figure

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Figure 11

Modernization from mats to bags


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Figure 12

Modernization of large baskets by replacing basket straps and fabric patches



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Figure 13

�Modernization of small baskets



Figure 14.

Trainers deliver some innovations for the app


Figure 15

Tim (Lecturers and Students) in Community Service activities andn H asil Modernization Products



This training is very helpful for the crafter / partner group in developing their creativity and innovation to produce more varied products so that the selling value of woven purun will be of higher selling value.

All training activities went smoothly according to the plan and the trainees were very enthusiastic and enthusiastic in participating in the training. The trainees have understood and have practiced it which has been obtained in the training that has been carried out. Various kinds of creativity and innovation can be done to produce a product, such as baskets that are modified into bags with more modern looks that have a touch of sequins or sheets of mats formed into tablecloths, sandals combined with materials with a touch of sequins. Participants have started producing the results of the training and several products of bags, tablecloths and sandals with modified sequins have been sold.


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Copyright holders:

Yusintha Tanduh, Reni Rahmawati, Milad Madiyawati (2023)


First publication right:

Devotion - Journal of Research and Community Service

This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International