KEYWORDS System Independence, PMDG
Education System, Muhasabah TQC |
ABSTRACT Worldwide educational
institutions whose systemsare independent, do not
follow the example of experts butall systems move
and work independently, without involving or there is dependence and
attachment to outside parties. Until now, the Islamic educational institution
Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor
(PMDG) is in the independence of the system, on the one hand experts are
always looking for the best educational institution system so that it
continues to develop not lagging behind the times, and on the other hand many
local islamic boarding schools have fallen because
they were crushed by the times, Pondok Modern
Darussalam Gontor still exists in the same system
without changes,� forming the
personality of students who are ready to appear as national and even
international figures. Against the backdrop of this situation, it was studied
how the interpretation and hadith views of tarbawi
on the independence of the Darussalam Gontor Modern
Lodge system. The independence of the system born of experience is not the
theory and reference of educational experts. The method used to discuss this
study is with literature studies and interviews. The independence system
created by Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor is: 1) Leadership; 2) Parenting; 3) Teaching; 4)
Regeneration; and 5) Funding, which is transformed to students, teachers,
families, guardians of students, the community, community leaders and the
government. This plays a very important role�
in shaping personality in the form of work character and work
competence for the glory of Indonesian national civilization. It was
concluded that the independence of the Pondok
Modern Darussalam Gontor system according to the
interpretation and hadith of tarbawi is muhasabah as TQC (Total Quality Control) which becomes
the basic system of independence, the foundation of the entire system
and� forms the quality of the existing
systems. This TQC is easily adopted by other Islamic Educational Institutions |
Islam has comprehensive and
complete legal rules, and its eternal educational principles. providing solutions and methods in
the growth of �a child's
personality, whether growth in the aspects of akidah,
ahlak, physical, reason, self or sosial
(Nasih Ulwan, 2015).
The eternal rules and principles of education are a subject that never changes
in accordance with the times and guides all aspects of life, both in the fields
of politics, social, economy, health, culture, including
in the field of education itself. Similarly, educational institutions that use
the rules and principles of Islamic education will certainly remain the system,
continue to be obsolete or lose their system through the course of a time that
continues to develop and disrupt.
Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor, can be shortened to
PMDG (hereinafter written PMDG) or sometimes also quite called Pondok Gontor. Its founder was
called "Trimurti" because it was founded by three brothers, namely:
KH. Ahmad Sahal (1901-1977), KH. Zainuddin Fannani (1905-1967), and KH. Imam Zarkasyi
(1910-1985), on Monday, 12 Rabiul Awal 1345/ 20
September 1926. Since the colonial period, PMDG is a private institution that
has system independence (Suryanegara, 2017),
it has �survived until now, because mainly PMDG is based on the rules and principles of
Islamic education and also because PMDG is a boarding school which is an
indigenous Indonesian educational institution (indigenous). In the Dutch
colonial period, there was a deliberate dichotomy of education, firstly
religious education represented by traditional islamic
boarding schools that tended to be static and closed from the outside world,
and the second general education represented by colonial schools. This is what
is behind �the �(Madjid, 1997)
trimurti in the formation of modern
huts is the awareness that it is necessary to modernize the Islamic education
system and institutions, an independent system does not adopt the Dutch modern
education system and institutions, but rather with the modernization of
indigenous Islamic systems and institutions, �namely the pesantren
itself. This is the spirit of the system that remains and is the principal,
always in PMDG Education (Zarkasyi,
Along with the era of traditional
Islamic Boarding Schools have opened up, some have founded Ma'had
Aly, under which there are Madrasahs and Schools from the lowest to the highest
level, even some of them have been negated. PMDG has always been independent
with its system, in contrast to other islamic
boarding schools that flocked to establish madrasas in anticipation of the
times, PMDG actually founded KMI (Kulliyatul Mualimin Al-Islamiyah), a name made by (Hardoyo, 2009)
trimurti as a �level as well as a pioneer of modern education
with a classical system. This system contains controversy, including according
to traditional pesantren not worthy of existence in pesantren such as making dramatic arts, music and so on,
among the government does not know the term KMI and how it is recognized, nor
does it follow the government curriculum which is always changing until now and
PMDG has never taken the national exam. PMDG has the spirit of education to
educate the lives of students, not to educate them to just get a diploma.
Along with the times, 1 Century
PMDG has produced many figures of national leaders and international figures.
This proves that the independence of the system implemented by PMDG is not
eroded by the times, unshakable by political, economic and cultural factors. A
system that is developed by itself based on experience, is constantly being
developed until a universal and eternal system is formed in forming a
personality that has work character and work competence.
Based on the description above,
it will be studied how to form a system independence, what are the systems that
are formed independently and how to prefetively
interpret and hadith tarbawi the independence of the
PMDG system, so that it can be adopted by other Islamic Educational
Institutions to form a system on target according to the circumstances of the
educational institution, which eventually produces a generation with a good
personality as well.
This article discusses the purpose of national education whose relevance is
in the purpose of islamic boarding schools. This type
of research is qualitative so that the data that appears is not in the form of
numbers, but in the form of descriptions of words. As is customary for
qualitative research, this study does not aim to test the hypotheses that have
been formulated, but rather oriented towards the development and new knowledge
gained through data collection in this article is to conduct interviews with
various groups seen from educational backgrounds, positions in islamic boarding schools and having children who are in islamic boarding schools and are directly related to the
focus of the research.
The research design is in the form of a descriptive approach, because it
seeks to explain conceptually and empirically about the purpose of national
education and the educational goals of Islamic boarding schools. This means
that research seeks to reveal the objective and systematic facts found by
researchers in the field. The subjects of the study were the head of the
madrasa, the teachers / ustadz / ustadzah,
all parents, and a number of alumni of students and a number of students. The
determination of samples using purposive sampling techniques, namely sampling techniques
with certain considerations and objectives. The type of data in this study is
qualitative data. According to Lofland, who was
quoted by Moleong2, explained that qualitative data is more wording both spoken
and written, as well as �the rest of the actions in the form of documents, archives, and photos. The data needed by
researchers in this study is primary data sourced from humans and secondary or
non-human data. The data collection technique used in this study is an in-depth
interview, which is a meaningful conversation conducted between two or more
people directed by the interviewer to the interviewee, with the aim of knowing
opinions, perceptions, feelings of knowledge, experience, and sensing. This
interview is used by researchers to obtain data in general and broadly on
things that stand out, are important and interesting to study in more depth
related to the focus of the research.
Independence of the
Education System was born from Muhasabah as Total
Quality Control
PMDG has system independence.
Independent in the sense that all systems move and work independently, without
involving or there is dependence and attachment to outsiders.
Independent in the sense that the
system is formed based on trimurti experience �not the theory and reference of educational experts. This independence is born
from the results of deepening the field when carrying out the educational
process, then looking for what should be improved, and what should be improved
continuously, cyclically becoming Total
Quality Control in education. The cycle can be described as follows:
Figure 1
Total Quality Control
In Figure 1 above, a description
is obtained, a system strengthening will be formed from the initial system to
strengthening system 1 in cycle 1, to get the strengthening of the system must
review the field to what extent the initial system runs in the field, then
analyze whether there are pluses in the sense that there are those that need to
be improved because they feel good, or add new ones needed from the field
findings,� and analyzed the minuses in
the sense of whether there is something lacking in its implementation and then
overcoming the shortcomings or reducing the elements of the system that are
considered no longer necessary, all these pluses and minuses were included in
the initial system hence the birth of System 1. Then in cycle 2, continue to
conduct a field review on system 1 which will be reviewed for implementation in
the field, reanalyzed the pluses and minuses, then system 2 comes out, so this
cycle is a non-stop continuous activity so that in totality it becomes a
control tool in system quality assurance, this is why this cycle is referred to
as the Total Quality Control Cycle.
In line with the views of the
interpretation of tarbawi QS. Al-Hasyr : 18, the birth of the
independence of the system begins with the muhasabah,
here are the verses :
O you who believe,
fear God, and consider the same as you have offered to tomorrow, and fear God,
for God is expert in what you do.
O people of faith! Be devoted to
God and let everyone pay attention to what he has done for tomorrow
(hereafter), and be devoted to God. Truly, God is all-perative
of what you do (QS. Al-Hasyr : 18)
This verse is a verse of muhasabah, commanding
the believer to be devout and preaching by counting themselves against what has
been done, what is being done and what will be done for the next day, until the
end of life. For these charities will be hyphenated tomorrow (akherat). In Al-Maraghi's
interpretation, the verse Ma Qaddamat �means "what has been done" meaning to order the nafs to examine and
analyze what has been done in totality without exception from his deeds, both
those done yesterday and today, to be a guide and improvement to what tomorrow
or the future does, so that each nafs changes the day
the better,� until the end of his life he
met God in a self-inflicted personal state (Amiratul Munirah, 2015).
In line with the description of the cycle mentioned above, Total Quality
Control is an analysis of the system that has been planned initially, then
finds its pluses and minuses to plan improvements to the system, continuously
does not end until the end of the day always conducts an analysis of its work
to be an evaluation in the future. Just as every believer lives in the world,
it is commanded to always evaluate the totality of the deeds done in the
elapsed time. Because this will be the basis for doing the next deed, so that
there will be improvement and goodness (Rahayu,
According to Ibn Katsir in his interpretation, he
interpreted "and let every self pay attention to
what he has done for tomorrow". The point is that self-hisablah
you yourself before being hyped by God. And behold something which you have
saved for yourself, in the form of charity for the next day and at the time of
meeting with God (Suwandi,
2021). Whoever
always hyphenates himself then he will get a light hisab,
Allah Almighty said:
He will be held accountable for a little
then he will be
examined (dihisab) with an easy hisab
(al-Insyiqaq: 8)
When Ummul Mukminin Aisaya asked the Messenger of Allah: "O Messenger of
Allah, what is a simple hisab?" The Prophet
PBUH. answer: He looked at the book of his deeds, and then Allah forgave the
error recorded in it. O Aisyah, indeed, the one who
was examined in his hisab on that day must have
Such is the blessing of the muhasabah in forming
the independence of the system, by always analyzing the experience of
continuously seeking improvement, then the educational institution will be
forgiven its mistakes by Allah. It may be that parents and students will judge
this educational institution as the best, because its responsiveness every day
is always improving itself.
PMDG Education System
Literally, in the Great Dictionary of Indonesian, system means: 1) the
device of elements that are regularly interrelated so as to form a totality; 2)
an orderly arrangement of views, theories, principles, and so on; 3) method.
The word system comes from the Greek systema which means way, strategy. In
English system means system, arrangement, network, way. A system is also
defined as a strategy, way of thinking or a model of thinking.
In terms, Omar Hamalik affirms that a system is a harmonious and
harmonious interaction of a set of components or elements to achieve a goal.
Meanwhile, according to Imam Barnadib in his book Ramayulis, emphasizing the notion of a system on an idea or
principle that is intertwined, which is combined into a whole. Because it can
be interpreted as a system is a series of elements or components in the form of
both physical and non-physical that interact in line and harmoniously form a
unity to achieve the goal (Hamalik, 2004)
(Ramayulis, 2002).
Looking at the above
understanding, the system in Arabic is closer in meaning taken from the word:
نِظَام which means system, discipline, command, command
نَسَق which means order, system, method, pattern, type, symmetry
مَنْظُوْمَة which means system, collection, community, society, group, group
شَبَكَة which means intertwined, system
جِهَاز which means :1) tools, fixtures, tools, tools, instruments, tools; 2).
system; 3). bodies, institutions, organizations, cadres, staff
In the Arabic dictionary, when the above 5 words are changed in verb form, each word is
obtained by one slice to describe the notion that the system is a command or
law that governs, organizes neatly and orderly in a collection of devices, or
Looking at the above
understanding of system, then the word that is aligned about system is اُحْكِمَ
with perfect sense, found in QS. Hud : 1 :
The 4.00 book was
ruled and then dismissed by an expert sage
Translation : Alif Lam Ra. (Here it is) The book whose verses are neatly arranged is
then explained in detail, (which is passed down) from the side of (Allah) the Most Wise, the Most Conscientious, (QS. Hud
: 1)
The word اُحْكِمَتْ
from the verse is fiil majhul
which means composed according to حَكَم
or حُكْم (laws,
wisdom, rules and decisions of the ruler), and the one who compiles it is Allah
Almighty, Mahacermat. So it
can be interpreted that اُحْكِمَتْ
in the above verse is the neat, orderly arrangement of the verses of God, with
wisdom and perfect precision, and assembled verses by God Himself who holds the
power to govern his own rules, so that the verses become one whole, letter by
letter forming a word, word by word forming a sentence or verse, verse by verse
forming a letter, letter after letter formed the Qur'anul
Karim. All of them merge into an inimitable scripture, and also cannot be made
as such, because of its system of compilation which is impossible for beings to
do even though they are entirely united to make them. Allah has challenged all
human beings 14 centuries ago, Allah Almighty said in surah Al-Baqarah:
And if you are in doubt of what we have
revealed to our servant, then come with a surah like him, and call upon your
martyrs without Allah, if you are righteous.
And if you doubt that We have
sent down to Our servant, then make a semisal surah
with him, and invite your helpers other than Allah, if you are truthful. (Al-Baqarah : 23)
The notion of the system can be seen from the existence of a systematic
relationship that is very perfect and very balanced in the creation of the
universe, as God said in QS. Mulk: 3:
Who created seven centimeters and what you see in the creation of the
merciful from Tv0ut so return the sight do you see from breakfast
Translation :
created seven multi-layered skies. You will not see anything disproportionate
in the creation of the Most Merciful. So look again,
have you seen anything flawed?
Along with the statements of
experts, including Paul Davies, Bilim ve Teknik and Stepen Hawking have
equally intersecting opinions and express the awe of the creation of a very
balanced universe, if there is a slight error of 10-18 even an error
of one per thousand million million, then the
universe is unlikely to happen. They commented on the theory about the
"Big Bang" of the creation of the universe, then the fragments of the
bang are amazing, how the arrangement occurs so that the flakes occupy their
respective places forming galaxies, with their gravitational balances not
larger and not smaller, which causes them to be very amazingly said in super
rational calculations. Also so from the rate of development after a very
balanced bang is not faster and not slower, one of their statements
If the rate of development one
second after the Big Bang is smaller even one part per serratus million of nature will be destroyed before it ever reaches
its present size (Yahya, 2003).
The development resulting from
the great bang is mentioned in the Qur'an as an extension: And the heavens
we built with our power, and indeed we did indeed expand it (QS. Adzariyat: 47)
With the above interpretation,
the system can be defined as a very perfect and balanced basic rule, regulating
the relationship between elements, components or policies, forming a unity that
runs harmoniously to achieve its goals.
UUSPN No. 20 of 2003 states: the
national education system is a whole component of education that is
interrelated in an integrated manner to achieve national education goals. As
the interpretation above, Education is also stated as a system, having several
parts that affect each other, if one part is not noticed / weak it will affect
the whole system, the more perfectly organized the component, the more
significant it is to achieve its goals.
Likewise, the focus on the PMDG
Education system is the same as having components or parts, which are born from
muhasabah as TQC, as will be explained from the
following figure:
Figure 1
Total Quality Control
�As can be seen from the picture above, the
Education System at PMDG is used to realize the Vision and Mission, while the
Vision and Mission are produced from the results of reflection and deepening
based on a field review of the values of the Panca
Jiwa, Motto, Orientation, Synthesis and Philosophy. In accordance with the
focus of this discussion, the Gontor Modern Pondok Education System has 5 components, namely:
PMDG as a leader regeneration institution, how to foster leadership
regeneration with Briefing, Assignment, Coaching, Evaluation and Approach:
Program approach, Humane approach, and idealistic approach, all ways of
leadership regeneration are carried out with control tools, operational
procedures, and human resources that carry it out.
PMDG always instills in its students the philosophy of
"ready to lead and ready to lead". Always at all times when there is
an opportunity to understand the role and function of the leader as Leader, Manager, Administrator, Supervisor,
Motivator, Innovator and Evaluator
For PMDG, being a leader is not the core of leadership because everyone is
a leader who will be held accountable, everyone who leads, of course, there are
those who dream of it, everyone cannot be separated from being led or leading, the
core of leadership is in the implementation of their roles and functions to be
accountable for their leadership, not only when playing a role in the
organization but also on the side of Allah SWT.
In line with the above, the Prophet said:
Ismail told us Malik told me from Abdullah bin Dinar from Abdullah bin Umar
may Allah be pleased with them that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings
of Allaah be upon him) said that you are not all
shepherds and all of you are responsible for his flock The imam who is
responsible for the people is a shepherd and he is responsible for his flock
and the man is a shepherd for his family and he is responsible for his flock
and the woman is a shepherd for the family of her husband and his son and she
is responsible for them� And the servant
of a man is a shepherd on his master's wealth and he is responsible for it, but
you are all a shepherd and you are all responsible for his flock
Translation :
Has told us Ismail, has told me Malik of Abdullah bin Dinar of Abdullah bin
Umar radhiallahu'anhuma, Messenger of Allah said, "Know Every one of you is a leader, and every one of you will
be held accountable for the one led, the ruler who leads the people he will be
held accountable for the �one he
leads, every head of the family is the leader of his family members and he is
held accountable for that� he led, and
the wife of the leader against the family of her husband's house and also his
children, and he would be held accountable against them, and the slave of a man
also a leader against his master's property and would be held accountable
against him, know, every one of you is responsible for the one he leads."
Leadership is not a
command to be at the helm of an organization alone, to be oneself to be
accountable before God about oneself, is the essence of self-centeredness. When
a person is incapable of being a Leader, Manager, Administrator, Supervisor,
Motivator, Innovator, and Evaluator for himself how can such a person become a
caliph. Allah Almighty said:
And when your Lord said to the angels, I am making a caliph in the earth,
they said, Will you make someone corrupt in it and shed blood in it, and we
praise your praise and sanctify you? He said, I know what you do not know.
"Remember when your Lord said to
the angels: "I am indeed going to make a caliph in the land." They
said, "Why would You make a caliphity on the
earth who will do damage to it and shed blood, while we always glorify
You?" He said, "I know what you do not know." (QS. Al Baqarah:
The verse explains that Allah Almighty made
man a caliph on the face of the earth. The caliph referred to in this verse is
the prophet Adam. Before being sent down by the
prophet Adam to the face of the earth, of course, the conditions for becoming
caliph had been given by God, one of which was that God told the prophet Adam
of the names of things while the angels did not know, that knowledge became a
measure of truth and also a condition that the prophet Adam was very worthy of
being a caliph on the face of the earth, and there was a protest of the angels
who declared the ineligibility of being a kholifah,� For the angel suspected that man would make
mischief and shed blood. As if the angels were half protesting to say, we only
know what is told, then Allah replies : "Have I
not told you, that I know the secrets of heaven and earth, and I know what
you declare and what you hide" (Al-Baqarah:33). Man
who is endowed with the potential of reason and lust is the secret of his
leadership so that it is able, manages and organizes and develops tasks to the
caliphate with his intellect and the potential of angelic reason is satgnan, there is no pattern of development. Leadership
roles and functions in the form �of Leaders, Managers, Administrators, Supervisors, Motivators, Innovators, and
Evaluators are the result of developing reason. With that, Allah Almighty to grant humans can use animals and plants
as food ingredients. Humans are also given the power to breed animals and grow
plants so that they can be used later. With that, Allah Almighty grants that
man can manage all the affairs on earth (Lathifah, Pebiyanti, &
Firmansyah, 2021).
PMDG always equips with the following
leadership qualifications:(Zarkasyi, 2005)
Can be
to sacrifice
Have good
guts and are not afraid of risks
Work hard
and earnestly
Have the
ability to communicate
Create a
network of work and be able to take advantage of it
take a lot of initiative
problems and being able to solve them
Have high
PMDG makes the parenting department serve as:
The key to the
dynamics of the cottage in organizing the total activities of cottage life:
daily, weekly, monthly and yearly. Its implementation is carried out with an
exemplary system and with thesitem of environmental
creation, direction, assignment, habituation and training.
Activities of
dormitories, OPPD, Scouts, consulates
and clubs.
The total activity of
cottage life both written and unwritten known to be tabi�t
in the Lodge, concerning the order and sunnahs of the
This includes parenting as an extension of the Pondok
Leadership in enforcing the rules and sanctioning violators. Parenting is not
known as parenting, but in schools BK teachers the function is in common with
parenting in the career development of students. During the 24 hours the
activities of the lodge are always supervised by the upbringing, and become a
miniature implementation of the cottage life guided by the Qur�n
and the Al-Hadith, controlled and controlled by the upbringing, this is the
same function as murabbi in the Qur�n:
No human being would have brought him the book, the judgment and the
prophecy and then he would say to the people, be my servants without God, but
be divine by what you knew the book and by what you were studying
Translation :
It is impossible for a man who has been given a book by God, as well as
wisdom and prophethood, and then he says to man, "Be ye my worshippers,
not worshippers of God," but (he said), "Be ye servants of God, for
ye teach the book and because ye learn it!" (Ali-Imron : 79)
Murabbi comes from the word rabba yarubbu () which means to repair, master, lead, guard, and
maintain, in the above verse it is commanded to be a rabbani
person �(رَبَّانِيّٖنَ) that
is, a person who refers his whole life to the rabbi,
because everything that Allah commands and Allah forbids as found in the Qur�n is carried out, studied deeply and taught, so that
none other than all his life is the decree of his rabb.
In the Qur�n the word () is associated with the command to humble
oneself to parents with affection and prayer that parents be given affection by
Allah in return for their role as Murabbi (repairing,
controlling, leading, guarding, and nurturing) to their children since
childhood, Allah Almighty said:
And lower for them the wing of humiliation from mercy and say God have
mercy on them as my Lord is young
And humble yourselves to both affectionately and say, "O my Lord! Love
both of them as they both educated me as a child." (QS. Al-Isro': 24)
Therefore, parenting
functions as a murabbi, not as a teacher who is just
a transfer of knowledge, moreover than that parenting educates in general and
characteristically (differentiated), a memorable upbringing to students, with
feelings of affection and mutual trust, like the first fathers for students
when in the dormitory, this is because students have more time with parenting
than their biological fathers. The reality of today's parenting is that they
recognize students more than their fathers because they are too busy working
for the survival of the family (Nor, 2019).
The upbringing in
view of the tarbawi hadith called muaddab
is taken from the following hadith:
May God discipline me, so discipline me better
Translation :
My God has educated
me, so He made my education good (HR. Ibn Hibban)
Commenting on the hadith above, Ibn Taimiyyah
said "there is no sanadnya tsabit
(strong) there. the hadith narrated from the path of Sabrah
Bin Ma'bad's companions falls into the category �of dhaif �hadith because of the existence of a devotee
named degree
majhul, but because there are other similar
hadiths whose degrees are hasan or hasan shahih even shahih then these hadiths can corroborate this hadith, and
this hadith becomes a hadith hasan lighoirihi which is maqbul or can
be accepted as hujjah (Supriadi & Sumarna, 2022).
Muaddib is the isim
fail of fiil maḍi
addaba (أَدَّبَ)
taken from the hadith above which means to educate or give adab.
A civilized person can be said to be a person of noble character, Prophet
Muhammad SAW when asked to Siti Aisyah ra.h about the morals of the Messenger of Allah SAW, صلى الله
عليه وسلم!"
Siti Aisyah ra.h said,
"His morals are the Qur'an, have you not read the Qur'an on the word of
Allah 'Azza wa Jalla, WA INNAKA LAALA KHULUQIN AZHIM (Verily thou
(Muhammad) have great morals.)." Thus muaddib
can be said to be an educator who instills in students or learners to have qur�ni morals, what is in the Qur�n
all comes from the rab, then muaddib also functions the same as murabbi educates to be a rabbani
person. It is increasingly clear that parenting functions as murabbi and muaddib,
to carry out its functions in PMDG.
PMDG in teaching uses the KMI Gontor Curriculum (Kulliyatul Mu'allimin Al-
Islamiyah), with an intensive program for 4 years and regular for 6 years, and
takes about 64 subjects.� These subjects
include all subjects in the National Education Curriculum and Islamic Religious
Subjects, integrated into a unified cottage curriculum without dichotomy. PMDG
answers the challenges of the reality that occurred during the colonial era, dictating
that traditional islamic boarding schools only study
religious science and colonizers study general science. PMDG incorporates this
dichotomy, which there is really no dichotomy in islamic
religious science, because the source of all sources of knowledge is the Qur�n.
At this level, pmdg teaching means more mu�llim which �is the isim
fail of fiil maḍi "allama,
the �root of the word (عَلَّمَ), in the
Qur'an is found in QS. Al-Alaq : 5:
Teach man what he did not know
Translation :
He taught man what he did not know.
Teaching in PMDG can indeed be interpreted as a transfer of knowledge from
teacher to student or in taxonomy bloom classifies three areas of education,
one of which is the cognitive realm. Likewise, teaching in PMDG in the
educational calendar in schools or madrasahs in essence there are basic
similarities but there are also very steep differences, and this becomes an
independence teaching system that never changes, the author will take some core
differences that have major implications including:
Pure scores from
exams, no KKM, and subject teaching teachers assessing students do not use
names but numbers, it is not known to the teacher what the student is his own Kiayi child who is being assessed for the exam or anyone's
child, free from psychological disturbances. A fair and honest and equitable
judgment without any "kong kalikong" or conspiracy between anyone who will
make this educational institution large and avoid destruction, as with the
justice and honesty of the law upheld by the Messenger of Allah SAW, if his
daughter Fatimah rh.a steals
then he vows to cut off his hand.
The planting that
exams are not just to seek learning outcomes but to improve their learning
again, a philosophy that is always echoed: "Exams to study not to study
for exams". This planting will produce the character of istiqomah learning from mahdi
to lahdi (continuing education).
Whether the exam results are good, not dazzled, it will always be improved in
learning, let alone those that are still low-key. Keistiqomahan
to keep learning this is a core value and the plus is not just jargon but it is
proven that there is a Lodge Leader who was appointed one of them istiqomah in learning although there are many other values
that are his eligibility, he is the late Mr. KH. Imam Badri, who used to stay
in class every year until his KMI period of 12 years (Makagiansar, 1987).
KMI is a nursery
place for teachers, the function of the teacher is to share his knowledge
therefore there is a principle that is held "a lot of knowledge even
though it is not deep", a lot of knowledge it is a hook for fishing which
fish is meant, in the sense that of the amount of knowledge there is one of
them that is the basis for exploring one field in depth, a principle that is
always planted:� "giving a hook not
giving a fish".
Figure 3
Gontor Soldering System
At PMDG Kiayi is a central figure, becoming the
leader who will determine the progress of the Lodge. A leader who is a leader
who is not afraid of being rivaled, means also a leader who is happy when
people who are better than himself appear to be able to continue their
leadership. Through the system of regeneration, human beings are ready to take
responsibility for what God will entrust. One of his mandates is to continue
the existence of PMDG better and more honorable.
The system of leadership in Gontor (PMDG), as in
Figure 3, its cadres must unite themselves with the soul and philosophy,
idealism and orientation of the lodge. These values are really based on the
Qur'an and Al-Hadith and all the values arising from pmdg's
experience in soldering which is constantly being refined through muhasabah (TQC), so that the cadre can really be
responsible for the back and forth of the cottage. The author will not
elaborate on these values, because this study is limited to looking at the
independence of the regeneration system, not in detail outlining the values
that exist in the cadreization system (soul and
philosophy, idealism and cottage orientation).
In particular, the pattern of leadership in Gontor
is not managerial or administrative leadership alone that only organizes,
organizes and divides routine tasks then waits for reports and ends up
providing decisions that can be done in just a few hours. Leaders in Gontor are educators, who at all times direct, assign
tasks, train, escort, give tauladan and mendo'akan. It means that the success of the soldering is
not determined in the writing on the paper, but the success is determined from
the process of directing, assigning tasks, training, escorting, giving tauladan and mendo'akan,
constantly, the more touches, the more "scents" it is performed and
the stronger the planting power that enters its soul, the stronger the power of
In the view of tafsir and hadith tarbawi,
soldering is known as the inheritance of values in order to be able to carry
out the next task well as that carried out by his predecessor. Allah Almighty
made the cleric heir of his prophet Prophet Muhammad
SAW as He said:
Then bequeathed to us the writers whom we chose from our servants.
Translation :
"Then We have inherited to those whom We have chosen among our
servants." (Fathir: 32)
And corroborated in the hadith of Prophet Muhammad SAW :
The scholars are the heirs of the prophets, they did not inherit a dinar or
a dirham, but they inherited knowledge, and whoever took it took luck
"Verily the
clerics are the heirs of the prophets. Truly the prophets did not pass on
dinars and dirhams. Truly they have only passed on knowledge so whoever takes
the inheritance he has taken a large share."
MUI has an idea to be
able to return the Islamic ummah to the golden generation in the era of the
companions of the prophet SAW, while still paying attention to the rapid
development of the times, forcing the existence of contemporary ijtihad ulama
so that Muslims are able to answer the times. The realization of this idea is
certainly carried out by fostering a cadre of scholars in a broad sense, in
addition to the high level of moral science, it is also able to see the needs
of a rapidly developing era (Arifin
& Umar, n.d.).
Similarly, canning in
PMDG, is a necessity that must be done, to continue the relay of struggle in
the frame of PMDG Education.
The independence of funding in PMDG, regarding the welfare of teachers is
cultivated by themselves, everything regarding business units (Canteen, Kopontren, Kopel and Catering) is
regulated by the students themselves. That independence is born with a
protection economy. Teachers and students make their own trading products, are
bought by teachers and students as well, and profits are also benefited for
teachers and students. On the anniversary of the Eight Windu
Pondok Modern Gontor
(1991), the waqf land owned by him and managed by YP2WPM reached an area of 253
thousand hectares. The waqf land is a productive waqf infrastructure managed by
teachers to study their own teachers. Teachers do not receive a salary from the
student's pay.
Therefore, PMDG performs selfless devotion to all its students, pure
devotion occurs, not occurs in the exchange of educational services and the
payment of students. The teacher's sincerity mentality will give birth to a
mentality of sincerity of students which is greatly influenced by funding
Regarding PMDG practicing the economy of protection, from, by and for
oneself can be explained how the independence of a king as well as a prophet,
who only eats from his own efforts, as the Prophet said:
bin Musa told us that Isa bin Yunus told us about a
bull from Khalid bin Ma'dan from Al-Muqaddam (may
Allah be pleased with him) from the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) who said that it is better for no one
to eat food than to eat from the work of his hand and that the Prophet of Allah
Dawood (peace be upon him) used to eat from the work of his hand
It has been told to
us Ibrahim ibn Moses, has preached to us 'Isa bin Yunus
of Tsaur of Khalid bin Ma'and
of Al Miqdam radhiallahu'anhu
of the Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه
وسلم said, "No man eats
a single food that is better than the food of his own handiwork. And indeed the Prophet of God David 'alaihissalam
ate food from his own efforts".
The press point in the hadith above is found in the word مِنْ عَمَلِ
يَدِهِ which
means "from the efforts of his own hands." It contains the value of iffah, keeping the glory of asking for help to
others, this is also what the author means self-protection, PMDG is able to
support oneself in improving one's own well-being. This protection system is
not because it does not want to cooperate with other parties, but the PMDG's
hands are still able to independently support itself. This system has proven to
be solid, in the midst of a pandemic and the development of the PMDG era, it continues
to exist and its economic assets are increasing.
The independence of the PMDG
system can be a very special example for Islamic educational institutions at
home or abroad. The word modern in PMDG turned out to be born from history to
unite the dichotomy of subjects that exist between traditional boarding schools
and schools. Based on the above, the author divides three educational systems:
The Classical
Education System, implemented by traditional islamic
boarding schools, has remained that way since it was before, it seems that it
is not very adaptable to the times, so many have gone out of business or walked
in places without development, or can be outdated.
The Contemporary
Education System, which is implemented by schools in the country in general,
the study of its system by experts is always changing according to the times,
in other words, the system is made by the times, not inclined to the system
that makes the civilization of the times.
Modern Education
System, which is implemented in PMDG, classical sciences remain a reference,
methods that are changed according to the demands of the times, which is clear
that the spirit of cottage education has not changed, muhasabah
as TQC to form the best system is endlessly sustainable, so that the system
does not change because it keeps up with the times, but the system is not
outdated, even this system still exists to form the civilization of the times.
If, islamic
educational institutions apply muhasabah as TQC to
form the best education system, then carry out in a committed manner and hard
work carry out the results of their muhasabah in a
continuous manner without stopping, with the experience will become a separate
knowledge that is in accordance with its own existence, then bright ideas will
be born that are very suitable for the educational institution itself that may
not be suitable elsewhere. So it is strongly believed
that the educational institution will continue to develop with its own
experience without or the existence of theories of educational experts. Because
with muhasabah every day endlessly will become a TQC
that will develop the quality of education. And whoever does the muhasaba endlessly, the more days, the longer it will be an
expert in issuing ideas, carrying them out and evaluating in their own
institutions, more than experts who only review a few samples to generalize in
general and not necessarily research the local needs that exist in our own
educational institutions.
The muhasabah
will form a system created by one's own experience, self-executed,
self-controlled, self-evaluated and creating one's own system, this is what is
meant by system independence.
PMDG established five ministries
of system, namely: 1) Leadership; 2) Parenting; 3) Teaching; 4) Regeneration;
and 5) Funding, which is transformed to students, teachers, families, guardians
of students, the community, community leaders and the government. It was PMDG
that created the civilization system of the times by transforming the value of
the system. From the graduates of their students who have been cultivated by
the value of the system, they have a good and noble personality, they become
public figures, who will be proud of their families and some of them become
government figures, national figures and even international figures, with that
shoplifting transformed these values to build the civilization of the times.
Every Islamic educational
institution can model PMDG and create a system that will shape the civilization
of the times, not the development of the times that makes a system for our own
educational institutions.
The independence of the PMDG
system, born from the muhasabah results of field
deepening when carrying out the educational process, then looking for what
should be improved, and what should be improved continuously, cycled into Total
Quality Control in improving the quality of education, not a reference for
education experts but a muhasabah effort which is the
practice of QS. Hasyr: 18, in the hope of getting the
blessing of hisaaban yasiiraa
as explained in QS. Al-Insyiqaq: 8. With this
blessing there will be improvements and minimal errors that will form a neat system,
although it is not as neat as the qur'an drafting
system as stated in the word اُحْكِمَتْ
in QS. Hud: 1, or unlike the flawless system in the creation of heaven and
earth referred to in QS Mulk : 3, but with the muhasabah consistently making its improvements, will
realize the independence of the best educational system, according to the
conditions of a typical educational institution.
The five components of system
independence in PMDG are: 1) Leadership; not only to be the top leader of an
organization but a leader who is accountable to God (HR. Bukhari � 6605) and to
carry out the duties of the caliphate (QS. Al-Baqarah :
30), 2) Parenting; for 24 hours the activities of the lodge are always
supervised by the upbringing, and become a miniature implementation of the
cottage life guided by the Qur�n and the Al-Hadith,
controlled and controlled by the upbringing, so that the function of parenting
is nothing but murabbi (QS. Ali Imron : 79 and QS. Al-Isro': 24) and as muaddib (HR Ibn
Hibban), 3) Teaching; PMDG teaches without dichotomy
between religious subjects and general subjects but combines the two because
knowledge is entirely derived from God, this is as the practice of QS. Al-Alaq : 5. 4) Soldering; soldering is known as the
inheritance of values in order to be able to carry out the next task properly
as carried out by his predecessor, as Allah Almighty made the cleric heir of
his prophet Rasulullah SAW (Fathir: 32 and HR. Ahmad
- 20273), 5) Funding; practicing a protection economy as a form of economic
independence in accordance with HR. Bukhori � 1930,
the pressure point� on the word مِنْ عَمَلِ
يَدِهِ which
means "from the efforts of one's own hands", self-protection, by
maintaining the nature of iffah, is able to support
oneself in the improvement of one's own well-being without relying on
Every Islamic educational
institution can model PMDG and create a system that will shape the civilization
of the times, not the development of the times that create a system for our own
educational institutions, of course, sustainable muhasabah
as Total Quality Control in improving the quality of education, the better the
quality of education, the better the personality of the generation it forms.
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Ashary Ramdhani
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Devotion - Journal
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