Text Box: Volume 4, Number 2, February 2023
e-ISSN: 2797-6068 and p-ISSN: 2777-0915





Ressa Yusdiana Putri, Yana Fajar FY Basori, Dine Meigawati

Universitas Muhammadiyah Sukabumi, Indonesia

Email: [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected]



Effectiveness; The Complete Systematic Land Registration Program; Land Certificates


This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the Complete Systematic Land Registration Program (PTSL) in making land certificates at the ATR / BPN Kantah, Sukabumi City. The data collection technique in this study was interviews. While the data analysis technique uses descriptive method with qualitative analysis. Based on the results of research through interviews, it shows that the implementation of the Complete Systematic Land Registration (PTSL) program in Sukabumi City has been effective, it's just that there are still several obstacles that occur and the lack of socialization activities carried out so that there are still many people who do not know about the existence of the program. The National Land Agency (BPN) needs to increase program socialization activities to the community so that people can take part in the Complete Systematic Land Registration (PTSL) program and know more about Complete Systematic Land Registration (PTSL) so that in the future more people can take advantage of it.



The implementation of land registration will produce a final product, namely a land certificate, but in its implementation there must be obstacles, both in administrative implementation and from the community (Danim, 2012). Land rights holders are entitled to obtain legally enforceable authentic evidence of their land ownership from the authorized institution, namely ATR / BPN Kantah Kota Sukabumi. Land registration, one of which is with the PTSL Program, in connection with this, technical instructions are needed regarding the guidelines for implementing PTSL in the juridical field. Land registration is very important and needs serious and thorough attention in order to collect data and determine the status or ownership and control of land parcels (Creswell & Creswell, 2017).

Regulation of the Minister of Agrarian Affairs/Head of the National Land Agency in 2017 concerning amendments to the Minister of Agrarian Affairs/Head of the National Land Agency Number 35 of 2016 concerning the PTSL Program:

1.   In the context of organizing land registration as referred to in article 5, the task of implementing land registration is carried out by the Head of the Land Office, except for certain activities which are assigned to other officials by this government regulation or the relevant legislation.

2.   In carrying out land registration, the Head of the Land Office is assisted by a PPAT (Land Deed Official) and other officials assigned to carry out certain activities according to this government regulation and the relevant legislation.

In the Complete Systematic Land Registration Program that is being run by the Sukabumi City BPN, there is no clarity in the issuance of certificates to the people of Sukabumi City. This is based on the narrative of one of the people of Sukabumi City who stated that "At that time I was with two other families taking care of PTSL. As a result, I have yet to receive the certificate." (Wojowisoto, 1980) This shows that the Sukabumi City BPN has not run the program well for the community, because the community is not given clarity on their land certificates even though they have processed land certificates through PTSL. In addition, the Sukabumi City BPN did not provide a solution to the problem, which only suggested that people who experienced problems regarding the making of land certificates through PTSL could continue making certificates through routine channels (Indahsari, Kasiliyani, Saputra, & Wardiah, 2021).

In addition, the next problem is the lack of coordination between agencies that support the implementation of the PTSL program in Sukabumi City, so that there are people who have not yet received land certificates, and there are even people whose land certificate application files have been returned through PTSL (Gibson, 1990). This is based on a statement from Sriwidari Village, which stated that "there are approximately 38 PTSL files belonging to residents whose land certificates have not yet been issued, some have even been returned to residents, some are still at the village office". (radar sukabumi, 2022). In addition, he also stated that "since the first time residents submitted files for making certificates through the PTSL program in 2018, the Sukabumi City BPN had no communication with the kelurahan regarding the lack of files (Ardiansyah, 2011). So indeed we only got communication from BPN Sukabumi this year. Since the beginning there has been no communication, this year the files were immediately returned".

�Furthermore, land problems are caused by weak land ownership certificates.� The data on land ownership certificates in Sukabumi City are as follows:

Table 1 Land Certificate Ownership in Sukabumi City



Certificate Type




Land certificate with written agreement

1,91 Ha



Land certificate with unwritten agreement

3,54 Ha



Other evidence

50,34 Ha



Other evidence

52,25 Ha



Building title certificate

3,76 Ha

(Source: BPS West Java Province, 2018-2019)

�In addition, land problems such as people having fake land certificates and having multiple land certificates (suara.com, 2021). To maintain the rights and existence of land, formally, it is necessary to have a legal ownership status for the land plot. If there is a land ownership status that is unclear or does not have a clear legal position, this will cause major conflicts and problems for the community, especially in the future. Therefore, the community must immediately register the land ownership and obtain land rights in order to have strong evidence of land ownership (Ibrahim, 2008).

Based on the description of the phenomenon of the problem above, it shows that there is no clarity in making land certificates to the community by ATR / BPN Kantah Sukabumi City through PTSL, lack of coordination between government agencies in carrying out the PTSL Program in Sukabumi City, weak land certificates in Sukabumi City, there are people who have fake and multiple land certificates. So from this, researchers are interested in conducting research with the title "Effectiveness of the Complete Systematic Registration Program (PTSL) in Making Land Certificates at ATR / BPN Kantah Sukabumi City" (Mahmoudi et al., 2019).





According to (Pasolong, 2020), effectiveness basically comes from the word "effect" and this term is used as a causal relationship. Effectiveness can be seen as a cause of other variables. Effectiveness means that the previously planned goals can be achieved or in other words the target is achieved because of the activity process. The word effectiveness cannot be equated with efficiency, because both have different meanings even though in sharing the use of the word efficiency is closely related to the word effectiveness.

Public service

According to (Along, 2020) "service is defined as a form of activity given to help, prepare, and take care of either goods or services from one party to another".


The premise of this research is that efforts to complete land certificates through the PTSL Program can be effective if it meets 5 effectiveness measurements, namely: program success, target success, satisfaction with the program, input and output levels and overall goal achievement (O�reilly, 2003).



The research methodology that will be carried out in this research is a qualitative approach using case study research. In this study, the research unit is ATR / BPN Sukabumi City. The details of the informants in this study are as follows:


Table 2 Unit of Analysis and Informant Setting




Reason for Choosing Informant



Head of Land Acquisition and Development

As an apparatus that has the authority



Head of Land Supervision Section

As the implementer of the PTSL Program



Head of Land Mapping

As the implementer of the PTSL Program



People who have land certificates

As a target of the PTSL Program



People who do not have land certificates

As a target of the PTSL Program

(Source: Research, 2022)

For data collection techniques in researching the effectiveness of the Complete Systematic Registration Program in Making Land Certificates at ATR / BPN Kantah Sukabumi City, namely using observation, interviews and documentation.

Data validation used were triangulate, member checking, rich and thick description, clarifying bias, negative or discrepant information, prolonged time, and peer debriefing (Sugiyono, 2021).

Data analysis in qualitative research can be described as follows:

1.   Processing and preparing data for analysis

2.   Reading through the data

3.   Analyzing in more detail by coding the data.

4.   Apply the coding process to describe the setting

5.   Indicate how these descriptions and themes will be restated in the qualitative narrative/report.

6.   Interpret or make meaning of the data.



The goal to be achieved in the Complete Systematic Land Registration (PTSL) program is to accelerate the provision of legal certainty and legal protection of community land rights in a definite, simple, fast, smooth, safe, fair, equitable and open and accountable manner, so as to improve welfare and the prosperity of the people and the economy of the State, as well as reducing and preventing land disputes and conflicts. Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that the purpose of implementing the Complete Systematic Land Registration (PTSL) program in Sukabumi City is clear to help people from various groups to be able to have land certificates as proof of legal land ownership. Because the National Land Agency (BPN) may see that there is still a lot of land in Sukabumi City that does not have a certificate (Tunjan, 2019).

As the results of interviews with the National Land Agency (BPN) regarding the goals to be achieved in the Complete Systematic Land Registration (PTSL) program. In implementing the Complete Systematic Land Registration (PTSL) program there were no special efforts, due to the high enthusiasm of the community in participating in the Complete Systematic Land Registration (PTSL) program. With the high enthusiasm of the community, it proves that the objectives of the Complete Systematic Land Registration (PTSL) program have been achieved. As stated by Mukarom & Laksana (2016), that effectiveness is the achievement of the goals that have been set, in the form of targets, long-term goals, or organizational missions.

The effectiveness of the implementation of the Complete Systematic Land Registration (PTSL) program in Sukabumi City. This was confirmed by the source, namely the District, that the implementation of Complete Systematic Land Registration (PTSL) for Cikole District had been going well. With no visible difficulties experienced by the community in participating in this program. This is in contrast to the opinion of the BPN that the implementation of the Complete Systematic Land Registration (PTSL) has been going well. Still have some obstacles in its implementation. However, these obstacles did not interfere with the implementation of the program as a whole. Effectiveness is a concept that is used as a standard measure of the success of a program. A program implementation can be said to be effective if the program made is carried out properly in accordance with applicable procedures and gives good results. The effectiveness of the implementation of the work program is an organizational activity carried out by members of the organization in order to achieve the organizational goals that have been set previously. According to (Rahman, 2017) provides a definition of effectiveness as the level of organizational achievement in the short and long term. The point is effectiveness is a measurement standard to describe the level of success of an organization in achieving predetermined targets.

From the explanation above, it can be concluded that the implementation of the Complete Systematic Land Registration (PTSL) program for the City of Sukabumi has been running effectively compared to the previous land registration program. Although there are some obstacles in it. However, due to the direct involvement of the sub-district, sub-district and environmental heads to invite the community to register their land so that they have legally valid land certificates.

The effectiveness of a program depends on the facilities and infrastructure that support the implementation of the program. Inadequate facilities and infrastructure will hamper the implementation process. The 2021 Complete Systematic Land Registration Program (PTSL) for the City of Sukabumi has been running, in its implementation several supporting facilities and infrastructure have been fulfilled such as the availability of posts and the presence of Human Resources (HR)/officers who serve community registration. Based on the statement of the informant, namely the Warudoyong District, the kelurahan only facilitated the place, namely the hall of the kelurahan, then tables were provided that could be used to collect registration files. Only such facilities are provided, because the follow-up of the registration documents will be forwarded to the Office of the National Land Agency (BPN) of Sukabumi City. As revealed by (Siagian, 2005) effectiveness is the use of resources, facilities and infrastructure in a certain amount that is consciously determined beforehand to produce a number of goods for the services of the activities it carries out.

� Program is a policy instrument that contains one or more activities carried out by government agencies/institutions to achieve goals and objectives and obtain budget allocations or community activities coordinated by community agencies. The National Land Agency (BPN) is the government agency that creates and is responsible for the Complete Systematic Land Registration Program (PTSL). The Complete Systematic Land Registration (PTSL) program was created in order to help accelerate the achievement of land registration targets in Indonesia. Complete Systematic Land Registration (PTSL) is land registration for the first time which is carried out simultaneously for all objects of land registration throughout the territory of the Republic of Indonesia in one village area or other name equivalent to that, which includes the collection and determination of the correctness of physical data and juridical data regarding one or several objects of land registration for registration purposes. The Complete Systematic Land Registration Program (PTSL) was created as a replacement program for Prona. Complete Systematic Land Registration (PTSL) has been effective since 2017. Complete Systematic Land Registration (PTSL) in Sukabumi City has been running according to government plans/expectations. In the Complete Systematic Land Registration Program that is being carried out by the Sukabumi City BPN there is no clarity in making certificates for the people of Sukabumi City. This was based on the narrative of one of the residents of Sukabumi City who stated that �At that time I was with two other families taking care of PTSL. As a result, I haven't received the certificate yet.� (radar sukabumi, 2022) From this it shows that the BPN for the City of Sukabumi has not implemented this program well for the community, because the community has not been given clarity on their land certificates even though they have already arranged for land certificates through PTSL. In addition, BPN Kota Sukabumi did not provide a solution to this problem, which only suggested that people who were having problems with making land certificates through PTSL be able to continue making certificates through routine routes



The implementation of the Complete Systematic Land Registration (PTSL) Program has been effective, as can be seen from the objectives to be achieved through the Complete Systematic Land Registration (PTSL) program. In this program, the National Land Agency (BPN) has succeeded in getting people to register their land. This is also supported by the important role of several related parties, such as the National Land Agency (BPN), sub-districts, sub-districts and heads of neighborhoods. This program has succeeded in achieving its goals with the help of related parties through socialization conducted by the Head of Environment. In addition, this program also makes it easier for the community to process land certificates through officers from the National Land Agency (BPN) who are sent directly to the District.



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Copyright Holders:

Ressa Yusdiana Putri, Yana Fajar FY Basori, Dine Meigawati (2023)


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Devotion - Journal of Research and Community Service

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