Text Box: Volume 4, Number 1, January 2023
e-ISSN: 2797-6068 and p-ISSN: 2777-0915




Meida Rachmawati1 Elisha Yochanan2 Heriyanto3, Yudo Prastyo4

Asia e University Malaysia1 Universitas Pertahanan2 Universitas Borobudur3, Universitas Hang Tuah Surabaya4

Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]



Management; career development; human resources


Amidst the competition between companies today, creating a competitive advantage is an absolute thing that organizations must fulfill. One way to create excellence is to have employees with the skills, knowledge, and competencies that meet your organization�s needs. Human Resources (HR) is one of the resources that play an important role in achieving the goals of an organization. While an organization has sufficient physical capital or the latest technology, people will still manage and nurture the implementation. The study uses quantitative methods to analyze the extent to which talent management impacts career development in HR organizations. A private university in LLDikti Region VI has shown a partial and simultaneous positive and significant influence on aptitude management, knowledge management, and job evaluation in employee career development. The existence of good talent management in the organization is expected to increase the potential talents within the organization to occupy crucial positions in developing the organization in a better direction



Human resources or human capital is a very important and strategic asset in the life of a company organization. The investment made to improve human resources is not small, but the results are difficult to feel in the short term. It takes a long time and patience as well as the right method to produce the desired human resources. Human Resources (HR) remains one of the resources that have a critical role in achieving the goals of an organization nowadays. Even though an organization has abundant material capital or modern technology, its implementation is still managed and taken care of by humans. Therefore, managing human resources in an organization is very important, because human resources themselves can be a source of competitive advantage (Darmin en Afifah 2011). HR management is carried out by providing direction and guidance from organizational management in general and HR management in particular. Because HR is one of the most significant elements of management in addition to other management elements (Aziz 2021).

Organizational goals are generally designed to gain profit and success for the organization itself, but as time goes by, organizational goals are also designed to achieve human welfare, including employees who work for the organization. One of the factors to determine the success of the organization is the ability of the organization to empower its employees at all levels of the organization. Employees who have good potential and quality must be allowed to pursue a career according to their competence, therefore, a developing career is often associated with the future of the employee, although it does not guarantee success because until now HR issues are still in the spotlight and the foundation for organizations to survive in the era of globalization.

For employee competence to continue to increase by the demands of the organizational environment, an employee is not only able to maintain the existence of the organization by developing and advancing the organization but there must also be career advancement in their lives as long as they work in an organization. Employees who have more knowledge, expertise, energy, and creativity will be needed by the organization to achieve its goals and demands. Therefore, the organization must retain employees who are talented and who have good knowledge in the workplace in the long term is also needed as capital for the survival of the organization so that it can win the competition with competitors.

One of the functions of HR management in an organization is to prepare human resources within the organization who have the capability and potential since the time of recruitment and the various training and development programs carried out. In addition to treating employees well, they feel valued, respected, and recognized for their existence so that they are more motivated and improve themselves at work and last longer in the organization.

The reason for doing talent management is that the organization certainly expects to have talented human resources. Talent management carried out by an organization is expected to be able to manage its human resources starting from the beginning during the recruitment period for new employees, job placement, training, and development, and performance appraisal until the employee leaves the organization. If there is no good aptitude management in an organization, it will impact on hampering career development for employees, and the turnover rate in an organization will likely be high. The inability of managers to offer suitable jobs to employees or to move between positions according to employees' talents and skills limits professional development opportunities and leaves a significant number of managers out of the organization can work long hours (Ratnawati en Subudi 2018).

Another HR management strategy for employee career development can be done with knowledge management because one of the qualities of employees can be determined and assessed from the knowledge they have. Knowledge is a competitive asset, therefore knowledge must be owned by every employee to be able to develop skills so that through mastery of knowledge and skills an employee can manage their career. Knowledge management is an organizational activity in managing employee knowledge as an asset, wherein various strategies there is the distribution of the right knowledge to the right people in a short time so that they can interact with each other, share knowledge and apply it in their daily work to improve organizational performance.One of the goals of knowledge management is to improve communication between top management and employees, as well as to improve work processes and instill a culture of knowledge sharing. If knowledge management is not carried out properly and maximally, then it will not provide added value to knowledge capital for employees. In an organization where there is a knowledge management and organizational learning system that is not optimal, the system will not contribute to employee performance and will not provide maximum added value to improving the quality of each employee, because in performance appraisal it is still fixated on work results. In an organization, to support the smooth work of its employees, the organization must have a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP).

For an organization that wants to help its employees in developing their careers, HR management needs to think about what kind of performance appraisal is effective and efficient. In general, things that need to be held in the performance appraisal process are work performance, discipline, obedience, responsibility, creativity, cooperation, leadership, and so on. An organization must have the ability to provide structured information regarding current employee performance and what information employees need regarding future performance. For an employee, the quality and quantity of work is something that needs attention. Such as thoroughness in work, because it will affect the results rather than the work itself. In addition, the attendance record while working is one of the indicators in performance appraisal. Therefore, an employee must have a good attendance record. The use of this performance appraisal is that one of them can help in making decisions regarding compensation issues, promotions, job transfers, etc., where these activities can also be useful to provide opportunities for employees to develop their careers. The performance appraisal is also expected to provide a precise and accurate description of the work process of each employee so that they can achieve their career development.



The research is associative research which aims to determine the relationship between two or more variables (Sugiyono 2018).The use of this method is to analyze the effect of Talent Management, Knowledge Management, and Job Assessment on employee career development at private tertiary institutions in LLDikti region VI. Researchers chose this location as a research location because they found internal problems related to the problem of low levels of employees with functional positions which were influenced by several factors, namely the lack of attention from the organization in managing talent management and the lack of a sense of employee attachment to the organization. While the objects of research are Talent Management, Knowledge Management, and Work Assessment on the Career Development of Private Higher Education in LLDikti region VI.

The type of data used in this study is quantitative data in the form of the number of employees and data obtained directly from employees by distributing questionnaires. While the data collection method used is a questionnaire or questionnaire. The questionnaire is a data collection technique through forms containing questions submitted in writing to someone to get answers or responses and information needed by researchers (Mulyadi 2011).

The population in this study are private tertiary institutions in LLDikti region VI. Collecting samples using purposive random sampling. Purposive random sampling is a sampling technique in which the sample criteria and the number of samples have been predetermined. In this study, the sampling technique used the Slovin formula in Sugiyono, with a leeway percentage of 5% (e = 5%), namely 215 respondents (Sugiyono 2019). Data analysis is a process of simplifying data into a form that is easier to read and interpret. The data analysis that the writer uses in this study is by using quantitative analysis methods. Data analysis techniques in quantitative research use statistics, researchers use parametric statistics because the data used is in the form of an interval scale.

To analyze the influence of Talent Management, Knowledge Management, and Job Assessment on the career development of Private Higher Education in LLDikti region VI. In this study, data collection that will be used for analysis purposes uses the questionnaire method, where questionnaire questions are developed from each indicator for each variable. The talent management indicators refer to (selection, placement, and development), and for the employees, engagement variables refer to indicators (willingness to invest effort in work, dedication, concentration, and seriousness), and performance variable indicators refer to indicators (Quality of Work, Quantity, Timeliness, Effectiveness, Independence). There are several requirements in parametric statistical tests where the data obtained must be normally distributed and in regression, the assumption of linearity must be fulfilled before proceeding to the next step, namely hypothesis testing in the form of numbers that can be processed using statistical methods..



Validity & Reliability Test Results

�� According to Ghozali, the validity test in research is used to measure the legitimacy or validity of a questionnaire (Ghozali 2006). A questionnaire is said to be valid if the questions on the questionnaire can reveal something that will be measured by the questionnaire. To measure validity, you can use the Pearson correlation and do it by comparing the rcount value with the rtable. If rcount is greater than rtable then the data can be said to be valid.

According to Ghazali reliability is a measuring tool for measuring a questionnaire which is an indicator of a variable or constructs. The reliability test is used to test the consistency of data over a certain period, namely to find out how far the measurements used can be trusted or relied upon. The method used to test the reliability of the questionnaire in this study was reliability using Cronbach-Alpha UNU statistics. These variables are said to have a Cronbach's Alpha value greater than 0.70.


Table 1. Validity & Reliability Test







Cronbach Alpha

(N=215, df=1)


(N=215, df=1)

Corrected Item total Correlation

(N=215, df=1)


Talent Management




Knowledge Management



Performance Assessment







Career Development

































































Source: Primary data processed, 2022


�� The validity test aims to measure questionnaire questions that must be discarded or replaced because they are considered irrelevant. Instrument items are considered valid if more r count > r table. The following are the results of the validity test from this study. The table above explains that each variable indicator still has a value of r count > r table (0.1332). It implies that the indicators used are worthy of being used to measure what should be measured and can reveal data from the variables studied appropriately.

The reliability test can show the extent to which the instrument can be trusted and expected. The value of an instrument is said to be reliable if the value of Alpha Cronbach  0.6. The table above explains that Cronbach's Alpha value for each variable is > 0.6. This indicates that the measuring instrument will provide consistent results if the measuring instrument is used again to examine the same object.

Partial Test Results

The t-test aims to determine the effect of the independent variables on the dependent variable partially. To find out whether there is a significant influence from each independent variable, namely talent management, knowledge management, and performance appraisal on one dependent variable, namely career development.(Ghozali 2017)


Table 2

Partial Test Result




Unstandardized Coefficients

Standardized Coefficients




Std. Error












Talent Management







Knowledge Management







Performance assessment







a. Dependent Variable: Career Development



�� Based on table 2, the values above can be presented in the form of a standardized regression equation as follows:

𝐘 = 8,173 + 0,258 X1 + 0,176X2 + 0,233X3 + e

a.    The constant value (a) shows the magnitude of the career development value (Y). Talent management, knowledge management, and performance appraisal variables are constant with the career development of 8.173. This means that if X1, X2, and X3 = 0 then Y = 8.173.

b.   The regression coefficient of the talent management variable (X1) is 0.258, indicating that there is an influence between talent management and career development, the better the talent management, the more positive the career development will be.

c.    The regression coefficient of the knowledge management variable (X2) is 0.176, indicating that there is an influence between knowledge management and career development, the better the knowledge management, the more positive the career development will be.

d.   The regression coefficient of the performance appraisal variable (X3) is 0.233, indicating that there is an influence between performance appraisal and career development, the better the performance appraisal, the more positive career development will increase.


The Effect of Talent Management on Employee Career Development

�� In table 2 it can be seen that the t-count for the Talent Management variable is 2.850. The variable has a greater value than ttable, namely 1.972 (t-count 2.850 > t-table 1.972). So the hypothesis of this study which says there is a positive and significant influence between talent management and career development is acceptable (Ha is accepted and H0 is rejected), meaning that this research with talent management variables partially has a significant influence on career development variables. The results of this study are supported by research conducted by (Nugraha et al. 2021) by the research entitled "The Influence of Talent Management Implementation to Employees Career Development-Case Study for All Employees Under Group I of Administration and General Field Batam Employment Agency", (Octavia en Susilo 2018) with the research title "The Influence of Talent Management on Career Development of Employees of PT. Pertamina Geothermal Energy Area Ulubelu", and Dian Putri & Made Subudi with the research title "The Influence of Talent Management and Employee Retention on Career Development with Employee Engagement as a Mediation Variable (Case Study of Employees at Sardine Restaurant Seminyak Bali)", the three found that the variable Talent management has a positive and significant effect on employee career development.

The Effect of Knowledge Management on Employee Career Development

�� The knowledge management variable has a tcount of 2.095. This variable has a value greater than ttable, namely 1.972 (tcount 2.095 > ttable 1.972). So the hypothesis of this study which says there is a positive and significant influence between knowledge management and career development is acceptable (Ha is accepted and H0 is rejected), meaning that this research with knowledge management variables partially has a significant influence on career development variables. The results of this study are supported by research conducted by Sonafia Maryani (Fauzan n.d.) with the research title "The Influence of Knowledge Management and Employee Engagement on Career Development for BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Employees at Samarinda, Banjarmasin and Bontang Branch Offices", (Legina en Machasin 2017) with the research title " The Effect of Knowledge Management and Organizational Learning on Career Development and Employee Performance at PT. Pegadaian (Persero) Kanwil II Pekanbaru", and (Agustiawan Djoko Baruno en Leny Novita Permatasari n.d.) with the research title "The Influence of Knowledge Management on Employee Career Development-Study of Lor In Solo Hotel Employee T-Shirts", the three of which found that knowledge management variables had a positive and significant effect on employee career development.

The Effect of Job Appraisal on Employee Career Development

�� Then the last variable is performance appraisal which has a tcount of 2.065. The variable has a value greater than ttable, namely 1.972 (tcount 2.065 > ttable 1.972). So, the hypothesis of this study which says there is a significant influence between performance appraisal and career development is acceptable (Ha is accepted and H0 is rejected), meaning that this research with performance appraisal variables partially has a significant influence on career development variables. The results are supported by research conducted by Royadi Gandi with the research title "The Influence of Work Ethics and Performance Assessment on Career Development of Employees of PT. RIM Tour and Travel Gorontalo", (Suadnyana en Supartha 2018) with the research title "The Influence of Performance Assessment, Work Experience and Training on Career Development of Bali Masari Villas and SPA Employees", and Putu Kartika & Gede Riana with the research title "The Influence of Performance Assessment and Work Experience on Career Development at PT. Bali Ordinary Beautiful Collections of Kuta-Bali�, all three of which found that performance appraisal variables had a positive and significant effect on career development.

Simultaneous Test Results

�� The simultaneous F test is carried out to prove whether the independent variables jointly influence the dependent variable. The F test was carried out to test all independent variables, namely: talent management, knowledge management, and performance appraisal on one dependent variable, namely career development.


Table 3

Simultaneous Test Result



Sum of Squares


Mean Square






















a. Dependent Variable: Career Development

b. Predictors: (Constant), Talent Management, Knowledge Management, Performance Appraisal


�� From table 3 the simultaneous F test shows that the calculated F value > F table, then H3 is accepted. It can be concluded that Talent Management (X1), Knowledge Management (X2), and Job Assessment (X3) affect employee career development. meaning that the variables of talent management, knowledge management, and performance appraisal together influence employee career development. From these results, it can be concluded that efforts to encourage talented employees to have high loyalty by managing HR talent as well as possible to create satisfaction in the minds of employees.

Determination Test Result

�� The coefficient of determination is used to measure the extent to which the model's ability to explain the variation in the dependent variable. In testing the first hypothesis the coefficient of determination is seen from the value (Adjusted R�) to find out how far the independent variables are talent management, knowledge management, and performance appraisal and their influence on career development. The value of the coefficient of determination has an interval between 0 and 1. The value of the coefficient of determination that is close to 1 is a good regression model because almost all the variables used can explain the variation of the dependent variable used.


Table 4

Determination Test

Model Summaryb



R Square

Adjusted R Square

Std. Error of the Estimate






a. Predictors: (Constant), Talent Management, Knowledge Management, Performance Appraisal

b. Dependent Variable: Career Development


Based on table 4 regarding the results of the coefficient of determination test, it can be concluded that the adjusted R Square coefficient of determination is 0.562 or 56.2%. This means that the greater the Adjusted R Square number, the stronger the relationship between the two variables in the regression model. The conclusion is that 56.2% of career development variables can be explained by talent management, knowledge management, and performance appraisal variables. Meanwhile, the other 0.438 or 43.8% are influenced and explained by other variables not included in this study



Talent management is a series of processes in enhancing HR talent and knowledge designed to meet organizational needs for developing HR capabilities within an organization to respond to the challenges of the times. In an increasingly competitive business competition, organizations must be able to manage talent management internally, because talent management is a risky thing in the arena of competition between organizations in developing an organization in a better direction. The organization's competitive advantage is reflected in the ability of the driving force, namely human resources in creating strategy, operational efficiency, and effectiveness. The existence of good talent management in the organization is expected to be able to increase the potential talents within the organization to occupy crucial positions in developing the organization in a better direction. Meanwhile, suggestions that can be given to employees at private tertiary institutions located in the LLDikti VI environment should further improve the management of human resources in them, especially paying special attention to human resources who have less experience, which is to be given more training actions, workshops, and further encourage lecturers who do not yet have functional positions to be motivated to take care of functional promotion as soon as possible. In addition, the organization should improve and eliminate some of the company's rules or culture which are felt to be less supportive of employees in working with new ones, so that employees can work optimally the organization also needs to provide comfort and support to employees in working so they are willing to work hard or extra hard for the organization. Companies need to give appreciation for their work and put them in an appropriate position. Talent management is considered necessary for the company because the company can calculate the right costs for the right people. HR can be optimally and maximally mobilized, of course, it will result in fast company growth as well. Employee performance is vital to improving and advancing the company's business. Companies need to place employees in the right position so that their performance can be maximized.



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Copyright Holders:

Meida Rachmawati, Elisha Yochanan, Heriyanto, Yudo Prastyo (2023)


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Devotion - Journal of Research and Community Service

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