Text Box: Volume 4, Number 2, February 2023
e-ISSN: 2797-6068 and p-ISSN: 2777-0915





Ansar, Warni Tune Sumar, Nurain Laiya

Universitas Negeri Gorontalo, Indonesia

Email: [email protected], [email protected], n[email protected]



Leadership Qualities, Work Climate, Employee Work Motivation


This study aims to determine: 1) The Relationship between Leadership Quality and Employee Work Motivation at SMP Se Kota Gorontalo. 2) The Relationship between Work Climate and�� Employee Work Motivation at SMP Se Kota Gorontalo. 3) Leadership Quality Relationships��� and Work Climate together with Employee Work Motivation at SMP Se Kota Gorontalo.� The method used is quantitative, with correlational techniques. The technique of collecting data using questionnaires. The results of this study show that Leadership Quality with Employee Work Motivation has a significant relationship with� a� correlation coefficient of� 0.171 or 17.1� %, 2) Work Climate�� with� Motivation�� Employee Work� has a significant relationship with a� correlation of� coefficients of 0.221 or 22.1� %, 3)� Leadership Quality and� Work Climate with Work Motivation� Employees have a relationship�� that� significant with a correlation coefficient of 0.542 or 54.2%. For this reason, it is recommended: 1) For institutions, this research is expected to� be useful as information material to add knowledge� and insight so that even in this research� can improve performance� employees. 2) For employees, this research is expected to be able to understand, understand and have a sense of responsibility �to the work and become a benchmark� in quality� and�� The working climate� for the� results of work is in accordance with the expectations of the institution



Every organization that uses human resources or employees will deal with various things related to the personality of its employees. One of the organizational behaviors that many face today globally is the problem of work motivation of employees because motivation is a state of the individual who encourages himself to be active and continue to move in action, behaving within the agency he works. Based on data from the Human Development Index in 2017, Indonesia is ranked 124th out of 187 countries. This ranking is far compared to other neighboring countries, namely Singapore which is ranked 26th, Brunai Darussalam ranked 33rd and Malaysia ranked 61st, meaning that Indonesia is still lagging behind in success in managing an agency and human resources caused by low work motivation in many organizations or agencies in Indonesia

In every organization, if employees have good work motivation, they can carry out their work more productively so that they can produce better work performance and feel satisfaction for the work done. While different things are experienced by employees who are less motivated at work, the problems that arise include an irresponsible attitude to work, undisciplined and unable to produce good performance. Of course, if the problem of low employee work motivation is allowed, it will affect the performance of other employees and will have an impact on reducing organizational productivity.

Work motivation is the very main thing owned by individuals in carrying out their activities both in the family environment and in the work environment in one agency because the work motivation they have can have an impact on the ability of the employee himself to complete his work. Theoretically, the motivation possessed indicates a person's willingness to make various efforts as well as possible towards organizational goals conditioned by his ability to meet an individual need (DeCenzo, Robbins, & Verhulst, 2016). So if an employee has low work motivation, it will have an impact on his performance and harm the agency he works because the goals of the agency that are expected to be realized from the employee cannot be achieved.

There are many factors that can affect employees in carrying out their work, namely factors that come from within the employee himself and factors that come from outside the employee, especially from the agency where he works. The impetus that arises and is encouraged by agencies includes the ability of a leader to manage agencies and his ability to create a conducive work climate in supporting work. An organization's success or even failure is largely determined by leadership. Leaders who are responsible for the failure to carry out a job so that they need an initiative to act that produces a consistent pattern in order to find a way to solve a common problem. Thus a leader must be responsive to change, able to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of his human resources, be able to maximize organizational performance and be able to solve problems quickly.

An uncomfortable work climate and incompatible with the nature of the work will greatly interfere with the work performed by the workforce. Uncomfortable work weather, not in accordance with the specified conditions can reduce work capacity which results in a decrease in work efficiency and productivity. Research conducted by (Anum & Basri, 2015) that leadership has an influence as well as a positive relationship on employee work motivation at PDAM Madiun City. Thecalculated F value is 49.912 while the F table is 3.37 so it is concluded that the overall influence between leadership on employee work motivation at PDAM Madiun City.In addition, from the research of (Nasreen, 2012) it was explained that there was a significant influence between the work climate on the work motivation of library employees at Yogyakarta State University (UNY) with a contribution of 21.1%.� From the two studies above, it shows that leadership and work environment factors can affect employee work motivation. Junior High School in Gorontalo City is a school/educational institution that plays a role in developing, improving the quality and quality of students from formal and non-formal fields. In this school, the activities of teachers or staff employees are expected to be able to play a role in realizing an educational pattern that is able to educate

From the results of observations, there are several junior high schools in Gorontalo City whose working environment conditions are not good in terms of supporting employee activities in the administrative department such as poor room arrangement, room conditions that are increasingly crowded with various office inventory and discomfort created by a bad work climate and lack of attention from leaders in this case the principal to continue to provide motivation to employees in the section� administration. Other information is also known that the low work motivation of employees in the administrative department to attend school on time according to applicable regulations, namely employees must be present at 07.00 WITA. Employees who arrive late result in the completion of work not on time. This condition needs attention from the principal as a leader in the school because the leader must be able to improve various things that happen in the school environment such as low employee work motivation.

Work motivation

Work motivation is a stimulus or stimulus for every employee to work in carrying out their duties. With good motivation, employees will feel happy and excited at work, resulting in significant development and growth in the organization. Winardi (2007:6) argues that motivation is a potential force that exists in a human being, which can be developed on its own or developed by a number of outside forces that in essence revolve around monetary rewards and non-monetary rewards, which can influence the results of their work positively or negatively, which depends on the situation and conditions facing the person in question.

(Notoatmodjo, 2009) motivation is the desire that exists in an individual who encourages him to do deeds (behavior). In addition, Flippo (Notoatmodjo, 2009) In the context of organizational development, it is formulated that motivation is a Hasibuan direction which formulates that motivation is a stimulating of desire (want) and the driving force of a person's working will. Motivation is needed in an organization because it can encourage employee performance. This goal can be achieved if the manager of an organization understands exactly the types of motivation in order to encourage employees to work and provide incentives for the results of their work. On the other hand, employees can avoid behaving on the type of motivation that causes obstruction of organizational goals.

According to (As�ad, 2002) work motivation is defined as something that gives rise to enthusiasm or encouragement of work. Therefore, motivation is commonly referred to as a driver or morale. According to (Nasreen, 2012), motivation is defined as the willingness to expend a high level of effort to organizational goals conditioned by the ability of that effort to meet an individual's needs. While the general motivation is concerned with efforts towards each goal whose focus is narrowed to the goals of the organization. The three key elements in this definition are effort, purpose, and need.

Motivation is something that is needed by everyone in carrying out a task or activity for the achievement of goals. Motivation refers to a process of influencing individual choices of various forms of desired activity. The term motivation comes from the Latin movere which means "to move" (to move. Robbins et al (Winardi, 2007) formulated "motivation as a willingness to carry out high efforts to achieve the goals of organizational goals conditioned by the ability of efforts to meet certain individual needs".

�� Based on the opinions of experts, it can be concluded that employee work motivation is a stimulus or stimulus to� be able to� encourage in carrying out activities at work by providing incentives or rewards to� employees that can affect performance to�� achieve the goal.

Aspects in Work Motivation

(Mangkunegara & Prabu, 2012) stated that there are several aspects that underlie the emergence of work motivation: a) a sense of security (security), b) the opportunity to advance (advancement), c) the good name of the place of work (company), d) work friends (boys), e) type of work (type of work), f) salary, g) pleasant superiors (supervisors), h) working hours (hours ), i) working conditions, j) other facilities provided (benefitsj).

(Hasibuan, 2008) stated that a sense of security is being able to do its job without being burdened with risks that can endanger employees. The existence of a feeling of security is something that everyone wants, especially when he is carrying out the task on which his life depends. This feeling of security includes a broad understanding, which includes a sense of security in terms of work accidents, a sense of security from the continuation of the work relationship or at any time being exposed to unwanted layoffs. The opportunity to advance is an opportunity to obtain a position that is higher than the previous position. Everyone always wants the development of the efforts they have done. With the opportunity to advance, the desire to develop can be fulfilled. (Manullang, 2006) posits that the good name of the workplace is the place where the employee works is well known and has a good name in society. The existence of pride in the place where a person works will give confidence and enthusiasm to himself to carry out his work activities well. Workmates who can cooperate with make good friends. Cooperation and mutual respect for fellow colleagues will provide a feeling of calm and require unity and familiarity that can facilitate work activities

Leadership Qualities

Quality at this time has become the basis for innovation and leadership in consistent management. (Juran & Trivedi, 2015) states that to achieve leadership qualities requires top managers to personally take over quality initiatives. Leadership quality is an event in which quality principles are the basis for guiding, empowering, and consistently supporting the achievement of excellence by employees throughout the (Feigenbaum, 2007). Leadership qualities are emphasized more on a force that can foster environmental trust, openness and honest communication to encourage the development of individual qualities and the improvement of (Feigenbaum, 2007).

Leadership itself can be interpreted as the process of influencing a group by a person or individual who has certain abilities and expertise in a particular situation to achieve certain goals. According to (Guntoro, 2020) leadership is translated into terms of traits, personal behavior, influence on others, patterns, interactions, cooperative relationships between roles, the position of one administrative position, and persuasiveness, and perceptions from others about the legitimacy of influence. C. Turney in 1992 (Yamin, Bitton, & Bates, 2010) defined leadership as a group of proccesthat are carried out by a person in managing and inspiring a number of jobs to achieve organizational goals through the application of management techniques.

Based on the description above, it is synthesized that leadership quality is a leadership quality that must be emphasized or more focused on a force to be able to foster trust in a scope, and have honest communication in order to develop individual qualities, leadership quality also requires quality principles because quality principles are the basis for guiding and empowering the achievement of excellence by employees in every organization.

Factors in the measurement of leadership qualities

(Bennis, 1997) in their book Learning to Lead described four leadership qualities that result in trust: vision, empathy, consistency, and integrity. First, we tend to trust leaders who create a strong vision,� which brings together their followers on the basis of shared values and goals, as well as a sense of belonging in the organization. Second, we tend to trust leaders who show us Empathy that show that they understand the world as we do. Third, we trust consistent leaders. This does not mean that we only trust leaders whose positions never change, but change is understood as an evolutionary process taking into account relevant evidence. Fourth, we tend to trust leaders with strong principles, who demonstrate commitment to principled values through their actions.(Hughes & Hase, 2010) Based on Bennis and Goldsmith's presentation, the leadership indicators used in this study are: (1) Vision, (2) Empathy, (3) consistency, and (4) Integrity. The leader is dealing with many people and no one person is equal in potential and character. This is where the essence is that the organization will never be led by a flawless person. As signposts, the following are presented the characteristics of an expected effective leader: 1) Be honest. Honesty increases the degree of credibility of leaders, thereby evoking the trust and confidence of many people in them. Subordinates contribute to greater pride in honest and credible leaders in the organization they want leaders who are stronger in cooperation with teamwork, as well as highlighting their feelings of ownership and personal responsibility 2), Do what they say they will do 3), Keep their promises and carry out their commitments, 4) Ensure their actions are consistent with the wishes of the community they lead, 5) Have a clear idea of what others are talking about and what they can do.

Working Climate

Work Climate is a picture of the qualities, atmosphere and character that appear in norms and values, interpersonal relationships, teaching and learning atmosphere, organizational structure, positive ties to the institution and the physical environment contained in the institution where employees serve. Work climate means not limited to physical things only (temperature, pressure, noise) but also has a psychological meaning. The psychological meaning is how the individual can perceive his existence in the organization, the interaction between the personality of the individual and the conditions of the work will generate an appropriate work climate.

According to Litwin and Stringer (Porter, Bigley, & Steers, 2003) The work climate is everything contained in the work environment, which can be felt directly or indirectly by people in the work environment. The picture of the work climate in employees depends on how employees see, feel, and respond

his working environment. The work climate is a function of how one perceives it; That is not an objective reality. According to (Davis, n.d.) The Work Climate is the personality of an organization that distinguishes it from other organizations which leads to the perception of each member in looking at the organization. According to (DeCenzo et al., 2016) Work climate is a term used to contain a series of behavioral variables that refer to values, beliefs, and basic principles that act as a basis for an organizational management system.

�Litwin and Mayer (1968: 69) concluded that the work climate can be classified into three types, namely: 1) Achieving climate (achievement-oriented), The characteristic of this climate is that workers set their own goals, production is valued, risks are moderate but quite challenging, workers bear personal responsibility, there are creative and innovative endeavors, competitive feedback, rewards for superior work results,� informal communication, and there are efforts to encourage workers to seek help related to their work, 2) Affiliative climate (friendly oriented), Climate characteristics are the presence of freedom, informal structure, friendship, cooperative behavior, group loyalty and cooperation, group decision making, avoidance of punishment, the existence of group meetings, paying special attention to personal development and the welfare of workers, 3) Power Related Climate� (power-oriented), A feature of this climate is the emphasis on orders, formal structure, predetermined roles, a strictly established scope of work, responsibility for the perfect result

Based on the description above (Gu, Hempel, & Yu, 2020), it can be concluded that the work climate is a company that fosters mutual trust between employees so as to create a harmonious relationship and employees can work together to achieve good work results, such a work climate is a work climate with a high team spirit. On the contrary, mutual suspicion and lack of togetherness so that harmonious relationships between co-workers do not occur, such a work climate is a work climate with a low team spirit.

According to (Agustini, Subagia, & Suardana, 2013) The factors that affect the work climate are as follows: 1) Flexibility 2) Responsibility 3) Standards 4) Work Wages 5) Clarity 6) Commitment 7) Structure 8) Support 9) Leadership.

Factors Affecting the Work Climate

The above work climate factors are as follows: 1) Flexibility, Flexibility is a condition where the company provides flexibility to act for employees and in terms of adjusting to the tasks given. 2)� Responsibility, Responsibility is the employee's feeling about the implementation of employee duties carried out with a sense of responsibility for the results achieved. 3 Standard, Standards are employees' feelings about the condition of the company where management pays attention to tasks that are carried out properly, predetermined goals as well as tolerance to errors or things that are not suitable or not good. 4) Feedback, feedback is the employee's feeling of appreciation and recognition of good work. The rewards received must be appropriate as well as the awarding of prizes and awards that are appropriately received by the employee. 5) Clarity, Clarity is the feeling of employees that they know what is expected of them with regard to the work, role and goals of the company. 6) Commitment, Commitment is the feeling of employees regarding their feeling of pride in owning the company and willingness to do better when needed. 7) Structure, The structure is reflective of the roles and responsibilities of employees. Includes the position of an employee within the company. 8) Support, Support is a reflection of employees' feelings about the trust and mutual support that prevails in the work group. 9) Leadership, Employees receive leadership in the company and all its decisions. They realize that the election of a leader is based on the expertise he has.



The method used in this study is a quantitative method with correlational techniques. This method is used to determine the relationship shown by the coefficient between the variables Leadership Quality (X1), Work Climate (X2), and Employee Work Motivation (Y).

The design of this study can be described as follows:



















������������������������������������� Research Design


(Sugiyono, 2016) sample is part of the number and characteristics that the population has. According to (Riduwan, 2007) a sample is a part of the population that is taken as a data source and can represent the entire population. To determine the number of samples to be taken, this study used the slovin formula (Ridwan and Sunarto, 2007: 65) namely:


n = Number of Samples

N = Total Population

Precision value 95% or sig. 0.05

Based on this formula, the number of samples is obtained, namely:



a)   Leadership Qualities

�Leadership Quality is an event where quality principles are the basis for guiding, empowering, and consistently supporting the�� achievement of excellence by employees throughout the organization. The frequency distribution for leadership quality variables is presented in the� following el tab:

Tabel 1 Leadership Quality Frequency Distribution List (X1)


Interval Class

























Source: Processed Data, 20 2 2

Based on the table above, it can be seen that the largest frequency is at kelas interval 66-68 with� a� frequency of29 employees, while the lowest is in� the� interval class 78-80 as many ask 8 employees. It is depicted in this picture:


����� Figure 1 : Histogram of leadership quality variable frequency distribution (X1)


Based on figure 4.1 above, you can see the results of the score calculation for the following leadership quality variables


����������������������������������������������� � =


Then it can be known that the results of the descriptive analysis for the variables of leadership qualities. The results showed that the Leadership Quality variable was on the excellent criteria with a score of 87.1%.

b)  Working climate (X2)

The work climate is everything contained in the work environment, which can be felt directly or indirectly by people in the work environment. The frequency distribution of the working climate variable isdescribed in the following� table

Table 2 Working Climate frequency distribution list (X2)


Interval Class






�������������� 6 4-66



















Source: Processed data, 20 22

Based on the table above, it can be seen that the largest frequency is in the interval class� 67-69 with the same frequency of 26 people while the� lowest is in the interval class� 76-78 as many as 3 person. This can be illustrated in the following image:

Figure 2 : Histogram of working climate variable frequency distribution (X2)

Based on figure 2 above, it can be seen the results of the score calculation for the following work climate variables:




Then it can be known that the results of the descriptive analysis for the Work Climate variable.� The results showed that the Work Climate variable was on the excellent criteria with a score of 86.6%.

c)   Employee Work Motivation (Y)

�Work motivation is to provide stimulating power to the� employee� concerned so that� the employee works with all his� might and efforts.� The frequency distribution of� the Work Motivation� variable� is described in� the� following table:

Table 3 List of Distribution of Work Motivation (Y) frequencies


Interval Class

























Source: Processed Data,20 22

Based on the table above, it can be seen that the largest frequency is� in� the� interval class� 67-69 with a� frequency� of� 34 employees while the lowest is in� the� interval class 79-81�� A total of 2� employees are depicted in the following picture:

Figure 3 : Histogram of frequency distribution of employee �work motivation variables (Y)

Based on figure 3 above, it can be seen the results of the score calculation for this employee work motivation variable :



Then it can be known that the� results of the� descriptive analysis� for the� variable Work Motivation.� The results showed that the� Work Motivation� variable was on the excellent criterion� with a skor of 88.3%.


a.       The Relationship between Leadership Quality and Employee Work Motivation at SMP Se Kota Gorontalo

Leadership is one of the factors that are very important for the success of organizational management. Effective leadership will be able to encourage the motivation of members of the organization so that the productivity, loyalty and satisfaction of subordinates or members of the organization increase. At first many argued that the leader was born, but with the development of knowledge it is known that the formation of effective leadership can be learned. Work motivation is a work will that arises due to the encouragement from within the employee as a result of the integration of the whole rather than personal needs, the influence of the physical and social environment where the strength depends on the integration process. Motivation is a direction for employees in an organization to be willing to work together in achieving the wishes of employees in order to achieve organizational success.

As the results of descriptive testing, the respondents ' answer analysis found that the largest frequency was class 66-68 with a frequency of 29 administrative employees, while the lowest was in the interval class 78-80 as �many as 8 employees. Then the results of a descriptive analysis for the Leadership Quality variable. The results found that the Leadership Quality variable lies in the �excellent �k riteria with a score of 87.1%. This shows that the Leadership Quality with Employee Work Motivation at junior high schools in Gorontalo City is very well utilized.

The results of hypothesis testing showed that at a 95% confidence level, it can be concluded that there is a positive relationship between Leadership Quality and Employee Work Motivation in Junior High Schools in Gorontalo City. �The magnitude of the correlation coefficient is 0.171.����������� � Or in other words, the relationship between free variables and bound variables is as much as 1.71%. So it can be said that the Leadership Quality variable has a "close" relationship with the Employee Work Motivation variable.

b.   The Relationship between Work Climate and Employee Work Motivation at SMP Se Kota Gorontalo

The results of descriptive testing of respondents' answer analysis found that the largest frequency was in the interval class 67-69 with the same frequency of 26 administrative employees while the lowest was in the interval class of 76-78 seb3 employees. Then the results of a descriptive analysis for the work climate variables. The results found that the working climate variable lies in his excellent kriterwith a�� score of �86.5%. This shows that the Work Climate in junior high schools in Gorontalo City can already help employees in working.

As found in hypothesis testing that there is a positive relationship between Work Climate� and Employee Work Motivation in �SMP in �Gorontalo City. �For this reason, there is a need for attention from the school to the work climate in order to improve employee performance. If the work climate is adequate and able to meet various needs in work activities, then the impact will be on employee performance results.

The magnitude of the correlation efficiency �is 0.221 or in other words, the relationship between the free variable and the bound variable is 22.1% so that it can be said that the work climate variable has a relationship with the employee work motivation variable.

c.    The Relationship between Leadership Quality and Climate with Employee Work Motivation at SMP Se Kota Gorontalo

As the results of descriptive testing, namely respondents' answers to the questionnaire, it was found that the largest frequency was in the interval class 67-69 with a frequency of 34 employees while the lowest was in the interval class 79-81 as many as 2 employees. Then employee work motivation lies in an excellent criterion with the largest score percentage of 86.5%. This certainly shows that leadership quality and work climate have been very good or effective which can grow results on employee work motivation in junior high schools in Gorontalo City.

From the test results, it was found that at a 95% confidence level, it can be concluded that there is a positive relationship between Leadership Quality and Work Climate and Employee Work Motivation in SMP in �Gorontalo City. ��Then the calculated r value of 0.542 Or in other words, the relationship between the free variable and the bound variable is� 54.2%. So it can be said that the variables of Leadership Quality and Work Climate have a "close" relationship with the variables of Employee Work Motivation.

According to As'ad (2002: 45) �work motivation is as something that gives rise to enthusiasm or encouragement of work. Therefore, motivation is commonly referred to as a driver or morale. According to (DeCenzo et al., 2016), motivation is defined as the willingness to expend a high level of effort to organizational goals conditioned by the ability of that effort to meet an individual's needs. In relation to the work environment, Ernest (Mangkunegara, 2002: 94) posits that work motivation is defined as an influential condition of evoking, directing and maintaining behaviors related to the work environment.



From the results of the research and discussion above, it can be concluded that:

There is a significant relationship between Leadership Quality and Employee Work Motivation in Junior High Schools in Gorontalo City. So it can be said that the variable of leadership quality has a relationship with the variable of employee work motivation.

There is a significant relationship between the Work Climate and the Work Motivation of Employees in Junior High Schools in Gorontalo City.

There is a significant relationship between Leadership Quality and Work Climate with Employee Work Motivation in Junior High Schools in Gorontalo City. So it can be said that the variables of Leadership Quality and Work Climate have a positive relationship with the variables of Employee Work Motivation.



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Ansar, Warni Tune Sumar, Nurain Laiya (2023)


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Devotion - Journal of Research and Community Service

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