Volume 4, Number 2, February 2023

e-ISSN: 2797-6068 and p-ISSN: 2777-0915





Tiara Maulina Prastika, Theodore Kristianto Gunawan, Yanti Hidayati

Institut Pendidikan dan Bahasa Invada, Indonesia

Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]



writing errors, hiragana, katakana


The research aims to describe hiragana and katakana letter writing errors made by students of PGSD, PTIK, and PBI study programs of Invada Institute of Education and Language and describe the causes of letter writing errors made by these students. The sources of data used are essay writing or sakubun about students' daily activities based on the Marugoto A1 book and questionnaires. The method used is descriptive qualitative and uses a questionnaire to find out the causes of errors in writing the letters. The results of this study show that there are 35 data of correspondent name writing errors, both mixed writing and errors on several letters, 40 data of time writing errors, 73 data in the form of place writing errors, and 20 data of writing errors on activities or daily activities. The factors underlying the letter writing errors are the lack of memorization, writing, and not re-reading the material given and the difficulty when memorizing the letters hiragana and katakana



In Japanese, there are four kinds of writing consisting of ひらがな (hiragana), かたかな (katakana), ふりがな (furigana), 漢字(kanji).�� This writing is the subject of learning learned by students in Indonesia, both at the junior high school to late secondary levels, as well as the University level. At the junior and senior high school levels, generally students only learn hiragana and katakana at the beginning of learning which is then followed by materials about life in Japan, so that if students can read hiragana and ��katakana� well, they can certainly understand how Japanese people communicate (dan Rusmiyati, 2019).

Unlike students at the University level, especially those who are members of the Faculty of Linguistics who study Japanese and Japanese literature, the material studied is certainly more complex such as kanji, 文法 (bunpou) or grammar, 読解 (dokkai) which is the ability to understand a reading, and 聴解 (choukai) or hearing ability when understanding the interlocutor's speech (Darmayanti & Amri, 2018).

In learning or class in Japanese, of course, students and students will get assignments given by the teacher in order to understand well the material that has been delivered, one of the things that all Japanese language learners certainly experience is how to write hiragana� and katakana� properly and correctly as a foundation in order to understand various kinds of vocabulary, to understand a reading well and correctly. According to (Tarigan & Tarigan, 1988), language errors are the sides that have defects in the writing and speech made by students, so that there are parts or compositions of conversations that deviate from the standard norms of language (Suciwati, 2018).

In the Shinpan (Gakkai, 2005) the definition of error analysis is as follows

誤用研究は、学習者がおこす誤りについて、どのような誤用か存在するの か、どうして誤りをおこすのか、どのように訂正すればよいかなどを考え 日本語教育、日本語学習などに役立つとする原因である

Goyoukenkyuu wa gakushusha ga okosu ayamari nitsuite, dono youna goyou ka sonzai suru noka, doushite ayamari wo okosu noka, dodo youni teisei sureba yoika nado wo kangae, nihongo kyouiku, nihongo gakushuu nadoni yakutatsu to suru genin de aru (Setyawati, 2010).

Error research is research on mistakes made by learners such as; how things go wrong, why problems arise, how to fix them so that they are beneficial for Japanese language education and Japanese language learners (Febriyanti, 2022).

In Japanese learning, it is essentially impossible for learners to escape errors, so in the process there are certainly misjudgments, even incorrect assumptions about the learning carried out when acquiring the new knowledge (Brown, 2007: 282). Likewise with IPB Invada Cirebon students of the PGSD (Elementary School Teacher Education), PTIK (Informatics and Computer Engineering Education), and PBI (English Language Education) study programs who received additional Japanese Language lectures in the third semester where there were still errors in writing these words in Japanese.

Previous research conducted by Kumala (2022), (Widiyowati, Suryanto, & Suyono, 2018), Tiya (2019) had the same goal in their research, namely to find out the incompatibility of hiragana� and katakana� writing errors with writing errors that vary from students and students.�

Based on this, the author is interested in conducting research on the mistakes experienced by PGSD, PTIK, and PBI study program students when learning hiragana and katakana letters from the basics to making Japanese essays based on the Marugoto A1 learning book (Rahmalina & Wikarya, 2021). This research will discuss hiragana and katakana writing errors in sakubun� topic 5 chapters 9 and 10 Marugoto learning media and what are the errors in hiragana katakana letters in the Japanese language learning process at PGSD, PTIK and PBI at the Invada Institute of Education and Language campus in Cirebon and find out the causes of errors in writing hiragana and katakana letters contained in writing essays or sakubun and� based on questionnaires (Husin, Tan Abdullah, & Aziz, 2020).



In this study, the method used to analyze the results of the data collected was to use qualitative methods. Qualitative research methods are research methods that intend to understand phenomena about what is experienced by the research subject for example behavior, perception, motivation, action, and others holistically and by describing in the form of words and language (Moleong, 2019). The source of research data taken from essays or sakubun is data in which there are errors in writing Hiragana and Katakana letters. In this study, there were correspondents from the education department, including the Elementary School Teacher Education (PGSD) study program, the Informatics and Computer Engineering Education study program (PTIK), and the English Language Education (PBI) study program. In the PGSD study program there are 59 correspondents, the PTIK study program has 88 correspondents, the PBI study program has 37 correspondents. Based on the collected corospondene data, there is a reduction in data to the same type of data. In the data collection process, the author used the questionnaire method to find out the factors of writing errors in Japanese hiragana and katakana letters.� According to (Sugiyono, 2018) questionnaire or questionnaire is a data collection technique carried out by giving a set of questions or written statements to respondents to be answered. To explain the results of the questionnaire collected regarding hiragana and katakana writing errors, the authors used an analysis based on the vocabulary of futsuu meishi




In this study, data obtained from a series of activities were found, including the results of the preparation of essays or sakubun based on the Marugoto A1 book and questionnaires distributed to students and students of the Invada Institute of Education and Language in the PGSD, PTIK and PBI study programs (Rahayu & Budiani, 2018).


Writing Errors


Correspondent's Name (in Katakana)

Written in Hiragana


27 Data




3 Data

Incorrect writing of Katakana


5 Data





25 Data





15 Data




City Name

























6 Data


1 Data


7 Data


1 Data


1 Data


1 Data


1 Data


1 Data


2 Data



2 Data


1 Data


1 Data





















14 Data


7 Data


4 Data


12 Data


2 Data


1 Data


1 Data


4 Data


2 Data


1 Data



Daily Activities


















7 Data


1 Data


2 Data


1 Data


1 Data


5 Data


1 Data


1 Data


1 Data


1.     In writing about correspondent names, there are errors including writing names that use hiragana, a mixture of hiragana with katakana, and writing with katakana itself, but there are some errors in writing. The names that have encountered the error can be spelled out as follows:

a.     Written in Hiragana

In this form of writing error, there are several names of students who write names using hiragana. Among other things, Reno's name was supposed to be written using katakana (レノ), but was written using hiragana (れの). There are 27 correspondents who made similar mistakes.

b.     Mixed (Hiragana and Katakana)

In this form of writing error, there are several student names that write names using mixed kana letters, including hiragana and katakana letters. Among other things, isa's name is supposed to be written using katakana thoroughly (イサ), but written using a mixture of hiragana and katakana letters to be (いサ). There are as many as 3 correspondent data that made similar mistakes.

c.      Katakana (There was an error in the writing)

In this form of writing error, there are several names of students who write names using katakana. Among other things, Angga's name was supposed to be written using the proper katakana (アンガ), but there was an error in the writing that became (アナガ). There are as many as 5 correspondent data that made mistakes.

2.     When writing about time, there are writing errors that include hours and days. The writing of the hours and days that have encountered errors can be described as follows:

a.     Clock Writing Mistakes

In this form of writing error, there are several errors in the writing of time, namely the writing of the clock, as in this data, which is required to write 11 o'clock(じゅういちじ), but written with� (じゆういちじ) then there is a writing error "じゅう"supposedly with ""in the form of youon, but written in a large size. There are as many as 25 correspondent data that made mistakes.

b.     Today's Writing Mistakes

In this form of writing error, there are several errors in the writing of time, namely the writing of the day, as in this data, which is required to write monday (げつようび), but written with (げつよび) then there is a writing error with the mistaken absence of the letter "U" in "ようび" There are as many as 15 correspondent data who made mistakes.

3.     In writing about places, there are writing errors that include the name of the city and location. The writing of the name of the city and location that encountered the error can be described as follows:

a.     Incorrect Writing of City Name

In this form of writing error, there are several errors in the writing of the city of Cirebon (チレボン), Karawang (カラワン), Kuningan (クニンガン), Majalengka (マジャレンカ) various errors are very diverse, including errors �with writing using hiragana letters, a mixture of hiragana with katakana, and writing with katakana itself. Found �as many as 18 data on writing errors in city names using hiragana letters as a whole, ちれぼんas many as 13 �data, かりわんsebanyak 2 data, まざれんか as many as 2 data and ケニンガン as many as 1 data.


b.     Location Writing Errors

In this form of writing error, there are several errors in the writing of the Location, such as Campus (キャンパス), University (だいがく), School (がっこう), class (クラス), Supermarket (スーパ) various errors are very diverse, including errors with writing using hiragana letters, a mixture of hiragana with katakana, and writing with katakana itself. There were 33 data on location name writing errors using only hiragana letters, such as the words きゃんぱすきゃんばす、きゃぱすand きやんばす. Then, a similar writing error was found in the word campus using katakana letters which became キヤンパス as many as 7 data.

Other writing errors found besides the word campus are the word 'university' which was written into だいがこ by 1 data, the word 'school' written into がつこう by 4 data, the word 'class' written in hiragana became くらす by 2 data, and the word 'supermarket' written into スーバ by 1 data.

This error occurs due to the striking similarity in the writing of kana letters and the difficulty of distinguishing the writing of youon.

4.     Activity Writing Errors

In writing about daily activities, there are writing errors that include activities carried out by students. Writing daily activities that experience errors are activities that are generally carried out by students when doing activities on campus, such as the word しゃわ which should be written using the katakana letters シャワ as many as 7 data, the word ちょうしょく (breakfast) which has a writing error becomes ちようしょく as much as 1 data, ちようよく as much as 2 data, and the word ちようしよく as much as 1 data. The word error is an error in the writing of youon ちょ and しょ, then the lack of writing hiragana . With data that has a similar error, it is found in the word べんきょうします. The error contained in the word is an error in the writing of youon きょ, so the error obtained is the change of the word to べんきようします as many as 5 data and the word べんきょします as much as 1 data, which has a deficiency in the writing of chouons or long consonants in the word べんきょうします(Syaputra & Prasetyo, 2021).

There are also slight errors when writing letters that should have long consonants and short consonants, such as in the word ちゃはん which� gets an error into the �word ちゃあはん as much as 1 data and the word ゆしよく, which should be written �as ゆうしょく as �much as 1 data� . The last error obtained by the author is in �the word しゅっばつする as �much as 1 data, the error is in the incorrect use of hiragana letters, so what the learner should write is the word しゅっぱつする.

After researching the errors contained in the writing of hiragana and katakana letters contained in the making of essays or sakubun done by PGSD, PTIK, and PBI students of the Cirebon Institute of Education and Language Invada is about the factors causing the errors found in the questionnaire that was filled in. �The author examines each of hiragana and katakana and looks at the number of errors that occur by describing the error factors as follows:


1.   Do you think the hiragana letters are very difficult to write?

The author examined as many as 46 hiragana which are a combination of answers from each study program and obtained each of the amount of data obtained based on the questionnaire answers. In the questionnaire regarding hiragana letters, the most difficult to write is the letters (nu) which were found as many as 16 data, hiragana (so) and (me) as many as 8 data, hiragana (yu) as many as 6 data, hiragana (ne) as many as 7 data, hiragana (fu) as many� as 6 data, hiragana (a),� (o), and (mu)� as�� many as 5�� data,�� hiragana (SE) as many as 3 data, hiragana (su) and (ni) as many as 2 data, hiragana (na), (ri), and (re) as many as 1 data.

Based on the data in the form of hiragana, the cause of the errors that occur when writing hiragana is the difficulty when writing letters that have many curves of their own, such as the letters (nu), (yu), (so), (me), and so on. Another cause that is a factor in the difficulty of writing hiragana is the lack of practicing independently and it is difficult to memorize the letters, so there are many difficulties experienced when compiling essays or sakubun.

2.   Do you think it's a very difficult katakana letter to write?

The author examined as many as 46 katakana which were a combination of answers from each study program and obtained each of the amount of data obtained based on the questionnaire answers. In the questionnaire regarding katakana letters, the hardest to write is the letter (ne) which found as many as 14 data, katakana (ta) as many as 8 data, katakana (yo) as many as 6 data, katakana� (ho) as� many as 4 data, katakana� (su) and (tsu) as many as 3 data, katakana (o), (mo), and � (� shi� ) as many as 2�� data,�� katakana (a), (ki), (ku), (ke), (sa), (chi), (no), (ma),� (mu), (yes), (ro), and (n) each have 1 data.�

Based on the data in the form of katakana, the cause of the errors that occur when writing katakana is the difficulty when writing letters that have many indentations, as well as the number of strokes that are considered quite large and confusing, such as the letters (ne), (ho), (shi), and so on. Another cause that factors in the difficulty of writing hiragana is the lack of practicing independently and the difficulty of memorizing the letters.

3.   Do you think there are hiragana and katakana letters that are similar in terms of shape?

Based on the questionnaire answers studied from each study program, 27 pairs of letters consisting of 54 data were found, each pair was a combination and equation of hiragana letters with hiragana, hiragana with katakana, and katakana with katakana. Some of these data include:


(mo) and (mo), (u) and (ra), (shi) and (n), (he,� hiragana) and (he,� katakana), (ki) and (sa), (wa) and (re), (wa) and (ne), (chi) and (ra)� , (tsu) and (ko), (u) and (wa), (ha) and (ho), (nu) and (me), (fu) and (ra), (ri) and (ri), � (ka) and (n), (ro)������ and �� (ru), (ri) and (i), (to) and (so), (se) and (sa), (a) and (o), (so) and (n), (tsu) and (shi), (ki, hiragana)����� and (ki, katakana), � (ta) and (na), (ho) and (ma), (fu) and (wa), (ta)�� and (nu).

From these letters, it can be seen that the pairs of letters have similarities in the form of writing although they are different in terms of writing order. So, by looking at the equation, it can be found that the equation of letters can cause errors in writing. This can be seen in the letters (ri) and (ri), (so) and (n), (u) and (wa), (tsu) and (shi), and (ki, hiragana) and (ki, katakana). The author found that the similarity of the pair is very difficult to memorize, memorize, and train the letters for Japanese language learners, so further practice of some of these letters is needed.

4.   In your opinion, when comparing hiragana letters with katakana, which is the more difficult letter to write?

Based on the questionnaire answers obtained from each study program, there are varied answers regarding the level of difficulty encountered when writing hiragana and katakana letters. However, the majority of the answers obtained on the questionnaire filled out by students of each study program are hiragana letters.

The letter hiragana is considered difficult to write because it has many variations in writing and there are many indentations in the letter hiragana, so many students think that hiragana is more difficult than katakana which is easier to remember because it does not have many curves in writing like hiragana.

5.   What are the factors that make it difficult for you to write hiragana and katakana letters that cause errors in writing?

Based on the findings found about the factors that cause errors in the writing of hiragana and katakana, the authors conclude that the lack of independent learning such as memorization, exercises that are rarely done by most students so that they encounter these difficulties. On the other hand, the difficulties faced by female students are not being familiar with the letters learned and the lack of ability to memorize hiragana and katakana letters so that they experience many obstacles.



In this study, the authors concluded that there were many writing errors from both hiragana and katakana letters. Inaccuracies in letter writing carried out by students include inaccuracies in writing dakuon, chouon, and yoon letters. The words include the words べんきょうします, ちょしょく, and so on.

The similarity of hiragana and katakana letters that make students mistaken in writing every word needed, including the letters (wa) and (ne), (tsu) and (shi), and (ri) and (ri).

Based on the results of the questionnaire, the factors causing the miswriting of hiragana and katakana letters experienced by students of the PGSD, PTIK, and PBI study programs of the Invada Institute of Education and Language are the lack of independent learning, such as lack of memorization, writing, and not re-reading the material provided. Because of this, it is difficult for students to distinguish some letters, between hiragana and katakana, hiragana and katakana, and katakana. Interest in Japanese in non-literary circles is also one of the determining factors in the success or failure of such learning.



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Copyright Holders:

Tiara Maulina Prastika, Theodore Kristianto Gunawan, Yanti Hidayati (2023)


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Devotion - Journal of Research and Community Service

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