Text Box: Volume 4, Number 2, February 2023
e-ISSN: 2797-6068 and p-ISSN: 2777-0915





Isma Elan Maulani1, Citra Amalia Johansyah2

Universitas Muhammadiyah Cirebon 1, SMK Negri 1 Cilimus2
Email: [email protected]
, [email protected]



5G technology development, industry 4.0, world of technology




The development of 5G technology is very important in today's technological world. These technologies are bringing about significant changes in the way we interact with the digital world and are changing the way we use technology. The speed offered by 5G technology makes it possible to carry out data transfers very quickly, opening up opportunities for new applications and services in various sectors. The implications of the development of 5G technology on industry are huge and can affect various aspects, such as productivity, efficiency, and innovation. In the production sector, 5G technology makes it possible to speed up the production process and increase efficiency by using industrial technology 4.0. Within the service sector, 5G technology makes it possible to provide faster and high-quality services, such as more stable and faster video streaming services. On the other hand, the development of 5G technology also carries implications that must be considered, such as security and privacy issues. The speed offered by 5G technology makes it easier to carry out attacks and access personal data. Therefore, it is important for the industry to ensure that the 5G technology used meets the established security standards. The development of 5G technology brings significant changes in the industry and opens up new opportunities in various sectors. The implications of the development of 5G technology are huge and affect productivity, efficiency, and innovation. However, it is important for the industry to ensure that the 5G technology used meets established security standards to avoid security and privacy concerns.



5G technology is bringing about a major change in the world of technology. Higher speeds and lower latency allow new applications and services to emerge and change the way we work, communicate, and play. In the industry, the development of 5G technology carries significant implications for the information and communication technology (ICT) sector (Trikolas, Sungkowo, Al Hakim, & Jaenul, 2022).

Companies around the world are currently vying to adopt 5G technology and harness its potential to improve efficiency and productivity. However, as with other technologies, 5G also poses some challenges, such as privacy and data security issues. Therefore, it is important to understand the development of 5G technology and its implications for the industry (Jamaludin et al., 2020). In this paper, we will discuss the development of 5G technology, its implications for the ICT industry, as well as the associated challenges and potentials. The purpose of this paper is to provide a clear picture of the development of 5G technology and its implications for the industry, thus helping companies and individuals understand how this technology can affect their business and lives (Hayati & Krisnadi, 2018).

This study aims to find out the development of 5g technology and its implications for the industry. It is hoped that the benefits of this research can become one of the references for the impact of 5g and its implications for the industry (Jan, 2018).



This research uses qualitative research methods that can be used to examine the topic "The Development of 5G Technology and Its Implications for Industry Conducting case studies on several companies that have applied 5G technology to their operations. Case studies can be carried out by directly observing the activities and use of 5G technology in the company. Observe firsthand how 5G technology is applied to the industry by observing the work environment in companies that use 5G technology. Conduct interviews with various related parties such as business people, technology experts, and company employees who have applied 5G technology to their operational activities. Interviews can be conducted in person or via telephone or video call. Conducting discussions with a group of people who have experience and knowledge related to the development of 5G technology and its implications for the industry. Group focus discussions can provide different views from a variety of different perspectives. Document Analysis: Analyze documents such as financial statements, operational activity reports, and other related documents related to the application of 5G technology to the industry. Analysis of the document can provide an idea of the extent to which 5G technology is making an impact on the industry. After the data is collected, in-depth data analysis is carried out using qualitative analysis techniques such as Content Analysis and Grounded Theory to produce findings and conclusions that are reliable and relevant to the research topic.



A.   Result

The speed of the 5G network is significantly improved compared to the previous generation. It enables faster and seamless data transfer and delivery of multimedia content. Lower latency: 5G latency is much lower compared to the previous generation, which enables a more responsive, real-time user experience (Sri Adiningsih, 2019). Better IoT connectivity: 5G enables broader, integrated connectivity for IoT (Internet of Things) devices, which makes the industry more efficient and helps solve problems in several sectors, such as transportation, healthcare, and environmental monitoring. Increased productivity: 5G helps improve business productivity and efficiency through improved connectivity and faster data transfer (Sugiono, 2021). New innovations: 5G paves the way for new innovations and businesses that were not possible with previous generations, such as virtual and augsmented reality, autonomous vehicles, and more sophisticated environmental monitoring. Social and economic implications: 5G has major implications on society and the economy, including increased opportunity 7. work, business growth, and improved quality of life through better access to technology and information. Challenges: While it has many benefits, 5G also has some challenges, such as data privacy and security issues, increased infrastructure costs, and greater reliance on technology (Paulus & Permatasari, 2020).

In conclusion, the development of 5G technology brings many changes and positive implications to the industry, but it also has challenges that must be overcome (Wijaya, 2021). Therefore, it needs intensive cooperation and effort from the government, industry, and society to ensure that the benefits of 5G technology can be enjoyed equally and wisely (Rahmadana, 2021).


B.    Discussion

The influence of the development of 5G technology on the industry, especially in increasing productivity and operational efficiency. The development of 5G technology is considered a paradigm shift in the industry, as it offers much better speeds and data transmission compared to previous technologies. One of the most important effects of 5G technology on the industry is the improvement and reduction of business processes (Alfaresi, Ardianto, Hurairah, Barlian, & Noverianty, 2020). operating expenses. Thanks to faster and more stable 5G capabilities, the production and delivery processes of goods can be completed faster and more accurately, which reduces production costs and increases the company's profits. In addition, 5G technology also opens up new opportunities for industrial innovation and new product development. Companies can use 5G technology to develop more advanced and efficient products that meet the evolving needs of the market (Zahra, 2021). However, the application of 5G technology in the industry also presents challenges that must be overcome. Some of these are security concerns, restrictions on 5G networks in some areas and limitations of devices that support 5G technology. Therefore, companies should consider their operations carefully before adopting 5G technology. Overall, this article provides a better understanding of the impact of the development of 5G technology on the industry (Usman, 2021).

Companies can use the information in this document to weigh the benefits and challenges of implementing 5G technology so that they can make better decisions to guide their operations (Rojabi, 2019). The development of 5G technology is becoming an increasingly important topic in the industrial context, because it has a significant impact on the productivity and operational efficiency of companies. In this discussion, we discuss the impact and implications of the development of 5G technology on the industry. In the industry, 5G technology has a positive impact on operational efficiency and productivity. Compared to previous technologies, better data transfer speed and capabilities allow companies to speed up production and delivery processes and reduce operating costs (Anggraini, 2020). This of course has a positive impact on the company's bottom line. Related to innovation, 5G technology also opens up new opportunities for the development of new products. Companies can leverage 5G technology to develop more advanced and efficient products that meet the evolving needs of the market, but the application of 5G technology in the industry also presents challenges. One of the biggest challenges is the issue of data security. The more data sent over the network, the more vulnerable it is to cybercrime (Wijanto, 2017). In addition, companies are also faced with the limitations of 5G networks in some regions and the limitations of devices that can support 5G technology. Therefore, companies should consider their operations carefully before adopting 5G technology. Companies must ensure their infrastructure and data security support 5G technology (Yuniarto, 2019). In addition, companies must also consider the presence of 5G technology supporting devices in their operating areas. Overall, the development of 5G technology has a huge impact on the industry. Companies should carefully consider the benefits and challenges of 5G technology before implementing them in their operations. This can help businesses maximize the benefits of 5G technology and minimize potential risks.





The development of 5G technology has a significant impact on the industry. 5G technology provides significantly better data communication speed and capability than previous technologies, enabling companies to improve their operational efficiency and productivity. With the application of 5G technology, companies can reduce production costs and increase profits. In addition, 5G technology also opens up new opportunities for innovation and development of new products in the industry. However, the application of 5G technology to the industry also brings challenges such as data security issues, limitations of 5G networks in some regions, and limitations of devices that can support 5G technology. Therefore, companies need to consider carefully before applying 5G technology to their operations. Making informed decisions can help companies maximize the benefits of 5G technology and minimize possible risks. In a broader context, the development of 5G technology has a positive impact on the industrial sector and has the potential to become a key driver in digital transformation. Therefore, companies need to keep abreast of the development of 5G technology and make optimal use of it to face increasingly fierce market competition and improve their operational performance.




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Copyright holders:

Isma Elan Maulani, Citra Amalia johansyah (2023)


First publication right:

Devotion - Journal of Research and Community Service

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