Text Box: Volume 4, Number 2, February 2023
e-ISSN: 2797-6068 and p-ISSN: 2777-0915





Nurrohmatul Amaliyah, Kosasih, Rina El Vitra, Aditya Pebriansyah

SPs UHAMKA, Indonesia

Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]



tracer study; alumni tracking; graduate profile


This tracer study tracking graduates aims to identify the profile of master's degree graduates in basic education which includes: (1) student study period, (2) graduate waiting period, (3) work motivation, (4) job suitability with the field of science, (5) income received, and (6) the expectations of the institution/place of work for the knowledge that has been obtained during the master's level of basic education at UHAMKA. This type of research is a type of survey research with a descriptive evaluative research approach. The subjects of this research are alumni of the Master of Basic Education study program at UHAMKA with a total of 110 students and alumni users, both government and private. The data collection technique used in this study was a questionnaire, both open and closed. The data analysis technique used in this research is descriptive data analysis. Descriptive analysis in this study was carried out by using the frequency distribution tabulation technique and histogram, and equipped with a narrative explanation.



As a form of responsibility to the community, UHAMKA, especially the Master of Basic Education Study Program, needs to track graduates to find out the performance and alignment of graduates' abilities with the needs in the world of work (Safi�i & Priyantoro, 2019). The success of UHAMKA Master of Basic Education graduates in entering the world of work is a form of UHAMKA's relevance to society (Bakhtiar & Latif, 2017). Thus UHAMKA is responsible not only for equipping graduates with certain competencies (learning outputs) but also obliged to facilitate and bridge graduates in entering the world of work and increasing in existing careers. (Albina & Sumagaysay, 2020), (Purwantiningsih, Sardjiyo, Sudrajat, & Permana, 2021) in their research stated that with the tracer study, higher education institutions can carry out periodic curriculum reviews to ensure that graduates are equipped with the knowledge, skills, and competencies needed by the world of work. One way to track the whereabouts and work of graduates, especially related to extracting information related to the translation of lectures in the world of work is to conduct a study known as a Tracer study (Indrawati, 2017).

Tracer study is a traceability study conducted to college graduates which aims to find out the outcomes of educational outcomes from the completion of graduates undergoing education, into the world of work, work situations, as well as the alignment and application of competencies that have been obtained in the world of work (Thomas & Wagiu, 2019). Higher education institutions must always strive to improve the system and improve quality. One way to improve the qualityis to seek feedback from alumni through tracer study activities (Santoso, Mahmudi, & Basuki, 2019).

The Basic Education Study Program at the UHAMKA Graduate School began accepting students in the 2016/2017 academic year with a total of 45 students. As time increases, the number of students in the Basic Education study program is increasing, with the number of graduates also increasing. In 2021, the Basic Education study program has 85 alumni. So that the 2022 tracer study research uses data on as many alumni who graduated in� 2021, namely� 85 people (Fajaryati et al., 2015).



There are four main stages in the implementation of the Tracer study, namely starting from the development of concepts and instruments, followed by data collection, then analyzing the data that has been collected, and finally the preparation of a report on the results of the Tracer study. In the first stage, the development of the concept and instrument of the Tracer study questionnaire consisting of a number of question items that are in accordance with the Ministry of Education and Culture's Tracer study standards and added with items tailored to the needs of UHAMKA, especially the Master of Basic Education Study Program. Before distributing the questionnaire, go through the validation stage first. The second stage, followed by the process of extracting feedback from respondents which is carried out online in order to make it easier for respondents to fill in the trial method that will be used in filling out the tracer study questionnaire, this is done as well as an effort to increase the response rate.



The tracer study of the Master of Basic Education when entering lectures is mostly already working. Of the 44 respondents studied, 37 people already have jobs and most of them have a working background as a teacher either in civil servant status or private teachers. So in this case the alumni continue the work program they already have (Khair, Astuti, & Khairina, 2016).


Table 1

Current activities of respondents of the Master of Basic Education tracer study





Valid Percent

Cumulative Percent








Figure 1 Current activities of respondents of the Master of Basic Education tracer study Suitability of Work with College

Figure 2 Employment data of tracer study respondents Master of Basic Education


The table illustrates that the work done by alumni in the basic education study program is in accordance with the studies they have carried out so far. It is proven that most of the alumni of the basic education study program have worked as teachers in both the civil servant and private categories (Marisa, Efendi, & Mumpuni, 2016).

Figure 3 Suitability of work with the field of science tracer study respondents Master of Basic Education


In terms of the suitability of alumni work in the basic education study program, it is considered to be in accordance with the field of knowledge that has been obtained in lectures, and most alumni have also worked as teachers (Chandra, Ruhama, & Sarjono, 2013).

Figure 4 Suitability of work to the level of education tracer study respondents Master of Basic Education


The level of education that has been obtained at the master's level can help and support the professionalism of alumni so far. Only about 2% do not fit between the job and the level of education it has obtained (Rahim & Puluhulawa, 2017).

Figure 5 The waiting period for obtaining a job tracer study respondents Master of Basic Education


����������� Most alumni in basic education study programs do not need time to wait to get a job, because almost all alumni already have jobs and only a small percentage are waiting for time to get a job (Ambara & Antarajaya, 2022).


Ratings of Graduate Users

Figure 6 Alumni Ethics respondents to the tracer study of Master of Basic Education


Based on the graph above, it is known that alumni ethics at work received a good predicate of 32 respondents, and a sufficient predicate of 11 respondents, and only 1 respondent received a less category. This shows that graduates of the Master of Basic Education are seen by graduate users as having good ethics in their workplace environment (Roviati, Jalaludin, Fitria, Jaelani, & Sari, 2015).



Based on the results of research on alumni search in the Basic Education Study Program, it can be concluded in the category of absorption of the world of work for Alumni, for the time to find a job for alumni, Most alumni are looking for work after graduation where 2020 alumni are 56%, 2021 alumni are 47% and 2021 alumni are 56% and the average waiting time for 2016-2018 alumni to get a job is less than 3 months. As for the number of agencies that respond to Alumni applications, it is quite varied, but the average company or agency that responds is 2 to more than 5 companies. Furthermore, in terms of the suitability of the field of study with the work, most alumni declare their work according to the level of education. The suitability of the job with college is good and also in accordance with the work background he is currently experiencing. Job searches carried out by alumni in the Basic Education Study Program are relatively non-existent, this is because these alumni already have jobs when they continue to the master's program of the Basic Education Study Program. The assessment of graduate users found that in terms of ethics, self-development and communication are good, as well as in terms of the use of information technology is good, only in terms of mastery of English there is still a lot of lacking



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Copyright holders:

Nurrohmatul Amaliyah, Kosasih, Rina El Vitra, Aditya Pebriansyah (2023)


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Devotion - Journal of Research and Community Service

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