KEYWORDS Transformational Leadership, Work Motivation,
Employees, Organizational Performance, Manufacturing Companies. |
motivation is an important factor in achieving organizational goals. One of
the factors that can affect work motivation is leadership. Transformational
leadership is a leadership model that can influence employee motivation. This
study aims to examine the effect of transformational leadership on employee
motivation in manufacturing companies. The research method used was a survey
with a purposive sampling technique, which took a sample of 150 employees in
three different manufacturing companies in the Jakarta area. Data were
obtained by distributing questionnaires to respondents and analyzed using
multiple linear regression. The results of the study show that
transformational leadership has a positive and significant effect on employee
motivation. Factors that affect work motivation, such as vision, direction,
and employee empowerment, all have a positive influence on employee
motivation. The practical implication of the results of this research is that
companies must pay attention to and improve transformational leadership
within the organization. This can be done by providing leadership training
and career development for organizational leaders. Transformational
leadership can be an effective strategy in increasing employee motivation, so
as to improve overall organizational performance. |
motivation is one of the important factors that influence company performance (Akbar, 2018); (Damayanti & Sumaryati, 2013). Motivated
employees will tend to have better performance, so they can help the company
achieve the goals that have been set (Wahyudi, 2019); (Wijaya, 2015). One of the
factors that can affect employee motivation is leadership (Muizu, Kaltum, & Sule, 2019); (Citra, 2019). Leadership
is a very important factor in managing an organization, because a leader can
influence the behavior and motivation of employees (Hanafi, Almy, & Siregar, 2018); (Rusmitasari & Mudayana, 2020). In this
case, transformational leadership is a leadership model that can influence
employee motivation (Nurhayati, 2016).
leadership can be interpreted as a leadership model that focuses on building
positive interpersonal relationships (Magdalena, 2016), developing
a clear and inspiring vision, and encouraging creativity and innovation in work
(Muhammad Rusdi Maidin, 2021).
Transformational leaders are also expected to be able to encourage employee
participation in the decision-making process and empower employees to take initiative
in their work (Handoko & Tjiptono, 1996); (Rofiq, 2019). Through
this leadership model, employees are expected to be more motivated and perform
better (Batubara, 2020).
Research on
the effect of transformational leadership on employee motivation has been
conducted in various countries and industries, including in Indonesia. However,
research results on this matter are still quite limited, especially in the
manufacturing industry sector. Therefore, this study will discuss the effect of
transformational leadership on employee motivation in manufacturing companies
in Indonesia.
companies were chosen as the object of research because they are an industrial
sector that has a large number of employees and has a high level of competition
(Oktavianti, 2015). Thus,
companies need to pay attention to employee motivation in order to maintain and
improve company performance. Through this research, it is hoped that it can
contribute to enriching the literature on leadership and work motivation, as
well as providing practical input for companies in improving the performance of
employees and the company as a whole.
This study
aims to examine the effect of transformational leadership on employee
motivation in manufacturing companies in Indonesia.
research uses a qualitative approach with a single case study method (Sugiyono, 2018). This
research will be conducted in a company with a large enough number of
employees. Data will be collected through in-depth interviews, participatory
observation, and document analysis.
The research
subjects are employees who work in the company. Research subjects will be
selected using a purposive sampling technique, in which subjects are selected
based on certain criteria that are relevant to this research.
collection will be carried out in three ways: in-depth interviews,
participatory observation, and document analysis. In-depth interviews will be
conducted with research subjects to obtain data about their experiences related
to transformational leadership and work motivation. Participatory observation
will be carried out by observing the behavior and interaction of research
subjects in the workplace. Document analysis will be carried out by collecting
documents related to leadership and motivation in the company, such as
policies, guidelines, and reports.
The data
that has been collected will be analyzed using qualitative analysis techniques
such as thematic analysis. Data from interviews, observations, and documents
will be analyzed to find patterns and themes related to transformational
leadership and work motivation.
The validity
of the data will be obtained by using a triangulation technique, namely
comparing and verifying the results from three different data sources. In
addition, researchers will carry out internal and external validation, namely
by collecting views from research subjects and comparing them with related
The results of this
study indicate that transformational leadership has a positive influence on
employee motivation in the company that is the subject of the study. The
results of data analysis show that transformational leaders tend to have better
leadership qualities than other leaders, including in terms of:
1. Vision and
Inspiration: Transformational leaders are able to provide clear and inspiring
visions to employees. This makes employees feel that they have clear goals and
directions in their work, so that their work motivation increases.
2. Authoritative
Leader: Transformational leaders tend to have the courage and integrity to lead
and set a positive example. This makes employees feel that they have a leader
who can be trusted and respected, so that their work motivation increases.
3. Support
Employee Development: Transformational leaders encourage and support employee
development, both in terms of upskilling and personal wellbeing. This makes
employees feel valued and have the opportunity to grow and develop, so that
their work motivation increases.
4. Provide
Feedback and Recognition: Transformational leaders provide constructive
feedback and provide recognition to high performing employees. This makes
employees feel valued and appreciated for their hard work, so that their work
motivation increases.
In conclusion,
transformational leadership has a significant influence on employee motivation
in the company. Therefore, companies can consider developing leaders who have
transformational leadership qualities to increase employee motivation and
overall company performance.
First of all, the
research results show that transformational leadership has a positive effect on
employee motivation in the company that is the subject of the study. This is in
accordance with previous theories and studies which show that transformational
leadership can increase employee motivation.
Then, the results of
data analysis show that transformational leaders have better leadership
qualities than other leaders. Transformational leaders tend to have a clear and
inspiring vision, are authoritative, support employee development, and provide
constructive feedback and recognition. This good leadership quality allows
transformational leaders to motivate employees more effectively.
Furthermore, employee
motivation can increase if they feel valued and have the opportunity to grow
and develop. Therefore, transformational leadership that supports employee
development can increase employee motivation.
In addition,
recognition and constructive feedback from transformational leaders can
increase employee motivation. When employees feel valued and recognized for
their hard work, they will feel motivated to continue to do their best.
In conclusion, the
results of this study indicate that transformational leadership has a
significant positive effect on employee motivation. Therefore, companies can
consider developing leaders who have transformational leadership qualities to
increase employee motivation and overall company performance.
However, this research
also has some limitations. One of the limitations of this research is that the
research was only conducted in one company, so the research results may not be
generalizable to other companies. In addition, this study also uses qualitative
methods, so that the research results cannot be stated statistically.
Therefore, future research can use quantitative methods to obtain more valid
results and can be generalized to a larger population.
Based on the results of
the research that has been done, it can be concluded that transformational
leadership has a positive and significant influence on employee motivation in
the company that is the subject of the study. This happens because
transformational leaders have better leadership qualities, have clear and
inspiring visions, are authoritative, support employee development, and provide
constructive feedback and recognition.
The results of the
study also show that employee motivation can increase if they feel valued and
have the opportunity to grow and develop. Therefore, transformational
leadership that supports employee development and provides recognition and
constructive feedback can increase employee motivation.
In the corporate
context, the results of this study have important implications for leadership
development and human resource management. Companies can consider developing
leaders who have transformational leadership qualities to increase employee
motivation and overall company performance.
However, this research
has some limitations such as only being conducted in one company and using
qualitative methods. Therefore, further research can use quantitative methods
and involve other companies to generalize the results of this study and obtain
more valid results.
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Copyright holders:
Aldian Yusup, Isma Elan Maulani
First publication right:
Devotion - Journal of Research and Community
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