Text Box: Volume 4, Number 3, March 2023 
e-ISSN: 2797-6068 and p-ISSN: 2777-0915




Nasir Katong, Sintya Paula Junaedy, Deby Christiani Sendow, Ahmad Yani Abas

Politeknik Negeri Manado, Indonesia

Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]



Industry, multy-storey buildings, occupational safety



The rapid development of the construction industry in addition to providing benefits also poses considerable risks, where this industry can be said to be vulnerable to work accidents (Ervianto, 2005). Occupational accidents in construction projects will be detrimental to the workforce, an unsafe and unhealthy work environment will also impact on the disruption of the workforce's performance. Based on the results and discussion of the researcher, namely the analysis of multi-storey buildings and work safety in the perspective of environmental law in the Kotamobagu City Library Building, the researcher sees in general that the construction of the Kotamobagu Library multi-storey building, both theoretically and the construction of the building has complied with the rules in the laws and regulations invitation contained in Law Number 28 of 2002 concerning Buildings. The Kotamobagu City Library Building also in its work has implemented the Occupational Safety and Health Management System in the Kotamobagu City Library Building Project very well. This can be seen by the K3 management procedures and K3 laws and regulations issued by the government and also by companies. The application of legal aspects to Occupational Safety and Health affects both the company and the workforce because if the company or workforce ignores OSH in carrying out their work they will be given legal sanctions because both the company and the workforce are legally bound. For example, if workers are working at heights and do not use seat belts, the safety officer can give sanctions to these workers according to the rules made by the company. Implementing K3 in accordance with statutory regulations can indirectly prevent the company from occurring accidents and occupational diseases as well as work violations. And also work can be carried out safely and efficiently. The researcher also draws the conclusion that the construction of a multi-storey building, Kotamobagu City Library Office built by the Kotamobagu Regional Government is in accordance with laws and regulations regarding environmental aspects. PP No. 27 of 1999 concerning Amdal. Law No. 22 of 2021 concerning Implementation of Environmental Protection and Management. PP No. 27 of 2012 concerning Environmental Permits and several other regulations which are not mentioned in the results of this study but are a source of reading for researchers. Apart from that, the Kotamobagu City Library Office Multi-storey Building has also met the green spatial requirements in urban areas.



Multi-storey buildings are buildings that have more than one land vertically. This multi-storey building was built based on limited land or land area which is so expensive, especially in urban areas and the high level of demand for space for various activities (Rahajeng, 2019). Multi-storey buildings can be classified from 2 things, the first is low-rise (low rise building) having 3 to 4 layers of floors or with a height of approximately 10 meters (Idham, 2013). The second high-rise building or high-rise building has more than 4 floors and a height of more than 10 meters. As previously stated, this high-rise building is used for various purposes, one of which is as an office, business interest and the building is used in the form of residential, apartments, hotels, to office buildings (Ismatullah, 2019). In general, multi-storey buildings are only located in big cities where the population is large and wide, while the land is getting smaller, so that in order to get more benefits from these buildings, the land owner uses multi-storey buildings as a means of building (Joga, 2013).

However, on the other hand, constructing a building does not necessarily follow the wishes of the owner, but must follow or refer to existing regulations in constructing a building (environmental aspects, Environmental Impact Assessment, Environmental Impact Analysis and environmental spatial planning in an area) (Asroni, 2010). Law No. 28 of 2002 concerning Buildings explains that in constructing buildings refers to the appearance of the building, interior layout, balance, and harmony of the building with its environment as referred to in paragraph (1), paragraph (2), paragraph (3), and paragraph (4) further regulated by Government Regulation (Jellin & Suwondo, 2019). Government Regulation No. 16 of 2021 concerning implementing regulations for law No. 28 of 2002 concerning buildings explaining functions, requirements, implementation, community roles, and coaching (Symbolon, 2021). The building regulations described in Law 28 of 2002 concerning Buildings have the objective of realizing buildings that are functional and in accordance with building layouts that are harmonious and in harmony with their environment; realizing orderly building management that guarantees technical reliability of buildings in terms of safety, health, convenience, and convenience; realizing legal certainty in the management of buildings.

The definition of a building in Law 28 of 2002 concerning Buildings is a physical form of the result of construction work that is integrated with its location, part or all of which is above and/or in the land and/or water, which functions as a place for humans to carry out their activities, both for residence or residence, religious activities, business activities, social activities, culture, or special activities (Simanjuntak, 2013).

Based on the sound of Article 24 point 1 of Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation (“Job Creation Law”) which amended Article 1 number 1 of Law Number 28 of 2002 concerning Buildings (“Building Law”): Buildings are physical form of the results of construction work that is integrated with the place of domicile, partially or wholly located on and/or in the land and/or water, which functions as a place for humans to carry out their activities, whether for housing or residence, religious activities, business activities, activities social, cultural, and special activities.

Previously, the Law on Buildings and Government Regulation Number 36 of 2005 concerning Regulations for the Implementation of Law Number 28 of 2002 concerning Buildings (“PP 36/2005”) did require an IMB for everyone who would construct a building.

Construction work is very vulnerable to accidents. So it is impossible to say that in a construction project there will be no work accidents (Anizar, 2009). Developments carried out with high-level technology or with simple technology certainly have risks that can cause work accidents. Occupational accidents and occupational diseases caused by workers must be prevented, even if they can be completely eliminated. In overcoming these problems, the government has issued laws and various regulations concerning occupational safety and health (K3) (Santoso, 2004). But all government efforts will not succeed without a response from companies engaged in construction. To prevent this, a response from the company is also needed to overcome problems that occur in a project by providing sanctions to workers who violate regulations or deliberately ignore procedures in carrying out Occupational Safety and Health (K3) which can cause work accidents.

Implementing occupational safety and health (K3) management is very important. Because it aims to provide a good, comfortable and safe environment and working conditions and can avoid accidents and occupational diseases (Tagueha et al., 2018). With the existence of laws and regulations issued by the government, the legal basis for occupational safety and health in construction projects is complete.

The purpose of this research is; (1) examine and analyze academically whether the multi-storey building of the Kotamobagu Library Office is in accordance with technological developments, (2) examine and analyze academically, about work safety in the Kotamobagu Library Multi-storey Building Construction, and (3) examine and analyze the relationship between multi-storey buildings and work safety based on environmental law studies in the Kotamobagu Library Multi-Storied Building Development.



In this study, researchers used the method through library research by examining good sources from articles, journals, books, references related to the title (Creswell & Creswell, 2017). The data sources derived from primary data and secondary data are then analyzed using a qualitative descriptive method, namely the researcher explains, describes and describes according to the problems above.


From the results of field research, researchers generally see that the construction of the Kotamobagu Library multi-storey building, both theoretically and in construction, has complied with the provisions of the laws and regulations contained in Law Number 28 of 2002 concerning Buildings.

This library building has become one of the icons in Kotamobagu City, apart from the modern interior design of the building, the construction of this building has used light steel construction which has a better level of building security and has a very long durability. Because the terms of the building are said to be good, it must have several very important components so that it can be said that the building is good and suitable for habitation.

This is a general guideline when it comes to creating or constructing a property, including the Kotamobagu City Library Building. Of course these conditions are adjusted to the function of the building being built. Besides, infrastructure comply with all existing regulations in terms of safety and security must be upheld.

The researcher also looked at the aspect of building safety requirements, where in the process of building the Kotamobagu City Library Building comply with safety requirements for the duration or age of the building is planned. If there are things related to safety and the duration is very short, of course this is related to problems during construction. Therefore, fulfilling safety requirements is one of the things that must be done by the service contractor or worker executor. Taking into account the presence of an earthquake, there is a high probability of a natural disaster. A good building must take into account natural disasters such as earthquakes so that the structure of the building has been adjusted (Habibie, 2012). This is one of the conditions for a building to be said to be valid, because the more details the structure of the building is planned, the more certain it will be and also the surer how much load it can support. The Kotamobagu City Library Building has fulfilled the above elements, based on the results of research by researchers.

Occupational Safety and Health in the Kotamobagu City Library Building is very important for my research. Currently, the number of workers in the Kotamobagu Library Building construction project is 50 people. This has complied with Permenaker No. 05/MEN/1996 article 3 paragraph 1 which states that "Every company that employs a workforce of one hundred people or more and or contains potential hazards caused by the characteristics of the process or production materials which can result in work accidents such as explosions, fires, pollution and disease due to work must apply the Occupational Safety and Health Management System” (Sari, 2013).

The Occupational Safety and Health Management System (SMK3) in the Kotamobagu City Library Building construction project is structured into one unit with a quality management system and environmental management. In planning, all standards and guidelines for the system are compiled in the Procedures for Quality, Occupational Health and Safety and the Environment. The Occupational Quality, Safety and Health Procedure is an integration of the fulfilment of the Quality Management System (ISO 9001:2008), Occupational Safety and Health (OHSAS 18001:2007) and Environmental Management (ISO 14001:2004) as outlined in procedures that can be used to view, inspect, reviewing, assessing, measuring effectiveness, knowing the obedience or compliance of officers during the project implementation process. SMK3L is made based on customer requirements (contracts) (Pelealu et al., 2015).

The procedures and requirements used during the execution of the work will be reviewed regularly to ensure the policies and procedures contained therein meet contractual requirements, legal regulations and other requirements to achieve continuous improvement.

The purpose of making this RMK3L is to ensure that all projects before implementation have been completed with a Project Quality, Safety and Health and Environment Plan which aims to ensure that projects will be implemented to consider quality, K3 and Environmental factors to meet customer requirements, legal requirements and other requirements. The scope includes the implementation of the management system in the company including all requirements imposed by ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004 and OHSAS 18001:2007 starting from the implementation preparation process to handover. OHSAS 18001:2007 has the same components as SMK3 which are regulated in the Regulation of the Minister of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia Number: PER.05/MEN/1996. These components include commitment and policies, planning,

The researcher also draws the conclusion that the construction of a multi-storey building, Kotamobagu City Library Office built by the Kotamobagu Regional Government is in accordance with laws and regulations regarding environmental aspects. PP No 27 of 1999 concerning Amdal. Law No. 22 of 2021 concerning Implementation of Environmental Protection and Management. PP No. 27 of 2012 concerning Environmental Permits and several other regulations which are not mentioned in the results of this study but are a source of reading for researchers. Apart from that, the Kotamobagu City Library Office Multi-storey Building has also met the green spatial requirements in urban areas.


Based on the results and discussion of the researcher, namely the analysis of multi-storey buildings and work safety in the perspective of environmental law in the Kotamobagu City Library Building, the researcher sees in general that the construction of the Kotamobagu Library multi-storey building, both theoretically and the construction of the building has complied with the rules in the laws and regulations the invitation contained inLaw Number 28 of 2002 concerning Buildings.

The Kotamobagu City Library Building also in its work has implemented the Occupational Safety and Health Management System in the Kotamobagu City Library Building Project very well. This can be seen by the K3 management procedures and K3 laws and regulations issued by the government and also by companies. The application of legal aspects to Occupational Safety and Health affects both the company and the workforce because if the company or workforce ignores OSH in carrying out their work they will be given legal sanctions because both the company and the workforce are legally bound. For example, if workers are working at heights and do not use seat belts, the safety officer can give sanctions to these workers according to the rules made by the company. Implementing K3 in accordance with statutory regulations can indirectly prevent accidents and occupational diseases and work violations. And also work can be carried out safely and efficiently.

The researcher also draws the conclusion that the construction of a multi-storey building, Kotamobagu City Library Office built by the Kotamobagu Regional Government is in accordance with laws and regulations regarding environmental aspects. PP No. 27 of 1999 concerning Amdal. Law No. 22 of 2021 concerning Implementation of Environmental Protection and Management. PP No. 27 of 2012 concerning Environmental Permits and several other regulations which are not mentioned in the results of this study but are a source of reading for researchers. Apart from that, the Kotamobagu City Library Office Multi-storey Building has also met the green spatial requirements in urban areas.



Anizar. (2009). Teknik Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja di Industri. Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu.

Asroni, A. (2010). Kolom Fondasi dan Balok T Beton Bertulang. Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu.

Creswell, J. W., & Creswell, J. D. (2017). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches. Sage publications.

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Idham, N. C. (2013). Merancang Bangunan Gedung Bertingkat Rendah. Yogyakarta, Graha Ilmu.

Ismatullah, N. (2019). TA: Perancangan Landmark Apartment Djunjunan Dengan Penerapan Desain Biophilik. Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung.

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Rahajeng, A. K. (2019). Perancangan Hunian Vertikal Di Kawasan Malioboro Dengan Dukungan Konsolidasi Tanah Dan Arsitektur Yogyakarta.

Santoso, G. (2004). Manajemen keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja. Prestasi Pustaka Publisher.

Sari, V. N. (2013). Implementasi Permen Nomor: Per. 05/Men/1996 Tentang Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan Dan Kesehatan Kerja.

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Simbolon, L. N. S. (2021). Evaluasi Kinerja Bangunan Gedung Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat. Jurnal Manajemen Aset Infrastruktur & Fasilitas, 5(2).

Tagueha, W. P., Mangare, J. B., & Arsjad, T. T. (2018). Manajemen Resiko Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3) pada Proyek Konstruksi (Studi Kasus: Pembangunan Gedung Laboratorium Fakultas Teknik Unsrat). Jurnal Sipil Statik, 6(11).




Copyright holders:

Nasir Katong, Sintya Paula Junaedy, Deby Christiani Sendow, Ahmad Yani Abas (2023)

First publication right:

Devotion - Journal of Research and Community Service

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