1Vika Fransisca, 2Widia
Pendidikan dan Bahasa Invada,
Islam Bunga Bangsa Cirebon
[email protected], [email protected]
KEYWORDS Technology, Life, Social |
ABSTRACT Technological advances
have had a significant impact on social life in Indonesia. One of the most
significant impacts of technological advances in Indonesia is the emergence
of social media. The emergence of social media has had a major impact on the
way Indonesian people interact with each other. This research aims to find
out the impact of the influence of technological advances on social life in
Indonesia. This research uses a qualitative research method, while the data
collection technique is done by literature study. Then the data that has been
collected is analyzed descriptively. The results showed that technological
advances have had a major impact on social life in Indonesia, one of which is
changing the way people interact in social life. This is because social media
has enabled people to connect over long distances, facilitating communication
and collaboration between people who may never meet. In addition to changing
the way people interact with each other, technological advancements also
create new challenges that must be overcome to ensure that all Indonesians
can benefit from these technological advancements. |
The significant impact of
technological advancement on social life in Indonesia can be seen in various
aspects, one of which is the emergence of social media. According to Nasrullah
(2015), social media is an online platform that allows users to represent
themselves, interact, collaborate, share information, and communicate with
other users to form virtual social relationships. Social media has become one
of the most significant impacts of technological advancement in Indonesia.
Social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have become
increasingly popular in Indonesia, with millions of people using these
platforms every day to connect with friends, family, and colleagues (Junawan, 2020)
The emergence of social media has
had a significant impact on the way Indonesian society interacts with one
another. Before social media, social interactions in Indonesia tended to be
done directly through face-to-face or through communication media such as
telephones or letters. Distance and time limitations often become obstacles in
social interactions, especially for people who are in distant places (Melinda,
Social interactions were also
limited to the social environment around someone, such as family, school or
university friends, neighbors, or colleagues (Lestari, 2013). This can result
in a person only being exposed to limited perspectives or thoughts, and not
having broad access to information and opportunities. While there were
limitations to social interaction before social media, it can also have
advantages. Social interactions that are carried out directly can build closer
and personal relationships between individuals, as well as strengthen trust and
solidarity among community members. In addition, direct social interaction also
allows a person to gain direct experience in communicating and interacting with
others (Darmawan et al, 2019).
Types of research
This study uses a qualitative research method,
a qualitative research method is a research method based on the philosophy of
positivism, used to study the condition of natural objects (different from
experiments) in which the researcher is the key instrument (Sugiyono,
Data collection technique
The data collection technique was carried out
by means of literature study. Literature study is a method of collecting
information or data that involves consulting scientific articles, reference
books, and other published materials that can be accessed in libraries (Ruslan, 2003).
Data source
The source of data in this study comes from
secondary data, secondary data, namely data sources that do not directly
provide data to data collectors, for example through other people or through
documents (Sugiyono,
2019). In this research, the source of secondary
data is in accordance with the Labor Law, books, journals, articles related to
the research topic regarding internal control systems over payroll systems and
procedures in an effort to support labor cost efficiency.
Data analysis
Then the data that has been collected is
analyzed descriptively. Descriptive data analysis techniques in this
qualitative research are in the form of analysis, descriptions, and summaries
of events or phenomena obtained through documents.
Changes in social life after technological advances
can be seen from several aspects. One of the most visible aspects is the change
in the way individuals interact. With the existence of technology, people can
communicate easily and quickly without being bound by time and space
constraints. Through social media, Indonesian people can connect with other
people from various places, even from long distances. This allows people to
stay connected with their family and friends even if they are in different places.
Apart from that, social media also facilitates communication and collaboration
between people who may have never met before. There are rapid and significant
social changes that affect the basics of people's lives. In a sociological
perspective, for a revolution to occur, there are several conditions that must
be met, including (Soekanto, 2009):
1) There is a general desire to make changes
2) There is a leader or group of people who are
considered capable of leading the community
3) The leader must be able to understand the wishes of
the people and turn them into programs and movement directions
4) Leaders must be able to show clear goals for the
5) There must be the right momentum to start the
Communication technology affects the social and
cultural aspects of a group of people through online media such as virtual
worlds or websites. When a person is too fixated with technology such as
cyberspace, he or she will spend hours just interacting with friends or
acquaintances virtually. In the Indonesian context, advances in information and
communication technology have had an impact on Indonesian culture. However, the
advancement of technology can create problems for regional cultures in
Indonesia. Regional cultures can be eroded because people forget or do not
develop existing cultures. Information communication technology can replace
cultures that rely on wisdom and cultural symbols, creating humans who depend
on technology (Yoga, 2019).
In addition, technology also affects the way we work,
learn and play. This shift occurs mainly because it is driven by global
environmental factors, such as the globalization process, which in turn affects
the media industry (Flew, 2018). The development of technology has brought significant
changes in the way people work. Now, with technology, people can work remotely,
without having to be in a physical office. In addition, technology also allows
people to connect with teams located in different locations due to advances in
information and communication technology such as the internet, cell phones, and
software that allows people to connect in real-time, thus expanding the scope
of collaboration and communication between team members separated by distance
and time (Fawziah &
Irwansyah, 2020). In addition, technology has also enabled access to
information and resources that were once difficult to access, allowing people
to work remotely in a more effective and efficient manner. This is also
supported by changes in ways of working and lifestyles where many people now
seek flexibility and balance between work and personal life (Bali, 2019). This not only makes work easier, but also opens up
new opportunities for career and professional development.
According to Robert M. Maclever
and Charles H. Page in an article entitled "Technology and Social
Change", they state that every technological advance allows humans to
achieve certain results with less effort and cost, and at the same time technology
helps speed up human work, including in the dissemination of messages (Bali, 2019). Along with the development of technology, public
consumption in the way of obtaining information is also getting higher, so that
the delivery of broadcast media messages or products requires more
sophisticated broadcast technology devices. The existence of technology has
changed the way people work, where people can work remotely and connect with
teams located in different locations.
In education,
technology has changed the way we learn. Technology has changed the way we
learn by enabling access to various learning resources and information online.
Students can now access e-books, journals, learning videos and other learning
resources from their computers or mobile devices. In addition, technology also
enables distance learning or e-learning, which allows students to learn without
having to be in the same place as their teachers or lecturers (Anshori, 2017). Technology also enables collaboration in learning,
where students can work together on projects and assignments online, even if
they are in different locations (Alimuddin et al.,
As for entertainment, technology has changed the way
people access and enjoy entertainment as streaming platforms and online gaming
allow people to watch movies, television shows and listen to music anytime and
anywhere via the internet. This has replaced traditional means such as watching
on television or buying physical CDs or DVDs. In addition, technology has also
enabled people to play online games with players from all over the world, which
allows for a greater social and interactive experience in the gaming world (Alia & Irwansyah,
2018). In addition, technology has also allowed fans to
engage in the entertainment industry through platforms such as YouTube and TikTok, where they can create their own content and create
their own fan base online.
However, these changes also pose new challenges, such
as an increasing digital divide and emerging privacy and data security issues.
While many Indonesians have access to the internet and the latest technology,
others lack even basic access to technology. This gap can create significant
disparities in education, employment and economic opportunities, especially for
those living in rural areas (Hadiyat, 2014). Therefore, a concerted effort is needed from various
parties to overcome these challenges so that technological advances can have a
positive impact on social life. In addition to creating new opportunities and changing
the way people interact with each other, technological advancements also create
new challenges that must be overcome to ensure that all Indonesians can benefit
from these technological advancements.
advances have had a significant impact on social life in Indonesia, where one
of the impacts is the change in the way of interacting in social life. Such
changes occur due to the existence of social media that allows people to
connect with others from a distance, facilitating communication and
collaboration between people who may never have met before. Although technology
provides benefits, it also poses new challenges that must be overcome so that
all Indonesians can utilize this technology effectively and efficiently. Therefore,
a joint effort from various parties is needed to overcome these challenges so
that technological advances can have a positive impact on all Indonesian
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Copyright holders:
Vika Fransisca,
Widia Ningsih (2023)
First publication
Devotion - Journal of Research and Community Service
This article is licensed under
a Creative
Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International