Ummu Kaltsum1, Asyari Hasan2, Indah Binarni3
Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta,
Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN)
Alauddin Makassar, Indonesia3
Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
KEYWORDS economic; ecomomic empowerment;
protection economy |
ABSTRACT This study analyzes ecoprotection
based economic empowerment in Modern Boarding School Darussalam Gontor for
Girl 6 Poso. The aim of this study are to know the economy implementation
based on ecoprotection and the involution of boarding scholl in its empowerment.
The method was used is field research which is descriptive qualitative by
using phenomenological and sociological approach. The results of the study
sow that the economy empowerment based on ecoprotection of Gontor Putri 6 was
realized by creating businesses, the protection system refers on internal
environment protection of boarding school from the external environment
influence, the involution of Gontor Putri 6 Poso in economy empowerment based
on ecoprotection by the caretaker involutation, the students nurture
involutation, admistration staff, and ecsejutive staff refer to the boarding
scholl policy. The economy protection system applied bring businesses
increase in quality and quantity, but this system also had weaknesses and
poses a threat, that case was overcome by every business would improve the
potential of opportunity. |
Pesantren as a
"cultural institution", was born on the initiative of the community (Ali Aziz et al., 2005). Sociologically, this institution
is unique and has a distinctive pattern in it, the central role of the Kiai-as
the initiator of the establishment of the pesantren (boarding
school), the
relationship between the santri and the kiai, as well as the relationship
between the community and the kiai, shows the uniqueness of this institution.
If we look back at the history of its establishment, the existence of pesantren
is the will of the community so that institutionally pesantren must be able to
dialogue with the "owners" themselves, and be able to present the
flow of change in society around the pesantren.
The development of the
growth of Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia is felt so rapidly, there are
more than five thousand Islamic boarding schools spread across sixty thousand
and eight villages, and currently the number of Islamic boarding schools is
26,973, namely those located on the island of Java as much as 77.8%, outside
Java 22, 2%, with details of the Salaf Islamic boarding school model 41.5%,
Khalaf 9.6% and blend 48.9% (Lidwina, 2020). This is motivated by the response
of Islamic boarding schools to the times and advances in science and technology
which demands that graduates or outputs of Islamic boarding schools are not
only proficient in the field of religion, but are able to compete and have
skills and independence and have an entrepreneurial spirit so that in the
future they have a role in develop the local economy.
Based on that number, it
turns out that it can still be counted on the fingers of the typicality of
Islamic boarding schools that have advanced and are able to align and keep pace
with current economic developments. Moreover, various kinds of global
challenges in the economic field, such as a lot of poverty, a lot of
unemployment, a small number of jobs and other economic problems, make Islamic
boarding schools also take a stand in facing these challenges. Many Islamic
boarding schools have carried out transformations by incorporating
socio-economic functions into the Islamic boarding school activity programs, in
meeting these demands, several Islamic boarding schools have begun to make
system changes, which at first were only limited to places of scientific and
spiritual sources of Islam.
Economics for Islamic
boarding schools is the heart of life for the progress and development of
civilization, without a strong economy, Islamic boarding schools will
experience setbacks, and will even lose their existence (Halim, 2005). That uniqueness too, which in turn
can generate enormous economic value if it is managed professionally. However,
the development of the pesantren economy itself is still experiencing
stagnation, which is caused by an unstable pesantren economy. For this reason,
a strategy for an economic empowerment program based on Islamic boarding
schools is needed to set steps towards improving the system at Islamic boarding
schools. One of the pesantren that has developed economic empowerment is the
Pondok Modern Darusslam Gontor Islamic Boarding School for both boys and girls.
Darusslam Gontor Modern Islamic Boarding School is one of the Islamic boarding
schools which is independent in its economic activities by conducting local
businesses and is developed in the area around the Islamic boarding school.
The management of the
Islamic boarding school economy requires an instrument as a guarantee for the
existence of smoothness and convenience, as well as business protection that
has been played actively by the pesantren community. The instrument that is
considered appropriate is eco-protection, so research efforts are made to find
out the activities or practices of eco-protection-based economic units in
Islamic boarding schools. There is previous research that discusses the
eco-protection-based Islamic boarding school economy, namely
"Ecoprotection-Based Islamic Boarding School Business Unit
Management" by Azizah, her research explains the overall activities of
eco-protection-based economic business units and has strong Islamic boarding
school values that have a positive impact on achieving shared prosperity (Azizah, 2014).
In addition to Azizah's
research, there is other research that discusses similar cases regarding
Islamic boarding schools' economic empowerment, namely "Students and
Community Economic Empowerment Strategies in the Lantabur Entrepreneurial
Islamic Boarding School Environment, Cirebon City" by Ilham Bustomi and
Khotibul Umam (Bustomi
& Umam, 2017), this research discusses
several strategies regarding economic empowerment carried out by the Lantabur
Entrepreneurial Islamic Boarding School to foster the entrepreneurial spirit of
students, and the community. Another study entitled "Pesantren and the
Economy (Study of Economic Empowerment at Darul Falah Islamic Boarding School
Bendo Mungal Krian Sidoarjo, East Java)" (Foresters, 2012). This study describes the
empowerment carried out by Islamic boarding schools for their students through
increasing the economic competence of the students.
This research focuses on
"Ecoprotection-Based Islamic Boarding School Economic Empowerment (Study
at Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor Putri 6 Ittihadul Ummah Poso)", how is
the implementation and empowerment of the economy, and what is the role of
pesantren in protection-based empowerment? then can a protection-based economy
be able to become a follow-up strategy and can maintain and improve the
pesantren's economy, so that this system is worthy of being emulated and
implemented in other pesantren.
This research is a field
study research that is descriptive qualitative in nature. The approach used is
a phenomenological approach and a sociological approach. Data collection
techniques in this study were in the form of observation, direct interviews
with related parties, and documentation, processed using data reduction
analysis, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. Based on the basis of
several previous studies, the author tries to examine the economic empowerment
of eco-protection-based Islamic boarding schools which is applied to make
business units increase in quality and quantity, but this system also has
weaknesses and poses a threat to the existence of business units, for this
reason evaluation is needed. development, as well as innovation for every
business unit in Islamic boarding schools.
Method used is a field
research which is descriptive qualitative with a phenomenological approach and
a sociological approach (Sugiyono, 2018). Field study research method or field research is a research
method that is carried out by directly observing and collecting data in the
field or at the place that is the object of research. This method is often used
in social research and human behavior, because it can produce in-depth and
detailed data about the situation being studied. Field
study research is descriptive qualitative in nature, meaning that this research
focuses more on the description and interpretation of data rather than on
numerical measurements. The phenomenological approach is also used to explore
life experiences or individual perceptions of the situation or event being
studied. While the sociological approach is used to analyze social phenomena
and interactions between individuals in the situation being studied.
Definition of Islamic Boarding
Islamic boarding schools are religious
educational institutions that play a function as social institutions. Islamic
boarding schools are traditional Islamic educational institutions in Indonesia
that have grown and developed several centuries ago. The word pesantren comes
from the word "santri", which is given the prefix pe and the ending
becomes pesantren which means the place where the santri live, while santri are
people who study Islam (Asrohah, 2004).
Islamic boarding schools are Islamic
educational institutions that are conventionally managed and carried out in a
dormitory system (pondok) with the kiai as the main center and the mosque as the
center of the institution. Rahardjo concluded that pesantren have various forms
so that there is no standardization that applies to all pesantren (Bakar, 2017). Islamic boarding school experts argue that a
new pesantren can be called a pesantren if it fulfills several conditions, are (Soebahar, 2013):
One of the characteristics of the education system in
Islamic boarding schools is the existence of a boarding system or dormitory for
the students.
Kiai or also known as ulema are considered as leaders
of Islamic boarding schools who lead Islamic boarding schools with high
charisma, diligent worship and extensive and deep religious knowledge.
As people know that the mosque is a place of worship
for Muslims. However, the function of a mosque will be slightly different if
the mosque is in a boarding school. At Islamic boarding schools, the mosque is
not only a place of worship or a place of prayer, but the mosque also functions
as a place to gather. The mosque is also used as a place for learning,
deliberations and as a place for students to study.
Santri in a pesantren means someone who studies in a
Classics or traditional teaching
Classical books are usually known as the yellow book,
because of the yellow color of the paper which contains Islamic knowledge such
as fiqh, hasith, interpretation as well as morals and Arabic (Halim, 2005).
The Function of Islamic
Boarding Schools
The function of Islamic boarding schools
cannot be separated from their basic nature that Islamic boarding schools grow
and develop starting from the existence of the community as village informal
institutions in a very simple form, because the development and welfare of
society cannot be separated from the contribution and role of Islamic boarding
schools from all fields such as education, the economy of course also religion
that leads to normative, educative and progressive values. The functions of
Islamic boarding schools are as follows:
Islamic boarding schools as educational institutions
The management of Islamic boarding schools in the
field of education is divided into two, namely: first, material education in
the form of subject matter such as learning the yellow book, general lessons,
and others
(Ghazali, 2003).
Understanding the function of Islamic boarding schools as educational
institutions lies in the ability of Islamic boarding schools to prepare
themselves to follow the development of the education system by following the
changing times which are very closely associated with technological
Islamic Boarding Schools as Da'wah Institutions
Da'wah implies an invitation activity in the form of
oral, written, behavior and so on which is carried out consciously and planned
in an effort to influence others both individually and as a group so that an
understanding, awareness, attitude, appreciation and practice of religious
teachings as messages conveyed to him without any elements of coercion (Shihab, 2007).
Da'wah is carried out among the community in an effort to carry out activities
that raise public awareness in pursuing religious teachings consistently as
adherents of Islam.
Islamic boarding schools as social institutions
In addition to being an educational development
institution, Islamic boarding schools are also institutions for developing
Islamic boarding schools' social activities covering the fields of economics,
technology and ecology. Islamic boarding schools as social institutions show
the involvement of pesantren in dealing with social problems that occur in society,
not only limited to aspects of worldly life but also spiritual life.
Islamic Boarding Schools as Production Institutions
Islamic boarding schools as production institutions
in order to continue their existence in the business world, Islamic boarding
schools must innovate in developing their products, if they only rely on their
traditional markets, their development will tend to stagnate (Fitrianto, 2005).
Islamic Boarding Schools as Consumption Institutions
Islamic boarding schools as consumption institutions
are shown by the number of production goods absorbed by Islamic boarding
schools, both by students as students and Islamic boarding schools as
educational institutions (Chusmeru et al., 2017).
As a Change Agent
The most important function of pesantren is as an
engine of change in society.
According to Suharitini in (Halim, 2005) explained that Islamic boarding schools in carrying
out their social functions can be narrowed down to four main functions, namely;
(1) centercadre of religious thinkers (center of
excellence), (2) institutions that
print human resources, (3) institutions
that have the power to empower the community (Agent of Development), and (4) Islamic boarding schools as part involved in
the process of social change (Social Change) (Marlina, 2014).
Entrepreneurship in Islamic
Boarding Schools
Islamic boarding schools have been synonymous
with religious education. This assumption turned out to be not entirely
correct. Initially, Islamic boarding schools were established and developed in
order to provide opportunities for Muslims to deepen the Islamic religion. But
along with the passage of time and the needs of the community, Islamic boarding
schools have succeeded in expanding their workin various fields, including the
socio-economic field (Haedari, 2006).
The pesantren self-reliance program pursued
is based on the strength of pesantren as the basis of Indonesia's economic
flow, namely, pesantren human resources who have strong numbers and community ties
so that they have the potential to be a source of demand and production of
various economic activities; the high fighting power of pesantren has great
potential when combined with capabilitiesentrepreneurship, and the concept of
Islamic boarding school economic empowerment as part of worship. With these
strengths, the key to the independence of Islamic boarding schools is the
establishment of business units and business communication between Islamic
boarding schools to meet needs and provide guidance, especially from advanced
to developing Islamic boarding schools, as manifested in the self-reliance
program being implemented.
Islamic boarding schools are Islamic
educational institutions in Indonesia, which have a role as non-governmental
development institutions, especially through religious values. The aim of the
educational model in Islamic boarding schools is to produce students who are
able to: have a clear heart, be independent and responsible, have a leadership
spirit, apply valuesIslam in everyday life (Ahmad, 2013).
Education Entrepreneurship
in Islamic boarding schools can be in the form of:
maintain religious values. AMuslim entrepreneurs must always maintain and apply
the values of akhlaqul karimah in doing business, such as: always friendly,
honest, trustworthy, and positive thinking (husnudzan).
Happy to
benefit others. A Muslim who is successful in his business, getting richer and
having more business partners, will feel very happy because more and more
people will share in the results.
be fair in doing business. Fair is not equal, but fair is giving their rights
proportionally. Being fair also means always trying to give satisfaction to everyone,
no one feelswronged or harmed.
innovative and creative in business.
make the best use of time.
with other parties.
Entrepreneurship in Islamic boarding schools
can be seen from the business units owned, for example having student
cooperatives that have sharia values and principles by avoiding various
socio-economic characteristics that are prohibited in Islam, such as: maysir,
namely all forms of speculation that kill the real sector and are unproductive;
acts violating moral norms; gharar, namely any transaction that is not clear so
that it has the potential to harm one of the parties or has the potential to
cause something that violates sharia; usury, namely all forms of addition to
loan transactions and excess exchange between similar ribawin goods; endeavor
or hoarding which results in a damaged market price; as well as all forms of
transactions that endanger individuals and society.
Islamic Boarding School
Economic Empowerment
Empowerment refers to the ability of people
or groups, especially groups that are vulnerable and weak so that they have the
strength or ability to: (a) fulfill their basic needs so that they have
freedom; (b) reach productive sources that enable weak/vulnerable groups to
increase their income, and obtain the goods and services they need; and (c)
participate in development and decision-making processes that affect
weak/vulnerable groups (Suharto, 2010).
Meanwhile, economic empowerment is a process
as well as a goal, as a process of economic empowerment is a series of
activities to strengthen the power or empowerment of weak groups (their
economic conditions) in society, as a goal, then empowerment refers to the
conditions or results to be achieved, and the concept of the purpose of this
empowerment often used as an indicator of the success of empowerment as a
process. If the concept of empowerment above is attached to precede the concept
of economics, then a new concept that is narrower and more specific is found.
Economic empowerment is an activity of giving power to a second party
(empowerment target) so that they become capable in the economic field. In this study, what is meant in the
definition of economic empowerment which is an activity to give power to the
"second party" as (the target of empowerment), is the power of the Islamic
boarding school itself, namely Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor Putri Campus 6
in order to become capable in the economic field.
The concept of economic empowerment was born
as the antithesis of the development model and the industrialization model which
is not in favor of the majority community (who are not holders of economic
power). This concept is built from the following logical framework: (1) that
the concentration of power is built from the center of strengthening the
factors of production; (2) the concentration of power on the factors of
production will give birth to a working society and a society of marginalized
rulers; (3) power will result in building a manipulative knowledge system,
political system, legal system, and ideology to strengthen and legitimize, and
(4) the co-optation of knowledge systems, legal systems, political systems, and
ideology will systematically create two groups of people, namely: empowered
communities and disabled communities (Prijono & Pranarka, 2005).
This concept will lead to the creation of a
pesantren economic empowerment model through production activities that involve
several factors of production, in addition to the kyai as leaders, students and
ustadzah as administrators as well as managers and even the participation of
managers from the local community as assistant managers of business units at
Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor Putri. 6. So, it can be understood that Islamic
boarding school-based economic empowerment according to Imam Khambali is an
empowerment program using two approaches, namely, bottom up and top down where
the implementation of activities in the field is at the initiative of
caregivers or kyai in collaboration with the Islamic boarding school community
(students and boarding school administrators). from planning, process to
(Suhartini et al., 2005).
As a first step before forming a business
unit, there is support in the form of institutional policies from the
foundation or leadership. The model referred to, as explained by Inu Kencana,
is an institutional model, namely a policy-making model that only revolves
around decision-making within the scope of the institution (Syafiie & Welasari, 2017). To carry out Islamic boarding school economic
empowerment activities, it is necessary to pay attention to several factors
that greatly influence in doing so, among others (Nadzir, 2015):
Religious Doctrine
Religion also influences decision making regarding
the types of commodities produced, the formation of economic institutions and
of course also economic practices or behavior. Islamic boarding schools as
Islamic educational institutions are heavily influenced by the demands of
Islamic teachings, so in terms of their economic activities they teach the
ethics of life so that in obtaining wealth they maintain good deeds towards
people or protect the human rights of others; not greedy, not by robbing the
rights of others, not unjust, and not harming others (Azizy, 2004).
Santri (students) and Economic Empowerment
The concept of the role of the santri in
economic empowerment is very interesting to discuss, because the santri who are
busy every day with various learning or reciting activities, in fact, also have
economic activity. In certain Islamic boarding schools, students are indeed
equipped with various skills/expertise in the economic field such as
cooperatives, crafts and trading. All of this was done by the pesantren as an
effort to equip the santri with various skills or at least prepare the
mentality and skills of the santri so that later when they leave the pesantren
they can be independent. Therefore it is only natural that Islamic boarding
schools try to develop themselves by carrying out real actions (dakwah bil hal)
in the community around the pesantren in all fields, including economic
The ultimate goal of Islamic boarding school
economic empowerment is the independence of Islamic boarding schools. So far,
Islamic boarding schools have always been considered by the name of the
institution that distributes grant proposals, both in formal and non-formal
institutions. Labeling is certainly not pleasant, Islamic boarding schools will
be free from this assumption if Islamic boarding schools become strong
institutions, especially in the economic sector. By itself, not every time
there is an activity, whether building a building or other activities, not
always busy circulating proposals here and there (Halim, 2005).
In the process of creating self-sufficient Islamic boarding schools, there are
a number of things that must be involved, including students, administrators,
ustadz and Kyai as well as the pesantren community.
Islamic boarding schools as economic
institutions have business units that are the motors of the community's economy
(internal Islamic boarding schools). The business unit is managed by the
students or teachers who are the management staff of the pesantren. These
business units, for example, cooperatives, book stores, canteens, and so on,
certainly play a very important role as the pillars of the Islamic boarding
school's economy. These small businesses can also support activities in other
sectors such as education and community development. Many Islamic boarding
schools have several business units, such as mushroom cultivation, agriculture,
animal husbandry and plantations. There is even a boarding school cooperative
which is the main pillar of the economy and welfare of the large family of the
boarding school. Many business models have been developed within the Islamic
boarding school, such as telecommunication shops, or basic food shops.
Ecoprotection-based Islamic
Boarding School Economic Implementation at Darussalam Gontor Putri Modern
Islamic Boarding School 6
Eco-protection is protection in the context
of economic independence and realizing or breaking away from dependence. As
well as building and maintaining its existence, through economics that is actualized
in the function of economic management. Economic independence is needed so that
Islamic boarding schools can develop and be sustainable, as part of their
contribution to the nation's moral education. with rights, obligations and
responsibilities. So, eco-protection in Islamic boarding schools is a
responsibility that must be played by institutions (Azizah, 2014).
Eco-protection in a narrow sense is a system that refers to self-sufficiency
and the use of local/internal resources to create economic resilience that
leads to the existence of the Islamic boarding school itself, and functions as
an instrument in protecting the business/economy that is being formulated or
being implemented.
In order to maintain the continuity of
Islamic boarding school economic empowerment, ideal pesantren management is
needed which is effective, efficient and professional in its management. Thus,
this research is deemed necessary to evaluate the economic activities of
Islamic boarding schools or the activities of Islamic boarding schools business
units based on eco-protection. As emphasized by Yusuf and Suwito (2010), that
economic activity is one of the means for a prosperous life. As for a
prosperous life (hasanah) is a religious recommendation. Thus, efforts to
achieve welfare through economic activity are religious recommendations. When
it is associated with the expression kada al-faqru an yakuna kufran (poverty or
poverty brings closer to disbelief), then thinking about economic development
and empowerment becomes very important (Yusuf & Suwito, 2010).
The bottom-up approach is based on the
assumption that the pesantren community understands their needs better so that
the people involved in making the pesantren management program are in
accordance with the management program. In addition to involving the community
in making the management program, the pesantren community feels more involved
in managing the pondok pesantren program, which creates a sense of
responsibility and love, togetherness and a sense of community towards the
environment. In theory, bottom up in Islamic boarding schools, the Kyai, the
Government, are the creators of the means to achieve the aspirations of the
pesantren community, and the Kyai and the government also make further program
policies. Top Down theory which underlies that policies made by kyai, the
government in terms of management must be carried out by Islamic boarding
schools, so that the people here apart from acting as policy implementers also
provide feedback on the policies made by the kiai. Kyai and government.
Currently, Islamic boarding schools are generally Islamic boarding schools that
manage local economic assets that aim to empower the Islamic boarding school
economy, for the sake of the existence and economic welfare of the Islamic
boarding school, students, residents around the Islamic boarding school.
Economic empowerment at the Darussalam Gontor
Putri 6 Islamic Boarding School through business units that provide for the
needs of female students, such as Mini Markets, bakery and tea factories,
telephone kiosks that facilitate communication between female students and
guardians of students, providing laundry services, and transportation. The
economic empowerment model at the Darussalam Gontor Putri 6 Islamic Boarding
School is based on eco-protection with policies and implementation of a
protection economic system.
The establishment of the pondok business unit
aims to support the empowerment and development of the pondok, meeting the
daily needs of female students. The establishment of a cottage business unit is
a form of cottage independence, by producing homemade products that are more
hygienic and safe from hazardous materials, and not relying on large companies
outside the cottage, preventing negative things that will damage the reputation
of the cottage, preventing exploitation maybe done by the kyai from the big
profits from the company that wants to control the pondok.
Economic empowerment at the Darussalam Gontor
Putri 6 Islamic Boarding School is based on eco-protection with policies and
implementation of a protection economic system. This system focuses all
economic activities of the pondok community only on the inside of the pondok,
so as to minimize the negative impact of the influence of external products.
The protection economic system which is the reference for economic empowerment
in Gontor Putri 6 aims to strengthen internal production within the boarding
school. The most important strengthening of internal cottage production
includes maintaining the quality of the products produced. If the quality of
the products produced by the pondok can guarantee the health of the santri from
harmful product ingredients, then the trust of the santriwati and even the
guardians of the santri will be strong towards the internal quality of the
pondok products.
This protection economic system can also have
an impact on the Gontor Putri 6 boarding school community, accompanied by the
inculcation of modern boarding school values such as a spirit of sincerity,
being responsible for carrying out the mandate in managing business units. Not
only that, the management staff recruited by the pondok experience education
from modern boarding values through the policy of giving taujihat and the
cadre system set by the pondok.
The protection economy system helps in
developing the business units in the lodge. The tighter the economic protection
system that is implemented, the more optimal the production activities in the
lodge will be. In this case, when the Islamic boarding school maximizes the
protection economy system that is implemented and the business units develop
well and can even give rise to new business units, then the expansion of the
workforce will also be created. With this, the local community will also be
absorbed by their workforce to assist in managing Islamic boarding schools. Not
only that, this system can also avoid the risks arising from dependence on
products sold outside the lodge. Especially in terms of the health risks that
will be caused. And also this system can maintain the stability of economic
activity in the cottage area.
The protection economy system implemented in
Gontor has several advantages, besides being able to make business units
increase in terms of quality and quantity, this system also produces regular
consumers and health protection from the products sold in Pondok. Although this
system has many advantages, this system also has weaknesses and creates a
negative side for its consumers.
The weakness of this system is the limitation
of products or goods sold, and with product restrictions, many products are not
yet available and not enough to meet the needs of female students. And from the
weakness of this system, there will be threats to the Islamic boarding school
business unit, such as decreased interest, appetite and purchasing power of
female students which will result in unsold products/goods, and losses due to
non-current income, besides that there is trade in the the students. To
overcome the various problems, obstacles and threats that exist, each business
unit will maximize the potential opportunities that exist, such as finding
other distributors and collaborating with other parties, of course with the
cottage's approval, seeing and following the demands of consumer tastes and
interests which are of course appropriate. with standardization of cottages, as
well as being creative, innovating to develop new products that will attract
consumer interest. So that the pondok business units can still exist for the
consumers of the pondok community, and can improve and develop the Pondok
Gontor Putri 6 Poso business units for the better, in order to help improve and
build the Pondok Gontor Putri 6 Poso.
The Role of PM Darussalam
Gontor Putri Islamic Boarding School, Campus 6 Ittihadul Ummah Poso in
eco-protection-based economic empowerment
Eco-protection-based Islamic boarding school
economic empowerment in Gontor Putri 6, of course, this activity is carried out
directly by the internal community of the Islamic boarding school itself,
namely the caretaker, teachers and female students who participate in education
and teaching at the Islamic boarding school. It is the internal community of
the Islamic boarding school itself that will strive to always improve and
develop all aspects of the Pondok Gontor Putri 6. Kyai who have the provision
of leadership which is contributed by religious knowledge. Teachers who always
supervise the education and teaching system for 24 hours in Islamic boarding
schools. Along with the female students who are currently carrying out
knowledge in the boarding school and are always supervised in all forms of
their activities. So all the dynamics of life in the Islamic boarding school
which are managed by the internal community of the Islamic boarding school,
Eco-protection-based economic empowerment in
Gontor Putri 6 cannot be separated from the role of the pesantren in its
implementation, which always implements all of its policies, including the role
of the caregiver and the internal community of the Islamic boarding school. The
role of the caretaker is as a guide and general adviser who always provides
input from learning Gontor's typical boarding-modern values to apply to all
activities related to the interests of the boarding school, especially in this
case its economic activities.
The role of the caretaker of Gontor Putri 6
is not only as a guide and general adviser, but also as a supervisor of all
financial management activities that are always circulating in the Islamic
boarding school area. Even though, in his activities, the Caretaker does not
even hold money from financial management in every part of the business unit
and other parts of the organization. Economic empowerment at Gontor Putri 6 is
not only related to material issues, it is also related to the non-economic
world which is realized in the form of awareness of the cultivation of the five
souls taught at Pondok Gontor, such as in the application of a spirit of
sincerity in carrying out all activities of the Islamic boarding school.
Role of Santriwati Care Staff: Provide work
program report policies along with the constraints experienced. Along with the
sanctions given when the staff manager does not hold his mandate properly. The
role of the Administrative Staff is to provide policies related to the
financial statements of each business unit. These financial reports are reported
weekly and monthly. Then make a rule, namely the prohibition of keeping money
for more than 24 hours, and saving it in the administration section of the
cottage. Meanwhile, the role of the managing staff of the business unit itself
is by holding a weekly gathering in their respective departments to complete problems experienced by its business
The role of Darussalam Gontor Putri Islamic
Boarding School, Campus 6 Ittihadul Ummah Poso in eco-protection-based economic
empowerment refers to cottage policies, such as with a regeneration system,
then training and learning about the business unit being managed. Aside from
that, the role of the Caregivers, the Role of Caring for Santriwati, and the
Administrative Staff also participate in eco-protection-based economic
Based on the results of the
research, eco-protection-based economic empowerment in Gontor Putri 6 is
realized by creating business units, the protection system refers to the
protection of the internal environment of the cottage from the influence of the
external environment of the cottage. The role of Pondok Gontor Putri 6 Poso in
eco-protection-based economic empowerment through the role of caregivers, the
role of caring for female students, administrative staff, and management staff
refers to the cottage policy. The protection economy system that is implemented
makes business units increase in quality and quantity, but this system also has
weaknesses and poses threats, this is overcome by each business unit maximizing
the potential opportunities that exist.
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Copyright holders:
Ummu Kaltsum, Asyari Hasan,
Indah Binarni (2023)
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Devotion - Journal of Research and Community
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