Helen Try Juniasti1, Asriati2, Arinus Weya3
of Public Health, Universitas Cenderawasih, Indonesia1,2
P2P Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Papua, Indonesia3
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
KEYWORDS Students; HIV; Science studies; Social studies |
ABSTRACT The knowledge of students in cities and villages about HIV is higher
in the low category at 55.2%, then in the medium category at 24.7%, and in
the high category at 20.1%, students in cities are most in the medium level
of knowledge category while students in villages are most in the high level
of knowledge category. The attitude of students in cities and villages has a
positive attitude category about HIV prevention. The purpose of this study is
to determine the comparison of attitudes of students majoring in science and
social studies about reproductive health and HIV in urban and rural high
schools in Papua Province. This study
used quantitative method with a cross-sectional research design to
identification the differences in attitudes between students majoring in
science and high school social studies in cities and villages. From this study
give some implication such as identified the differences in attitude of
students majoring in science and social studies. The result of this study shows that the
level of Science students have a more positive
attitude towards HIV prevention than social studies students in high schools
in cities and villages. |
is experiencing complex health problems. An infectious disease that is still a
concern is HIV/AIDS. The cumulative number of HIV infection cases reported as
of June 2016 places Papua in the top ten provinces with the most cases, namely
22,426 cases. As for AIDS cases, Papua is one of the provinces that reported
the most AIDS cases from 1987 to June 2016, namely 13,335 cases. The highest
incidence of AIDS cases or AIDS Case Rate per 100,000 population occurs in
Papua with a rate of 416.9 cases per 100,000 population (Ditjen & RI, 2016).
result Juniasti (2023)
shows that The attitude of students in urban and rural areas has a positive
attitude category regarding HIV/AIDS prevention. There are differences in
knowledge about HIV/AIDS among students in cities and villages with a P value
(0.006) <0.05. However, there is no difference in the attitude of students
in urban and rural areas regarding HIV/AIDS prevention with a P value (0.020)
> 0.05. The level of knowledge, attitude, and self-motivation has an
influence on HIV/AIDS prevention behavior among urban high school students in
Sragen district (Indratmoko et al., 2013).
prevalence among students aged 15-24 in Papua is 3%. The main cause of the HIV
epidemic in Papua is due to unsafe sexual relations. In addition, due to the
low level of education and knowledge about HIV. For students, according to
UNICEF, knowledge about HIV has increased but is still limited. The 2010
Riskesdas survey showed that 42% of the population aged 15 years and over had
never heard of HIV/AIDS.
declared AIDS is a global problem. AIDS transmission in Indonesia is currently
more dominant in sexual behavior (Anonymous, 2012).
In 2015 AIDS-related deaths reached 110,000 people in the children's age group
(<15 years). In 2016, there were 1,872 AIDS sufferers in Indonesia, including
school children and students. According to data from the Indonesian Child
Protection Commission (KPAI) in Subiyakto (2012),
it is known that 32% of students aged 14 to 18 years in big cities in Indonesia
(Jakarta, Surabaya and Bandung) have had premarital sex and it proves that
62.7% of students lost their virginity when they were still in junior high
cases of HIV infection occur in productive age, namely 25-49 years, followed by
20-14 years of age and 15-19 years of age (Ministry of Health, 2014). According
to UNICEF (United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund), the number
of AIDS deaths among students around the world increased by 50% between 2005 –
2012 and shows an alarming trend. About 71,000 students aged 10-19 years died
of AIDS in 2005 which increased to 110,000 in 2012 (Priastana & Sugiarto, 2018).
In 2011 new HIV cases, 18% of them were children in the age group 15-24 years (UNICEF, 2012).
interventions on student reproductive health increased the knowledge and
attitudes of both students and the science and social studies groups and there
was no significant difference in increasing the average score of knowledge and
attitudes between students and between the science and social studies groups (Udu & Wiradirani, 2020).
There are no differences
in attitudes towards premarital sexual relations between students majoring in
natural sciences and social studies at SMAN 1 Temanggung. There is no
relationship between knowledge of reproductive health and attitudes towards
premarital sexual relations among students majoring in natural sciences and
social studies. at SMAN 1 Temanggung (Mentari, 2015).
There are no significant
differences in attitudes and there is no relationship between students who have
knowledge and attitudes about reproductive health (Mentari, 2015).
on the explanation above, it shows that HIV/AIDS is a threat to students with
low attitudes about HIV/AIDS. So in
this study more specific to identification the
attitudes of high school students majoring in science and social studies
regarding reproductive health and high school HIV/AIDS in urban and rural
areas, Papua Province. Based
on those phenomenon, the purpose of study are; (1) to find out the attitudes
of students majoring in social studies regarding the reproductive system and
HIV/AIDS in urban and rural high schools in Papua Province, (2) to find out the attitudes
of students majoring in science about the reproductive system and HIV/AIDS in
urban and rural high schools in Papua Province, and (3) to find out the comparison
of attitudes of students
majoring in science and social studies regarding the reproductive system and
hiv/aids in students in cities and villages in Papua Province.
This study used Quantitative method with a
cross-sectional design, namely data collection was carried out at one time or a
certain period and observations of study subjects were only carried out once.
Time and location of
This research will start
from June to September 2020
Research sites
The research will be
conducted at SMA 4 Jayapura and SMA 1 Keerom district
The population of this
study were students majoring in science and social studies at SMA 4 Jayapura
and SMA 1 Keerom district
The sample of this
research is students majoring in science and social studies with the amount
according to the results of calculations using the formula; (lemeshow, 1991)
n = sample size
i-α = 95% confidence level means (i-α)=
P =
proportion of occurrence prevalence= 0.5
d =
precision set = 0.1
that the research sample size;
= (1.96)2(0.5)(0.5)/0.12 = 96à100
using purposive sampling technique
1) Students
are high school students majoring in science and social studies
2) Knowledge
is everything that high school students majoring in science and social studies
know about HIV/AIDS
3) Attitude
is the action or reaction of high school students majoring in science and
social studies in preventing exposure to risky behavior towards HIV/AIDS
Operational definition
Table 1. Operational Definition
Variable |
Operational definition |
Measuring instrument |
Results Measure |
Measure Scale |
Attitudes of students
about HIV/AIDS health |
or reactions of high school students majoring in science and social studies
in preventing exposure to HIV/AIDS risky behavior |
form |
Positive attitude Negative attitude |
Likert |
analysis in this study used univariate and bivariate analysis. Univariate
analysis is used to see the characteristics of the research variables.
Bivariate analysis used an independent T-test to see differences in the
knowledge of students majoring in science and social studies about HIV/AIDS in
urban and rural high schools in Papua province.
Analysis Results
The results of the characteristic
analysis of 159 students of the Science and Social Sciences Department in urban
and rural high schools are presented in the table below.
Table 2.
Distribution of Characteristics of Students of Science and Social Studies
Majors in Cities and Villages
Characteristics |
Science |
Social |
Total |
n |
% |
n |
% |
n |
% |
Age |
14 years old |
1 |
33,33 |
2 |
66,67 |
3 |
100 |
15 years old |
15 |
37.50 |
25 |
62.50 |
40 |
100 |
16 years old |
24 |
72,73 |
9 |
27,27 |
33 |
100 |
17 years old |
63 |
82,89 |
13 |
17,11 |
76 |
100 |
18 years old |
3 |
50.00 |
3 |
50.00 |
6 |
100 |
19 years old |
0 |
0.00 |
1 |
1.89 |
1 |
100 |
Gender |
Male |
39 |
66,10 |
20 |
33.90 |
59 |
100 |
Female |
67 |
67.00 |
33 |
33.00 |
100 |
100 |
Class |
X |
16 |
34.78 |
30 |
65,22 |
46 |
100 |
XI |
17 |
73,91 |
6 |
26.09 |
23 |
100 |
73 |
81,11 |
17 |
18.89 |
90 |
100 |
Students |
City |
41 |
50,62 |
40 |
49,38 |
81 |
100 |
Village |
65 |
83,33 |
13 |
16,67 |
78 |
100 |
Total |
106 |
66,67 |
53 |
33,33 |
194 |
100 |
Primary Data, 2020
Based on the table above, the most
distribution of respondents was at the age of 17 years (82.89) in the Science
major, and at the age of 15 years (62.50) in the Social Sciences department.
Based on gender, there were more female study respondents in science majors
(67.00%) and social studies majors (33.00%). Students in urban and rural areas
are more majoring in science.
Table 3.
Distribution of Information Sources for Science and Social Sciences Students in
Cities and Villages About HIV/AIDS
Resources |
Science |
Social |
Total |
n |
% |
n |
% |
n |
% |
Teacher |
77 |
72,64 |
29 |
27,36 |
106 |
100 |
Parent |
47 |
68,12 |
22 |
31.88 |
69 |
100 |
Health workers |
74 |
73,27 |
27 |
26,73 |
101 |
100 |
Friend |
30 |
76,92 |
9 |
23.08 |
39 |
100 |
Newspaper |
18 |
85.71 |
3 |
14,29 |
21 |
100 |
Magazine |
6 |
66,67 |
3 |
33,33 |
9 |
100 |
Television |
0 |
0.00 |
1 |
100 |
1 |
100 |
Radio |
3 |
50.00 |
3 |
50.00 |
6 |
100 |
Internet |
78 |
75.58 |
25 |
24,27 |
103 |
100 |
Source: Primary Data, 2020
on sources of information about HIV/AIDS, students majoring in science and in
urban and rural areas get a lot of information from the Internet (75.58%),
teachers (72.64%), and health workers (73.27%). Meanwhile, students majoring in
social studies in urban and rural areas got the most information on HIV/AIDS
from teachers (27.36%), the Internet (42.8%), and health workers (26.73%).
Table 4. Distribution of Attitudes of Students in
Cities and Villages Categories about HIV/AIDS
Attitude |
Science |
Social |
Total |
n |
% |
n |
% |
n |
% |
Positive |
90 |
69,77 |
39 |
30,23 |
129 |
100 |
Negative |
16 |
53,33 |
14 |
46,67 |
30 |
100 |
Total |
106 |
66,67 |
53 |
33,33 |
159 |
100 |
Source: Primary Data, 2020
on the table above, the attitude of students in urban and rural areas regarding
HIV/AIDS prevention is mostly in the positive attitude category (55.2%). When
compared to the distribution of the attitude categories of students in urban
and rural areas about HIV/AIDS, most rural students have a positive attitude
category (30.4%), and students in urban areas have the most negative attitudes
(26 ,3%).
on the table above, students majoring in science (69.77%) are more positive
about HIV/AIDS in both urban and rural areas compared to social studies majors
(30.23%). However, negative attitudes about HIV/AIDS were also higher in
science majors (53.33%) in both urban and rural areas compared to social
studies majors (46.67%).
Results of Bivariate Analysis
Table 5. Bivariate
Analysis of Differences in Levels of Attitudes
of Students in Towns and Villages about HIV/AIDS
Variable |
Science |
Social |
Total |
p-value |
n(%) |
n(%) |
n(%) |
Attitude |
0.002** |
Positive |
(69,77) |
(30,23) |
(100) |
Negative |
(53,33) |
(46,67) |
(100) |
Total |
106 (66,67) |
53 (33,33) |
159 (100) |
Primary Data, 2020
*Mann-Whitney test
*Unpaired t test
analysis to see differences in attitudes about HIV/AIDS between students
majoring in natural sciences and social studies in urban and rural areas used
the Mann Whitney U test, because the data were not normally distributed. The results
of the analysis for the attitude variable to see differences in attitudes about
HIV/AIDS between students majoring in science and social studies in urban and
rural areas used a paired t test, because the data were normally distributed,
indicating that the p value (0.002) < 0.05 which means This means that there
are differences in attitudes about HIV/AIDS between students majoring in
science and social studies in urban and rural areas.
This study used a sample of students
majoring in natural sciences and social studies at SMA Negeri 1 Arso with an
age range of 14 to 19 years. The most respondents in both urban and rural
science majors were at the age of 17 years, while the most respondents were in
the social studies department at the age of 15. According to the National
Family Planning Coordinating Board (BKKBN) adolescents start at the age of 10
and end at the age of 21 (Ministry of Health, 2016). Adolescents belong to an
age group that is vulnerable to exposure to HIV AIDS. Based on the 2014
Ministry of Health, most cases of HIV infection occur in productive age, namely
25-49 years, followed by 20-14 years of age and 15-19 years of age. According
to UNICEF (United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund),
Most of the respondents in this study
were female students in cities and villages. The number of female students is
greater than the number of male students in cities and villages. Respondents of
students in cities showed more interest in natural science education (IPA)
programs in senior high schools in cities and in villages. At the time of the
sampling study, they did not choose specifically based on science or social
studies education programs.
The results of this study indicate
that from various sources of information available, students majoring in
science and social studies in senior high schools in cities and villages
regarding HIV/AID's obtained information about HIV/AID's dominated through
teacher information sources, followed by the internet media. The results of this
study are in line with the results of Tiranda's research (2018)that
the majority of sources of information about HIV/AIDS were from the media
results of Nugraheni (2018) also shows the majority of information sources are
obtained from electronic media. The results of Rahama (2018) shows sexual
knowledge in the lesser category is 64.3%. The majority of students' sources of
information regarding sexuality were obtained from friends with a percentage of
38.6%. There is a significant relationship between knowledge about sexuality
and students' sexual behavior. Research results. Suminat (2012)
shows that there is a correlation between adolescent sexual behavior in dating
with parents and peers. There is no correlation between adolescent sexual
behavior in dating with media information sources and teachers.
Manafe, Kandou and
Posangi (2014)
show there is a relationship between knowledge, the role of the teacher, the
role of the information media and the role of peers with HIV/IADS prevention in
students at SMA Negeri 4 Manado. In line with the results of Yulianingsih (2015)
that knowledge, attitudes, information media are significantly related to the
risk of contracting HIV/AID's in public high school students in the city of
Nugrahawati (2019) shows that the Attitudes towards HIV/AIDS
prevention were mostly in the supportive category at 54.2%. The majority of
information sources are from electronic media at 49.2%. Attitudes toward
HIV/AIDS prevention were mostly in the positive category at 52.5%. Nugrahawati (2019) shows that the factors that are
significantly related to HIV/AIDS prevention behavior are the level of
knowledge and attitudes of the respondents, and the attitude factor is the
factor that most influences the behavior of students towards HIV/AIDS
prevention. This is also in line with the results of Wulandari (2019) that was a significant
effect before and after the health education about HIV/Aids was carried out on
the knowledge and attitudes of the Parongpong State Senior High School students
in Cihanjuang Village.
study shows that students majoring in science and social studies in senior high
schools in cities and villages have a positive attitude towards HIV/AID's
prevention in cities and villages. High school students in rural areas have the
most positive attitudes and high school students in urban areas have the most
negative attitudes. Positive attitudes about HIV/AIDS prevention were higher
for students majoring in natural sciences than social studies majors in senior
high schools in cities and villages.
results of the research show Wirianan (2017)
that there are significant differences in the knowledge, attitudes and actions
of HIV/AIDS prevention among members and non-members of the AIDS and Drugs Care
Student Group (KSPAN), where the knowledge, attitudes and actions of KSPAN
members are better than those who are not KSPAN members. The results of the research by
Situmorang et al, 2017 show that the results of the study show that less
knowledge about HIV AIDS is associated with a negative stigma against PLWHA.
analysis test on HIV/AID's prevention attitudes. shows that there are
differences in the level of knowledge about HIV/AIDS between students majoring
in natural sciences and social studies at senior high schools in cities and
villages. There are differences in attitudes about HIV/AIDS between students
majoring in natural sciences and social studies at senior high schools in
cities and villages. In line with the research results of Tarigan and Wulandari
that there is a significant relationship between the provision of health
education and changes in attitudes among high school students towards
HIV/AID's. This is in line with the results of Hasanah and Sobri (2015)
that there was a difference in the knowledge of students before counseling was
carried out and after counseling was carried out, namely that there was an
increase in the number of respondents in both categories from before counseling
was carried out and after counseling was carried out. So that there is an
influence of counseling about HIV/AID's on the level of knowledge in preventing
HIV/AIDS in class XI MAN 2 Yogyakarta students.
to Lawrence Green and Marshall Kreuter in Sciavato (2013) that
one's knowledge is one of the predisposing factors to change one's behavior.
High knowledge is expected to encourage a positive attitude about HIV/AIDS.
Based on the results of Adriani's research (2018) that respondents had a good
level of knowledge reaching 69% and negative attitudes about HIV/AIDS as much
as 13%.
Based on the
result of study the conclusion of study are; (1) students
majoring in social studies in senior high schools in cities and villages have the most positive attitude towards
HIV/AID's prevention, (2) students
majoring in social studies in senior high schools in cities and villages have the most positive attitude towards
HIV/AID's prevention,(3) students
majoring in natural sciences in cities and villages have the most positive
attitudes compared to students majoring in Social Sciences in senior high
schools in cities and villages.
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Copyright holders:
Helen Try Juniasti, Asriati,
Arinus Weya (2023)
First publication right:
Devotion - Journal of Research and Community
article is licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International