Text Box: Volume 4, Number 5, May 2023
e-ISSN: 2797-6068 and p-ISSN: 2777-0915




Anindya Nurmalita Dewi

Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia

Email: [email protected]



intellectual capital; institutional ownership; firm value



The benchmark for the success of a company can be seen in the resources that support and support the company's activities. This is expected to be able to improve financial performance from time to time, so that the company is able to achieve targets to maintain the company's survival. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to examine and analyze how Intellectual Capital (IC) affects Firm Value, examines and analyzes how Institutional Ownership influences Intellectual Capital (IC) to Firm Value, examines and analyzes how Institutional Ownership moderates the influence of Intellectual Capital (IC) on company value. For this research, the population is all conventional general banking listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) from 2017 – 2021. The sample of this study uses banking companies that have been listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) for the period 2017 – 2021. The conclusion in this study is: Intellectual Capital (VAIC) has a positive effect on Firm Value (TOBINS_Q), Institutional Ownership (KI) has a positive effect on Firm Value (TOBINS_Q), Institutional Ownership can moderate the effect of Intellectual Capital on Firm Value.



The benchmark for the success of a company can be seen in the resources that support and support the company's activities (Leonita, 2020). This is expected to be able to improve financial performance from time to time, so that the company is able to achieve targets to maintain the company's survival. Therefore the success achieved by the company is not solely determined by the results of the work achieved and is calculated by the company's current financial ratios (Prapaska & Siti, 2012). The main thing that determines the survival of a company is intangible assets, namely assets in the form of human resources (HR) which play an important role in carrying out the company's tangible assets (Nova, 2023).

Intellectual Capital (IC) is an indicator that can be used in weighing and estimating knowledge assets (Najah, 2021). Intellectual Capital (IC) refers to intangible assets related to the knowledge and expertise that the company uses (Kusumowati & Meiranto, 2013). Intellectual Capital (IC) is believed to play a role in maximizing company value.

According to Sumiati and Indrawati (2019) maximizing or increasing the value of the company for shareholders is the goal of a company. But maximizing the value of the company is the end goal. Before maximizing the value of the company, managers must first create a value. Because if the maximum company value will also increase the pleasure or satisfaction of the shareholders so that they are able to maximize the welfare level of the shareholders and it is also more appropriate than maximizing profits (Wijaya & Sedana, 2015).

Based on the description above, the objectives of this study are (1) to examine and analyze how intellectual capital (IC) influences firm value. (2) Reviewing and analyzing how Institutional Ownership influences Intellectual Capital (IC) on company value. (3) Review and analyze how Institutional Ownership moderates the influence of Intellectual Capital (IC) on company value.



The Effect of Intellectual Capital on Firm Value

In research by Rahmita et al. (2020) intellectual capital is proven to increase company value. The effect of intellectual capital on increasing firm value is also found in Lestari (2017) and Simarmata and Subowo (2016) which shows that intellectual capital has a positive impact on firm value. Based on the explanation above, the authors formulate the hypothesis as follows:

H1: Intellectual Capital has a positive effect on Firm Value.


Effect of Institutional Ownership on Company Value

According to Tamrin and Maddatuan (2019) defines institutional ownership as the percentage of shares owned by institutions such as investment companies, banks, insurance companies, or other companies. One of the forms of distribution of shares among outside shareholders is institutional ownership.

In Lestari (2017) shows institutional ownership has a supervisory or monitoring function in increasing firm value. This is in line with the research conducted by Aditya and Supriyono (2015).

H2: Institutional Ownership has an effect positive on Company Value.


The Effect of Intellectual Capital on Firm Value with Institutional Ownership as a moderating variable

In Siddik and Chabacib (2017) shows that institutional ownership functions as a supervisory tool to increase firm value. This research is the same as that conducted by Aditya and Supriyono (2015) and Fadlun (2016) the result is that institutional ownership is able to improve the relationship between intellectual capital on firm value. Based on the explanation that has been described, the authors formulate the hypothesis as follows:

H3: Institutional Ownership moderates the effect of Intellectual Capital on Firm Value.


Data Types and Sources

This study uses secondary data adopted from banking companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX).

Population and Sample

For this research, the population is all conventional general banking listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) from 2017 – 2021.

This research sample uses banking companies that have been listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) for the 2017 - 2021 period.

Method of collecting data

The data used in this study is secondary data and uses a sampling technique.

Data analysis method

In this study the data analysis methods consisted of: (1) Descriptive Statistics, (2) Normality Test, (3) Classical Assumption Test including Autocorrelation Test, Heteroscedasticity Test, Multicollinearity Test, and Linear Regression Analysis with moderating variables. The regression equation is as follows:

NP = α1+β1IC+β2Size+β3Leverage+β4 Growth+e1                                               (1)

NP = α2+β5IC +β6 IO+β7 Size+β8 Leverage+β9 Growth+e2                                                                                                     (2)

NP = α3+β10 IC+β11 IO+β12 (IC.IO)+β13 Size+β14 Leverage+β15 Growth+e3       (3)



NP:      Firm Value     

ICs:     Intellectual Capital

IOs:     Institutional Ownership

α:        Constant         

β1 … β15: Regression coefficient

e:         Error


The model feasibility test consists of:

F test

This test is to find out how the independent variable influences the dependent variable using SPSS Ghozali (2009).

Determination Coefficient Test (R2)

Coefficient of Determination (Goodness of fit)

Intend to estimate how much percent of the independent variables have an effect to the dependent variable. Mark R2 proves how many comparisons between the total of various dependent variables which can be interpreted by the explanatory variable.

Hypothesis testing

Test the hypothesis using mutual test shows how big the influence of one independent variable or explanatory variable personally when explaining variables dependent on Ghozali (2009).



Table 1. Descriptive Statistics

Source: Processed secondary data (2022)


Based on table 1. It is known that for the Corporate Value variable (Tobins Q) the average is 1.208347, the minimum value is 1.028870, namely PT Bank KB Bukopin Tbk (BBKP) in 2019 and the maximum is1.486880namely PT Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk (BDMN) in 2018 with a standard deviation of0.112001. So based on the average value of 1.208347, it indicates that the company's average PBV is 1.21%.


Tabel 2. Initial normality test results 1

Source: Processed secondary data (2022)


Seen from table 2. It is known that the test for final normality can be seen from the Kolmogorof-Smirnov sig. of 0.000 <0.05 it can be said that the data in this study are not normal. Then do the removal of abnormal data or outliers with the following results:



Tabel 3. Final normality test results 1

Source: Processed secondary data (2022)


Based on table 3 above it is known that the test for final normality can be seen from the Kolmogorof-Smirnov sig. of 0.200 > 0.05 it can be said that the data in this study are normal.


Tabel 4. Initial normality test results 2

Source: Processed secondary data (2022)


Based on table 4 above it is known that the test for final normality can be seen from the Kolmogorof-Smirnov sig. of 0.000 <0.05 it can be said that the data in this study are not normal. Then do the removal of abnormal data or outliers with the following results:


Tabel 5. Final normality test results 2

Source: Processed secondary data (2022)


Based on table 5 above it is known that the test for final normality can be seen from the Kolmogorof-Smirnov sig. of 0.098 > 0.05 it can be said that the data in this study are normal.


Tabel 6. Initial normality test results 3

Source: Processed secondary data (2022)


Based on table 6 above it is known that the test for final normality can be seen from the Kolmogorof-Smirnov sig. of 0.000 <0.05 it can be said that the data in this study are not normal. Then do the removal of abnormal data or outliers with the following results:







Tabel 7. Final normality test results 3

Source: Processed secondary data (2022)


Based on table 7 above it is known that the test for final normality can be seen from the Kolmogorof-Smirnov sig. of 0.071 > 0.05 it can be said that the data in this study are normal.


Table 8. Multicollinearity test results 1

Source: Processed secondary data (2022)


Based on table 8 it can be seen that the test results for multicollinearity have a tolerance value for each independent variable > 0.1 and for VIF values ​​< 10 so that it can be said that multicollinearity does not occur or is free from multicollinearity in this study.


Table 9. Multicollinearity test results 2

Source: Processed secondary data (2022)


   Based on table 9, it can be seen that the test results for multicollinearity have a tolerance value for each independent variable > 0.1 and for VIF values ​​< 10 so that it can be said that multicollinearity does not occur or is free from multicollinearity in this study.


Table 10. Multicollinearity test results 3

Source: Processed secondary data (2022)


Based on table 10, it can be seen that the test results for multicollinearity have a Tolerance value for each independent variable > 0.1 and for VIF values ​​< 10 so that it can be said that multicollinearity does not occur or is free from multicollinearity in this study.


Table 11. Multicollinearity test results 4

Source: Processed secondary data (2022)


Based on table 11, it can be seen that the test results for multicollinearity have a Tolerance value for each independent variable > 0.1 and for a VIF value < 10 so that it can be said that multicollinearity did not occur or was free from this study.


Table 12. Multicollinearity test results 5

Source: Processed secondary data (2022)


Based on table 12, it can be seen that the test results for multicollinearity have a Tolerance value for each independent variable > 0.1 and for VIF values ​​< 10 so that it can be said that multicollinearity does not occur or is free from multicollinearity in this study.


Table 13. Multicollinearity test results 6

Source: Processed secondary data (2022)


Based on table 13, it can be seen that the test results for multicollinearity have a Tolerance value for each independent variable > 0.1 and for a VIF value < 10 so that it can be said that multicollinearity does not occur or is free from multicollinearity in this study.


Table 14. Autocorrelation test result 1

Source: Processed secondary data (2022)


Based on table 14 above it can be seen that the test results for autocorrelation of 1.883 are between 1.5 and 2.5 meaning that autocorrelation does not occur or is free in this study.


Table 15. Autocorrelation test result 2

Source: Processed secondary data (2022)


Based on table 15 above it can be seen that the test results for autocorrelation of 2.306 are between 1.5 and 2.5 meaning that autocorrelation does not occur or is free in this study.


Table 16. Autocorrelation test result 3

Source: Processed secondary data (2022)


Based on table 16 it can be seen that the test results for an autocorrelation of 1.975 are between 1.5 and 2.5, meaning that there is no autocorrelation in this study.


Table 17. Autocorrelation test result 4

Source: Processed secondary data (2022)


Based on table 17 it can be seen that the test results for an autocorrelation of 2.453 are between 1.5 and 2.5, meaning that there is no autocorrelation in this study.







Table 18. Autocorrelation test result 5


Source: Processed secondary data (2022)


Based on table 18 it can be seen that the test results for an autocorrelation of 2.019 are between 1.5 and 2.5, meaning that there is no autocorrelation in this study.


Table 19. Autocorrelation test result 6

Source: Processed secondary data (2022)


Based on table 19 it can be seen that the test results for an autocorrelation of 2.452 are between 1.5 and 2.5, meaning that there is no autocorrelation in this study.


Table 20. Heteroscedasticity test result 1

Source: Processed secondary data (2022)


Based on table 20 it can be seen that the results of the heteroscedasticity test for each independent variable have a significance value above 0.05 (sig>0.05) so that it can be said that there is no heteroscedasticity.


Table 21. Heteroscedasticity test result 2

Source: Processed secondary data (2022)


Based on table 21, it can be seen that the results of the heteroscedasticity test for each independent variable have a significance value above 0.05 (sig>0.05) so that it can be said that there is no heteroscedasticity.






Table 21. Heteroscedasticity test result 3

Source: Processed secondary data (2022)


Based on table 22, it can be seen that the results of the heteroscedasticity test for each independent variable have a significance value above 0.05 (sig > 0.05) so that it can be said that there is no heteroscedasticity.


Table 21. Heteroscedasticity test result 4

Source: Processed secondary data (2022)


Based on table 23, it can be seen that the results of the heteroscedasticity test for each independent variable have a significance value above 0.05 (sig > 0.05) so that it can be said that there is no heteroscedasticity.


Table 21. Heteroscedasticity test result 5

Source: Processed secondary data (2022)


Based on table 24, it can be seen that the results of the heteroscedasticity test for each independent variable have a significance value above 0.05 (sig > 0.05) so that it can be said that there is no heteroscedasticity.


Table 21. Heteroscedasticity test result 6

Source: Processed secondary data (2022)


Based on table 25, it can be seen that the results of the heteroscedasticity test for each independent variable have a significance value above 0.05 (sig > 0.05) so that it can be said that there is no heteroscedasticity.


Table 26. Fit model test result 1

Source: Processed secondary data (2022)


From table 26,  it is known that the sig. F = 0.000 <0.05, it can be said that the fit model, or in this independent variable, can be used to predict the dependent.


Table 27. Fit model test result 2

Source: Processed secondary data (2022)


From the table 27, it is known that the sig. F = 0.125 > 0.05, it can be said that the model is not fit, or the independent variables cannot be used to predict the dependent.


Table 28. Fit model test result 3

Source: Processed secondary data (2022)


From table 28, it is known that the sig. F = 0.000 <0.05, it can be said that the model is fit, and the independent variables can be used to predict the dependents.


Table 29. Fit model test result 4

Source: Processed secondary data (2022)


From table 29, it is known that the sig. F = 0.055> 0.05, it can be said that the model is not fit, and the independent variable cannot be used to predict the dependent.





Table 30. Fit model test result 4

Source: Processed secondary data (2022)


From table 30, it is known that the sig. F = 0.000 <0.05, it can be said that the model is fit, and the independent variables can be used to predict the dependents.


Table 30. Fit model test result 4

Source: Processed secondary data (2022)


From the table 31, it is known that the sig. F = 0.083> 0.05, it can be said that the model is not fit, and the independent variable cannot be used to predict the dependent.


Table 32. Coefficient of determination test result 1

Source: Processed secondary data (2022)


From the table 32, above it is known that the Adjusted R Square value is 0.609, meaning that the independent variable affects the dependent by 60.9% while the remaining 39.1% is influenced by other variables.


Table 33. Coefficient of determination test result 2

Source: Processed secondary data (2022)


From the table 33, it is known that the Adjusted R Square value is 0.018, meaning that the independent variable affects the dependent by 1.8% while the remaining 98.2% is influenced by other variables.


Table 34. Coefficient of determination test result 3

Source: Processed secondary data (2022)


From the table 34, it can be seen that the Adjusted R Square value is 0.470, meaning that the independent variable affects the dependent by 47% while the remaining 53% is influenced by other variables.

Table 35. Coefficient of determination test result 4

Source: Processed secondary data (2022)


From the table 35, it can be seen that the Adjusted R Square value is 0.046, meaning that the independent variable affects the dependent by 4.6% while the remaining 95.4% is influenced by other variables.

Table 36. Coefficient of determination test result 5

Source: Processed secondary data (2022)


From the table 36, it can be seen that the Adjusted R Square value is 0.465, meaning that the independent variable affects the dependent by 46.5% while the remaining 53.5% is influenced by other variables.


Table 37. Coefficient of determination test result 6

Source: Processed secondary data (2022)


From the table 37, it can be seen that the Adjusted R Square value is 0.045, meaning that the independent variable affects the dependent by 4.5% while the remaining 95.5% is influenced by other variables.


Table 38. T-test results of the effect of intellectual capital on firm value with variable size and leverage variable control

Source: Processed secondary data (2022)




Table 39. T-test results of the effect of intellectual capital on firm value with variable size and leverage variable control

Source: Processed secondary data (2022)


Table 40. T-test results of the effect of intellectual capital on institutional owbership through with variable size and leverage variable control

Source: Processed secondary data (2022)


Table 41. T-test results of the effect of intellectual capital on institutional owbership through with variable size and leverage variable control

Source: Processed secondary data (2022)


Table 42. T-test results of the effect of intellectual capital in moderating institutional owbership through with variable size and leverage variable control

Source: Processed secondary data (2022)


Table 43. T-test results of the effect of intellectual capital in moderating institutional owbership through with variable size and leverage variable control

Source: Processed secondary data (2022)



Table 44. Hypothesis test results 1

Source: Processed secondary data (2022)


The significance value of t for the Intellectual Capital (VAIC) variable <0.05 with a positive coefficient value means that Intellectual Capital (VAIC) has a positive effect on Firm Value (TOBINS_Q). The results of this study are in accordance with the Resources-Based theory. This theory assumes that a company has competitiveness with competing companies if the company is able to manage and process its own resources commensurate with the capabilities of an office.


Table 44. Hypothesis test results 2

Source: Processed secondary data (2022)


The significance value of t for the variable Institutional Ownership (KI) <0.05 with a positive coefficient value means that Institutional Ownership (KI) has a positive effect on Firm Value (TOBINS_Q)


Table 45. Hypothesis test results 3

Source: Processed secondary data (2022)


The significance value of t for the Intellectual Capital (VAIC) x Institutional Ownership (KI) variable is <0.05 with a positive coefficient value so that it means that Institutional Ownership can moderate the effect of Intellectual Capital on Firm Value.


Table 46. Hypothesis test results before utilizing control variable

Source: Processed secondary data (2022)


Table 47. Hypothesis test results before utilizing control variable

Source: Processed secondary data (2022)




The conclusions in this study are: (1) Intellectual Capital (VAIC) has a positive effect on Firm Value (TOBINS_Q). (2) Institutional Ownership (KI) has a positive effect on Firm Value (TOBINS_Q). (3) Institutional Ownership can moderate the influence of Intellectual Capital on Company Value. Suggestions for this study are as follows: (1) In future research, other variables may be added that may affect firm value, for example funding decisions and dividend policies. (2) In further research, it can expand the research sample, not only onp.sbanking companies that have been listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) but use all companies that have been listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) so that the resulting sample is larger and can be generalized.(3) In further research, it is also possible to add a range of research periods.


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Copyright holders:

Anindya Nurmalita Dewi (2023)

First publication right:

Devotion - Journal of Research and Community Service

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