Text Box: Volume 4, Number 5, May 2023
e-ISSN: 2797-6068 and p-ISSN: 2777-0915




Fakhry Perdana Koara, Amy Marisa, Achmad Delianur Nasution

Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Indonesia

Email: [email protected]



community; community satisfaction; green open space; urban area




The increasing number of human populations causes the density of development that continues to occur. This is done to ensure that the development carried out no longer damages’ nature. One of them is by creating Green Open Space (RTH) or Green Open Space, especially in big cities. In Takengon City, the government wants to make Takengon City a child-friendly city, a healthy city, and a livable city. The purpose of this study is to analyze the level of public satisfaction with Green Open Space in Taman Aman Dimot. The type of research used in this study is descriptive research with quantitative and qualitative approaches. The results of the study, among others, are; (1) Park sociability aims to analyze supporting facilities that support opportunities to socialize with two indicators, namely opportunities to socialize and the environment, (2) comfort is one of the factors for city parks to measure park visitor satisfaction, (3) park visitors, such as the condition of facilities and the number of facilities and cleanliness of the park are the reasons for visitors to be less comfortable, (4) maintenance of park cleanliness is key in the management process  park, (5) criteria that become the next category, namely Park Infrastructure, facilities contained in the park such as seating facilities, sports equipment, the condition of facilities and other supporting facilities are very poor, and (6) the criteria for a comfortable park according to visitors in general such as the cleanliness of the park, the amount of vegetation (trees) and complete and well-maintained facilities are the opinions of visitors to give the impression of comfort.



The increasing number of human populations causes the density of development that continues to occur. Researchers are beginning to promote sustainable and environmentally friendly space and building designs. This is done to ensure that the development carried out no longer damages’ nature. One of them is by creating Green Open Space (RTH) or Green Open Space, especially in big cities. In Takengon City, the government wants to make Takengon City a child-friendly city, a healthy city, and a livable city. This is proven by revitalizing several places, one of which is Tugu Taman Aman Dimot.

The government in Takengon City continues to make efforts to build good infrastructure and development for its people. Development efforts that pay attention to environmental aspects will affect the design in urban planning. One form of government intervention in the management of urban areas is to allocate resources fairly for spatial planning and urban areas (Rahmawati et al., 2022). The problem that often occurs in cities in Indonesia, especially in Takengon City, is the high population growth and urbanization which makes urban planning more difficult to do, especially urban planning that supports environmental conservation.

Public open spaces are generally used by the community as a place to socialize and do other activities (Rahmi, 2002).  There are several types of Green Open Space for urban areas such as parks, urban forests, zoos, and fields. Green Open Space is very important to be developed because in addition to being able to be used for activities, Green Open Space also provides space for plant vegetation. In addition, Open Space in the city center is also used by the community to meet their needs for a place to carry out socio-cultural, economic and political activities (Rambe et al., 2021).

Currently, the Green Open Space that was built still needs to be reviewed again to ascertain whether its utilization has been maximized for the community. One of them is by knowing the community's satisfaction with the existence of the Green Open Space. Community satisfaction is the overall attitude about goods or services after they have been acquired or used (Indrasari, 2019). Indicators of public satisfaction with goods and services were initiated by Zeithaml, Parasuraman and Berry (1988) which stated the dimensions of user satisfaction include tangibles (facilities), reliability (quality of  service), responsiveness (responsibility), assurance (service behavior), and emphaty. The factor of comfort to get the level of visitor satisfaction can be in the form of interaction between humans and the environment (Siregar &; Kusuma, 2015).

Central Aceh is one of the regencies in Aceh province with Takengon as the capital of the district. Specifically, this district does not yet have a Detailed Spatial Design Qanun (RTDR) as a regulation that is the legal umbrella for city development, even so, the Takengon city government has built several public facilities in the form of city parks that become green open spaces such as Taman Tugu Aman Dimot. Taman Tugu Aman Dimot is located at point 0 of Takengon city, precisely on Jalan Lebe Kader with an area of approximately 3,000 M2. In this park there is only a monument surrounded by grass and children's play area.

According to Nasution and Zahrah (2014) explained that, quality public open space can make people stay longer with a wider range of activities. The quality of public space is seen from the functional and physical aspects related to the background and user activities. These aspects are (1) accessibility of public space related to distance, achievement to be entered, (2) natural elements including parks and shelters that have a role in recreational and relaxation activities, and (3) good public space must have facilities that can support individual and community activities. In addition, there are research references according  to Kent and Madden  (2003) related to PPS (Project for Public Spaces) which is a nonprofit organization dedicated to creating and maintaining the sustainability of public spaces, there are 4 factors that affect the success of parks, namely accessibility, sociability, function and activity, and park safety and comfort.

As a public green open space, the park has several social functions such as a place to play and exercise, a place for communication, a place for transition and waiting, and as a place to get fresh air. In a city, the ideal level of a city can be said to be successful in preserving green open space, the city must have 30% of the city area as public open space. Therefore, the importance of open space for the community, this study will examine the level of satisfaction of the people of Central Aceh with the design of green open space built by the government. The results of this research can be a study material for the Takengon City government in the development and further policy making related to Taman Aman Dimot. The purpose of this study is to analyze the level of public satisfaction with Green Open Space in Taman Aman Dimot.







The type of research used in this study is descriptive research with quantitative and qualitative approaches (Sugiyono, 2011).  The data processed in this study is primary data obtained directly from questionnaires distributed to research respondents. The research questionnaire used on the side of the statement to measure the level of community satisfaction and measure the physical quality of green open space. Meanwhile, a qualitative approach is used to describe the Physical Quality of Green Open Space which is implemented through field observation.

Data collection techniques used in this study using Questionnaire and Observation. While the analysis techniques are Descriptive analysisf and Improtance Performance Analysys (IPA).  Descriptive analysis is used to determine the characteristics of visitors and their responses to the quality or physical condition contained in Taman Aman Dimot. mquestionnaires with resource persons were tabulated based on research variables. The statements of the most powerful sources will be analyzed by interpreting the data collected with theories obtained through literature review. Furthermore, Improtance Perfomance Analysys (IPA) in the form of measuring the level of importance and implementation of a service attribute in a company can use  the Likert  Scale which is used to measure the importance of an attribute is very important, important, quite important, not important, and very unimportant with scores of 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1. For  the Likert  Scale used in the level of implementation or performance of an attribute in the company is strongly agree, agree, quite agree, disagree, and strongly disagree with scores of 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1 (Rangkuti, 2003).



Test Results Validity and reliability

Validity Test

This validity test is used to measure the accuracy of an item in the research questionnaire whether it is appropriate in measuring what you want to measure. Validity testing was carried out on two parts of the questionnaire. The first part is done at the level of importance and the second is to measure performance. This tester is done by calculating the correlation between one item and the overall item using the correlation formula (r). The calculation result will be compared with the r value of the table with the price N = 139 and α = 5% 0.164 as a critical number (r table). The validity results can be seen in table 1 below.


Table 1.  Validity Test Results




R table







Visitor activity















Environmental conditions





RTH Security





Facility condition









Reliability Test

Similar to the previous test, in this test the questionnaire also includes two parts. The first part is done at the level of importance and the second part measures performance. The reliability index testing technique uses Cronbach alpha coefficient with a real level of 5%. If the correlation coefficient α > a critical value or if Cronbach's alpha >0.6 then the item is declared reliable. Koefisen alpha < 0.6 indicates poor reliability (Table 2).


Table 2.  Reliability Test Results


Cronbach Alpha









The calculation results were obtained with the value of the Cronbach alpha coefficient for the perception data questionnaire on quality in the importance section obtained a value of α = 0.945 and performance obtained a value of α = 0.935.


The level of public satisfaction with the physical quality of Taman Aman Dimot.

The variables in this study are the physical quality of green open space consisting of sociality, visitor activity, accessibility, and comfort. And variables on satisfaction include environmental conditions, Green Open Space safety, and Facility Conditions. The data of this variable is written in the form of a questionnaire, where each question comes from each research instrument. The description of each of these variables will be done by descriptive analysis. The following are the results of a descriptive analysis of each variable on the Green Open Space of Taman Aman Dimot Kota Takengon.


One of the keys to measuring the success of a Park is its social aspect, where visitors can meet and interact with each other well. So that green open space certainly facilitates interaction between humans and nature. Green open space in its social function can reduce the level of community stress (Hussain &; Said, 2015).  According to Robert (2017), stated that green open space provides important recreational services for urban residents with different cultures in visiting a place. Based on the results of the questionnaire distribution (Table 3), respondents argue that the lack of sociality such as comfort and ease of visitors for interaction has not been fully met.


Table 3.  Results of Respondents' Responses to socialbility in Green Open Space Taman Aman Dimot





Total Score

Average rating

Average rating


The availability of a pavilion area or seating area for socializing activities.





Visitors who come to the Park feel comfortable and detached from the setres.





The adequacy of the number of Park chairs with the needs of visitors has been met





Park facilities are in accordance with eligibility standards.





Based on the table above, there is a performance statement of the availability of facilities to support the needs of visitors to carry out social interaction. From the questionnaire data, there was an average score of respondents who stated the level of performance on the availability of pavilions and seats of 3.48. While the level of importance of the availability of pavilions or seating areas is as much as 4.26. This shows that the level of performance is lower than the level of importance so that the availability of seating areas is very important and needs more attention, so that visitor satisfaction to socialize with people around them is more satisfied.

A city park will be a means of forming the character of urban communities, where it is necessary to increase people's comfort in using parks to interact and activate each other (Reza, 2020). This can be seen from the questionnaire data of 139 respondents, there is an average performance value which states that visitors who come to the park can eliminate stress and comfort as much as 3.63. As for the level of importance, there is an average value of 4.59 which states it is very important to maintain the comfort of the Park so that visitors really feel comfortable and release the setres, this can be seen from the level of performance that is lower than the level of importance.

In Taman Aman Dimot Takengon City, it can be seen that there is still a lack of facilities that accommodate people to interact with humans. It can be seen that the limited seating and conditions are very unsuitable for use by visitors. There were 3.03 average scores of respondents' performance on the adequacy of the number of benches in the park lower than the importance level of 4.43. So the importance of this statement states very important. This shows that the availability of seats in Taman Aman Dimot must be available so that visitors who come feel satisfied and no longer sit on the grass.

In addition, the feasibility of facilities for relaxing and socializing from the results of the questionnaire was 3.12, the average value of performance from respondents was lower, while the average value of the importance of this statement stated importance as much as 4.56 higher than performance. From the results, it can be seen that the level of importance is higher than the level of performance, because the facilities in Taman Aman Dimot are not in accordance with feasibility standards. So that the feasibility of facilities in accordance with standards is very important and needs to be maintained. This is because the limitations and minimal condition of the benches make visitors who come always spend their time chatting and relaxing by sitting on the grass. As well as several benches provided by traders for their buyers.

Visitor Activity

One of the physical forms of green open space that can be a pull factor for people to visit is the existence of activities that can be done together (Zahrah et al., 2014). Activities can be divided into two, namely active activities and passive activities, where active activity is an activity carried out by a person or group by moving actively in open space. While passive activities are activities carried out by a person or group in a public open space without much space, namely sitting. This activity is related to the community's need for istirhat (Sembiring, 2005). Based on Table 4, visitor activity in Taman Aman Dimot is in the good category. This shows that visitors are easy and free to do activities.



Table 4.  Results of Respondents' Responses to Visitor Activities in Green Open Space Taman Aman Dimot





Total Score

Average rating

Average rating


Visitors can easily carry out various activities within the Park.





Freedom of activity using space and facilities, and free from interference is very low.





The condition of children's play facilities is very good and not dangerous.





One of the attractions for the community to visit Taman Aman Dimot, with activities. The activities carried out by the visitors are more passive activities. Based on table 4 of the average value of performance and importance of statements related to the ease and freedom of the community in carrying out activities, there is an average performance value of 3.56 lower than the importance level of 4.30, so that the level of satisfaction is reduced to -0.74. This shows that the importance of the ease and freedom of visitors to carry out activities within the park is very important. In a safe park, visitors can freely carry out activities even though the limited supporting facilities of the park

Taman Aman Dimot in Takengon City as a beautiful public space both from outside and inside, is expected to be a medium to carry out many activities, one of which is to foster socio-cultural creativity and express art for its visitors. However, the fact shows that on working days and hours both in the morning, afternoon and evening, visitor activities in Taman Aman Dimot tend to be passive, such as just sitting around the park.

Facilities that support visitor activities are very minimal and not good for children to use. Based on the statement from the questionnaire, there was an average score of 3.57 performance levels and 4.44 respondents. This indicates that the level of performance is lower than the level of importance, so the level of visitor satisfaction becomes less. This is because children's play facilities are not good and dangerous. Therefore, the level of importance of the statement which shows that play facilities for children must be safe and suitable for use by children is very important and needed.

The Central Aceh District Relevant Office should continue to carry out a series of activities like this in a sustainable manner, because it can indirectly involve community participation in maintaining the existence of city parks as public spaces. Moreover, judging from the geographical location, Taman Aman Dimot is very strategic, so this park has the potential to be used as a place to hold a series of positive events that can bring public interest in carrying out activities and creativity which in the end the existence of the park is always maintained a positive and productive image. In addition, physical activity begins to appear usually on every Sunday morning, such as there are jogging activities that are generally carried out by residents living around the Aman Dimot park in Takengon City. Especially outside the park, there are many street vendors who colonize various foods, so this park is a gathering place for young connoisseurs of snacks.




Green Open Space is a space that can be accessed by all groups without any background restrictions, both individually and in groups (Septilia, 2018). Accessibility is included in one measure of comfort or ease to reach a location in interaction with land use through a transportation network system. Based on the results of the questionnaire on the accessibility of Taman Aman Dimot for pedestrians and people with disabilities, park users are good but not access for visitors' vehicles. This can be seen in table 5 below.


Table 5.  Results of Respondents' Responses to Accessibility in Green Open Space Taman Aman Dimot





Total Score

Average rating

Average rating


The quality level of the walking paths in the park is very good.





The Vehicle Parking Area is well arranged.





In the park has provided a special path for people with disabilities.





The level of garden lighting at night has been met





   Based on the table above against the performance statement of the Quality level of Pedestrian paths in the park Most of the problems are no problem. From the results of the data, the average value performance was 3.64, while the importance level was 4.62 from the number of respondents. This shows that the importance of the quality of the walking trails in the park is higher than the level of performance. So that the level of quality of the pedestrian path in Taman Aman Dimot is very important and maintained. In addition, accessibility in this park area is focused on the condition of existing infrastructure facilities such as pedestrians (footpaths). These facilities are identified related to conditions and surveillance, so that park users are easy to enter the park and are free to carry out activities within the park.

Accessibility in the park is not only for non-disabled visitors, but also accessible for people with disabilities. From the results of the distribution of questionnaires to the statement of park performance has provided a special path for people with disabilities, from the results of the data there is an average value of performance level of 3.10 while the average value of the importance level is 4.46.  From the results, it can be seen that the level of importance is greater than the level of performance, so that visitor satisfaction has decreased. This is because the park has not provided a special path for people with disabilities in the area in the park. Disability paths are only available on the outside around Taman Aman Dimot, more precisely located on pedestrian roads.

According to Septilli  a (2018), explained that the availability of adequate parking space must also be considered so as to create a comfortable atmosphere for park visitors. The existence of indirect parking lots can also form a zoning that limits the circulation of visitors and vehicles that will provide a good visiting experience.

For the performance statement on the vehicle parking area has been arranged, most respondents gave responses that did not agree with the average value of the performance level of 2.95. This shows that the vehicle parking area has not been arranged properly. As for the importance of the vehicle parking area, most respondents stated very important as much as 4.53 of the average score. This shows that the arrangement of vehicle parking areas in Taman Aman Dimot is very much needed.


A city park that is also a means of forming the character of urban communities, it is necessary to increase the comfort of the community in using parks as a means of interaction and activity (Siregar &; Kusuma, 2015). The results of the data manager on the performance of comfort in the Green Open Space of Taman Aman Dimot based on questionnaires that have been distributed, based on the indicators there are several indicators such as park quality, park conditions, park cleanliness, waste problems and the availability of trash cans that are not very good. Discussion of garden comfort performance can be seen in table 6 below.


Table 6.  Results of Respondents' Responses to Comfort in Green Open Space Taman Aman Dimot





Total Score

Average rating

Average rating


Good quality of the park makes visitors feel comfortable and at home visiting





Garden cleanliness is important in park design.





The condition of Taman Aman Dimot is very neat and well arranged.





The problem of litter is important for the quality of the park.





The trash can in Taman Aman Dimot is well available.





One of the qualities of the park that green open space needs to have is comfort, so that it can bring people to visit (Aulia, 2019). From the results of the questionnaire to the statement of good park quality performance makes visitors feel comfortable and at home visiting, From the results of the average value of the performance level entered into the category of good park quality with an average value of 3.56. But the average score for importance is higher than the performance level with an average score of 4.56. Thus reducing the level of visitor satisfaction (total score -1). This shows that the quality of the park is safe and falls into the good category, so it is comfortable to visit. However, the quality of the dimot safe garden is very important to need to be considered or cared for again.

For the statement of the condition of Taman Aman Dimot is very neat and well organized, it has an average value of poor performance level with a total value of 3.31.This shows that the condition of the park is not neat and not well arranged. As for the importance of the park condition statement, all respondents stated that it was important as much as 4.55. From this it can be clearly seen that the condition of the park is very important to pay attention to and needs to be arranged again because there is still a lot of garbage everywhere so that visitor satisfaction increases.

Performance measurement on the cleanliness of Taman Aman Dimot from the results of questionnaires distributed, received an unfavorable assessment. From the average value of performance level, there were 3.33 average values. This shows the condition of the park where there is still a lot of garbage scattered around. While the importance of park cleanliness, all respondents stated very important as much as 4.66. In the Aman Dimot park for park cleanliness is not very good, especially if on weekends or festival events make visitors who come more crowded again so that there is a lot of garbage accumulation around the park. This shows that cleanliness in the park is very important and needs to be maintained.

Then for a statement on the problem of waste in the park is safe dimot whether it is in good condition, most respondents expressed disagreement with an average score of 3.22 and an average value of 4.58 higher than their performance level. From the results of the respondents obtained, it can be clearly seen that the problem of garbage in Taman Aman Dimot is very important and needs to be kept clean. The condition of the poorly maintained park can be seen from damage to facilities and garbage scattered in the park area. The accumulation of garbage that occurs in the park makes visitors feel uncomfortable because their picnic spot is adjacent to the garbage.

Measurement of the level of performance in the condition of the trash can gets a very bad assessment. From the results of respondents to the statement that the trash can in Taman Aman Dimot is well available or not, there is an average value of 3.18 lower than the importance level with an average value of 4.56, which causes the level of visitor satisfaction to decrease.  This is because the condition of the trash can is too small and limited so it cannot accommodate the amount of waste. So it is important to maintain and provide a decent trash can along with the number of trash can needs. Maintenance is an important aspect in creating a comfortable green open space, because with maintenance it will be able to maintain facilities in good condition.

Environmental Conditions

Environmental conditions are directly or indirectly related to the existence of RTH ecologically. This condition can also economically reduce the level of productivity, and reduce the level of health and life expectancy of the community (Dwiyanto, 2009). In this case, there are several statements stating that the environmental conditions at Tugu Taman Aman Dimoot are not good. This can be seen in table 7.


Table 7.  Results of Respondents' Responses to Environmental Conditions in Green Open Space Taman Aman Dimot





Total Score

Average rating

Average rating


The noise level in the Park is very low





Excellent garden cleanliness





The atmosphere of the park is safe, beautiful, cool and beautiful.





The beauty of the Park is very important in the design of the Park





Noise problems are important in the design of the Park.






The noise factor is one that can interfere with comfort. For this reason, the way that can be done is to plant plants with a tight thickness pattern (Reza, 2020). Based on table 7, the performance statement related to noise issues is important in park design, most respondents agreed with the average value of the performance level of 4.24 and the importance level was not too much different from the level of performance with an average value of importance of 4.30. This shows that the park is safe in its design to think about noise problems. So the noise level in Taman Aman Dimot is very low. This is based on the results of the distribution of questionnaires that agree that dimot safe parks have low noise levels.

Cleanliness is a factor in the attractiveness of a location, this is because something clean will have an impact on comfort in a place (Reza, 2020). To fulfill this, it is necessary to provide a trash can as an element of the park. For the statement of very good park cleanliness, some respondents expressed less approval of park cleanliness, this was based on data from the average performance value of 3.34 while the average value of importance was higher at 4.64. With the high level of importance, it shows that cleanliness in Taman Aman Dimot is not good cleanliness and is very important and needs to be maintained to clean the park so that visitors who come feel satisfied and comfortable.

Beauty can be seen from form and expression, where the beauty of a form involves consideration of a form that concerns order, unity, proportion and scale (Hakim et al., 2019). Based on the statement of performance on the beauty of the park is very important in the design of the safe park dimot, data was obtained with an average value of performance of 3.48 while the average value of the importance level amounted to 4.64, so that the results of visitor satisfaction were obtained as much as -1.16 which can be interpreted that visitor satisfaction is reduced towards the beauty of the safe park dimot. This shows that beauty can be obtained in terms of shape, color and composition of pavement elements, and beauty is included in one of the comforts so as to bring visitors.

Another thing about aesthetics, including one of the roles in city parks is to make the face of a city more beautiful, beautiful and attractive. Stating that aesthetics has an important role to meet users with the quality of a place (Marisa, 2018). From the results of the questionnaire data, there was an average score of 4.56 performance levels who agreed with the beautiful, cool, and beautiful performance statement of Taman Aman Dimot. Then the importance of the statement of 3.42 says important. However, the high value of performance rather than the level of importance makes the value of visitor satisfaction increase. This shows that Taman Aman Dimot has a beautiful and cool garden atmosphere and is very important to be maintained and cared for. Green trees and grasses will affect the mental health of the city community because it provides a friendly and comfortable place to gather, do activities, and other recreational activities.


Green Open Space Security

In open spaces, physical space must be able to create a sense of comfort and security obtained from the existence of artificial physical facilities, a feeling of calm obtained from the presence of natural elements such as trees and water elements (Rambe et al., 2021). A sense of security and comfort is the most important benchmark for visitors to visit a place (Sugiyanto &; Sitohang, 2017). Taman Aman Dimot Security is free from crime even though the security system in the park has not been met, this can be seen in table 8.



Table 8.  Results of Respondents' Responses to Safety in Green Open Space Taman Aman Dimot





Total Score

Average rating

Average rating


Taman Aman Dimot is free from crime / crime.





No vandalism / damage to the Park.





Crime issues are very important for the comfort of Park users.





The Park Security System has been fulfilled.





Based on Table 8 above regarding the performance statement of crime problems including things that are very important for the comfort of Park users, most respondents agreed from the average score obtained from the performance level of 4.32 while the importance level of 4.53 was slightly higher than the performance level with a difference of -0.21 which means that visitor satisfaction is still satisfied. This shows that the problem of crime is related to the comfort and safety of visitors and needs to be guarded and considered. So that Taman Aman Dimot is free from crime / crime, this can be seen from the questionnaire day as much as 3.62 of the average value of the performance level while the importance level is 4.60. This shows that security is important because it can interfere and hinder the activities carried out.

For performance statements related to No vandalism / damage to the Park has an average value of 3.10 while the average value of the importance level amounts to 4.60. It can be seen from the data that the level of importance is higher than the level of performance. So it has a less satisfaction level (-1.50 total score value). This shows that there is damage to Taman Aman Dimot facilities, especially in children's play areas that are not suitable for use. So as to reduce the level of community satisfaction to come bring their children to play in the park. Then it needs to be considered and treated so that the damage does not drag on for long.

Then a sense of security becomes very important for visitors to come to a place including Taman Aman Dimot Kota Takengon, because from that sense of security will determine the level of frequency of their visits to the park. In the research study, the security system in the park has not been fulfilled. This is based on data from questionnaires distributed as many as 139 questionnaires. In the performance statement on the security system that has been met in the park, the average respondent said it has not been met (3.26 average performance scores) and the importance of the statement was 4.47 average values from respondents said important. So that community satisfaction is reduced (-1.21) because the level of importance is higher than the level of performance. This shows that the security system is very important so that visitors who come feel at home.


Facility Conditions

The condition of the facility in question is the level of maintenance of the facility, and the durability of the facility elements in the park. This is done to ensure the condition of the facility to remain in good condition. It is also an indicator related to the aesthetic value of urban parks. In Taman Aman Dimot in Takengon City, the facilities are not good and limited. The condition of the facilities for the Aman Dimot park, there are several indicators discussed, namely the park elements present a beautiful and comfortable impression, park facilities really need attention, and the condition of the facilities in the park is not good and important to maintain. This can be seen in the following table 9.


Table 9.  Results of Respondents' Responses to the Conditions of Facilities in Green Open Space Taman Aman Dimot.





Total Score

Average rating

Average rating


Garden elements include important elements to bring a beautiful, comfortable and beautiful impression to the garden.





Park facilities are indispensable in a park design.





The condition of the facilities in the Park is not good and important to maintain.





   Physical elements affect the activity that occurs by adjusting existing conditions. These physical elements will make a space can be enjoyed both from inside and outside, including natural and artificial elements (Nasution and Zahrah 2014). Based on Table 9 on the statement of performance on garden elements including important elements to bring a beautiful, comfortable and beautiful impression to the garden, most respondents agreed that garden elements are very necessary. From the data obtained, there is an average value of 4.51 performance level while the importance level has a value of 4.55. The result of the value obtained has a total score with a difference of -0.04. This shows that the garden elements in Takengon City Dimon Safe Park have presented a beautiful and comfortable impression. Then the physical element in the study is very important and needs to be considered again in order to present a beautiful and comfortable impression. According to Thompson and Travlou (2007), argue that well-planned physical elements can help visitors in relaxation and recreative activities, especially for children.

Facilities strongly support public open spaces including space furniture that is able to accommodate the needs and individual visitors both individuals and groups that support tourism activities (Nasution and Zahrah 2014). For statements on park facilities are indispensable, most state seven with an average performance level value of 4.26 while the importance level of 4.45 is higher than the performance score. This shows that the availability of facilities in the park is very lacking. There is only a park with a few chairs, and children's play facilities only have swings that are not in good condition.

The available facilities can affect the usefulness and physical activity that takes place in it, in other words, visitors are more interested in spaces that have their own character (Septilia, 2018). In Taman Aman Dimot, the performance statement of  the condition of facilities in the park is not good and important to maintain, from the results there is a performance value of 3.46 while the importance level is 4.56. So, the satisfaction level is reduced to -1.1. This is because the park does not have facilities in general that are in accordance with park standards. In the park there are only a few children's games that have been damaged.


Summary of Visitor Satisfaction of Taman Aman Dimot

The overall visitor satisfaction score of each statement can be summed up as follows:


Table 10.  Visitor satisfaction score





Satisfaction Score

Average rating

Average rating


The availability of a pavilion area or seating area for socializing activities.





Visitors who come to the Park feel comfortable and detached from the setres.





The adequacy of the number of Park chairs with the needs of visitors has been met





Park facilities are in accordance with eligibility standards.





Visitors can easily carry out various activities within the Park.





Freedom of activity using space and facilities, and free from interference is very low.





The condition of children's play facilities is very good and not dangerous.





The quality level of the walking paths in the park is very good.





The Vehicle Parking Area is well arranged.





In the park has provided a special path for people with disabilities.





The level of garden lighting at night has been met





Good quality of the park makes visitors feel comfortable and at home visiting





Garden cleanliness is important in park design.





The condition of Taman Aman Dimot is very neat and well arranged.





The problem of litter is important for the quality of the park.





The trash can in Taman Aman Dimot is well available.





The noise level in the Park is very low





Excellent garden cleanliness





The atmosphere of the park is safe, beautiful, cool and beautiful.





The beauty of the Park is very important in the design of the Park





Noise problems are important in the design of the Park.





Taman Aman Dimot is free from crime / crime.





No vandalism / damage to the Park.





The problem of Criminality is very important for comfort





The Park Security System has been fulfilled.





Garden elements include important elements to bring a beautiful, comfortable and beautiful impression to the garden.





Park facilities are indispensable in a park design.





The condition of the facilities in the Park is not good and important to maintain.





Total Average Value





From the results of the performance level, there are three highest attributes of the performance level according to respondents are attribute number 19, namely the atmosphere of the park is safe, dimot beautiful, cool and beautiful (4.56), number 26 namely garden elements including important elements to bring a beautiful, comfortable and beautiful impression to the park (4.51), and number 24 namely the problem of crime is very important for comfort (4.32). Attributes that are high performance levels for visitors are related to the atmosphere of the park. The atmosphere of the park really needs to be maintained and cared for which will affect the mental health of the people of the city. The second performance attribute is the garden element, where the garden element is an important element to bring a beautiful, comfortable and beautiful impression to the garden. This is in accordance with previous research (Nasution and Zahrah 2014), which said that elements greatly influence activity and will make a ruan that can be enjoyed. Then for the problem of crime is ranked third, which means visitors also consider the safety of the park.

The three lowest Performance Attributes according to park users were Vehicle Parking Area (2.95), Adequacy of Park seats to visitor needs (3.03), and vandalism/damage to the Park (3.10). This means visitors do not consider the vehicle parking area, the adequacy of the number of park seats and the damage to the facilities in the park.

The three attributes that have the highest level of importance number 13 are Garden Cleanliness is important in Park design (4.66), number 11 is the Level of Garden Lighting at night has been met (4.64), and number 20 is Garden Beauty is very important in Park design (4.64). Attributes of the highest importance such as cleanliness in the park, where the cleanliness of the park is the main factor in visitor satisfaction in carrying out its activities. According to Reza (2020) said that cleanliness is an attraction factor that has an impact on comfort in a place. The second important attribute is that lighting in the garden at night is very important to prevent negative activity. In the third attribute of importance related to the beauty of the garden, where beauty can be obtained in terms of shape, color and composition so as to bring visitors. This is in accordance with the statement of previous research (Hakim, 2003), which said that beauty can be seen from form and expression.

The three lowest importance attributes according to respondents were number 17 related to very low noise levels in the park (3.39), number 19 namely the atmosphere of the park (3.42), and number 1 namely the availability of a pavilion area or seating area for socializing activities (4.26). People consider these attributes not too important because there are many other attributes that need to be considered again.

Based on the results of the analysis that has been carried out, most attributes have not met the expectations of Taman Aman Dimot users. This is indicated by some attributes that still have negative values which means that each of these attributes has not met the expectations of park users. There is only one attribute that has a positive value which means that the attribute has met the expectations of park visitors. From this data, further analysis is needed to determine the priority scale of existing attributes.


Results of Importance Performance Analysis (IPA)

In the research on the level of community satisfaction using the Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) method, which was conducted at Taman Aman Dimot with 139 respondents, it will be able to see which attributes get the main attention from the Takengon City Park. At  the level of importance and performance on each attribute is obtained by combining the X and Y coordinate axes, where the X axis is the Performance level and the Y axis is the importance. From the results of attribute mapping, we will get which attributes are contained in quadrant 1 (Top Priority), quadrant 2 (Maintain Achievement), quadrant 3 (Excessive), and quadrant 4 (Low Priority).

The results of mapping the average value of attributes can be seen in the cartesian diagram below:

Figure 1.  Cartesian Diagram of IPA Method Processing Results

Based on the picture above, each quadrant can be explained as follows:


Quadrant 1 (Top Priority)

Quadrant A indicates attributes that affect visitor satisfaction whose handling needs to be prioritized, because the existence of these attributes is considered very important by visitors but the level of performance or implementation is not satisfactory and not in accordance with visitor expectations. The attributes included in this quadrant are:

Attribute 4: Park facilities are in accordance with eligibility standards.

Attribute 7: The condition of children's play facilities is very good and not dangerous.

Attribute 9: The Vehicle Parking Area is well organized.

Attribute 10: The park has provided a special path for people with disabilities.

Attribute 11: Garden Lighting Level at night has been met

Attribute 13: Garden cleanliness is important

Attribute 14: Safe Park Conditions Dimot is very neat and well organized.

Attribute 15: The litter problem is important to the quality of the garden.

Attribute 16: The trash cans in Taman Aman Dimot are well available.

Attribute 18: Excellent garden cleanliness

Attribute 20: Garden beauty is very important in garden design

Attribute 23: No vandalism/damage to the Park.

Attribute 25: Park Security System has been met.

Attribute 28: The condition of facilities in the Park is not good and important to maintain.


Quadrant 1 shows attributes that affect visitor satisfaction whose handling needs to be prioritized, because the existence of these attributes is considered very important by visitors but the level of performance is not satisfactory and not as expected. It turns out that visitors are more concerned and pay attention to the physical indicators of Taman Aman Dimot, so that park managers such as related agencies and third parties need to improve their performance again as desired and expected by visitors.



Quadrant 2 (Keep Achievement)

The attributes in this quadrant show a high level of importance and performance and are in accordance with what is expected according to respondents. This attribute must be maintained because it is the flagship of the services provided. The attributes included in this quadrant are:

Attribute 2: Visitors who come feel comfortable and regardless of setres.

Attribute 8: The quality level of the walking trails in the park is very good.

Attribute 12: Good garden quality makes visitors feel comfortable and at home.

Attribute 22: Taman Aman Dimot is free from crime.

Attribute 24: The problem of criminality is essential to comfort

Attribute 26: Garden elements are very important to bring a beautiful, comfortable and beautiful impression to the garden.

Attribute 27: Park facilities are indispensable in a park design.

Based on the results of the analysis of the attributes in quadrant 2 must be maintained because it has the superiority of the services provided. The seven attributes have a high level of importance and performance, so the management must be able to maintain their achievements and then improve their performance again in the future so that visitors feel comfortable, satisfied and give a good view of Taman Aman Dimot.


Quadrant 3 (Excessive)

In this quadrant there are attributes that visitors consider less important but overperform. The attributes included in this quadrant are:

Attribute 1: Availability of a pavilion area or seating area for socializing activities.

Attribute 3: The adequacy of the number of Park seats with the needs of visitors has been met.

Attribute 17: The noise level in the park is very low.

The attributes above are less important according to respondents, but based on the results of the analysis shows that the performance of these attributes is considered good. This shows that service satisfaction to visitors on attributes is still considered not effective enough and there is still excessive performance.


Quadrant 4 (Low Priority)

Attributes in quadrant D are considered less important for visitors because their influence on perceived benefits is not too great. The attributes included in this quadrant are:

Attribute 5: Visitors can easily perform various activities within the Park.

Attribute 6: Freedom of activity using space and facilities, and freedom from interference is very low.

Attribute 19: The atmosphere of the park is safe, beautiful, cool and beautiful.

Attribute 21: Noise issues are important in Park design.

These attributes do not rule out the possibility of needing to improve their performance so that visitors can be interested and satisfied with better performance results.

Based on the results of the analysis in increasing visitor satisfaction, there are three attributes that must be improved and considered by the Related Office in Central Aceh Regency, such as the availability of facilities, cleanliness and neatness of the park, and the condition of the park that is maintained and maintained. According to Nasution and Zahrah, (2014) explained that, quality public open space can make people stay longer with a wider range of activities. Otherwise, public open space becomes useless and unsuccessful. 

In Taman Aman Dimot, the availability of facilities really needs to be added to support visitor activities in the Park, such as providing sports facilities, seating and others, all of which must be maintained and cared for. Then related to the cleanliness and neatness of the park, the cleaning office can add trash can facilities that can accommodate a lot of garbage from visitors in every corner of the park. This is because green open spaces include public spaces that must produce security, comfort, welfare, and beauty for people in the urban area (Hariyanto &; Rangkuti, 2020).



There are several factors that affect the optimization of the function of RTH as a public space in Taman Aman Dimot, namely park facilities that still need to be added and improved, in addition to the lack of variety of activities. From the results of the study, there are several things that make conclusions, including; (1) pThere is a Sosiability Park aims to analyze supporting facilities that support opportunities to socialize with two indicators, namely opportunities to socialize and the environment. High-quality open spaces can increase social interaction by attracting people to come. Another thing is supported by facilities and infrastructure in the environment. In the park, the interaction carried out by visitors is very good, but less supported by the availability of seats, (2) comfortis one of the factors for city parks to measure the satisfaction of park visitors.  Regarding how comfortable visitors to Aman Dmot park are, the author concludes that they park visitors feel quite comfortable in this park because there are many shady trees that cause the impression of shade and cool air in this park area. However, there are still some things that can interfere with the comfort of n, (3) visit the Park, such as the condition of the facilities and the number of facilities and cleanliness of the park are the reasons visitors are less comfortable. In addition, the park also does not have parking facilities that can accommodate the number of vehicles of park visitors, (4) maintaining the cleanliness of the park is key in the park management process. From the results of field observations obtained by researchers that related to the cleanliness of the Aman Dimot park, there are not many trash cans available. There are piles of garbage around the activities carried out by park visitors, (5) the next category is Park Infrastructure, facilities contained in the park such as seating facilities, sports equipment, the condition of facilities and other supporting facilities is very poor. One of them is children's play facilities that are not feasible and limited, and (6) comfortable park facilities according to visitors in general such as the cleanliness of the park, the amount of vegetation (trees) and complete and well-maintained facilities are the opinions of visitors to give the impression of comfort. In Taman Aman Dimot, it is not in accordance with the opinions of park visitors.



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Copyright holders:

Fakhry Perdana Koara, Amy Marisa, Achmad Delianur Nasution (2023)

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Devotion - Journal of Research and Community Service

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