Text Box: Volume 4, Number 5, May 2023
e-ISSN: 2797-6068 and p-ISSN: 2777-0915





I Nyoman Subanda, Kadek Wiwin Dwi Wismayanti, Made Narasani Putri

Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Universitas Pendidikan Nasional Denpasar, Indonesia

Email: [email protected]



NERROR Content; viewers; Youtube media; opinions




Advances in technology in the form of the internet make it easy to find information and entertainment through virtual space, one of which is YouTube. Youtube is a mass media that provides access for users to watch various videos from around the world. One type of YouTube program is the NERROR content segment. NERROR content is a video content segment created by YouTuber Nessie Judge which conveys various information on the horror genre. Aside from being a means of consuming information, this content is also popular because it provides a means for viewers to express their thoughts in the form of opinions related to the topic they are looking for. That way, the study aims to examine how the phenomena and dialectics of the selective process of this NERROR content so that viewers choose and are interested in giving opinions. This discussion is supported by the theory of selective process media effects by using one of the concepts, namely selective exposure (media exposure). The research location is located in Denpasar and the type of research used is qualitative research supported by observational data collection techniques, in-depth interviews and documentation. The results of the study show that there are three impacts experienced by the audience after watching NERROR content, namely cognitive impact, affective impact and conative impact. Cognitive impact relates to knowledge and insight into something as seen from the audience's opinion of the content of NERROR and the audience's opinion of Nessie Judge. Then, affective impact relates to the audience's feelings regarding that seen from the audience's interest. And the last is the conative impact where this effect relates to the audience's response or action in responding to the topic of discussion of the NERROR content as seen from the results of the audience's attitude after watching NERROR content, namely the audience's personal opinion.



Media channels are characterized by a wide variety of choices provided because there are many mass media and types of programs in them that can be found and selected by audiences every day (Ronda, 2020). Communication is defined as a process of forming, delivering, receiving and processing messages that occur within a person between two or more with a specific purpose (Sinambela, 2021). In mass media mobility, of course, good communication, valid information and dynamic mass media are needed.

   Current technological advances make people move to new media through the internet (Kristianto & Marta, 2019). Where sending messages, receiving messages, and searching for information has now developed through virtual space, namely through online, one of which is the Youtube platform. Youtube is an internet-based social media that provides access for users to watch video content such as informative, entertainment and other video content (Fitriani, 2021). The video contains images and messages conveyed by YouTubers to help viewers find the information they are looking for. Youtuber is a term for uploading video content on the YouTube platform so that many people can watch their videos.

   In Indonesia, YouTube is a means for YouTubers to publish video content providing information, especially information that is currently viral or developing  (Putra, 2021). Apart from being a means of expressing ideas and creativity, YouTubers also use YouTube to earn income. The more videos and subscribers you have, the more income YouTubers get. Therefore YouTubers are competing to create unique and interesting video content, one of which is YouTuber Nessie Judge with NERROR content.

   Nessie Judge is a YouTube content creator (youtuber) from Indonesia who famous after she released a content segment called NERROR. Nessie Judge's subscribers currently have up to 9 million subscribers and one of her video contents has been watched by more than 17 million viewers. Nessie started uploading video content via YouTube in 2012. The video content is Nessie's daily vlog content.Video vlog is another name for diary stories which are made in the form of recordings of daily activities with the type of video that does not require a lot of equipment or difficult scripts (Widyaningsih, 2019). The appearance of Nessie Judge is increasingly eyed by the Indonesian public when he makes content with a horror theme but has a variety of interesting and interesting information about current issues in her video segment called NERROR "Nessie Horror". NERROR is a video content segment that contains videos containing mysteries, cases, conspiracy theories, mystical stories made and delivered with horror nuances. Analysis of content in the NERROR segment related to mystery cases and conspiracy theories is very popular with viewers. Where, NERROR content always discusses cases that are currently developing so that it attracts viewers to participate in discussions and forms audience opinions in viewing a case from many perspectives in the video. This new medium was put to good use by Nessie Judge. Where, the work of her NERROR content is able to become a phenomenon among YouTube users. The word 'phenomena' refers to information about any event that one wants to know (investigate), usually an unexpected or unusual event, person or fact one is waiting for. Therefore, it can be said that the reason Indonesian viewers, especially the younger generation, watch NERROR content is because this content is the choice for them to get the news they want to search easily and with accurate data. Able to provide accurate, clear and concise information. Thus, the study aims to find out the dialectic of selective process of NERROR content by Youtuber Nessie Judge.


This research focuses on analyzing the phenomena and dialectics of the NERROR video content by YouTuber Nessie Judge so that it is able to produce changes to the audience in terms of insight (cognitive), emotional (affective) and finally the formation of attitudes (conative) in the form of opinions. The research location is Denpasar.

This research approach uses qualitative research where research intends to understand phenomena about what is experienced by research subjects such as behavior, perceptions, actions and others in a descriptive way in the form of words, language in a particular context or discussion by utilizing various scientific methods (Moleong, 2021). This type of research uses qualitative research whereThis study emphasizes the quality of the data and the depth of the data obtained, namely the informants who have watched the NERROR content video by Nessie Judge. The qualitative research reveal and explain how the phenomena and dialectics of the selective process of NERROR content are felt by viewers after watching NERROR Video content. The data collection technique used in this research is participatory observation where the researcher participates in the activities carried out by the audience, namely watching videos on NERROR content. Semi structured interviews by conducting questions and answers with informants to carry out an in-depth process of exchanging information and ideas and documentation techniques in the form of research evidence.

The method of determining informants is done by technique purposive sampling where this technique determines the sample or object with certain considerations that are seen from the characteristics of the previously known population (Sugiyono, 2018). The criteria for selecting this informant were determined by looking at the characteristics of the informant, namely the informant who was active in using social media, especially YouTube, the informant had watched and was considered to know about the NERROR content segment and the informant was considered an understander or an informant who was a follower of Nessie Judge's YouTube account (Subscriber). The reason for selecting informants so that clear data can be collected is because they come from individuals who understand the topic of this research, namely knowing how the phenomena and dialectics of the selective process of NERROR content by YouTuber Nessie Judge are seen from the viewer's point of view.



Based on the results of research conducted by researchers, it shows that this NERROR Video Content has an impact, especially on the formation of the viewer's personal opinion on something. The changes felt are divided into 3, namely cognitive, affective and conative.


Cognitive Impact

   Meru cognitive impactfeed a change related to knowledge and insight into a matter. Knowledge is a learning process related to truth to know what to do (Fajar, 2021). One thing that requires insight is opinion (Kusmiati, Nurdin, & Masrin, 2021). Because basically, the audience will be brave and confident to have an opinion if they already have enough knowledge related to something. Based on the research conducted, there are several opinions contained in the NERROR video content, namely:

Opinion on NERROR Content

The word content has become known since the YouTube channel became famous around 2014. Finally, online media are now using the word. Content is defined as "content" made with the structure and design of the information on the site that is available through electronic media (Juniawan, 2020). From the research results, NERROR content always includes good sources, quotes from figures related to the topic of discussion and information from related media.


Figure 1. screenshotthe source of information used in NERROR content is the case of the death of former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe


Figure 2. Screenshots Source of information used on NERROR Case Porsche A14 content


Based on observations made with several informants, they are of the opinion that the contents of the NERROR video content are made and delivered in a structured and detailed manner and also include sources of information in them. So as to build trust from the audience to choose conspiracy theories in it. Explanations always start from the chronology of the problems, conspiracy theories to the latest results of cases so that viewers who did not know at first, who previously did not understand and were confused about following the topics discussed finally get clarity by watching NERROR content.

Opinion Against Nessie Judge

Nessie Judge is a female YouTuber who is famous for her uniqueness in discussing mystery, horror and case content on her YouTube channel. As a media that is frequently accessed by its users, Nessie's content attracts the attention of its audience. In addition to the content which contains interesting discussions, Nessie Judge's personal personality is also quite interesting for the audience. One of the functions of the mass media besides conveying information, is also a means of education and entertainment for the audience (Pratiwi, 2022).

Based on the research results, Nessie Judge's speech is a concern for the audience. Where, Nessie Judge often uses a mixture of Indonesian and English. Usually when conveying information, he often makes transitions from Indonesian to English, for example, like the word "Basically”, “In Fact”, “Therefore”, “Supposedly” and others. So it can be said that Nessie Judge provides education related to English to the audience.

Apart from that, Nessie Judge's personality is also loved by the audience where Nessie Judge seems interactive with the audience and not just one-way communication.He often advises the audience in each NERROR segment content to convey their opinions and arguments in the comments column and never lead opinions, but only inform and disseminate information because opinions have strengths that are held by each audience where they will seek based on the information provided. considered correct.


Affective Impact

Affective impact relates to how the viewer feels about the NERROR content segment. Affective effects arise when there is a change in the audience's feelings such as feelings of pleasure, hate, likes and dislikes (Fajar, 2021).




Audience Interest in NERROR content

Interest is an activity that tends to choose something you want. Based on the research results, one of the reasons they are interested in NERROR content is because Nessie Judge is said to be a content creator with serious demeanor and discussion (cases and conspiracy theories) but capable of bringing a horror atmosphere. So that the audience is able to interpret related to the discussion that is being discusseddiscussed. In this way, it can be said that viewers are interested in watching NERROR content because NERROR content is able to affect the audience's emotions so that the audience also interprets and feels every discussion of cases and conspiracy theories in the content.


Conative Impact

After the audience receives information from NERROR content, of course it will produce certain attitudes based on the support of knowledge, beliefs and feelings that are influenced after watching the film. This effect is related to attitudes in the form of responses or actions by the observer in response to the topic of discussion of the NERROR content, namely in the form of opinions.

Audience Attitudes Towards NERROR Content

According to two public relations experts, Cutlip and the Center, an opinion is an expression of an attitude regarding an issue that is contradictory or controversial (Indosiar, 2018). The attitude or action of the audience is seen by a change in opinion such as agreeing or disagreeing. The results of the study show that viewers have a high response rate related to discussion of cases and conspiracy theories in NERROR content. This can be seen from the high enthusiasm of the audience who left comments in the comments column.

There are several attitudes that arise after watching NERROR content. First, viewers who agree and take one of the conspiracy theories conveyed in the NERROR content as a reference for their personal opinion. Second, viewers who disagree with the conspiracy theories conveyed in NERROR content. The reason they disagree is because they already have their beliefs and personal opinions about the cases they watch and they watch NERROR content to hear conspiracy theories that contradict them in order to see other perspectives. The latter is an audience that neither agrees nor agrees but instead generates a new personal opinion.



From the description above, changes and impacts experienced by viewers can occur on viewers due to several things, namely the phenomenon of NERROR video content and the dialectics of the selective process of NERROR video content.

The NERROR Video Content Phenomenon

            As a spectacle that is starting to bloom among YouTube users, of course there are factors that make the NERROR video content attractive. NERROR content has a high presence in terms of the number of viewers for its video content and a large number of subscribers. So that this content phenomenon is seen from the amount of popular and informative NERROR content.








Table 1.

Popular NERROR content with the highest number of views

NERROR content

Number of Views

The Viral Case of KKN in the Dancer Village




Indonesia's Scariest Chat History





The case of The Panama Girls




The Mystery of the Disappearance of Atlantis




Source: Youtube @NessieJudge, 2022.


In addition to popular content, phenomenaNERROR's video content is also seen from this which is identical to NERROR's content, such as its own characteristics with the opening sentence "Shits About to Go Down", the enthusiasm and responsiveness of the audience's opinion as seen from the chat column, the presence of NERROR Takeover. Another phenomenon can also be seen from the NERROR content segment, in fact, most of it raises horror content so that it has many fans of its own. However, what is unique about this content is that it is not just about horror, but discusses more than that, such as discussions related to social problems, cases or conspiracy theories among the public. Thus, this content is able to gather not only mystical lovers, but also gather audiences with critical thinking and unite audiences who are diverse and have the same interest in something (Fitri, 2022). In this study, the presence of NERROR content is of interest because there are informative things in it which are felt by the audience as a necessity in the aspect of the audience's personal use. Where, with the usefulness of NERROR content, it provides more complete information than previous readings or obtains information that was not previously known. The presence of NERROR content is also an emotional attraction for viewers because it affects social and psychological needs such as being able to know and follow developing news (not to miss news).


Dialectics of Selective Process Video Content NERROR

Basically, the audience, especially the audience, will be selective in choosing something that has an impact on them. Audiences will look for things that they think are truer, useful or based on what they are interested in. The selective process theory on the concept of selective exposure is used to explain why audiences choose the type of media, program type and information content to be consumed. So that later the audience themselves will also understand and solve the problems discussed in this NERROR Content in the form of opinions generated. Dialectics The content of NERROR refers to the 3 elements of dialectics according to Hegel, namely thesis, antithesis and synthesis. This aims to develop a dynamic audience thought process and to solve their problem of the existence of something different so that there is a rational result, namely opinion (Ahmad & Dhalia, 2020)

The thesis is a discussion or information related to the issues or topics reviewed by Nessie Judge. Antithesis is a reaction, argument, or comment given by the audience towards the discussion of the NERROR (tesa) content being watched. So that from these two elements will produce a conclusion that arises from the previous elements, namely thesis and antithesis. This conclusion is an individual opinion which ultimately becomes the guide and trust for the audience regarding the issues conveyed by Nessie Judge through NERROR content.

In this way, the dialectic of the selective process by the audience towards NERROR video content is that NERROR content is able to attract audience activities to investigate arguments and perspectives that are different (contradictory) from their views or to seek understanding from conspiracy theories in NERROR content. So, with this investigation the relevance of the existence of a selective process theory to solve the problems that exist in the discussion in the contents of NERROR content. This selective process theory is used by the audience to obtain information that is trusted and considered capable in conveying the news they are interested in. NERROR content is the choice of this audience because it is able to direct the audience to see a problem, namely cases and conspiracy theories and is able to attract the audience's desire for opinions.


Selective Process Theory and Audience Opinion

The selective process theory is a theory of media effects which explains that audiences are active in using mass media. Selective Exposure is one of the concepts of selective process theory which sees audiences selectively choosing media and the types of programs in it that suit their interests and beliefs. So that this selective process makes one of the elements or stages before the audience takes an action, namely issuing their opinion related to information exposure to the mass media.

Opinion Formation Process

Opinions or opinions are formed based on Indosiar (2018) namely due to the collection of data and facts related to the topic, the reconstruction of the state of mind of the audience and the reactions or responses of many publics that attract the desire to participate in reading and giving opinions. Based on the results of the research, the process of forming audience opinion is due to issues or news that appear that are relevant to the lives of many people. Viewers will also be interested in giving opinions on issues related to public interest presented by the mass media, one of which is NERROR content. Opinions are also formed because the issue is controversial so that it attracts viewers to follow and look for perceptions and attitudes that must be taken on issues discussed in the NERROR video content which will ultimately conclude an opinion.

Selective Process Factors

The selective process is an activity to sort and choose certain things according to what audiences are interested in and as a consideration to avoid unwanted effects. Selective also means that each individual is good at processing messages from the mass media. Therefore, each individual is not easy to consume information just like that without the effort of different sources (crosscheck) (Prasanti & Fitriani, 2017). The factors that encourage selective process action by the audience are ideas, environmental factors, beliefs and developing news.

This research wants to explain why the audience selectively chooses the type of media and also the content of the program which ultimately chooses NERROR video content as their viewing. The idea is a design that is arranged in the mind of the audience such as selecting useful information or according to their needs and avoiding false information. In addition, usually the audience will be selective in choosing the information to be used in terms of environmental factors, whereby having a clear source of information makes them have a stand against their opinion and be able to deal with their social environment. This selective action was carried out in order to gain a belief in the mass media and its contents in order to understand and solve a discussion of cases and conspiracy theories, especially in the NERROR content segment which provides study materials for thought and consideration so as to produce a personal opinion that can be held. This selective action is also seen from the selection considerations of the many mass media such as television, radio and others.

So that, it can be said that NERROR content is the choice for viewers to watch because there are several factors, one of which is the comparison of other content with NERROR content which is able to change attitudes for viewers, namely inviting viewers to share their opinions and discuss.

The Relation of Selective Process to Audience Opinion

The audience is an important component of the mass media, especially YouTube. Where the audience as the communicant, the recipient of the information as well as the assessor of the message through the mass media.Of course, the audience will want media that makes it easy for them to get the message they want by carrying out a selective process. The selective process theory is used to find out what the audience's reasons are for choosing the type of media and the type of program, namely YouTube media with the NERROR content program. The audience always has their own assumptions about a message that is spread by many mass media. With so many mass media and various information content in them, selective action is taken to find information that is deemed competent and interesting for them.

Based on the results of research conducted by audiences, especially viewers, they choose the type of YouTube media and NERROR content among media and other types of programs. This is due to the fact that NERROR content is able to shape and attract viewers to have opinions. That way, this selective process is carried out by the audience in order to get sources of information that are deemed appropriate or able to provide a basis based on facts before making decisions and determining the audience's attitude towards the objects in this NERROR content, namely cases and their conspiracy theories. Selective action is an important way before giving opinions because it gives insight or references to see references or conspiracy theories in questioning the audience's mindset to determine personal opinion to be used.





Viewers choose NERROR and YouTube content seen from how the phenomenon and dialectic of this NERROR content. As for the phenomenon of NERROR content that researchers found that NERROR content has a high existence, identical opening words, a lot of popular content and a large number of (massive) viewers who have opinions in each video. So that the presence of NERROR content becomes an attraction because seeing from this there will be informative things in it which are felt by the audience as a necessity in the aspect of personal usefulness of the audience and aspects of emotional appeal for the audience because it affects social and psychological needs as well as to be able to know information and follow developing news (not to miss the news). So it can be said that Youtube supports the effectiveness of delivering messages by Nessie Judge through NERROR content both from the visual, audio and duration features provided. dialectic of selective process of NERROR content where viewers choose the type of YouTube media and NERROR content compared to other media and programs because NERROR content is able to provide understanding so that viewers can solve the problems discussed in NERROR Content in the form of opinions generated. This NERROR Content dialectic refers to 3 elements according to Hegel, namely tesa, antitesa and synthesis.


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Copyright holders:

I Nyoman Subanda, Kadek Wiwin Dwi Wismayanti, Made Narasani Putri (2023)

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Devotion - Journal of Research and Community Service

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