Text Box: Volume 4, Number 5, May 2023
e-ISSN: 2797-6068 and p-ISSN: 2777-0915




Fitri Nurhayati, Destiara Azzahra, Mega Dewi Lestari

Midwifery Profession Study Program, Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani, Indonesia

Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]




audio visual media;


stunting prevention;

premarital couples



One of the big problems currently occurring in child development is stunting. The prevalence of stunting under five in West Java in 2021 is 24.5%, and in Cimahi City in 2022 it is 9.88%. Prevention of stunting can be done for pre-marital couples. Audio Visual media is an effective medium for increasing knowledge about stunting prevention. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of health education through audio-visual media on increasing knowledge about stunting prevention in pre-marital couples in the work area of the Ministry of Religion, Cimahi City in 2022. The type of research used was quasi-experimental with a one-group pre-test-post-test design. The sample of this study was 30 pre-married people in the working area of The Ministry of Religion, Cimahi City 2022. Data collection used a questionnaire with the intervention of audio-visual media. Univariate and bivariate analyzes were carried out using the Wilcoxon Sign Rank. The results of the study stated that there was an increase in the median before (1.00) and after (2.50) the intervention, and there was an effect of health education through audio-visual media on increasing knowledge about stunting prevention in premarital couples (p value 0.000). There is influence of health education through audio-visual media on increasing knowledge about stunting prevention in pre-marital couples in the work area of the Ministry of Religion, Cimahi City in 2022. Suggestions for midwives, audio-visual media that have been created by researchers can be used to increase pre-marital couples' knowledge about stunting prevention.



One of the big problems currently occurring in child development is stunting. Stunting is a condition in which a person's height is less than normal based on age and gender. Height is a type of anthropometric examination and shows a person's nutritional status. The presence of stunting indicates a poor nutritional status (malnutrition) in the long term (chronic) (Candra, 2020).

There are 24.5% of toddlers who are stunted in West Java in 2021 according to the Indonesian Nutrition Status Survey (SSGI, 2021). Based on a preliminary study conducted by the author, the prevalence of stunting in Cimahi City in 2022 is 9.88%, although there is a decrease from previous years, it is still far from the target set in the 2020-2024 National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJM), namely 14% (PERPRES RI No 72, 2021).

Premarital couples are the main target in preventing stunting and nutritional problems in infants. Premarital couples must have optimal health status to produce quality offspring. Optimal health status can be achieved if you have good knowledge. In accordance with Notoatmodjo's theory (2015), Knowledge is the result of knowing someone after sensing a particular object. Therefore, it is necessary to increase the knowledge of premarital couples about reproductive health, nutrition, and baby's growth and development since before conception occurs. These efforts can be made by providing education on reproductive health education and family nutrition (Huriah et al., 2021). One form of innovation in the implementation of education can be done through various media, one of which can use audio-visual media.

Audio visual media contributes greatly to aspects and persuasion in information and knowledge change. This is because it can stimulate the sense of hearing and sense of sight as much as approximately 75-87% in conveying information to the brain. Based on the experience pyramid of audio-visual media, as much as 50% of a person learns from what he sees and hears (Sunaeni et al., 2022)

Based on the background above, the authors are interested in conducting research about The Influence of Health Education Through Audio Visual Media on Increasing Knowledge of Stunting Prevention in Premarital Couples in the Working Area of the Ministry of Religion, Cimahi City in 2022. Moreover, the purpose of this study was to determine the effect of health education through audio-visual media on increasing knowledge about stunting prevention in pre-marital couples in the work area of the Ministry of Religion, Cimahi City in 2022.



This type of research is a quasi-experimental research with a one-group pre-test post-test design. The sample of this research was 30 pre-marital couples in the working area of the Ministry of Religion of Cimahi City. Sampling using total sampling. Knowledge variables were measured before and after the intervention. Data collection using a questionnaire. The treatment given was health education through audio-visual media for 15 minutes. Differences in knowledge were analyzed using the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test. The research was conducted on December 25 2022 in the working area of the Ministry of Religion, Cimahi City. This research has passed the ethical test of the Faculty of Health Science and Technology, Jenderal Achmad Yani University, Cimahi with ethical number No. 06/KEPK/FITKES-UNJANI/XII/2022. The implementation of this research was carried out by considering ethical aspects, namely fairness, confidentiality and respect for the dignity of the respondents.



Level of knowledge of pre-marital couples before and after audio-visual media health education:


Table 1 Frequency distribution of pre-marital couples' knowledge before being given health education through audio-visual media about stunting prevention

Knowledge Category



















Source: Primary Data 2022


Based on the analysis in table 1, it is known that out of 30 pre-marital couples respondents, most or 16 respondents (53.3%) had less knowledge and almost half or 14 respondents (46.7%) had sufficient knowledge before being given health education through audio-visual media about stunting prevention.






Table 2. Knowledge Frequency Distribution of premarital couples after being given health education through audio-visual media about stunting prevention

Knowledge Category



















Source: Primary Data 2022


Based on the analysis in table 2, it is known that of the 30 respondents to premarital couples, half or as many as 15 respondents (50%) have sufficient knowledge and the other half or as many as 15 respondents (50%) have high knowledge after being given health education through audio-visual media about stunting prevention. .


Table 3 Effects of Health Education Through audio-visual media on increasing premarital couples' knowledge about stunting prevention





P value









Source: Primary Data 2022


From the results of the non-parametric statistical test using Wilcoxon, a p value of 0.000 was obtained, thus it can be interpreted that Ha is accepted, which means that there is an influence between health education through audio-visual media on increasing knowledge about stunting prevention in pre-marital couples in the work area of the ministry of religion, Cimahi City in 2022.



The results of the analysis before health education through audio-visual media about stunting prevention showed that most of the pre-marital couples respondents had low knowledge, namely as much as 53.3%, while after health education was carried out through audio-visual media, there was an increase in the respondents' knowledge.

Knowledge can be influenced by several factors, namely education, information or mass media, social culture, economy, environment and age. The increase in knowledge in this study was due to several factors above, such as providing information. Information can affect one's knowledge, if you often get information about a lesson it will increase one's knowledge and insight (Riyanto, 2022).

In addition to educational factors, there are physical factors such as gender that can affect one's knowledge. Based on research conducted by (Wulandari, 2020) there is a significant relationship between gender and knowledge, people with the female sex tend to have better knowledge than men. This is because people with the female gender have more time to read or discuss with their environment.

A person's memory or memory is one of them influenced by age, where a person's comprehension and mindset are getting more mature with age so that the knowledge gained is also getting better. In early adulthood, individuals have started to think and play an active role in their lives and their families, early adults will have more time to provide for the welfare of children and other family members (Notoatmodjo, 2012). Respondents in this study were aged 21-26 years, where the age of the respondents was included in early adulthood. According to Hurlock in Putri (2019) Early adulthood begins at the age of 18 until around 40 years.

There is no significant relationship between employment status and knowledge, because the number of respondents who work and do not work with low knowledge is almost the same (Wulandari, 2020). In line with research conducted by (Rahmawati, 2019) work is not a factor that is significantly related to knowledge, someone who is working or not working at this time can easily access information media anywhere and anytime. In addition, someone who is not working has a lot of free time to access information or participate in association activities that make it possible to exchange information so that working and not working respondents have almost the same conditions. In this study, the respondent's last education was dominated by Bachelor and High School.

From the results of the non-parametric statistical test using Wilcoxon, a p value of 0.000 was obtained, that Ha was accepted, which means that there is an influence of Health Education Through Audio Visual Media on Increasing Knowledge of Stunting Prevention in Premarital Couples in the Work Area of the Ministry of Religion, Cimahi City in 2022.

The level of knowledge of premarital couples is one of the factors that influence the incidence of stunting, especially knowledge about nutrition. Parenting patterns for children, such as feeding children, can be influenced by pre-marital couples' knowledge of child nutrition. Knowledge of good nutrition in the expectant mother will enable the expectant mother to provide the right food in terms of type and quantity so as to support development and growth (Amri & Rachmayanti, 2022).

Knowledge itself is usually obtained from information both obtained from formal education and other information such as radio, TV, internet, newspapers, posters, magazines, counseling, videos etc. The level of education affects a person in receiving information. People with a better level of education will find it easier to receive information than people with less education (Margawati & Astuti, 2018).

In this study the researchers used audio-visual media as a research instrument with a duration of 15 minutes, according to Rooijakker in (Dimyati & Mudjiono, 2009), explains that a person's attention increases in the first 15-20 minutes, then decreases in the second 15-20 minutes, and then increases again. This can affect the increase in respondents' knowledge before and after Health Education Through Audio Visual Media on Increasing Knowledge about Stunting Prevention in Premarital Couples in the Work Area of the Ministry of Religion, Cimahi City in 2022.   

Supported by Moller in (Yani, 2018), the application of digital technology-based health interventions is considered very profitable. First, it can facilitate access to services, facilitate the outreach of services to the community. Second, it can move health interventions to digital platforms and present research with new opportunities to advance health service theories and concepts.

Health education using audio-visual media can increase knowledge because the media used can attract attention by displaying real images and sounds from the material presented. In addition, the counseling material shown in the video is also easy to understand because it goes straight to the point of discussion and uses words that are not difficult to understand (Sasmita & Ilmi, 2018)

According to research by experts, the sense that transmits the most knowledge to the brain is the sense of sight, approximately 75% -87% of human knowledge is obtained or channeled through the sense of sight, 13% through the sense of hearing and the other 12% is channeled through other senses  (Br & Wahyudi, 2020). Other research states that a person will remember 20% of what he hears, remembers 50% of what he sees and remembers 80% of what he hears, sees and does immediately (Anggraeni, 2022). Audio visual media offers counseling that is more interesting and not monotonous.

The results of other studies using educational methods using audio-visual video animation media have a significant effect on increasing knowledge, attitudes and skills (Utami, 2018).  Audio-visual media is a medium that is useful for stimulating the senses of hearing and sight, so that it is easier to receive and understand the message conveyed by the presenter. Audiovisual media that is packaged well and interestingly will leave a lasting impression on a person and society.

The main factor that has the most influence on knowledge is information, someone who has good knowledge often receives various information about stunting from various types of media, so that the provision of information through health education is very influential in increasing knowledge about stunting prevention (Rahmawati, 2019)

Apart from the influence of the media used, another thing that influences knowledge about stunting prevention is mother's education because educated mothers are more likely to make decisions that will improve the nutrition and health of their children. A person's level of education will influence a person's acceptance of information. A high level of education can make it easier for someone to receive information when compared to someone with a low level of education. The information received is a provision for a mother to be able to care for her baby properly so that she can prevent stunting according to Lailatul in (Amri & Rachmayanti, 2022).



The conclusions from this study were the effect of health education through audio-visual media on increasing knowledge about stunting prevention in premarital couples in the work area of the Ministry of Religion, Cimahi City in 2022 with a p value of 0.000.



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Copyright holders:

Fitri Nurhayati, Destiara Azzahra, Mega Dewi Lestari (2023)

First publication right:

Devotion - Journal of Research and Community Service

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