Siti Aisyah, Achmad
Faqih, Ratna Komala, Nurjibbah Aini, Rima
Merliana Dewi,
Rio Alamsyah
of Agriculture, Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati, Indonesia
[email protected], [email protected]
Mediator; Success; Strategic Irrigation Modernization and Urgent
Rehabilitation Project (SIMURP) Program |
ABSTRACT The role of field agricultural extension workers (PPL) as mediators
for the success of the Strategic Irrigation Modernization and Urgent
Rehabilitation Project (SIMURP) program is certainly very important because
field agricultural extension workers are responsible for conveying information
on programs held by the Cirebon Regency government for farmers. This research
was conducted aiming to determine the effect of the role of field
agricultural extension workers as mediators on the success of the Strategic
Irrigation Modernization and Urgent Rehabilitation Project (SIMURP) program.
The purpose of this study is: to determine the effect of the role of PPL as a
mediator on the success of the Strategic Irrigation Modernization and Urgent
Rehabilitation Project (SIMURP) program. The research design used in this
research is descriptive quantitative research with a census sample research
technique. The population used was the Mulya I farmer group in Kudukeras
Village, Babakan District, Cirebon Regency. The part that is examined is the
effect of the role of agricultural extension workers (PPL) as mediators on
the Strategic Irrigation Modernization and Urgent Rehabilitation Project
(SIMURP) program. The number of samples used was 59 respondents with a census
sampling technique. The research was conducted from May to June 2022. The
data analysis technique used a simple linear regression test. Based on the
results of the research and discussion that has been described, it can be
concluded that the role of agricultural extension workers (PPL) as a mediator
has a positive effect on the success of the Strategic Irrigation
Modernization and Urgent Rehabilitation Project (SIMURP) program in Kudukeras
Village, Babakan District, Cirebon Regency. |
The Strategic Irrigation Modernization and
Urgent Rehabilitation Project (SIMURP) is an integration of 4
Ministries/Institutions, namely the Ministry of National Development Planning
of the Republic of Indonesia/National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas),
Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing, Ministry of Home Affairs, and
Ministry of Agriculture. In this project funded by loans from the World Bank
and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, each K/L has its own roles and
responsibilities. However, it is expected that all activities of the ministries/institutions
involved will contribute to the main objectives of the project, namely
improving irrigation services and strengthening accountability in the
management of irrigation schemes. In terms of improving irrigation services,
there are two indicators as benchmarks for the success of activities, i.e.
areas facilitated with new or rehabilitated irrigation/drainage services and
percentage of crop intensity (IP).
Ministry of Agriculture, in this case the Agricultural Human Resources
Extension and Development Agency (BPPSDMP) as the National Project
Implementation Unit (NPIU) is entrusted with pushing achievement indicators to
increase IP from 180% to 200%. To achieve this goal, NPIU BPPSDMP developed an
approach using Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) cultivation technology. The
application of the CSA method is claimed to be able to increase production and
quality of agricultural products even in the midst of a changing climate while
ensuring sustainable agriculture. The Strategic Irrigation
Modernization and Urgent Rehabilitation Project (SIMURP) program is a strategic
irrigation modernization and urgent rehabilitation program. The management is
across four ministries and agencies, namely Bappenas, Ministry of Agriculture,
Ministry of PUPR and Ministry of Home Affairs. The location of the
implementation of the SIMURP project in Indonesia is in the Watershed Area
The implementation of the Strategic Irrigation
Modernization and Urgent Rehabilitation Project (SIMURP) program is spread
across several regions, one of which is Cirebon Regency with the location of
the Cikeusik River Irrigation Area to be precise in the eastern part of Cirebon
Regency. In supporting the SIMURP program mentioned above, the Cirebon District
Agriculture Office is given the authority to carry out activities such as
Support for the Implementation of Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) Technology
for Paddy and Non-Rice accompanied by Extension Workers.InTo support the SIMURP program
mentioned above, the Cirebon District Agriculture Office is given the authority
to carry out activities such as Support for the Implementation of Climate Smart
Agriculture (CSA) Technology for Paddy and Non-Rice accompanied by Extension
The success of
agricultural development is not only determined by the condition of
agricultural resources, but also determined by the very strategic role of
agricultural extension workers and the quality of the human resources that
support it, namely human resources who master and are able to utilize and develop
science and technology in the sustainable management of agricultural resources (West Java Food Crops
Agriculture Office, 2011).
The role of PPL as a mediator in
procuring infrastructure facilities provides equipment and physical buildings
used to carry out agricultural extension services. Utilization of facilities
and infrastructure is the optimal use of equipment and physical buildings in an
effective and efficient agricultural extension. The agricultural extension and
infrastructure sector has the task of preparing materials for policy
formulation, implementation and provision of technical guidance as well as
monitoring and evaluation in the field of infrastructure, manpower and methods
as well as information on agricultural extension services.(Faqih, 2016a). This program seeks to ensure that
the agricultural sector remains safe in providing food supplies for the community
as well as a form of empowerment for farmers.
As an empowerment program, the
Strategic Irrigation Modernization and Urgent Rehabilitation Project (SIMURP)
program is expected to be a solution for farmers and it is hoped that this
program can make a real contribution to farmers. This is also included in the
main goal of empowerment and of course this program must also be in accordance
with the principles of community empowerment where there must be
self-sufficiency or independence from farmers in managing their land, of course
with the assistance of extension workers from BPP in each region. This program
is expected to be sustainable so that this program can be a solution not only
during a pandemic but can also be a solution for the following years (Pians, 2020).
From these problems the researcher wants to analyze the role
of agricultural extension workers as mediators who influence the Strategic
Irrigation Modernization and Urgent Rehabilitation Project (SIMURP) program in
Kudukeras Village, Babakan District, Kunigan Regency. Based on the background
that has been described, the research objective is to determine the effect of
the role of PPL as a mediator on the success of the Strategic Irrigation
Modernization and Urgent Rehabilitation Project (SIMURP) program.
Research design
This research will be carried out in Kudukeras
Village, Babakan District, Cirebon Regency. The location selection was carried
out purposively with the consideration that Kudukeras Village, Babakan
District, Cirebon Regency was one of the recipient villages of the Strategic
Irrigation Modernization and Urgent Rehabilitation Project (SIMURP) assistance
program. This research was carried out from May to June 2022 and the object of
the research isMulya I Farmer Group in Kudukeras Village, Babakan District,
Cirebon Regency with a total sample of 59 people.
variables are divided into 2 namelyThe dependent
variable is the variable that arises because of the independent variable. The
dependent variable (dependent variable) in this study namely The
success of the Strategic Irrigation Modernization and Urgent Rehabilitation
Project (SIMURP) Program. while the independent variable is the independent
variable, namely the role of PPL as a mediator.
Table1. Operational Research Variables
No |
Variable |
Indicator |
Sub-Indicators |
Measurement Scale |
1. |
Role of PPL as
Mediator (X) |
success frequency |
Service Punctuality Involvement |
Ordinal |
Clarity in the
delivery of information |
Material presentation Socialization Speaking skills |
Ordinal |
information sources with farmers |
Discussion Visit Technical guidance |
Ordinal |
2. |
The Success of the
Strategic Irrigation Modernization and Urgent Rehabilitation Project (SIMURP)
Program (Y) |
Productivity |
Results Land area |
Ordinal |
Acceptance of
farmers |
Production amount Price |
Ordinal |
Farmers' income |
Sale Production Cost |
Ordinal |
Collection Techniques
The data collection technique is by observing and interviewing through questionnaires.This method is used
in data collection techniques by making a list of written questions posed to
respondents which in this case are filled out by farmers who have received the
Strategic Irrigation Modernization and Urgent Rehabilitation Project (SIMURP)
This method is used to reveal data from the variable Role of Field
Agricultural Extension as a mediator (X) and the Success of the Strategic
Irrigation Modernization and Urgent Rehabilitation Project (SIMURP) Program
Data analysis technique
The descriptive
research variable is used to find out the respondents' answers, namely the
influence of the Role of Field Agricultural Extension (PPL) as a Mediator for
the Strategic Irrigation Modernization and Urgent Rehabilitation Project
(SIMURP) Program. This analysis uses descriptive analysis of percentages using
a quantitative research design supported by qualitative data (Sugiyono, 2017).
2. Intervals and Categories of Respondents' Answers
No |
Respondent Answer
Intervals |
Answer Category |
1. |
81 - 100 % |
Strongly agree |
2. |
61 - 80 % |
Agree |
3. |
41 - 60 % |
Disagree |
4. |
21 - 40 % |
Disagree |
5. |
0 - 20 % |
Strongly Disagree |
Linear Regression
Simple linear regression analysis is an equation model that
describes the relationship of one independent variable/ predictor (X) with one
dependent variable/ response (Y), which is usually depicted with a straight
line. Simple linear regression analysis is mathematically expressed by: Y ˆ=a+bX which: Y ˆ =
regression line/ response variable a = constant (intercept), intercept with the
vertical axis b = regression constant (slope) X = independent variable/
t test
According to Ghozali (2016), the t statistical test basically shows how far the influence of one
dependent variable individually in explaining the dependent variable. The test
was carried out using a significance level of 0.05 (a=5%). Acceptance or
rejection of the hypothesis is carried out with the following criteria:
The results of
regression testing of the PPL role variable as a mediator show that this
variable has a significant value of 0.000 <0.050 and for t count it is known
that it is 5.095 with a t table of 1.672. With a comparison of t count 5,095
> t table of 1,672, it can be concluded that H0 is rejected and H1 is
accepted. This shows that the variable role of PPL as a mediator influences the
variable success of the Strategic Irrigation Modernization and Urgent
Rehabilitation Project (SIMURP) program because the activities are carried out
and are good at explaining the information obtained.
Coefficient of Determination
The coefficient of determination is carried
out to find out how much influence the independent variable has on the
dependent variable. According to Ghozali (2016) the coefficient of determination (R2)
basically measures how far the model's ability to explain the dependent
variables. In another multiple linear regression model, the contribution of the
independent variable to the dependent variable will be seen by looking at the
total coefficient of determination (R2), if the R2 obtained is close to one, it
can be said that the stronger the model applies the relationship of the
independent variable to the dependent variable.
Kd = r2 x 100
Kd =
Coefficient of Determination
r2 = Correlation
Descriptive Analysis
As for knowing the number of respondents who agreed or disagreed in
expressing their opinion through a questionnaire, it can be seen in the
following table:
Table 3. Statements
of Respondents Regarding the Variable Role of PPL as Mediator
Actual Score (Real) |
Ideal Score (Hope) |
Percentage (%) |
Category |
Information success frequency |
1936 |
2655 |
72.9% |
Agree |
Clarity in the delivery of information |
1944 |
2655 |
73.2% |
Agree |
Linking information sources with
farmers |
2028 |
2655 |
76.3% |
Agree |
Total number |
5908 |
7965 |
74.1% |
Agree |
Based on Table 3, it can be seen that the frequency indicator for
information success is 72.9%, which means that the indicator is categorized as
agree. The indicator of clarity in conveying information is 73.2%, which means
that the indicator is categorized as agree. The indicator links sources of
information with farmers with a percentage of 76.3%, which means that the
indicator is categorized as agreeing. A clearer explanation can be seen as
Success Frequency
The frequency of successful information from an ideal score of 2655
gets an actual score of 1936, which means that the farmers receiving the
Strategic Irrigation Modernization and Urgent Rehabilitation Project (SIMURP)
program agree that extension workers have provided good service, have attended
and provided appropriate information to farmers and have involve farmers in
activities that have been held by BPP Babakan District.
To assess the frequency indicators of information success, the
following steps are used:
The actual score was obtained by calculating
all of the respondents' opinions, namely 1936 from 59 respondents and 9
indicator questions.
The ideal score is obtained from the highest
value multiplied by the number of respondents also multiplied by the number of
indicator respondent questions, namely 5 x 59 x 9 = 2655.
The selection of
measurements must consider several aspects, for example the objectives of the
research, the context of the organization that uses it, aspects of the
information system, and the independent variables used to assess its success,
the research method, and the level of analysis whether at the individual,
organizational or societal level (Jogiyanto, 2007).
According to Hartati
(2020) this information
system, in the opinion of the author, is important to develop because 1) The
working area of the KPSDMP-KP includes BPP and Posluhtan which are geographically
spread throughout the Garut Regency area, so that communication is supported by
a good information system between extension agents in districts, sub-districts
and villages very necessary to provide the best service to farmers. 2) New
innovations in agriculture from the Agricultural Research and Development
Center will be accessed more quickly by KPSDMP-KP. 3) Information systems are
also important for adding the latest knowledge related to all information
related to farming (agribusiness) from upstream to downstream. Gradually
depending on the cost capability and readiness (skills) of the operating
operator. The results of the study also note that at the district level
(KPSDMP-KP) and most of the sub-districts (BPP) already have computers, so all
that remains is to add tools that can be used to access the internet network.
It would be nice if when this internet-based information system was applied it
was accompanied by training until the operators (from KPSDMP-KP employees)
could be released to run the system. So that dependence on service providers
can be reduced or even eliminated. It would be nice if when this internet-based
information system was applied it was accompanied by training until the
operators (from KPSDMP-KP employees) could be released to run the system. So
that dependence on service providers can be reduced or even eliminated. It
would be nice if when this internet-based information system was applied it was
accompanied by training until the operators (from KPSDMP-KP employees) could be
released to run the system. So that dependence on service providers can be
reduced or even eliminated.
The use of an
information system is influenced by individual abilities (self-efficacy).
Everyone's individual abilities are different so the way they operate a system
to get the information needed is also different. According to Novela (2012) there is a positive
relationship between social factors and conditions that facilitate the use of
information technology. This is similar to the results of Amin (2013), John and Surej (2013), reveals that
computer self-efficacy has a positive effect on the intention to use the
information system.
Based on this
explanation, it is assumed that technology acceptance, social factors,
facilitating conditions and computer self-efficacy will influence the
utilization of information technology systems. Based on this phenomenon, the
aim of this research is to examine and analyze the effect of technology
acceptance, social factors, facilitating conditions and computer self-efficacy
on technology utilization.
Clarity in Submitting Information
Clarity in conveying
information from an ideal score of 2665 gets an actual score of 1944, which
means that the farmers receiving the Strategic Irrigation Modernization and
Urgent Rehabilitation Project (SIMURP) program agree that the extension workers
have explained the material clearly and can be understood by farmers, have made
visits/socialization regularly scheduled and has provided explanations held by
the Babakan District BPP.
To assess indicators
of clarity in conveying information, the following steps are used:
The actual score was obtained by calculating
all of the respondents' opinions, namely 1944 of 59 respondents and 9 indicator
The ideal score is obtained from the highest
value multiplied by the number of respondents also multiplied by the number of
indicator respondent questions, namely 5 x 59 x 9 = 2655.
Information is the result of thinking that is obtained both from
oneself and from the environment by involving intellectual processes. This
intellectual process includes the processing of stimuli obtained through the
senses and then forwarded to the brain to be processed based on insight,
experience, and faith, after which it can be received as information and
becomes a message if it is communicated to others (Wijianto, 2008). Good information
is information that has quality or quality. According to Elian (2014) states that quality
information is determined by conformity with facts, timely, relevant in
decision making, and describes the problem or solution as a whole and complete.
In a public organization communication is a difficult and complex
process. The process of transferring news downwards within an organization or
from organization to organization, and other communicators are often subject to
distortions, both intentional and unintentional. Because if different
communication sources provide inconsistent interpretations of a standard and
policy objectives, or the same information source provides conflicting
interpretations that are full of contradictions. At one-point policy
implementers will find it more difficult to carry out a policy intensively.
According to this explanation, effective communication occurs when
each group member has the same understanding of information in receiving
information. The effectiveness of counseling through communication and
improving the skills of farmers through groups will provide optimal results. In
this regard, the government has launched a group institutional development
program that receives intensive and continuous guidance from the government (Rintjap et al., 2015).
With information technology, the amount or presentation of rice
production will increase and be clear even with a fixed number of human
resources, in other words, technology has an important role in agriculture (Basavaraja et al., 2008). In addition,
farmers also need knowledge in using this technology so that the process is
Information Sources with Farmers
Linking information sources with farmers from an ideal score of
2655 to an actual score of 2028, which means that farmers receiving the
Strategic Irrigation Modernization and Urgent Rehabilitation Project (SIMURP)
program agree that extension workers have provided media for discussion, made
visits and organized trainings held by BPP Babakan District.
To assess the indicator of connecting sources of information with
farmers, the following steps are used:
The actual score was obtained by calculating
all of the respondents' opinions, namely 2028 from 59 respondents and 9
indicator questions.
The ideal score is obtained from the highest
value multiplied by the number of respondents also multiplied by the number of
indicator respondent questions, namely 5 x 59 x 9 = 2655.
Mulyandari (2011) stated that so many
research results in agriculture have been and are being carried out, and there
will continue to be agricultural research in the future, at home and abroad.
The results of agricultural research in the form of agricultural information
both in terms of production and marketing techniques are essentially to improve
or solve existing problems in agriculture. This information is not just for
consumption for other researchers to be used as reference material but far
ahead is for farmers, especially to improve their standard of living and
welfare, which in the end is also to meet the needs of all human life.
According to Elian (2014) stated that the
facts on the ground showed that most of the respondents searched for
information on the internet in order to complement existing information, then
broaden their horizons, so that not all of the information was passed on to
farmers. Based on the confession of one of the respondents, they said that the
information they obtained had actually been obtained before, it's just that
they were trying to find more and more complete information via the internet.
In general, information passed on to farmers is information that was not
previously received by farmers. While the existing information becomes material
for discussion with fellow extension workers, they keep a lot of this
information to themselves. Likewise the results of agricultural research have
been collected and publicly published to the public with various media,
however, the information on the results of the agricultural research has in
fact not reached its main target, namely the farmers. It is hoped that the
stagnation of innovation and agricultural information that has occurred so far
can be improved with ICT through access to market information, production inputs,
consumer trends, marketing, disease and pest/livestock management, market
opportunities, market prices, and so on (Mulyandar & Baga, 2019).
According to Amin (2013) the main focus of
the application of ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) in
agriculture is to meet the needs of farmers for information. Some of the
important information needed by farmers that seems important for agricultural
growth and development, including market information, latest techniques and
technologies, rural development programs and subsidies, weather forecasting,
post-harvest technology, general agricultural news, information on processing
insurance/claims, input prices and availability, early warning and management
of diseases and pests, soil testing and soil sampling information.
As for knowing the number of respondents who agreed or disagreed in
expressing their opinion through a questionnaire, it can be seen in the
following table:
Table 4. Results of
Respondents' Statements Regarding the Success Variables of the SIMURP Program
Indicator |
Actual Score
(Real) |
Ideal Score (hope) |
Percentage (%) |
Category |
Productivity |
1340 |
1770 |
75.7% |
Agree |
Acceptance of farmers |
1357 |
1770 |
76.6% |
Agree |
Farmers' income |
2065 |
2655 |
77.7% |
Agree |
Total number |
4762 |
6195 |
76.8% |
Agree |
Based on the results of the table above, it shows that the
productivity indicator, farmer acceptance, is categorized as agree while farmer
income is categorized as disagree. Meanwhile, to be clearer, it can be seen as
Productivity from an
ideal score of 1770 gets an actual score of 1340, which means that farmers
receiving the Strategic Irrigation Modernization and Urgent Rehabilitation
Project (SIMURP) program agree that extension workers have succeeded in
increasing production yields and providing production land area in accordance
with the Strategic Irrigation Modernization and Urgent Rehabilitation Project
program. (SIMURP) .
To assess productivity indicators, the following steps are used:
The actual score was obtained by calculating
all of the respondents' opinions, namely 1340 of 59 respondents and 6 indicator
The ideal score is obtained from the highest
score multiplied by the number of respondents also multiplied by the number of
indicator respondent questions, namely 5 x 59 x 6 = 1770.
To increase the
productivity of lowland rice farmers, farmers need to develop knowledge by
participating in training provided by the agricultural service. Lowland rice
farmers need to increase their ability, productivity and competitiveness as
well as the absorption of agricultural technology is very much needed in
efforts to diversify agricultural products. In fact, the economic prospects for
lowland rice farmers are very large, considering that rice is a community need
(both regional and national). Moreover, if it is supported by government
policies that favor farmers, it can encourage the suitability of rice commodity
prices. Therefore, if farmers can increase their production, it will be able to
increase income and welfare for farming families.
According to Sumarjo
(2019) productivity is a
comparison between the results achieved (output) with the overall resources
(input) used per unit of time. According to Djari (2008) at the company
level, productivity is generally defined as a systemic concept and is related
to changes in input to output by the system. Specifically, for the labor
element, work productivity implies a comparison between the results (output)
obtained in each unit of time.
In Kartasaputra (2012) to increase the
productivity of lowland rice farmers, farmers need to develop knowledge by
participating in training provided by the Agriculture Service. In line with
this research in theory improving the quality of human resources can increase
productivity, experience and facts are also combined factors that can help
build the State (Nyamekye et al., 2016).
According to
Brambilla and Porto (2011) farmers who provide
large areas of land for their crops, the farmer's product will significantly
increase and productivity will also increase significantly.
2) Farmer Acceptance
Acceptance of
farmers from an ideal score of 1770 gets an actual score of 1357, which means
that farmers receiving the Strategic Irrigation Modernization and Urgent
Rehabilitation Project (SIMURP) program agree that extension workers have
fulfilled the amount of farmers' production and influenced crop prices/yields.
To assess farmers' acceptance indicators, the following steps are
The actual score was obtained by calculating
all of the respondents' opinions, namely 1357 of 59 respondents and 6 indicator
The ideal score is obtained from the highest
score multiplied by the number of respondents also multiplied by the number of
indicator respondent questions, namely 5 x 59 x 6 = 1770.
According to
Soekartawi (2013) revenue is the product of the production
obtained by the selling price. Total revenue is a function of the number of
goods, it is also the product of the number of goods multiplied by the goods
per unit. As in the cost concept, the revenue concept also recognizes the
meaning of the average margin. Average revenue (AR) is the revenue obtained per
unit of goods, which is the quotient of total revenue to the number of goods,
margin revenue (MR) is the additional revenue obtained from each additional
unit of goods produced or sold(Sumarsono, 2013).
Farming revenue is
the multiplication of the production obtained by the selling price of the product.
Total revenue or gross income is the total production value before deducting
production costs. Net income of farming is the difference between revenue and
all costs or total costs. Farmers in obtaining high net income, farmers must
strive for high revenues and low production costs (Sedyastuti, 2018). According to
Soekartawi's research(2013)states that revenue
is revenue minus expenses incurred. A person's income basically depends on work
in the service or production sector, as well as the time spent on working
hours, the level of hourly income received.
Hailu said(2014)states that
agricultural and information technology has a positive and significant effect
on the receipts and income of farmers, the relationship between them is that
the greater the production, the higher the output. According to Mulyandari(2011)it was found that
information technology has a significant relationship to rice production and
farmer productivity. In Mulyani (2015) technology has a
significant effect on acceptance through productivity.
Farmers' income
Farmers' income from
an ideal score of 2655 gets an actual score of 2065, which means that farmers
receiving the Strategic Irrigation Modernization and Urgent Rehabilitation Project
(SIMURP) program agree that extension workers have made it easier to sell, have
helped in production and financing.
To assess farmers' income indicators, the following steps are used:
The actual score was obtained by calculating
all of the respondents' opinions, namely 2065 from 59 respondents and 9
indicator questions.
The ideal score is obtained from the highest
value multiplied by the number of respondents also multiplied by the number of
indicator respondent questions, namely 5 x 59 x 9 = 2655.
Income from a
business depends on the relationship between production costs incurred by the
amount of revenue from sales. One way to make a profit is to reduce costs. The
income earned by farmers is not only determined by the level of production
produced but also determined by the prevailing price level and the marketing
system of the commodity. The amount of income greatly affects the level of
welfare of farmers.
To increase farmers'
income, there are several things that must be done, namely 1. Increasing farmer's
production, namely to increase farmer's production, the government must first
prepare seeds that are superior and suitable for highland areas. 2. Provide
counseling to farmers about how to properly manage paddy rice farming, starting
from land management to post-harvest. 3. Strengthening farmer groups so that it
is easier to get information whenever there are new innovations.
Income is an
indicator to measure the welfare of a person or society, so that this
community's income reflects the economic progress of a society. According to
Soekartawi (2013) individual income
is income received by all households in the economy from payments for the use
of the factors of production they own and from other sources. Then Soekartawi (2013) states income is
the amount of income received by residents for their work performance during a
certain period, whether daily, weekly, monthly or yearly. Business activities
will ultimately generate income in the form of cash value received from product
sales minus expenses incurred.
Agriculture still
plays an important role in developing countries as one of the economic sectors
which is a source of income for workers with an estimated 60 to 70 percent in developing
countries (Nguyen et al., 2015). Not only that, on the other hand, the
Indonesian economy is influenced by the availability of rice as a primary need (Zaeroni & Rustariyuni, 2016).
Simple Linear Regression Tes
Coefficient of
Table 5. Results of
the Analysis of the Coefficient of Determination
Summary models |
Model |
R |
R Square |
Adjusted R Square |
std. Error of the
Estimate |
1 |
.559a |
.313 |
.301 |
6.69023 |
a. Predictors: (Constant), ppl's role as a mediator |
From the results of the coefficient of determination test above, it
means that the influence of the independent variable on the dependent variable
can be seen by the value of the coefficient of determination. The value of the
coefficient of determination can be seen from the R² value in the regression
model. The R² value in this regression model is 0.313. This means that 31.3% of
the success of the Strategic Irrigation Modernization and Urgent Rehabilitation
Project (SIMURP) program in Kudukeras village is influenced by the variable
role of agricultural extension workers as mediators.
The role of agricultural extension agents as
mediators in the success rate indicator of information is that extension
officers are tasked with conveying the findings of research institutions to
farmers. On the other hand, farmers are obliged to report the implementation of
the findings of the recommended research institute as a liaison, then the
extension worker conveys the results of the application of the technology
carried out by farmers to the relevant research institution as further
reference material. Van Den Ban and Hawkins (2012), stated that the main role
of extension in many countries was previously seen as the transfer of
technology from researchers to farmers. Likewise, the role of extension is seen
more as a process of helping farmers to make their own decisions by adding
choices for them.
According to Kartasapoetra (2012) in
each Agricultural Extension Working Area (WKPP) a PPL officer (field
agricultural extension) is assigned who will carry out the following main
tasks: 1) Disseminate useful agricultural information 2) Teach better skills 3)
Provide suggestions or recommendations for businesses more profitable farming
4) Helping to develop production facilities, work facilities and agricultural
information materials needed by farmers 5) Developing self-employment and self-sufficiency
of farmers so that their standard of living can be further improved.
Amen (2013)
stated that the main focus of the application of ICT (Information and
Communication Technologies) in agriculture is to meet the needs of farmers for
information. Some of the important information needed by farmers that seems
important for agricultural growth and development, including market
information, latest techniques and technologies, rural development programs and
subsidies, weather forecasting, post-harvest technology, general agricultural
news, information on processing insurance/claims, input prices and
availability, early warning and management of diseases and pests, soil testing
and soil sampling information.
Elian (2014)
states agricultural extension agents in accordance with their main tasks and
functions are positioned as technical functional executors in charge of
preparing, implementing, developing, evaluating and reporting agricultural
extension activities. Agricultural extension workers need adequate information
support in carrying out their main duties and functions. The information
obtained can be used to improve the performance, work performance and
competence of agricultural extension workers.
The purpose of communication
according to Levis(2003)among
others are: (1) information, to provide information using a thought-provoking
approach, (2) persuasive, to arouse recipient feelings, (3) changing the
behavior (attitudes, knowledge and skills) of development actors, (4)
increasing the ability to develop business efficiently in the field of business
that can provide benefits for an indefinite period of time and (5) realize the
active participation of the community in development.
The role of the agricultural
extension agent as a mediator in the indicator of clarity in conveying
information is that the field agricultural extension worker (PPL) provides the
information then filters and evaluates the available information and processes
the information into a form that is suitable for the recipient of the
information (Cangara,
Mulyandri (2011)
stated that so many research results in the agricultural sector have been and
are being carried out, and there will continue to be agricultural research in
the future, inside and outside the country. The results of agricultural
research in the form of agricultural information both in terms of production
and marketing techniques are essentially to improve or solve existing problems
in agriculture. This information is not just for consumption for other
researchers to be used as reference material but far ahead is for farmers,
especially to improve their standard of living and welfare, which in the end is
also to meet the needs of all human life.
The role of agricultural
extension workers as mediators in the performance of farmer groups is a task
that can be expected to be carried out by agricultural extension workers in
providing information and connecting farmers with information sources to
overcome the problems they face. Agricultural extension agents act as
mediators, namely extension workers provide information and connect farmers
with sources of information in solving the problems they face. The role of
agricultural extension agents as mediators of agricultural extension in
providing capital for farmers and their families, so that they have the ability
to help themselves to achieve goals in improving the welfare of farmers and
their families, without having to damage the surrounding environment (Djari, 2008).
The results of this study are supported by the
results of research by Novela (2012) changes
in the behavior of farmers in paddy rice farming after participating in the
climate field school program there is a very real change because the farmers in
the study area are mostly very responsive and responsive to existing
innovations and after the farmers attend the climate field school the behavior
of the farmers changes, farmers can/ better know how to anticipate extreme
climates that often change. With the knowledge and attitudes of farmers in
accepting the material taught by field agricultural extension agents, this will
change the behavior of farmers, they will know and understand the material
being taught so that it can be applied in rice farming.
Soekarno (2017)
explained that the main characteristics of this community group include being
intimate, the relationship is comprehensive and intimate. In addition, the
relationship within the social group of this community is also private and
exclusive (the association bond is only for people in the community). When
extension workers as outsiders come to this community, the farming community
will tend to refuse. Especially when extension workers come without
understanding farmers and only come to give messages without any feedback
process. Thus, farmers will tend to see this as a conflict.
The role of agricultural extension
as a mediator in the indicators of connecting information with farmersnamely
people who carry out the task of giving encouragement to farmers so they want
to change their way of thinking, way of working and way of life that is more in
line with the changing times, the development of more advanced agricultural
technology. Thus an agricultural extension agent in carrying out his duties has
three roles: a. Acting as an educator, providing knowledge or new ways of
cultivating plants so that farmers are more focused in their farming business,
increasing yields and overcoming failures in their farming business. b. Act as
a leader, who can guide and motivate farmers to want to change their way of
thinking, how they work so that openness arises and is willing to accept new
farming methods that are more efficient and successful, so that their standard
of living is more prosperous. c. Acts as an advisor, who can serve, provide
instructions and help farmers either in the form of demonstrations or examples
of work in farming solve all problems faced (Kartasapoetra,
According to the research results
of Faqih and Aisyah (2019) in this
case agricultural extension is an important factor in realizing agricultural
goals. development. Through this counseling, the agricultural community is
equipped with knowledge, skills, introduction of new technology packages and
innovations in the field of agriculture with its business, planting or
agribusiness values or principles, creating human resources with a basic
philosophy of being diligent, cooperative, innovative, creative.In line with the
results of research by Faqih (2016a) Agricultural
extension plays an important role in improving the quality of human resources,
as well as functioning as a learning process for the main actors so that
farmers can help and organize themselves to access market information,
technology, capital and other resources.
Information is something that
is conveyed, it can be in the form of news, words or knowledge, this knowledge
is obtained from investigations, studies or instructions. Information is an
arrangement of facts or data that is conveyed from one person to another.
Everyone has a different pattern of understanding of information (Evans,
As stated by Mulayandari (2011)
that in the process of transferring information, it must be based on the needs
and problems of farmers and messages must be able to be tested by users.
Test Results t
Table 6. Results of
t test analysis
Coefficientsa |
Model |
Coefficients |
Coefficients |
t |
Sig. |
B |
std. Error |
Betas |
1 |
(Constant) |
31,152 |
9,773 |
3,188 |
002 |
the role of ppl as a mediator |
.495 |
.097 |
.559 |
5,095 |
.000 |
Source: SPSS Output Results |
In Table 6 above the results of the regression test of the PPL role
variable as a mediator shows that this variable has a significant value of
0.000 <0.050 and for t count it is known that it is 5.095 with a t table of
1.672. With a comparison of t count 5,095 > t table of 1,672, it can be
concluded that H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. This shows that the variable
role of PPL as a mediator influences the variable success of the Strategic Irrigation
Modernization and Urgent Rehabilitation Project (SIMURP) program because the
activities are carried out and are good at explaining the information obtained.
According to Djari (2008) the role of agricultural extension workers as mediators
of agricultural extension in providing capital for farmers and their families,
so that they have the ability to help themselves to achieve goals in improving
the welfare of farmers and their families, without having to damage the
surrounding environment
The results of this study are supported by the results of research
by Faqih (2016b) that the role of extension agents as mediators in
the performance of farmer groups has a high category or has been implemented
properly. This is similar to the results of research by Thomas et al.,(2020) that steps towards sustainable agriculture require
information and knowledge of farmers and knowledge practices. The higher the
information obtained, the more successful the Strategic Irrigation Modernization
and Urgent Rehabilitation Project (SIMURP) program will be.
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Copyright holders:
Siti Aisyah, Achmad Faqih,
Ratna Komala, Nurjibbah Aini, Rima Merliana Dewi, Rio Alamsyah (2023)
First publication right:
Devotion - Journal of Research and Community
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Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International