Text Box: Volume 4, Number 7, July 2023
e-ISSN: 2797-6068 and p-ISSN: 2777-0915






Hariadi Hendrawan

Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia

Email [email protected]



BNIFX; wholesale; driving factors; driving factors; marketing strategy



The Covid-19 pandemic demands that banking technology services become a necessity and are increasing. This is captured as a very good opportunity for PT. Bank BNI (Persero) Tbk. The Jakarta Senayan area s taking strategic action, namely on 23 August 2021 launching a new digital-based product, namely BNIFX. The problem is that until 2022, out of 4,081 customers in the wholesale group, which is the main segment, only 3 (three) customers have transacted through BNIFX (0.0007%). The study aims to investigate the factors that encourage and reject customers to make transactions on BNIFX products, as well as investigate strategies carried out by the management of possible risks of rejection of BNIFX product. This type of research uses a qualitative design, the main data source obtained by open interviews. The results of this study obtained the concept that: (1). For those who have used BNIFX because the data becomes very real time, time is more efficient and effective, cut off, pricing and trust. Related to this, there is no significant added value. (2). The main reason for those who haven't used BNIFX is because they are afraid of adapting to the new system, so the product that is more in demand is BNI direct. (3). The main strategy undertaken is to optimize a very wide network of branch offices (both domestic and overseas), increase knowledge for potential customers, improve promotion techniques.



In the era of very tight competition and with a high level of uncertainty, companies including the banking industry must be able to exercise good control through planned and systematic risk management. Stated by Oehmen et al (2020) for example, when an organization develops a new product. This step means that the company invests various resources, but on the other hand it also has to endure conditions full of uncertainty. One of them, namely about the level of public acceptance of the product, and the level of sales. This depends on product performance and customer preferences, as well as other factors.

In relation to unsystematic risk, for example, what is happening for almost 2 (years) is the Covid-19 pandemic that has hit almost all parts of the world, including Indonesia. This pandemic has had a huge negative impact on all sectors, including the banking industry. For example, the banking sector in India in the research of Bobade and Alex (2020) revealed that it was affected by this pandemic. In the end, management must make changes in various policies. Marcu (2021) conducted a study that the COVID-19 pandemic can increase the role of banks to further accelerate digitalization in the new banking system. Handoyo (2020) in his study revealed a significant increase in the use of conference equipment and of course it will have an impact on improving technology infrastructure. Riza (2021) in his research that conducted testing based on the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of The Technology (UTAUT) revealed that people have trust, acceptance, and satisfaction with digital banking services.

This opportunity can be captured one way by implementing a product development strategy. This is reinforced by a statement from Tabassum (2019) in which the development of new products is one of the foundations of success, including in banking management. This excellent opportunity was captured by PT. BNI (Persero) Tbk, of course, with several considerations including: (1) Managing Director and Partner BCG stated that the role of a bank is not just to provide service quality, but at the same time must be able to consider beyond banking which can be an alternative for customers. (2) Before the pandemic, the results of a survey of corporate customers indicated that 85% of customers said they had a preference for digital banking transactions (BNI Corporate Secretary, 2021) (3) The existence of a pandemic has increasingly made customer behavior shift to digitalization up to 41.53% (Christabel, 2021). This statement is based on research results from tim BCG who has carried out benchmarking at various banks in the world, conducted surveys, and at the same time conducted interviews with several BCG partners at global companies in the world. This activity was carried out to review trends related to corporate digital for corporate customers and wholesale banking (BNI Corporate Secretary, 2021).

Mainly for these reasons, then PT. BNI (Persero) Tbk took strategic action, namely on August 23 2021 launching a new product in the form of BNIFX. Launchingheld at the Grand Launching of BNIFX and the Talkshow "The Future Digital Transaction Platform for Corporate Clients". Followed by corporate customers and BNI Hi-Movers (BNI Corporate Secretary, 2021). The new BNIFX product is a web-based digital platform via the internet network, which is intended to make it easier for corporate customers to make (non-physical) foreign currency transactions by connecting directly with BNI treasury dealers in real time via the website (BNI Corporate Secretary, 2021).

The treasury reach owned by PT. BNI (Persero) Tbk nationally namely 12 regional treasury areas and 6 (six) overseas branch offices. The total number of active treasury customers is 15,860 with a proportion of 51% wholesale customers, the rest (49%) retail customers. This condition is a very big opportunity for management to develop various strategies, especially in the field of marketing in winning the competition. This seems obvious, if the more aggressively marketing new products (BNIFX) then the chance of success will be achieved, considering that most of the active treasury customers are wholesale groups which are the main segment of BNIFX. Quoted from secondary data sources PT. BNI (Persero) Tbk. in 2022.

The above conditions certainly provide enormous opportunities in each working area of PT. BNI (Persero) Tbk. Similarly, strong opportunities are also seen at PT. BNI (Persero) Tbk. Jakarta Senayan Area (period until 2022). It appears that of the 4,081 wholesale group customers who are the main segment of the BNIFX study program, only 3 (three) customers. This data shows that customers who have transacted through BNIFX are still very low at 0.0007%.

Looking at these data, on the one hand it is clear that this provides a huge opportunity. But the problem is that BNIFX is a new product with a special segment (wholesale), therefore PT. BNI (Persero) Tbk. The Jakarta Senayan area is faced with big problems related to various speculations. This is a very big challenge for the management both from the perspective of risk management and marketing management. Each of them must be able to collaborate as much as possible to be able to market optimally, and also these products can provide added value, especially for PT. BNI (Persero) Tbk. Jakarta Senayan area as well as added value for the business development of customers.

In connection with these speculations and challenges, it is based on the reason that new products are required to be able to make people have interest in and trust in these products. Furthermore, if the customer has chosen or has made a transaction, the bank must be able to provide a level of satisfaction that is at least equal to or even exceeds other products that have existed for a long time. This means that the new product must have value for the business results carried out by the customer. In the process of developing a new product, it is not enough to make changes only to the product in a tangibility manner, but it must also be comprehensive from every aspect. For example, marketing systems, services, and also the added value of the new product itself (Gurbuz, 2018).

The matter that becomes the main concern for marketing parties in connection with the new BNIFX product is regarding customer behavior. In connection with that matter,cognitive innovation, and customer emotional impact significantly on the acceptance of new products. Furthermore, consideration of new product development over the current trend that is digitalization, sustainability, and service. Efforts to realize this, it must take into account supporting resources that complement each other. Among them are knowledge management, data management, setting criteria and metrics as a means of measuring progress, as well as conducting ongoing evaluations, and being able to formulate solutions (Absari & Joudaki, 2018).

Bucatariu et al (2017) in his research on scase studies highlighting consumer behavior towards new products in segments in Romania and Austria. The conclusion is that Romania still faces product innovation barriers compared to Austria. The interesting thing is, despite the reluctance to new products, the company still generates a consistent turnover. The recommendation given is that the emphasis on communication and marketing methods through social media is thus based on digitalization, can help build a strong consumer community. In addition, digitization, especially for new products, can be used as a means of promoting trust. Tabassum (2019) and Ferraris (2016) it is regrettable that relatively little research has been done on new products and consumer purchase intentions in the financial sector.

In connection with the various reviews above, it becomes very interesting to be further investigated on the behavior of PT. BNI (Persero) Tbk. Jakarta Senayan Area for BNIFX new products. The reasons that the novelty of this research is very strong are: (1). Adopting from Riza (2021) who conducted research with quantitative design by only examining the aspect of new product acceptance, but in this context it was developed by looking at it from the perspective of rejection of digitalization with qualitative research design. (2). Research on BNIFX new products at PT. BNI (Persero) Tbk. Jakarta Senayan area has never been done by Tabassum (2019) and Ferraris (2016). Based on this, the purpose of this study is to investigate the factors that encourage and reject customers to make transactions on BNIFX products, as well as investigate strategies carried out by the management of possible risks of rejection of BNIFX products.



This research is packaged using a qualitative design, which is an inductive research stage, the data is qualitative in nature (therefore it must be carried out at a further stage, namely interpreting, so that the meaning becomes clearer) through a survey (Sugiyono, 2018). The main data in this study are primary data obtained through open interviews. The informants of this research arenon-individual group customers namelyPIC of each company who gets a delegation from the leadership to trade forex. The number of informants each3 (three) people from the company who have and have not made foreign exchange transactions with BNIFX.The next informant is the management of PT. BNI (Persero) Tbk. Jakarta Senayan area treasury division. The analysis was carried out using qualitative descriptive techniques, with a postpositivist or interpretive philosophical approach.



Overview of Informant Identity

The determination of informants was carried out randomly in the two groups, who first contacted them to ask their willingness to be respondents. The next step is to agree on the interview time of the informants. The interviews were conducted between 10-23 May 2023, at the hours determined by the informants. Based on the results of open interviews, the identity of the wholesale group informants was obtained as follows:


Table 1. Informant Identity

Informant Identity




Informants who have made foreign exchange transactions using BNIFX:










25 years

29 years

33 years

Level of education




Company name




Length of working

3 years

1 year

6 years


Finance Manager

Senior Finance Officer

Senior Finance Officer

Business Fields of the Company

Payment Gateways

Natural gas distribution

Producer of pure tin bar

Long Established Company

9 years

11 years

16 years

How Long Have Been A Customer

9 years

4 years

5 years

Informants who have not made foreign exchange transactions using BNIFX:










30 years

30 years

52 Years

Level of education




Company name




Length of working

4 years

8 years

21 years


Finance Supervisor

Finance Supervisor

Production Manager

Business Fields of the Company


Frozen Loins

Finance Supervisor

Long Established Company

28 years

5 years

48 Years

How Long Have Been A Customer

28 years

20 years

25 years


Source: primary data processed (2023).


Based on table 1 it can be seen that 3 (three) non-individual group informantswho have made transactions using BNIFXat PT. Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. Jakarta Senayan area. It appears that from a gender perspective, 2 (two) of them are women, aged between 25-33 years, and all of them have an undergraduate degree. The minimum length of work for the informant is 1 (one) year, then 2 (two) years, and the longest is 6 (six) years, thus being an informant is certainly appropriate, because they have adequate work experience. Informants also held positions that were able to represent the items asked, namely regarding forex, each of whom served as finance manager and senior finance officer.

The identity of the next informantwho have not made transactions using BNIFX onPT. Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. Of the three informants in this group, 2 (two) of them were female, all of whom were 30 years old, and the male, 52 years of age. All of these informants had an adequate level of education, namely at the S1 level. Judging from the length of work, it varied, namely 4 (four) years as a position, and 8 (eight) years all of whom held the position of finance supervisor, as well as 1 (one) informant who worked for 21 years in the positionproduction manager, so that they already have sufficient knowledge to respond to various questions during the interview process.


Informants' Responses Regarding Factors That Encourage Customers to Make Forex Transactions Using BNIFX

The informants in the interview were also asked about the reasons for choosing to use BNIFX in making foreign exchange transactions. Results of interviews with informants PT. SDT, PT. RCE and PT. RBT is summarized into categories, patterns and concepts as shown in the following table:


Table 2. Categories, patterns and concepts regarding

Reasons to Use BNIFX in Conducting Forex Transactions




-        BNIFX has real time data information.

-        More efficient and effective.

-        Sometimes the response from BNI officers is a bit long.

-        BNIFX makes data real time.

-        Time efficient and effective because it doesn't have to be a BNI branch office.

-        A more responsive service is needed.

-        Information thatvery real-time.

-        Time efficient and effective.

-        Responsive service.




Conclusion :

Information thatvery real time, time efficient and effective, as well as service (speed, accuracy, effectiveness, pick-up speed), cut off time, pricing and trust are the ingredients

consideration for customersin conducting transactions using BNIFX.

Source: primary data processed (2023).

Based on table 2 it appears that the factors used as material for consideration for non-personal customer groupswho have made transactions using BNIFX onPT. Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk consists of:

1)  Information thatvery real-time

The informant's response is thus that in order to carry out foreign exchange transactions real time information is needed. Given that exchange rates fluctuate very much in a very short time, if the data obtained is not always real time, it will result in losses for the company. Customer needswholesalehas been answered with the BNIFX system issued byPT. Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. Regarding the real time factor, the impact on customer decisions has been accommodated byBNIFX. This is because that BNIFXis a web-based digital platform of course using the internet network. This is meant byPT. Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk.so that it is easier for corporate customers to conduct foreign exchange transactions (BNI Corporate Secretary, 2021).

2)      Time efficient and effective

Given that customers use BNIFX, they can make transactions more efficient and effective. This is because customers do not need to come to the branch office, simply implement the existing system at BNIFX and with a very stable internet network, customers do not need to come to the branch office to meet the treasury department. So from that make customerswholesalemore efficient both in terms of time and energy. In addition, considering that BNIFX has a very good system automatically, various calculations are more effective.

This statement is in line with the characteristics of BNIFX itself. Where BNIFX can connect directly with dealersPT. Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk.treasury in real time through the web side with the page: https://bnifx.bni.co.id (BNI Corporate Secretary, 2021). Tabassum (2019) revealed in marketing new products, digitalization can be used as a means of growing trust from consumers (customers), because it becomes more effective and efficient in its implementation.

3)      Responsive service

Furthermore, the informant also revealed that responsive service is a very important part in decision making using the system in BNIFX. It is thus apparent that service is a very important part of decision making. In relation to service, it is in line with what is stated in Riza (2021). The research is based on the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of The Technology (UTAUT). In principle, customers will be willing to use banking digitalization when they have trust, acceptance of changes, and a level of satisfaction with the services provided by the bank. In this context, BNIFX is a new product issued by PT. Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. In relation to the acceptance of this new product is also closely related to satisfaction with service. This is in line with the results of research from Gurbuz (2018) where the success of new products is not sufficiently concentrated on the product itself. But it must also be thoroughly included in the quality of service provided, so that new products have more value for their users compared to competitors.

4)      Pricing

Responses from 3 (three) informants who have used BNIFX stated that the pricing factor is very important because it can have an impact on achieving profits. The emphasis on the rate factor further emphasizes the importance of rate influence in making decisions about whether or not to use BNIFX products. This informant seems clear if the rate offered by PT. Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. The Jakarta Senayan area remains high compared to competitors (BRIFX), so it will most likely switch to BRIFX. It also appears that rate or even special price is more important than service. This can reduce the level of trust, so that they can switch to other banks with similar products.

Hu et al (2019) reveal thatTrust refers to the overall utility perceived by users. The utility itself can be for profit gain. In conditions if the rate is high, then in other words it can reduce profits. Ultimately, consumers will abandon them or not repurchase. Sulemana et al (2023) also revealed, uncompetitive prices could have an impact on the low level of trust from consumers. Furthermore, this can also have a significant impact on the reluctance of consumers to make repeat purchases using digitization techniques.


Informants' Responses Regarding Factors That Cause Customers Not to Make Foreign Exchange Transactions Using BNIFX

Subsequent interviews were also conducted with non-personal customers of PT. Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. Jakarta Senayan area but those who have not used BNIFX. This is of course intended to find out the behavior of the customers of this group, the reasons for not having made foreign exchange transactions using BNIFX. Interviews were also conducted with 3 (three) informants, namely from PT. BNS, PT. MMP andPT. bag. Conduct of interviews on 15 May, 17 May and 22 May 2023,the following results are obtained:





Table 3. Categories, Patterns and Concepts

The Reasons Why Not Yet Using BNIFX




-     Information when socializing is less in-depth.

-     Have a user, but forgot the password.

-     BNIFX features are complete.

-     Afraid to use.

-     Must always update, the process is long.

-     BNIFX takes a long time.

-     A special treasury division is needed.

-     Already comfortable with BNI direct.

-     Very network dependent.

-     It's safer to meet BNI officers.

-     BNIFX is in principle needed, but the old tools are sufficient.

-    For those who do not have a special treasury division, it will take a long time.

-    There is an awareness that in principle BNIFX is needed, but are afraid of adaptation.

-Socialization has been carried out, information is lacking in depth

-Fear of adapting to a new system

-Treasury division required






Conclusion :

Less in-depth socialization has an impact on the lack of customer interest in

use BNIFX, for those who have a user but forgot the password. BNIFX features

is complete, but the informant tacutely adapt to the new system.

Source: primary data processed (2023).


Based on table 3 it appears that the factors that cause customerswholesalehave not made any foreign exchange transactions using BNIFX onPT. Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. Obtained the concept that these factors consist of a lack of information about BNIFX, tacutely adapt to the new system and this system requiresspecial treasury division. Furthermore, each of them is analyzed as follows:

1)    Lack of information about BNIFX

In connection with the new BNIFX product, the informant stated that PT. Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. Jakarta Senayan area. The problem is that the socialization was given at the time of the pandemic so that the information received was not extensive, and as a result there is a lack of understanding until now. As a result, BNIFX has been forgotten by wholesale customers. Statements from informants actually carried out the socialization which had succeeded in attracting informants to create accounts. The problem is, because it is not accompanied by further assistance, it causes a lack of understanding about BNIFX, so those who were initially interested forget about it. Accounts that are already owned are no longer useful because the pasward has also been forgotten.

Socialization is thus related to the field of marketing or promotion. This means that effective promotion, especially on new products, is needed so that customers become aware, then remember, which ultimately makes the decision to become a user. This of course requires the right strategy, so that the new product can meet customer expectations, and with a perceived level of technological sophistication, so that it can be used as a revolutionary means. Furthermore, it must also be offered that the product can be used competitively in winning the competition (Tabassum, 2019).

The importance of the socialization aspect of new products to reach, understand and customize products and services, is very important to communicate directly with consumers. This is a fundamental aspect of new product development (Tabassum, 2019). This direct customer communication allows companies to gain many useful customer insights that should influence every area of ​​the marketing mix, including pricing, and promotion mix decisions. Seeing this, new product development is a very challenging and complex process (Hosseini et al., 2018).

2)    Qacutely adapt to the new system

The informants also revealed that the reasons for not using BNIFX in making transactions were because they were afraid to adapt to the new system. The informant stated that this would take up time, energy and thought, while carrying out foreign exchange transactions using BNI direct was more comfortable and safer.The responses from the informants indicated that the informants were more comfortable using foreign exchange transactions through BNI direct, and were thus reluctant to adapt to new technology. This is in line with what is stated in the Status Quo Bias Theory (SQBT). That is a theory that explains the reasons for individuals/ organizations to persist in the status or situation that has been going on or currently exists. It is also stated that this theory is intended to explain the behavior of resistance or rejection of the use of new technology (Kim & Kankanhalli, 2009).

Viewed from the perspective of SQBT, the reason is because it is full of uncertainties, avoids or reduces the possibility of losses, costs to be incurred and avoids the possibility of regret later. Bias is a combination of feelings, attitudes and behavioral tendencies and preconceived views (Samuelson & Zeckhauser, 1988). This theory is related to the context of this study where exchange rate movements are very fast, while BNIFX is very closely related to the strength of the internet network. One second difference, if the decision is not right then it can cause big losses for the company. On the other hand, to get the accuracy of the transaction, you must master the new system at BNIFX, which in the end takes time.

Also stated by Fejza et al (2017) and Whu et al (2019) revealed the tam model identifies factors that influence individual behavioral attitudes in the adoption of new technologies. Among them: perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, attitudes, trust.

3)      BNIFX system requiresspecial treasury division

Considering that the existing operations in the BNIFX system must input data one by one, with a narrow cut off time, it requires high concentration for related officers. For companies that don't have a special treasury division, it will be a headache for officers, because there are other tasks that must be left behind to carry out foreign exchange transactions. The results of the disclosure from these informants show that in order to use the existing system at BNIFX, a special division that handles treasury is needed. This is because the process that must be done using the system is quite long. The informants from this group stated that not using BNIFX did not mean they did not need it, but indeed using BNI direct was enough to meet their needs. BNI direct actually feels more comfortable because it can communicate directly with employees at PT. Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. Jakarta Senayan area. This is even more interesting because it feels practical in carrying out work.

The results of this study are in line with the statement of Jianbiao et al. (2009) which is based on the Status Quo Bias Theory (SQBT), in which status quo bias is an important factor influencing decision making. Behavior patterns embedded in status quo biases can hinder the adoption of new technologies. Status quo biases tend to become stronger the more choices are given. The reason is that the system has been used for years and even the decision maker may not recognize the good potential that exists from each option, because they do not try to research it first.


Informants' Responses Regarding the Strategy Carried Out by the Management of PT. Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. Jakarta Senayan area

Informants from the management of PT. Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. The Jakarta Senayan area is the head of the treasury division. The interview was conducted on Friday 12 May 2023 regarding the weaknesses of the new product and strategies to be carried out if there is a possibility of failure of the new BNIFX product. The results of the interview appear as follows:

1)    Weaknesses of the new BNIFX product

Head of the treasury division at PT. Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. The Jakarta Senayan area revealed several weaknesses in the marketing of BNIFX's new products. It is realized that BNIFX has not shown optimal market performance. It can be seen from the number of customers who have transacted foreign exchange (4,081 customers) but only 3 customers who actively use BNIFX facilities (0.0007%). Also stated byThe leadership of the treasury division, among others, is caused by:


Table 4. Causes of Not Optimal Market Performance BNIFX




-       BNIFX is not intended for individual users.

-       Intended for corporate wholesale.

-       Users associated only with forex transactions.

Human Resources

Knowledge or marketing skills regarding BNIFX products are still very limited, so they are unable to provide understanding to customers.


-       BNIFX is a new product based on the web side, so it really depends on the stability of the internet network.

-       Its use requires a rather long time.

-       BNIFX is a new product, so customers have too many choices to make it confusing.


-       The promotions are quite selective.

-       The promotion frequency was very inadequate, namely from the launch until now it has only been carried out 2 (two) times.

-       The promotion was carried out en masse, namely during the soft and grand launching, so it was less intense.

-       Most promotions are carried out through social media, so that customers cannot have direct discussions or consultations.

-       Promotion is still limited to potential customers.

Customer behavior

-       Customers still prefer face to face transactions (direct dealing with dealers at BNI treasury) compared to systems such as the BNIFX application.

-       Dependence on the use of supporting applications such as BNI direct.

-       For customers who have not used BNI direct, they still have to go to the branch to make transactions manually to the teller.

Source: primary data processed (2023).


2)      The strategies that will be carried out

These results are intended to conduct interviews with the leadership of the treasury division of PT. Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. Jakarta Senayan area, if there is a possibility of failure of the new BNIFX product. The development of this interview is based on research results from Tabassum (2019). That new product innovation carries a high degree of risk, and a company can invest a great deal of time and capital in a new product idea without any guarantee that it will be commercially successful. It was concluded that between 30% -50% of products introduced to the market have a chance of failure. In connection with this, the company must have a good strategy (eg aspects of development, and marketing).

Moreover, Tabassum (2019) revealed that new product development is one of the foundations of success, including in the banking industry. The development of new products which is the current trend is based on digitalization and services. Efforts to realize this, it must consider supporting resources that complement each other. Among them are management readiness, knowledge, data management, setting criteria and development metrics, as well as conducting ongoing evaluations, and being able to formulate solutions (Absari & Joudaki, 2018).

In connection with the solution, the rationale for making the main strategy of PT. Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. The Jakarta Senayan area is optimizing a very wide network of branch offices both at home and abroad. Overseas branch offices include Singapore, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Seoul, London, New York, Osaka and Amsterdam. Of course, this extensive network of overseas branch offices can increase the convenience of customers in conducting foreign exchange transactions in these various destination countries.

Furthermore, an interview with the head of the treasury division of PT. Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. The Jakarta Senayan area will take place on Friday 12 May 2023. With regards to the overall strategy, it appears as summarized in the following table:


Table 5. Management Strategy

PT. Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. Jakarta Senayan area

Grand Strategy :

Optimizing a very wide network of branch offices (both at home and abroad).


Sub Strategy


Increase knowledge for potential customers

-        Providing one on one training so that customers understand how to use BNIFX features optimally.

-        Providing rewards to potential customers who are active in making transactions with BNIFX.

-        Providing a special PIC for BNIFX, so that it can make it easier for customers to interact.

-        Make periodic visits to customers so that traffic using BNIFX can run as expected.

Promotion :


a.     Provide rewards to customers who use BNIFX.

-        The Best Customer Experience

It is a reward for active customers at BNIFX.

-        The Most Active Customers

Rewardsf or BNIFX customers who are most active in foreign exchange transactions (during the last 3 months).

-        The Best Volume

Rewards for customers using BNIFX in terms of transaction volume/ nominal (during the last 3 months).

b.   Make a miniseries

This strategy is uploaded to various social media, related to the use of BNIFX. The goal is that customers can see the benefits and features in BNIFX.

c.   Make exclusive merchandise

Given to potential customers who have an interest in a particular field. For example, golf, bowling, and traveling.

d.   Synergize with marketers

-        Done mainly in branches that have potential customers.

-        Give rewards to marketers for new BNIFX users.

e.    Doing marketing through brand ambassadors

brand ambassadorsowned by BNI, including Rans Entertainment, Luna Maya, and so on.

f.      Integrating BNIFX into BNI Direct products

-        It is intended that customers no longer need to use different or various applications.

-        It is hoped that with this integration, customers will only have 1 (one) very powerful application to make transactions for all products owned by BNI, including BNIFX.

g.   Conduct joint forums with business associations

For example, with the association of exporters and importers. It is hoped that BNIFX users will invite the association participants to each other.

h.     Provide special pricing

 This is intended to provide attractive offers for customers who transact in foreign currency using BNIFX, compared to other means such as visiting a branch.

Source: primary data processed (2023).



The results of the open interviews obtained the concept that they had made foreign exchange transactions using BNIFX because they obtained ithat informationvery real time, time is more time efficient and effective (related to data acquisition speed, accuracy, effectiveness, pick-up speed, cut-off (too short), pricing (less competitive), and trust factor.The informant also revealed that there was no significant added value, except that by using BNIFX information could be more real time and you don't have to go to the branch office.

Furthermore, it can be concluded that the results of the interviews obtained the concept that sIn-depth socialization results in a lack of customer interest in using BNIFX. It is proven for customers who already have a user but forgot the password. Actually, BNIFX features are complete, but these informants tacutely adapt to the new system. Pthe product that is more in demand is BNI direct.

Interviews were conducted with the head of the treasury division, who revealed that the main strategy being carried out was optimizing a very wide network of branch offices (both domestic and overseas). Furthermore, in its implementation, namely improving  knowledge for potential customers. The next sub-strategy is by carrying out various promotional techniques. Among them: providing rewards to customers who use BNIFX, creating miniseries, creating exclusive merchandise, synergizing with marketers, conducting marketing through brand ambassadors, integrating BNIFX into BNI Direct products, conducting joint forums with business associations, and providing special pricing .



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Hariadi Hendrawan (2023)

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