Volume 2, Number 2, January, 2021

p -ISSN: 2777-0915 | e-ISSN 2797-6068


Putri Amalia Zubaedah

Green Publisher

Email: [email protected]


E-Learning, Assistance, Implementation, PAUD

Article Info Accepted: January, 2nd 2021 Revised:

January, 11st 2021 Approved: January, 14th2021

Abstract The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic is felt by all levels of society and all aspects of life, including early childhood education. Educational units must have the readiness of human resources in the form of educators and education staff as well as the readiness of technology facilities so that the learning process can be carried out effectively and efficiently. However, not all PAUD units are able to carry out internet-based learning which is called e-learning. This study aims to provide assistance in implementing a fun E-Learning for PAUD teachers in Argasunya Village, Cirebon City. This study uses a qualitative method. The community service steps taken are through webinars, question and answer and discussion. The results of this study can be concluded that the understanding of participants in implementing e-learning increases through examples of fun activities that parents can do at home so that they can stimulate all aspects of child development.


Online learning is called internet-based technology, the web is used to introduce learning materials (Arsyad, 2011). E-learning requires a computer in the delivery of learning that uses a central guide with a distance that can be inserted with text, graphics, animation, audio and video simulations (Abdullah, 2020). Information has a positive impact on educational development, including formal, non-formal and informal education (Triyono, 2019). Educational units can take advantage of technological facilities from simple to complex, such as computers and the internet (Aditiya, 2020). E learning is basically an innovation in conventional forms of learning such as a digital format that can be developed from simple, personal, fast and entertaining elements that can make students feel like they are in the classroom at when learning from home (Silahuddin, 2015).

Educational institutions compete to cope with developments in information and communication technology for schools / madrasahs from high school to high levels. Implementation of e-learning under various names, including online learning, online learning systems, virtual learning, or ICT-based learning systems. The application of the e-learning system requires teachers and lecturers who are proficient in the application of (Siahaan, Murniarti, & Simbolon, 2021) information and communication technology.

Learning activities through the internet and websites can be used freely as open source products, an open source based e learning system can improve the efficiency and performance of teachers on innovative teaching materials such as digital-based student worksheets (Suyanto, 2005). In other words, education has evolved various elements, namely planning, strategy, processes, media and resources (Abdullah, 2019). The conventional face-to-face learning process becomes e learning which requires professionalism from educators, good communication with parents of students and the readiness of gadget device facilities equipped with the internet (Rahmawati & Yulianti, 2020).

Teachers are made easy because using these features is easy and student-friendly. Teachers can make learning innovations and teaching materials that are better understood by students without having to come to schools (Sahlani, Sopiansyah, & Agung, 2020). The use of learning technology uses internet-based learning in its processes using web applications, google class, edmodo, and whtasapp. These applications are very easy to access and useful in online learning, although there are still obstacles in learning, namely teachers who have not mastered learning technology, students who do not have gadgets, learning processes that are difficult to monitor properly and assignment collection is often not on time (Almah, Thohari, & Lismanda, 2020).

In distance learning using WhatsApp groups to give assignments to children, the assignments given are in the form of voice recordings, videos, pictures. The child collects assignments to the teacher using voice recordings, videos, pictures, etc. The teacher gives value as feedback. Giving assignments based on scientific literacy on the topic of the 2019 coronavirus disease (Covid 19). In elementary school children there are still many children who do not understand more complete information about Covid 19, based on the explanatory text presented by students, it is difficult to conclude which parts of the body are generally targeted by the Covid 19 (Setiawan & Mufassaroh, 2020) attack.

From the results of the above research, it is known that the applications that are chosen as e-learning media are WhatsApp, Google Class, Web, Videocall, Zoom and Edmodo. The use of this application is based on the reason that it is easy and friendly to both teachers and students. Teaching materials can be clearly

conveyed and modified to be more innovative, fun through the insertion of images, photos, videos and sounds.(Nurkolis & Muhdi, 2020)

All levels of society are not immune from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, both parents, teachers and the learning process, on parents, it has an impact on the hassle of guiding children in children's learning at home, especially if you have more than one child, the additional cost for purchasing quotas is felt. when e learning is carried out. The impact felt by the teacher was on teaching activities carried out from home by preparing teaching materials every day through gadgets and the internet. The impact on the implementation of learning is the conventional change into e learning (Suryaman et al., 2020).

The challenges experienced in the e learning process are numerous, seen from the point of view of educators, education staff and parents of students. Areas that are difficult to get a stable and adequate internet network, the unpreparedness of the teaching staff in implementing the e learning curriculum so that learning is not achieved properly (Al Qolbi, 2019). Therefore, the learning that is carried out does not emphasize the achievement of learning but by providing meaningful learning for living in pandemic period. (RI, Lt, & Subroto, 2020)

Another problem faced in learning in learning is the lack of teacher response to overcome protests from parents who regret that during this pandemic, learning is only given with a lot of assignments. Teachers realize that they are not ready for the e learning process, so they need cooperation with colleagues, guardians, students and are supported by technology and internet facilities so that the teacher is able to choose a fun learning strategy (Suyanto, 2005).

Technological developments require the education sector to continue to improve the quality of the use of information technology in learning. (Sampurno, Maulidiyah, & Puspitaningrum, 2015) Computer technology-based learning media such as Moodle is a medium that is applied as needed. Moodle is a web-based, object-oriented dynamic learning model. The Moodle application can help students gain more knowledge through the form of uploading optical learning materials through the Moodle function, innovative worksheets that improve the abilities of (Setiawan & Mufassaroh, 2020) students.

Parenting learning or parenting learning must be pursued because of the impact that occurs. Parents must be able to understand children's thinking and learning styles as a provision for mentoring children during e-learning (Lailasari, 2019). Nowadays sophisticated technology can provide unlimited access and obtain all kinds of educational information. Parents have the opportunity to study independently and find out as much information as possible about parenting materials. This convenient method needs to be used to explore the learning experience as easily as possible to do nurture and nurture for children (Saepudin & Ulfah, 2015). One of the complexities of using e learning is through webinars

which aim to provide facilities for parents to study independently anywhere, anytime and anywhere. The continuous learning process will have a significant impact on learning outcomes and achieving learning goals.

Obstacles faced by PAUD teachers in Argasunya Village in the e-learning process are unpreparedness in applying gadgets, google classroom, google meet, zoom meet (Sukirwan, 2020). Teachers are not yet proficient in operating devices such as computers and props, and not all PAUD have computer equipment, teachers still limited in the manufacture of computer-based teaching materials and their implementation. Efforts to educate PAUD teachers in improving the competence of implementing e learning through webinars with the theme of implementing e lerning during a pandemic are acts of community service in implementing the tridharma of higher education (Sukirwan, 2020).

Research Method

Community service steps in the form of webinars which are conducted through:

  1. Presentation of the material

    The material presented is in accordance with the theme: "Assistance in the Implementation of the E Learning Curriculum during the Covid-19 Pandemic" in accordance with the needs and problems faced by PAUD teachers with materials covering:

    1. juridical, psychological and health foundation to carry out e learning.

    2. Media and applications that can be used by teachers in implementing e learning

    3. The steps for using or operating the WhatsApp application, zoom meet and video conference.

    4. The steps taken by the teacher to conduct e learning for students who are difficult to reach by internet access.

    5. Establish good and active communication with parents in mentoring and nurturing as well as education for early childhood.

    6. Examples of simple and fun activities that parents and children can do at home to stimulate all aspects of a child's development.

  2. Questions and answers

    The webinar participants were given the opportunity to ask questions related to the exposure to the material that had been delivered, either directly or in writing in the chattroom. The questions asked were based on the things experienced by the participants during the e-learning implementation. carried out by parents at home without having to prepare learning media that is difficult, expensive,

    troublesome for parents. Through question and answer, participants gain deeper knowledge and understanding than just hearing the material exposure.

  3. Discussion

As a step to explore and explore the understanding and depth of the results of the exposure and questions and answers, then a discussion was held to strengthen the theory so that it was easy to implement in each PAUD.

Result and Discussion

  1. Argasunya Village Profile

    In the era of independence, the Argasunya region was led by a Kuwu, a representative from the Kanoman Palace, named Kuwu Jaya, then followed by a Kuwu Kodim in the 1940s with a permit to work on it from the Kanoman Keratin Approximately in 1963, the community received a land decree based on their arguments for which a certificate could be made. In 1970 a Mayor Decree was issued for the Argasunya Sub-District, which was led by the Kamsi Village Head and subsequently by the Castra Village Head. Kelurahan Argasunya is included in the Harjamukti sub-district, Cirebon City, West Java.

    Picture 1.

  2. Data Of Education Institutions In Argasunya Village

    Argasunya is the largest area among other kelurahan in Harjamukti Subdistrict, the argument is that it is also a densely populated area seen from the large population and high productive age. Educational Institutions in Argasunya Village have two types, namely formal institutions (SD, SMP and SMA), There are non-formal institutions (PAUD and Pesantren), here is data on educational institutions in Argasunya Village.

    Table 1. PAUD In Argasunya Village






    KB Al-latif



    TK Mutiara Bangsa



    KB Nusantara



    TK Islam Integral Almalikha



    RA Nusantara



    SPS Burung Cemara



    KB Mutiara Anggrek



    KB Palinggihan



    SPS Nurul Ilmi



    KB Ar-ridhlo



    KB Handayani



    SPS Al-amin



    SPS Husnul Khatimah



    SPS Al-hijrah



    SPS Mandiri Sejahtera



    KB Cibogo



    KB Ar-rayana



    KB Sirojuttholibin



    KB Lebakngok

  3. Webinar of Assistance in the Implementation of the E-learning Curriculum during the Covid-19 Pandemic

The implementation of the webinar is an actualization of the Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi of the Bunga Bangsa Islamic Institute of Cirebon, namely

community service and to help the community, especially PAUD teachers, in improving teacher competence. Community empowerment was carried out in Argasunya Village, Harjamukti Subdistrict, Cirebon City, which was attended by 50 participants consisting of PAUD unit managers, school principals and PAUD teachers for 1 hour.

Picture 2 Webinar Implementation

Community service begins with the creation and distribution of flyers via WhatsApp to PAUD units as a step to disseminate information with a wider, more effective and efficient reach. Webinar activities are carried out in a communicative and interactive manner, participants enthusiastically participate in the entire series of events from opening to closing. Participants responded positively through a question and answer session. Joint discussions were carried out as reinforcement and feedback from the presentation of the material that had been delivered. Indicators of participants' understanding of the material exposure can be seen from the results of questions and answers and discussions with participants.

Picture 3 E-Learning Policy Materials


Picture 4 Mathematical stimulation material

The webinar activity on the implementation of the e learning curriculum during the Codi 19 pandemic was carried out according to the plan that had been prepared. During the activity the participants responded positively and enthusiastically in the material presentation, question and answer and discussion as reinforcement. Participants' understanding in implementing e learning increases through examples of fun activities that parents can do at home so that they can stimulate all aspects of children's development. Community service activities are continuous or periodic activities from one of the programs of the Bunga Bangsa Islamic Institute of Cirebon as a campus that has the nuances of academic research and dedication.


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Copyright holder: Putri Amalia Zubaedah (2019) First publication right: Devotion - Journal of Community


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E-learning implementation assistance is fun for paud teachers in Argasunya Village, Cirebon City 84