Soni Muhammad Luthfy, Farhan Yanuar
Abdillah, Endah Nurhayati,
Luthenia Nur Azizah, Dodi
of Agriculture, Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati, Indonesia
KEYWORDS Salak pondoh (Salacca edulis Reinw.); Low Density
Polyethylene (LDPE); carton box |
ABSTRACT The demand for salak pondoh is increasing along with the increase in
economic growth and population. Efforts to maintain the quality of salak
pondoh fruit are to delay ripeness using various types of packaging and
knowing the most effective type of packaging to extend the shelf life of
salak fruit. The research aims to determine
the effect of using various types of packaging. The research
was carried out at the Agricultural Product Processing Technology
Laboratorium, Faculty of Agriculture, Swadaya Gunung Jati University. The
study design used Complete Randomized Design (RAL) with TK treatment = no
packaging, P = Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE) plastic packaging and K =
carton box packaging, each treatment was repeated as many times 9 times. The
parameters observed were percentage of weight loss, hardness, total dissolved
solids and vitamin C levels. The data obtained were analyzed with Analysis of
Variance (ANOVA) and if the difference was real continued with the
Scott-Knott test at the level of significance of 5%. The results showed that
the use of cardboard box packaging material was able to delay the ripeness of
salak fruit. Low density polyethylene plastic is a type of packaging that is
effective in reducing the weight loss and hardness of salak fruit, and
cardboard boxes are a type of packaging that effective in suppressing total
dissolved solids and vitamin C levels of salak pondoh fruit (Salacca
edulis Reinw.). |
horticultural plant with potential for export is snake fruit. Salak production
in 2020 increased 78% from the previous year, reaching 1,225,088 tons
of snake fruit increases every year, which causes production of snake fruit to
increase. This is caused by the very high nutritional content in snake fruit.
According to
maintain its quality, snake fruit must be cared for properly because it is a
perishable horticultural product. Fresh food storage management is critical,
especially in countries experiencing significant climate change. The inability
to store food properly will result in increased food waste
is one way to handle post-harvest. One method of post-harvest processing that
can extend the storage period of agricultural materials or products is
packaging. Packaging is intended to help prevent and reduce product damage,
protect the food ingredients inside from contamination and other physical
disturbances, and place products or processed products in a form that makes
transportation, storage and distribution easier
to research conducted by
to research conducted by
to delay the decline in the quality of salak fruit need to be made so that the
quality of the fruit is maintained. This research was conducted to determine
the effect of using various types of packaging and to find out the type of
packaging that is most effective in delaying the ripening of salak fruit so
that it can be used to maintain the quality of the fruit so as to extend the
shelf life of salak fruit.
research was conducted in the Agricultural Product Processing Technology
laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Gunung Jati Swadaya, Cirebon,
from 31 July to 7 August 2023.
The tools
used are analytical scales to measure fruit weight; refractometer to measure
total sugar content; penetrometer to measure fruit ripeness; test tube for reacting two or more chemical solutions; Erlenmeyer
flask to be a container for liquid chemicals; beakers as containers for stirring, mixing and heating liquids;
mortar pestle to grind the test sample and pipette to transfer the measured
volume of liquid.
materials used are pondoh salak fruit (Salacca edulis Reinw.) obtained from
farmers in Cimara Village, Mandirancan District, Kuningan Regency, Low Density
Polyethylene (LDPE) plastic packaging, cardboard box packaging weighing 0.045
grams, plastic containers weighing 0.020 gram, Iodine 0.01 N, starch 1%,
filtrate and distilled water.
The age of
the snake fruit used as a sample is known before the selection (sorting) is
carried out based on the uniform size of the snake fruit. How research works is
as follows:
Snake fruit obtained from farmers is
cleaned and then selected based on uniform weight. Weight measurements are
carried out using scales;
The selected snake fruit does not have
physical defects such as damaged fruit skin;
The sorted snake fruit is then packaged in
different packaging, namely without packaging, Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE)
plastic packaging and cardboard box packaging;
The packaging of snake fruit in the
non-packaging treatment was provided with a fruit net container and in the Low
Density Polyethylene (LDPE) plastic treatment it was provided with a plastic
container base;
Observations of fruit weight were carried
out on days 0 to 7, observations of hardness and total soluble solids were
carried out on days 0 and 7, and observations of vitamin C were carried out on
the 7th day.
(a) |
(b) |
(c) |
Figure 1. Packaging of salak fruit (a)
salak fruit without packaging; (b) snake fruit in LDPE plastic packaging; and
(c) snake fruit in cardboard boxes
parameters were observed on the physical and chemical properties of snake
fruit. Parameters that indicate physical properties include weight loss and
hardness, while parameters for chemical properties include total dissolved
solids and vitamin C content.
Weight Loss Percentage
Fruit weight was
obtained by weighing the snake fruit before and after treatment for 7 days. The
weight data obtained then calculates the percentage of weight loss based on the
following formula:
W0 = weight of fruit before storage
W1 = weight of fruit after storage
The hardness of
the snake fruit was measured using a penetrometer based on the level of
resistance of the snake fruit to the penetrometer piercing tool. Measurements
were carried out on snake fruit by attaching a penetrometer to the middle of
the snake fruit with the penetrometer positioned perpendicular to the surface
of the snake fruit. Fruit hardness is indicated by the number on the
penetrometer. The working principle of a penetrometer is to measure the
puncture depth of the penetrometer needle per certain load weight in a certain
time (mm/g/s). The unit of measurement for fruit hardness is expressed in kg
and the compressive strength value is expressed in kg/cm2
Total Dissolved Solids
Total dissolved
solids were measured using a refractometer. Measurements are made by taking the
flesh from the middle. The total sugar content value is obtained by crushing
the salak fruit flesh and then dripping the fruit juice onto the glass object
on the refractometer so that the total sugar content value will be read
directly on the tool screen in Brix units
Vitamin C levels
Vitamin C levels
were analyzed using the titration method according to
Vit. C =
vitamin C level (mg g-1)
I =
volume of iodine (ml)
0.88 =
1 ml of 0.01 N iodine is equivalent to 0.88 mg of vitamin C
Fp =
dilution factor
Ws =
sample weight
This research was
carried out using a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) where the treatments were
unpackaged snake fruit (TK), snake fruit packed in Low Density Polyethylene
(LDPE) plastic (P) and snake fruit packed in cardboard boxes (K). Each
treatment was repeated nine times.
The data obtained
were tabulated and analyzed using SPSS 19 software with the One Way Analysis of
Variances (ANOVA) method and continued to test real differences using the
Scott-Knott method at a significance level of 5%.
results of observing the percentage of weight loss, hardness, total sugar content
and vitamin C content of salak fruit (Salacca
edulis Reinw.) are presented in table 1.
Table 1. Results of analysis of the
percentage of weight loss, hardness, total dissolved solids and vitamin C
content of salak fruit (Salacca edulis
Reinw.) treated with different types of packaging during 7 days of storage
Treatment |
Loss Percentage (g) |
(kg cm-2) |
Dissolved Solids (oBrix) |
C level (mg g-1) |
Beginning |
End |
Beginning |
End |
Kindergarten |
0.84c |
4.74a |
3.77a |
20a |
21.87b |
1.80b |
P |
0.17a |
4.75a |
3.99b |
20a |
20.43a |
1.57a |
K |
0.63b |
4.79a |
4.01b |
20a |
22.03b |
2.27c |
Note: numbers
followed by the same letter in the same column do not show significant
differences based on the Scott-Knott test at the 5% confidence level. TK: Snake
fruit without packaging, P: LDPE plastic packaging, K: cardboard box packaging.
results of the ANOVA test with a confidence level of 5% showed that the use of
several types of packaging in packaging salak fruit had significant differences
in the percentage of weight loss, hardness, total soluble solids and vitamin C
content of salak fruit. The Scott-Knott further test with a confidence level of
5% showed that treatment P (LDPE plastic packaging) was significantly different
from K (cardboard box packaging) and TK (no packaging). This shows that the use
of LDPE plastic is able to reduce weight reduction compared to salak fruit
packaged in cardboard boxes (K) and without packaging (TK).
Figure 2.
Histogram of percentage weight loss of salak fruit (Salacca edulis Reinw.) with
different packaging treatments
Figure 2 shows that snake fruit treated with P had
the lowest percentage of weight loss (0.17%) compared to K (0.63%) and TK
(0.84%). The properties of LDPE plastic are that it has a low density (0.9
g/cm3) and water vapor permeability is0.501
g/m2hr.mmHg. Low permeability will reduce the rate of entry and
exit of water vapor. Low water vapor permeability will increase the humidity in
the packaging. This will reduce the temperature during packaging, thereby
suppressing the process of water loss due to transpiration. Water vapor will
move directly to a low concentration through the pores on the surface of the
fruit, if the concentration of water vapor during packaging is high it will
reduce evaporation by the salak fruit.
Figure 3.
Histogram of changes in hardness of snake fruit (Salacca edulis Reinw.) with
different packaging treatments
Changes in
the hardness of snake fruit in Figure 2 show that treatment K (4.01 kg cm-2)
had the highest hardness compared to treatments P (3.99 kg cm-2) and TK (3.77
kg cm-2). Treatment types of cardboard boxes and LDPE plastic did not trigger
changes in hardness, so they did not show significant differences in each
treatment, but were significantly different from the treatment without
packaging. It is suspected that salak fruit in the 7 days storage period has
not had a real influence on the level of hardness. The TK treatment showed the
lowest change in hardness compared to K and P. LDPE plastic has other
properties, namely low water vapor permeability (0.501
g/m2hr.mmHg) and low density (0.9 g/cm3), which will reduce the
interaction of O2 and other gases which affect the respiration rate.
decrease in hardness value occurs due to the degradation of water-insoluble
pectin (protopectin) and turning it into water-soluble pectin. This results in
a decrease in cell wall cohesion which binds one cell wall to another cell wall
Figure 4.
Histogram of changes in total soluble solids of salak fruit (Salacca edulis
Reinw.) with different packaging treatments
Figure 4 shows that snake fruit treated with K had
the highest total dissolved solids (22.03 oBrix) compared to TK (21.87 oBrix)
and P (20.43 oBrix). The results of measuring total dissolved solids showed
that there was no real difference in treatments K and TK, but significantly
different from treatment P. It is suspected that the 7 day storage period did
not provide a real change in the total dissolved solids of salak fruit. The use
of LDPE plastic shows the lowest reduction in total dissolved solids. LDPE
plastic is a type of plastic derived from semi-crystalline polymers which has
no effect on respiration rate. The results of this analysis are not in
accordance with the theory put forward by
Figure 5.
Histogram of changes in vitamin C levels of salak fruit (Salacca edulis Reinw.)
with different packaging treatments
Figure 5 shows that snake fruit treated with K had
the highest levels of vitamin C (2.27 mg g-1) compared to TK (1.8 mg g-1) and P
(1.57 mg g-1). The results of measuring vitamin C levels showed significant
differences in each treatment, the highest decrease in vitamin C levels
occurred in the P treatment which was caused by damage to the LDPE plastic due
to the hardness of the snake fruit skin, making it easier for oxygen to enter
the packaging. This causes vitamin C to be easily degraded by temperature,
light and surrounding air so that vitamin C levels are reduced. The decrease in
vitamin C levels is caused by the activity of the ascorbate oxidase enzyme
Based on the results of
study are; (1) the
use of Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE) plastic packaging materials and
cardboard box packaging affects the percentage of weight loss and hardness of
snake fruit (Salacca edulis Reinw.), and (2) the use of Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE)
plastic is effective in reducing the percentage of weight loss and the use of
cardboard boxes is effective in reducing the total dissolved solids and vitamin
C levels of snake fruit (Salacca edulis
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Copyright holders:
Soni Muhammad Luthfy, Farhan
Yanuar Abdillah, Endah Nurhayati, Luthenia Nur Azizah, Dodi Budirokhman (2023)
First publication right:
Devotion - Journal of Research and Community
article is licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International