11 http://devotion.greenvest.co.id
Volume 1, Number 1, July, 2019
p-ISSN: 2777-0915 | e-ISSN 2797-6068
Chiska Nova Harsela
Green Publisher
Article Info
July, 2
July, 8
July, 10
The inequality of academic achievement between
female students and men in the village of guwa kidul
creates anxiety for kuwu. Into a big question mark to
be broken. Thus the reason for research on inequality.
The method used in this study is a descriptive
qualitative in which the research data is described or
described. The study is conducted in SMPS al
munawaroh village of guwa kidul district kaliwein
cirebon district. Studies show that female students
who dominate the quantity in schools are able to
outperform male academic achievement. However,
in non-academic aspects male students are superior.
The causes of this are due to female students' greater
study, reading, and memorization. Male students, on
the other hand, are more adept at lessons that train
creativity and skills such as sports and art. Which
means they both have their own preeminence toward
excellence. The school endeavored to ensure that
both objects of research could hone their potential
through reading and religious literacy.
Gender issues in education are still difficult to remove. Lexicon gender is an
identity or grammatical classification that serves to classify an object into its
groups (WINDARINI, 2013) This classification is broadly related to the two
genders, each of which is often defined by the category of feminine and
masculine. In terminology, gender can be used to mark differences in
everything that is contained in society with sexual differences
(Rokhmansyah, 2016). According to Oakley in Sex, Gender and Society,
Gender is a gender difference that is not biological and is not God's nature
as society has seen it (Hariati, 2017). However, gender is sociological which
is socially contructed and gender is a Behavioral Differences between men
Chiska Nova Harsela
Differences In The Activity Of Female And Male Students In Guwa Kidul
Village Cirebon 12
and women (Yulinga, 2011). And what is called nature is gender or sex which
is God's nature and is permanent (biological) (Suhaeny, 2020).
The position of women in society up to now, women are under the power of
men in social life to subordinate women under their power (Sumar, 2015).
This happens in almost all aspects of the field including education. However,
the fact is that the dominance of women on academic achievement in the
field of education is increasingly sticking, coupled with the existence of
Article 48 of the Law it is said that women have the right to obtain education
in accordance with predetermined requirements (Luhulima, 2006). This
means that there is no longer any difference in education for men and
Education is an absolute level to be taken and very meaningful for all circles
if you want to advance and be able to compete with others to face the era
of globalization (Zahroh, 2016). This era of globalization makes everyone
compete fiercely. People who are not educated or people with low
education, will be eliminated easily in the competition in this era. For some
circles, especially the upper class, it will be very easy to obtain the highest
education possible and of course it will provide great opportunities to
graduate at the bachelor's level and be able to compete in this era of
Based on other research, it is stated that the academic achievement of
women is higher than that of men. This happens because women are more
diligent, more conscientious (especially for teaching mathematics), and are
willing to listen well (Nuryoto, 1998). In addition, a comparison in terms of
creativity has been carried out by Munandar (1977) on middle school
students in Indonesia who found that women's creativity tends to be higher
than men's with a ratio of 58% versus 42%. The same results were found
(Aziz, 2008) which based on the results of his research on 82 children who
had a high level of creativity, it was found that more girls were obtained than
boys with a ratio of 35 (53%) to 31 (47%).
This is also the case in the village of Guwa Kidul-Cirebon, where most
students from early childhood to high school and the equivalent are superior
in terms of academics. Even though students are given the same education,
in fact, students are still superior to male students. Before the research was
carried out, there was no specific cause for this. From the research above, it
is true that in recent years, male students dominate in
Volume 1, Number 1, July, 2019
p-ISSN: 2777-0915 | e-ISSN 2797-6068
13 http://devotion.greenvest.co.id
terms of academic achievement. However, somehow in recent years women
have dominated in the field of education in particular. The imbalance
between the academic achievements of male and female students in terms
of education creates unrest for the village government of Guwa Kidul-
Cirebon. Even though the application of education is not differentiated, it
still cannot eliminate the view that women are superior to men. There
should be a new education or teaching pattern to prevent this imbalance.
Method Research
The approach in this research is descriptive qualitative. Where the
qualitative approach is a method that rests on the philosophy of positivism,
as the philosophy of positivism is carried out in natural research (Nasution
& Suyadi, 2020). Where the nature of this approach is descriptive because it
describes and describes the results of the data in the field. Meanwhile, the
data collection techniques from this study were documentation,
observation, and interviews. Documentation and observation are needed to
collect data in the field. Interviews were conducted to dig deeper
information from informants.
Descriptive qualitative approach, carried out interactively with informants in
the field. In this case, the informants are the teacher and the school.
Meanwhile, students as research objects to find a solution by the school
regarding this matter. This research was conducted at Al Munawaroh Middle
School, which is located in Guwa Kidul village, Kaliwedi sub-district, Cirebon
Result and Discussion
Basically, female students are superior in academic achievement, but male
students are superior in non-academic fields (Taqiuddin, 2020). This
happens because female students are more diligent in reading, memorizing,
and learning. Meanwhile, male students prefer non-academic activities such
as sports, because they hone their skills. One of the factors that causes men's
academic achievement to be less than that of women is due to their laziness
with things that are complicated and not easy to understand (Kuntjara,
2003) However, there are some men whose performance is higher than
women even though the percentage is very small.
According to Siti Jaojah as Deputy Curriculum at Al Munawaroh Junior High
School, children's achievement is determined by the following: First, the
child's level of self-confidence, the more students believe that they have
Chiska Nova Harsela
Differences in The Activity Of Female And Male Students In Guwa Kidul
Village Cirebon 14
potential in learning and want to convey it, so they can perform well.
Second, the problem of being lazy to learn where students often have
several factors that cause students to be lazy to learn, one of which is the
application or use of learning models that are not quite right. Third, lazy to
However, in general, the factors that influence student learning outcomes
or achievement are divided into two, namely: internal and external. Internal
factors include; Physical, psychological, and fatigue factors. While external
factors include; Parents, school and environment factors. Where many
teacher factors are the cause of children's learning failures, namely those
concerning the teacher's personality, their teaching ability to subjects,
because most children focus their attention on what they are interested in,
so that the value they get is not as expected (Nursyaidah, 2014).
The school's efforts to provide equal education to all students have been
well done. Character education instructed by the government has been
implemented in schools. The school implements a system or program so that
students excel not only in academics but also in non-academics (Kartika,
2016) However, the program that is featured in this school is spiritual-based
education or strengthening of religious literacy activities. Before entering
the class, students carry out religious literacy such as reading Asmaul Husna
and Juz amma. This is applied because in social life, spiritual attitudes are
needed in society and make graduates able to have good character. In
addition, a literacy table was also made to add knowledge to students at
every school break.
In terms of quantity, female students are also superior to male academic
achievement. However, in terms of activity and belief, male students are
superior to female students. This happens because male students prefer
popular learning such as sports and skills. Meanwhile, women have less faith
in faith but are more diligent in studying, reading, and obeying the rules in
school. However, the factors that cause learning outcomes or student
achievement are broadly divided into two, namely: internal factors (physical,
psychological, and fatigue) and external (parents, school, and environment).
Therefore, actually male and female students are able to excel in their
respective fields regardless of these various factors.
Volume 1, Number 1, July, 2019
p-ISSN: 2777-0915 | e-ISSN 2797-6068
15 http://devotion.greenvest.co.id
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Chiska Nova Harsela (2019)
First publication right :
Devotion - Journal of Community Service
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