Andi Tendry Dwi Ludyani, Rina Anindita, Intan Silviana Mustikawati |
Andi Tendry Dwi Ludyani, Rina Anindita, Intan Silviana
Universitas Esa Unggul, Jakarta, Indonesia
Competence; role
conflict; work
motivation; perceived
The purpose of this study is to explain the impact of transformational leadership and
flexible work arrangements. The purpose of this study is to explain the effect of
competence and role conflict on perceived productivity with work motivation as an
intervening variable for general practitioners at Type A Hospital. Data collection
was done using survey methods and online and offline questionnaires. The
population in this study were general practitioners at the Type A Special Hospital
in West Jakarta, who had been appointed as hospital employees. Instrument test for
the validity of the questions and reliability using Product Moment Correlation
Coefficient from Pearson and Alpha Cronbach. Data analysis technique is Path
Analysis (path analysis). The results of the study show that there is an influence of
competence and role conflict on work motivation and perceived productivity.
Competence and role conflict through work motivation on perceived productivity.
The suggestion from this study is that a leader must be able to inspire and motivate
his employees towards the quality of work according to the vision and mission that
the Hospital has made in achieving the Hospital's goals to improve the quality of
service to patients.
Health services are the main area of concern in Indonesia. The Ministry of Health of the
Republic of Indonesia in an effort to equalize health services, the health service facilities
(faskes) are divided into several levels. In accordance with Government Regulation Number
47 of 2016 concerning Health Service Facilities, the levels of health facilities in Indonesia are
divided into first-level health facilities providing basic health services, second-level health
facilities providing specialist health services and third-level health facilities providing sub-
specialty health services. Services in the health sector are one form of service most needed by
the community. If the patient feels that the service received is not in accordance with
expectations, there will be no patient loyalty to the hospital.
In Role conflict, it is a feeling of discomfort at work and can reduce work motivation
because it has a negative impact on individual behavior such as the emergence of work tension,
many worker shifts occur, decreased job satisfaction so that it can reduce overall employee
performance (Abiodun-Oyebanji, 2017). Role conflict is two or more demands faced by
individuals simultaneously, where the fulfillment of one hinders the fulfillment of the other
(Dwinijanti et al., 2020). So it can be concluded that role conflict has a negative influence on
employees in completing their work. This statement is reinforced by the results of research by
(Damastara & Sitohang, 2020) that role conflict has a negative effect on employee performance
Volume 4, Number 10, October 2023
e-ISSN: 2797-6068 and p-ISSN: 2777-0915
[ The impact of Role Conflict on the decrease in Perceived
Productivity to the General Practitioner of Type A Hospital in
Vol. 4, No. 10, 2023
Andi Tendry Dwi Ludyani, Rina Anindita, Intan Silviana Mustikawati |
because in role conflict there are demands that should not be carried out and there will be
neglect of other demands.
Role conflict in a place of work continues to exist and varies. Greenhaus and Beutell
(1985) see that there are three indicators of role conflict: (a) conflict based on time, (b) conflict
based on pressure, (c) conflict based on behavior. Conflict experienced by an employee or
employees to carry out demands (roles) in an organization that are not in accordance with the
values, norms and roles as desired. Or conflicts that occur in someone who carries out both
roles simultaneously, so that one role cannot be fulfilled due to the fulfillment of the other role.
In line with Rhamadanningrum's research (2020), it shows that the influence shown in
role conflict can affect employee productivity. These results are consistent with research
conducted by Mitzi et al., (2022) which says that role conflict affects employee productivity.
The existence of a negative influence indicates that the magnitude of the conflict that occurs in
employees will reduce work productivity. This study has a negative effect on employee
productivity, so if there is role conflict, employee productivity will decrease. Similarly,
research by Saputra et al., (2021) shows that when the level of role conflict is low, employee
productivity is high.
Abu Bakar (2019) found a positive relationship between employee competence and work
productivity. Iswadi & Wibowo, (2021) shows that competence has a positive and significant
influence on work productivity. The same research was also conducted by (Risnawati et al.,
2018) that there is a positive relationship between competence and work productivity. This
means, the better the competence possessed by employees, the higher work productivity
obtained by employees (Sutedjo & Mangkunegara, 2013). A productive employee is an
employee who is agile and able to produce the specified quality, so that in the end a high level
of employee work productivity can be achieved. This is also in line with research conducted
by Aini (2021) which shows that competency affects employee productivity, the higher the
competence the higher the productivity of employees (Chung et al., 2017).
Effect of role conflict on work motivation: a study has been conducted by previous
researchers (Mahayani & Suwandana, n.d.). The impact of role conflict on work motivation
and perceived productivity is that role conflict can cause discomfort at work and can reduce
work motivation because it has a negative impact on individual behavior such as the emergence
of work tension, there is a lot of employee turnover, decreased overall job satisfaction. This
statement is reinforced by the results of Lewaherlia's research (2013) that role conflict has a
negative effect on employee productivity because in role conflict there are demands that should
not be carried out and there will be neglect of other demands (Cooper & Uzun, 2019).
Previous research on competence, role conflict, work motivation and perceived
productivity has been carried out a lot. However, this research is different from previous
research because there is no research that uses competency, role conflict, and perceived
productivity variables together in the health care industry which involve work motivation
variables as intervening variables in one study (Putra & Mujiati, 2019). Based on the research
gaps above, the aim of the research to be achieved is to provide an explanation of the effect of
competence and role conflict on perceived productivity through work motivation in the health
care industry.
[ The impact of Role Conflict on the decrease in Perceived
Productivity to the General Practitioner of Type A Hospital in
1994|Andi Tendry Dwi Ludyani, Rina Anindita, Intan
Silviana Mustikawati
The research design used a survey method, in which research was carried out using data
and information sources obtained from respondents as a research sample using questionnaires
distributed online using Google Forms and forms as data collection instruments. The total
questions of all variables are 43 questions (Anshari et al., 2019). The population studied was
all type A Hospital general practitioners in West Jakarta who worked in services and non-
services. The sample was selected using a saturated sample. Competency variables are
measured using dimensions (Ali, 2009) which consist of personal and professional
competencies, intellectual, analytical and creative competencies and technical competencies
(Allen, 2017). The measurement of role conflict variables uses the dimensions of (Greenhaus
and Beutell, 1985), namely: conflict based on time, conflict based on pressure, conflict based
on behavior. The measurement of work motivation variables uses dimensions (Hesberg, 1996),
namely: (Hygiene Factor/Maintenance Factors) and Motivation Factor). The measurement of
perceived productivity variables uses dimensions (Cascio, 2006) which consist of quantity of
work, quality of work and timeliness. In this study, using confirmatory factor analysis to test
validity by considering Pearson's Product Moment Correlation Coefficient (Priyatno, 2014)
and saturated samples. There are 14 statements on competency variables, 13 statements on role
conflict variables, 8 statements on work motivation variables and 8 statements on perceived
productivity (Ajayi, 2017).
The number of samples studied was 67 respondents. The aspects studied are competence,
role conflict, work motivation and perceived productivity. The data measurement method used
is a Likert scale with intervals of one to five scales. The validity test was carried out by
examining the validity analysis of the research instrument using the Product Moment
Correlation Coefficient formula from Pearson and saturated samples. In this test the value
obtained by an instrument has a Pearson Product Moment correlation coefficient>r table
(0.306), meaning that the factor analysis is appropriate or valid and further analyzed (Sugiyono,
2013). This study was conducted using a causality model to see the correlation between
variables. The analysis tool used is path analysis (path analysis).
The results of the r table value are 0.444. If r count > from r table then the question item
or indicator is declared valid. Competency variables, role conflicts, work motivation and
perceived productivity are all indicators accepted. The reliability test was carried out using
Cronboach's Alpha with a significant level of 5%. The research instrument is said to be reliable
if it has a Cranboach Alpha Coefficient value above 0.60 (Ghozali, 2005). CR values meet the
reliable requirements, namely values above 0.60, competency (0.944), role conflict (0.905),
perceived productivity (0.956), and work motivation (0.951).
Structural test analysis can be seen from the value of R2. The R2 value in each equation
is used to show how the independent variable can explain the dependent variable. The results
of the first analysis, namely competence and role conflict affect work motivation R2 of 0.532.
Thus, the magnitude of the influence of competence and role conflict variables together affects
the motivational variable by 53.2% while the remaining 46.8% is influenced by other variables
or factors outside the model. Structural test analysis by looking at the R2 value, then proceed
with the second suitability test analysis, namely competence, role conflict and work motivation
together influencing perceived productivity with an R2 result of 0.455. Thus, the magnitude of
the influence of the competence, role conflict and motivation variables jointly affect the
[ The impact of Role Conflict on the decrease in Perceived
Productivity to the General Practitioner of Type A Hospital in
Vol. 4, No. 10, 2023
Andi Tendry Dwi Ludyani, Rina Anindita, Intan Silviana Mustikawati |
perceived productivity variable by 45.5% while the remaining 54.5% is influenced by other
variables or factors outside the model. The results can be seen in the path analysis below:
Figure 1. Path analysis model 1
Based on the results of Path analysis in the first model, there is an influence between
competence and work motivation. This is indicated by the value of the regression coefficient ρ
= 0.577 which indicates a positive relationship. And it has a significant effect because the
calculated t value is 6.718 greater than t table = 1.997 and the Sig. = 0.000 < α = 0.05. There is
an influence between role conflict on work motivation. This is indicated by the value of the
regression coefficient ρ = -0.498 which indicates a negative relationship, and has a significant
effect because the t count -5.804 is greater than t table = 1.997 and the Sig. = 0.000 < α = 0.05.
Figure 2. Path analysis model II
In the path analysis of the second model for the competency variable, the absolute value
is tcount 2.022 > ttable 1.997, meaning that competence has a significant influence on
perceived productivity. Next is the absolute value of the role conflict variable tcount -3.136 >
-ttable -1.997 meaning that role conflict has a significant influence on perceived productivity.
Finally, the absolute value of the motivational variable is tcount 2.278 > ttable 1.997, meaning
that motivation has a significant influence on perceived productivity.
[ The impact of Role Conflict on the decrease in Perceived
Productivity to the General Practitioner of Type A Hospital in
1996|Andi Tendry Dwi Ludyani, Rina Anindita, Intan
Silviana Mustikawati
Figure 3. Combined Path Analysis Model I and Model II The hypothesis in this study is
presented in the following table:
Table 1. Results of Hypothesis Testing Research Model
H1 Competence, Role Conflict and
Motivation affect Perceived
0.00 0
H2 Competence influences Perceived
0.0 47
H3 Role Conflict effect on Perceived
0.0 03
H4 Motivation effect on Perceived
0.026 _
H5 Competence influences work
0.577 _
0.0 00
H6 Role Conflict affects Work
The results of the study show that good competence can increase the perceived
productivity of general practitioners at the Type A Hospital in Jakarta. This means that good
competence can increase perceived productivity. Employee competence is one of the most
important parts in facilitating organizational achievement (Husnah & Hasyim, n.d.). Many facts
show that the failure experienced by an organization is caused by one of them due to weak
competency factors. In this case the type A special hospital views the importance of the
Competency factor in supporting employee work productivity. This implies that work
productivity achieved by employees empirically requires qualified competence, so that
employees can actually carry out their main tasks and functions in accordance with procedures
set by type A special hospitals. In line with Abu Bakar's research (2019) which says that there
is a positive influence on employee competence on work productivity. (Iswadi & Wibowo,
2021) shows that competence has a positive and significant influence on work productivity.
The same research was also conducted by Ramadhani (2022) that there is a positive relationship
between competence and work productivity. This means, the better the competence possessed
[ The impact of Role Conflict on the decrease in Perceived
Productivity to the General Practitioner of Type A Hospital in
Vol. 4, No. 10, 2023
Andi Tendry Dwi Ludyani, Rina Anindita, Intan Silviana Mustikawati |
by employees, the higher work productivity obtained by employees. A productive employee is
an employee who is agile and able to produce the specified quality, so that in the end a high
level of employee work productivity can be achieved. This is also in line with research
conducted by Aini (2021) which shows that competency affects employee productivity, the
higher the competence the higher the productivity of employees.
High role conflicts can reduce the perceived productivity of general practitioners in type
A hospitals in West Jakarta. This means that high role conflict can reduce perceived
productivity. This finding implies that if doctors always feel work pressure when on duty, the
doctor's work results do not exceed the standards that have been set. So far, type A hospitals
divide the work duties of general practitioners without looking at the quality of general
practitioners, length of work or not, so there is a role conflict between doctors who work in 2
places at the same working hours . In line with Rhamadanningrum's research (2020), it shows
that the influence shown in role conflict can affect employee productivity. These results are
consistent with research conducted by Mitzi et al., (2022) which says that role conflict affects
employee productivity. The existence of a negative influence indicates that the magnitude of
the conflict that occurs in employees will reduce work productivity. This study has a negative
effect on employee productivity, so if there is role conflict, employee productivity will
decrease. Similarly, research by Saputra et al., (2021) shows that when the level of role conflict
is low, employee productivity is high.
High work motivation can increase the perceived productivity of general practitioners in
type A hospitals in Jakarta. This means that high work motivation can increase perceived
productivity. if the Type A Hospital gives promotions to doctors who have good performance,
doctors always work better from time to time. It can be seen that motivation is an impulse that
moves a person either because of internal factors or external factors, which can be in the form
of rewards for their work, as well as situations and conditions encountered that will affect a
person's performance. Positive influence indicates that the relationship between work
motivation and employee productivity is one way. If work motivation is higher, the work
productivity of employees is also higher. (Pradita, 2019). The same research was conducted by
Fahrurrozi et al., (2021) which stated that motivation partially affects work productivity. The
need for achievement is the driving force that motivates a person's work enthusiasm, therefore
this need for achievement will encourage a person to develop creativity and direct all the
abilities and energy they have to achieve optimal performance. The results of accepting the
fourth hypothesis are in line with previous research conducted by Rachmawati (2023) which
found that there is a significant positive relationship between motivation and work productivity.
In the same way as Maknoliani's research (2021) partially and simultaneously there is a
significant positive effect between work motivation and work environment on the work
productivity of PT DongKwang employees, and research by Difa (2022) says that increased
internal and external workload can increase dentist work motivation , where it is stated that
indeed motivation influences work productivity (Agustinah et al., 2020).
High competence will increase the work motivation of general practitioners in type A
hospitals in Jakarta. This means that high competence will increase work motivation. doctors
are able to overcome the challenges and pressures of work in health services, so the guidance
provided by the Type A Hospital helps general practitioners in carrying out their work
effectively (Ahmad et al., 2019). The Type A Hospital pays great attention to the competence
of doctors in their work because the Type A Hospital is a Hospital which is a national reference
which is never short of patients demanding general practitioners improve their competence.
[ The impact of Role Conflict on the decrease in Perceived
Productivity to the General Practitioner of Type A Hospital in
1998|Andi Tendry Dwi Ludyani, Rina Anindita, Intan
Silviana Mustikawati
With the competence of a doctor, it will certainly facilitate every service performed. The better
the competence of general practitioners, the higher the motivation to work for general
practitioners at Type A Hospital. The effect of competence on employee motivation based on
Amrullah's research (2018) shows that competence has a significant positive effect on
employee motivation in the Body & Frame Division of Cv. Like. Research by Ilham (2016)
that there is a strong relationship between motivation and ability. Employee performance is
related to their competence and motivation, where it is stated that competence does affect work
motivation. Research conducted by Lianasari and Ahmadi (2022) that based on the results of
the t-test shows that competency variables have a positive effect on work motivation, similarly
to Riyanto and Anto (2022) saying that competence has a positive and significant effect on
employee motivation.
The higher the role conflict, the lower the work motivation of general practitioners at the
type A hospital in Jakarta. This means that the higher the role conflict, the lower the work
motivation. doctors do work that sometimes isn't finished on the same day, so the doctor's
motivation in trying to produce the best decreases. The existence of assignments at the same
time in the field of service and management that occurs is often a factor that hinders the work
motivation of doctors to complete tasks properly because they have to divide their time and
thoughts on two jobs at the same time, so some general practitioners feel that their motivation
to complete tasks is decreasing . The high role conflict that occurs results in low work
motivation for general practitioners in type A special hospitals. Similar research was put
forward by Fanani et al., (2007) that role conflict can cause discomfort at work and can reduce
work motivation because it has an impact on negative effects on individual behavior such as
the emergence of work tension, a lot of worker turnover, decreased overall job satisfaction (Liu
et al., 2019). This statement is reinforced by the results of Lewaherlia's research (2013) that
role conflict has a negative effect on employee productivity because in role conflict there are
demands that should not be carried out and there will be neglect of other demands. In line with
research conducted by Iswadi and Wibowo (2021) that there is a significant negative
relationship between multiple role conflict and work motivation in female workers at PT.
Virtue Dragon Nickel Industry, Jakarta and research conducted by Dimas Bagaskara et al.,
(2016) which states that work conflict has a negative and significant effect on employee
All hypotheses built in this research have been proven that there is influence of
competence, role conflict, perceived productivity and work motivation. Restrictions that need
to be corrected in the future are first, this study was with few respondents and was limited to
general practitioners in type A hospitals. In the future the same research can be carried out by
involving several government or private hospitals in Jakarta. Second, the respondent may only
fill in the expected ideal conditions, not the actual conditions. Third, factors that influence
perceived productivity apart from competence, role conflict and work motivation are also other
factors that can influence it such as organizational culture, career development, work
environment, training or career path. Fourth, the author also hopes that future researchers can
examine more deeply the four variables in this study with other research subjects the more
respondent such as nursing or other staff working in hospitals which may be found to have
problems related to role conflict to be compared with the results of their research and to make
[ The impact of Role Conflict on the decrease in Perceived
Productivity to the General Practitioner of Type A Hospital in
Vol. 4, No. 10, 2023
Andi Tendry Dwi Ludyani, Rina Anindita, Intan Silviana Mustikawati |
improvements to the questionnaire, and also to choose the right time for distributing the
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Copyright holders:
Andi Tendry Dwi Ludyani, Rina Anindita, Intan Silviana Mustikawati (2023)
First publication right:
Devotion - Journal of Research and Community Service
[ The impact of Role Conflict on the decrease in Perceived
Productivity to the General Practitioner of Type A Hospital in
2000|Andi Tendry Dwi Ludyani, Rina Anindita, Intan
Silviana Mustikawati
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