Noviada Kwartawaty, Deasy Virka Sari, Resa Nirmala Jona
Sekolah Tinggi Kesehatan Telogorejo Semarang, Indonesia
Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
KEYWORDS entrepreneurship;
MSMEs; increased; income |
ABSTRACT Micro, small and medium enterprises
(MSMEs) are an important sector in the Indonesian economy, because they can
create jobs and improve income distribution. However, many MSMEs experience
difficulties in gaining access to markets and developing their businesses due
to a lack of skills and knowledge in the field of entrepreneurship. This
study aims to determine the effectiveness of entrepreneurship training for
MSMEs in increasing income. This study used qualitative research methods.
Data collection techniques were carried out by interviews and literature
studies. The results of the study show that entrepreneurship training for
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) is effective in increasing
income. In the study, MSMEs who attended entrepreneurship training showed a
significant increase in their income compared to MSMEs who did not attend
training. This is because entrepreneurship training equips business actors
with the skills and knowledge needed to increase the efficiency and
productivity of their businesses, as well as opens opportunities to expand
networks and markets. In addition, entrepreneurship training also helps
increase the confidence and motivation of business actors, so that they are
better prepared and able to face challenges in developing their businesses.
Therefore, entrepreneurship training can be one of the key factors in
increasing MSME income and supporting economic growth at the local and
national levels. |
Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) are an important sector in the Indonesian
economy because they play an important role in creating jobs and improving
income distribution. MSMEs in Indonesia play a significant role in economic
development, especially as economic resources that can support sustainable
economic growth (Resalawati, 2011). MSMEs are also
an important part of the Indonesian economy, contributing around 60% of total
gross domestic product (GDP) (Kemenko, 2022), and creating around 97% of jobs
in the non-agricultural sector (Indonesia., 2015).
Apart from
that, MSMEs also have a strategic role in improving income distribution,
especially in rural and suburban areas. MSMEs can help reduce the economic gap
between urban and rural areas, and can improve the welfare of people in less
developed areas (Syahza & Suarman, 2014). Thus, developing
MSMEs can be an important strategy for reducing poverty and improving community
though MSMEs have great potential in supporting economic growth and creating
jobs, many MSMEs in Indonesia experience difficulties in gaining access to
markets and developing their businesses. One of the main causes is a lack of
skills and knowledge in the field of entrepreneurship. Many MSME business
actors do not have sufficient experience or knowledge in managing a business,
such as financial management, marketing, and production and inventory
management. Apart from that, MSMEs often lack access to the information,
technology and markets needed to develop their businesses (Purba et al., 2021).
As a
result, MSMEs find it difficult to increase their productivity and business
efficiency, and find it difficult to compete in an increasingly competitive
market. To overcome this problem, the government and various related parties
have attempted to provide training and assistance for MSME entrepreneurs in
improving their skills and knowledge in the field of entrepreneurship (Febriyantoro et al., 2019). Apart from that,
the government has also strengthened market infrastructure and increased access
to technology and information to support the development of MSMEs (Zaelani, 2019). With adequate
support, it is hoped that MSMEs can continue to grow and develop, so that they
can provide greater benefits to the Indonesian economy.
by (Tirtayasa et al., 2021) shows that
entrepreneurship training can improve the performance of MSMEs, including
increasing income, improving product quality and increasing production
efficiency. Other research conducted by (Mahpuz et al., 2021) shows that
entrepreneurship training can help MSMEs improve management capabilities and
technical skills, thereby increasing productivity and income. The large
benefits obtained by MSMEs who carry out training have made researchers
interested in conducting research with the title "Entrepreneurship
Training for MSMEs to Increase Income".
The process of data collection techniques in this
research was carried out using two methods, namely literature study and
interviews. Literature study is the process of collecting data from various
literature sources, such as books, journals, articles and documents related to
the research topic (Sari & Asmendri, 2020). In this case, literature study is used to obtain
information about entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship training that is
relevant to the research.
Meanwhile, interviews were conducted with respondents
before and after the implementation of entrepreneurship training. Interviews
are a method of collecting data directly from sources, with the aim of
obtaining more detailed and in-depth information about the respondents'
experiences, attitudes and perceptions regarding the research topic (Edi, 2016). In this research, interviews were conducted to
obtain data about the knowledge, skills, experience and income of respondents
in managing entrepreneurial businesses before and after attending training. The
population of this research is MSME entrepreneurship training participants in
Semarang City, while the sample was selected using random sampling. So a sample of 30 resource persons was obtained. Thus, data
from interviews can be used to compare changes that occur in respondents after
attending entrepreneurship training.
SME development efforts generally aim to reduce
poverty and social inequality in society, as well as create jobs and increase
exports. In this framework, the development of SMEs is considered a national
development priority, which will make a significant contribution to job
creation, increased exports and competitiveness. Meanwhile, the development of
micro-scale businesses is directed at increasing the income of low-income
communities (Supriadin & Ikhsan, 2022). Entrepreneurship training is a training program that
aims to help prospective entrepreneurs and MSME owners understand and develop
the skills and knowledge needed to manage businesses effectively and
efficiently (Dewi, 2017). Some types of entrepreneurship training that are
commonly carried out include:
1) Business management training
This training aims
to help entrepreneurs manage their business better, including financial
management, production, marketing and human resources (Rapini et al., 2020).
2) Marketing training
This training aims
to help entrepreneurs market their products or services more effectively,
including in terms of online marketing, branding and other marketing strategies
(Werdani et al., 2020).
3) Financial training
This training aims
to help entrepreneurs understand the financial aspects of their business, such
as bookkeeping, financial planning and business financing (Fauzi, 2020).
4) Social entrepreneurship training
This training aims
to help entrepreneurs develop businesses that have positive social and
environmental impacts, in addition to seeking financial profits (Rustya & Zaini, 2020).
Entrepreneurship training can be carried out through
various programs, such as training from the government, non-governmental
organizations, educational institutions, and online training. Good and
integrated entrepreneurship training can help MSMEs improve their skills and
knowledge, so they can develop their business better and contribute to the local
economy (Sudaryanto & Wijayanti, 2013).
In the city of Semarang, there are several
entrepreneurship training programs offered by various institutions, both
government and private. In the context of entrepreneurship training in the city
of Semarang, the types of training taught include product development,
financial management, marketing and operational management. Training
participants will be equipped with knowledge and skills in these matters, so
that they can manage their businesses better and more effectively.
Research on entrepreneurship training in Semarang City
shows that MSMEs who take part in entrepreneurship training experience a
significant increase in their income. In this research, there were significant
differences between MSMEs that took part in entrepreneurship training and those
that did not take part in training. Business actors who take part in training
have a greater increase in income compared to those who do not take part in
training. The results of a survey of entrepreneurship training participants in
Semarang City showed that as many as 70% of participants experienced an
increase in business income after attending the training. The factors that
caused the increase in income were:
1) Knowledge and skills
training provides the knowledge and skills necessary to develop a business.
Trainees are given training on marketing strategies, financial management,
product development and others, so they can improve the quality and efficiency
of their business.
2) Networks and relationships
training also provides opportunities for participants to expand networks and
business relationships. In training, participants can meet people who have
experience and deeper knowledge about business, so they can expand business
opportunities and increase their income.
Entrepreneurship training not only helps participants
to improve skills and knowledge in managing a business, but also helps increase
the self-confidence and motivation of business actors (Mustofa et al., 2022). This is because entrepreneurship training provides
insight into the potential and opportunities in developing a business and
provides strategies for facing challenges in business. By having sufficient
knowledge and skills, as well as high self-confidence and motivation, business
people will be better prepared to face difficult situations in developing their
business. Therefore, entrepreneurship training is very important in helping business
people increase their business potential and face business challenges.
Entrepreneurship training participants successfully
implemented the knowledge and skills gained during the training in their micro,
small and medium enterprises (MSMEs). It can be seen that the training
participants carried out better product development, financial management,
marketing and operational management. One proof of the effectiveness of this
training is the increase in income for MSMEs owned by training participants. Many
MSME entrepreneurs are able to expand their networks and markets after
attending entrepreneurship training. They can improve marketing strategies,
improve product and service quality, and improve financial management and
business operations. So that many customers are interested and buy their
products. Therefore, entrepreneurship training is very important for MSMEs
because it equips business actors with the necessary skills and knowledge to
improve the efficiency and productivity of their businesses, as well as open
opportunities to expand networks and markets.
Entrepreneurship training for Micro, Small and Medium
Enterprises (MSMEs) is effective in increasing income. MSMEs that take part in
entrepreneurship training show a significant increase in their income compared
to MSMEs that do not take part in training. Entrepreneurship training equips
business actors with the skills and knowledge needed to increase the efficiency
and productivity of their businesses, as well as opening up opportunities to
expand networks and markets. Therefore, entrepreneurship training is an
important step for MSMEs to improve and improve their business performance. In
facing increasingly tight global competition, entrepreneurship training can
help MSMEs to be better prepared and able to face existing business challenges.
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Copyright holders:
Nana Noviada
Kwartawaty, Deasy Virka Sari, Resa Nirmala Jona (2023)
First publication right:
Devotion - Journal of Research and Community
article is licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International