Volume 1, Number 1, July, 2019
p-ISSN: 2777-0915 | e-ISSN 2797-6068
24 http://devotion.greenvest.co.id
have faith in God Almighty, prospering themselves and their families.
Education is a primary and primary need for children, especially reading
the al-Qur'an. Moreover, talking about monotheistic education that must be
taught and instilled in children from an early age to adulthood. In this
context, support is needed from the child's closest factor, namely family.
Family is a factor that influences children's behavior, it is not surprising that
our values, self-concept or personal are influenced by our families and
associations, family is responsible for the socialization process in the
transmission of cultural values and community values. There are two factors
that influence adolescent social behavior, namely internal factors and
external factors. 1). Internal factors are factors that come from within
humans themselves, these factors can be in the form of instincts, inner
motives, attitudes and passions. 2). External factors External factors are
factors that come from outside humans who are influenced and can be seen
from the environment a person lives in.
The Relationship between Research Results and Theory Such as the
Behavioristic theory of social behavior. This theory focuses its attention on
the relationship between the consequences of behavior that occurs in the
community. Where adolescent behavior is a factor that needs to be handled
so as not to disturb the community. Behavioral theory in sociology seeks to
explain the historical relationship between the effects of past behavior that
occurs in the environment, the actor and the current behavior of the actor.
That is, the theory explains that behavior that occurs in the present is the
result of behavior that occurred in the previous period.
Non-Formal Education is an alternative education in the Pandemic Era. Amid
limited conditions, the needs of the community must be served and fulfilled.
It is not only the problem of economic needs that must be fulfilled in the
Pandemic era, but all aspects including education for the community must
be fulfilled. 2020 is a very bad year for the Indonesian people, for one full
year, Covid 19 has plagued this nation.
The impact that occurs as a result of this outbreak is of course fatal to the
process of implementing education for the community. But for the people
of Cempaka Kec. Plumbon, Kab. Cirebon is still well served in education. With
the existence of non-formal education which is carried out regularly by the
community, the needs of children's education problems have been fulfilled.
Even the existence of non-formal education in Cempaka Village is an
alternative education, which can be an answer to educational problems in
the community. As a result of the government's PSBB policy, of course