16 http://devotion.greenvest.co.id
Volume 1, Number 1, July, 2019
p-ISSN: 2777-0915 | e-ISSN 2797-6068
Muhammad Fahmi
Green Publisher
Email: fahmimuhammad103@gmail.com
, non-formal
Article Info
July, 2
July, 9
July, 10
Abstract Empowerment means encouragement or
motivation, guidance, or assistance in increasing the
ability of individuals or communities to be able to be
independent. This effort is a stage of the empowerment
process in changing behavior, changing old habits to new
good behaviors. In the Pandemic era like the one that hit
today, the condition of formal education activities was
really empty. Conditions and government policies that
force people to limit activities including formal education.
In the era of the Covid 19 Pandemic, implementing or
organizing education is something that is difficult to do.
The government policy regarding the existence of
restrictions on activities (social distancing) resulted in a
freeze in the activities of the formal education world. In
this context, the importance of non-formal education is
to meet the educational needs of children in the
community. The existence of non-formal education will
greatly help the community in terms of limited activities in
social life. Cempaka Village has non-formal education
activities which are engaged in the education of reading
and writing al-Qur'an starting from Juz Ammah to being
proficient in reading al-Qur'an. This non-formal education
accepts students from the age of 6 to 17 years.
This brief study seeks to raise the topic of community empowerment in out-
of-school education or formal educational institutions, which contains how
society deals with learning problems for children in the Covid-19 Pandemic
era (Rusmiyati, 2020). This is done to explain the condition of society and as
an effort to improve the community's ability to be able to solve the problems
it is experiencing or what is known as civil society. A
Muhammad Fahmi
Community Empowerment Through Non Formal Education 17
society that believes in the ability of its members to create a better life and
a society that is aware of their rights and obligations in social life (Fitriana &
Elshap, 2015). Where the conditions for empowerment will be realized if
members of the community have the opportunity to improve their ability to
face problems so that they are more empowered. In achieving this condition,
it is necessary to have external parties, in this case, non-formal education
officers to help see the potential or abilities of the community so that they
can empower themselves (Karim, 2017)
The pandemic problem does not only affect the economic problems of the
community, but all lines of community life are disrupted by the pandemic
problem (BAKRI, 2020). Apart from having an impact on economic problems,
the socio-religious side also experienced disturbances. It is undeniable that
this pandemic outbreak has attacked all lines of community life (SOLIKHAH,
2021). The limitations of society in social interaction, for example, will
interfere with aspects of community religious life (Amran, 2015) Such as in
matters of worship and routine community activities in terms of religious
ritual activities.
The Covid 19 pandemic has changed the life order of the world community
in a very short time (Habibi, 2020)In the context of societal change, the
impact of the Covid 19 Pandemic has made people's lives change in terms of
180 degrees of social interaction patterns. Of course this impact
sociologically causes unplanned changes. In other words, social change that
occurs sporadically and uncontrollably has a very negative impact
(Jamaludin, 2015). As a result, the people's unpreparedness in facing this
pandemic has in turn led to social disorganization in all aspects of people's
Another impact of the Covid 19 Pandemic was a negative impact on social
values and norms adhered to by the community. Even so, basically society
will always experience changes. Thus, all forms of community activities
carried out in the pre-pandemic period must now be forced to comply with
standard health protocols. Of course this is not a simple matter. Because the
Covid-19 pandemic has infected all aspects of the order of people's lives
that have been institutionalized through routine and repetitive patterns. In
fact, the community will be faced with a situation of change that was never
imagined before. A number of old values and norms must be restructured
and reproduced again to produce a new social system. The emergence of the
new regulations was marked by, among other things, an appeal from the
government to study, work and worship at home since the beginning of the
emergence of this virus in Indonesia. Likewise with the customary pattern
of people who are friendly, like to gather and shake
Volume 1, Number 1, July, 2019
p-ISSN: 2777-0915 | e-ISSN 2797-6068
18 http://devotion.greenvest.co.id
hands, now they are required to get used to social restrictions. To reduce
the burden of problems in society, it is appropriate to do various things to
increase public optimism in the midst of this pandemic. Many people who
are still able to meet their daily needs have increased their concern by
contributing to helping the underprivileged by raising funds, including what
is done by the academic world by carrying out community service through
empowerment. Community empowerment in the fields of education,
economy, social and other is a real effort that can be done by people who
care about the social conditions of society today. What's interesting in this
research is how to empower the community in the realm of Islamic
education in an era of social change due to the impact of the Covid Pandemic
Method Research
1. Approach and Type of Research
This research is a research that uses qualitative methods with the type of
case study (case study). Researchers will use a sociological-hystical point of
view. The aim is to explore and at the same time examine the social
phenomena of the community concerning the issue of Community
Empowerment through Non-Formal Education (Study of Islamic Education
for Children in the Covid 19 Pandemic Era in Cempaka Plumbon Village -
Cirebon). Thus, this research is included in a case study of social phenomena.
2. Research Data Sources
Sources of data that will be used in this research are related data sources,
both primary and secondary data. The primary data source is in the form of
data and information obtained from the field. The data can be in the form of
information from predetermined sources as well as documents that have
been successfully compiled from the field. Meanwhile, what is meant by
secondary data are materials that can be viewed as data that are in
accordance with related research, and therefore these materials must also
be given the same treatment and management.
Result and Discussion
1. Community Empowerment
Conceptually, empowerment or empowerment (empowerment) comes
from the word 'power' which means power or empowerment. Therefore,
the main idea of empowerment is related to the concept of power. Power
Muhammad Fahmi
Community Empowerment Through Non Formal
is often associated with our ability to make other people do what we want,
regardless of their desires and interests (Nafisah, 2019). Empowerment as
a change process then has a meaningful concept.
In relation to the concept of community empowerment, many experts
discuss this. One of them is Payne, who argues that empowerment is
primarily aimed at helping clients gain the power to make decisions and
determine the actions they will take related to themselves, including
reducing the effects of personal and social barriers in taking action. This is
done through a confident phase to use the power he has, including through
the transfer of power from his environment.
In its implementation, empowerment means encouragement or motivation,
guidance, or assistance in increasing the ability of individuals or communities
to be able to be independent. This effort is a stage of the empowerment
process in changing behavior, changing old habits to new good behavior, in
improving the quality of life and welfare, as well as creative and
comprehensive critical thinking, so that from the results of this
empowerment the community is able to increase the level of surveying good
in all conditions due to change.
From these various views, it is clear that the concept of community
empowerment must be based on the involvement of all parties, both
government and all levels of society. Therefore, the formulation is taken that
the concept of community empowerment is a development design through
a process of developing and exploiting potential resources that involves all
parties, both the community and the government, to realize the welfare of
people's lives in various fields.
Thus, the targets and objectives themselves can differ according to the
development sector being worked on. The goal of empowerment in the
economic sector is not necessarily the same as the goal of empowerment
in the education or social sector. For example, the objective of economic
empowerment is for the target group to manage their business, then market
and form a relatively stable marketing cycle. In the field of education, it has
a goal so that the target group can explore the various potentials that exist
within themselves and utilize their potential to overcome the problems they
face. Meanwhile, the goal of empowerment in the social sector, for
example, is so that the target group can carry out its social functions again
with social roles and tasks.
Empowerment is closely related to development, where development is
essentially a series of efforts carried out continuously to achieve a
Volume 1, Number 1, July, 2019
p-ISSN: 2777-0915 | e-ISSN 2797-6068
20 http://devotion.greenvest.co.id
prosperous community life both physically and mentally, for this reason
community participation in development is needed because they are the
object as well as the subject of development, so that a participatory
development model develops. Participatory development is a development
approach that is in accordance with regional autonomy which attaches the
foundation of development that grows from the community, is carried out
consciously and independently by the community and the results are
enjoyed by the whole community (Janice, 2014). Thus, the main objective
of empowerment is to strengthen the power of society, especially the weak
groups who do not have empowerment, either because of internal
conditions or because of external conditions (there is injustice in the social
2. Non Formal Education
According to the type, education can be divided into three types, which
include formal education, non-formal education and informal education.
This difference does not only lie in differences in terms, but has differences
in services, systems, content, content and those that are applied in their
implementation. In addition, these types of differences also have
implications for the policies applicable to each type of education. If formal
education has tiered stages and legally it can be accepted by the
government, however, non-formal education is sometimes not tiered and
outside the formal legality of the government. Even so, in formal education
there are also those who are tiered and have formal legality.
The most striking thing about the latter type of education is Informal
Education. This third type has no level and even formal legality but is
recognized by law and has its own role. Informal education is part of National
education, which supports the achievement of its implementation goals.
Therefore, these three types of education have their respective urgencies
and roles in the National education system.
The character of non-normal education can be seen again as long as the
programs implemented are always consistent with various processes that
really pay attention to the community development program as a whole.
People will choose programs that can really feel and make them feel
recognized. Therefore, it is necessary that every non-formal education
program development involves community participation as a whole and
comprehensively. Not just a fleeting program. This is related to the
formation of public trust in non-formal education programs (Jati, 2012).
Non-formal education is education that is carried out on a regular basis,
Muhammad Fahmi
Community Empowerment Through Non Formal
consciously carried out, but not too strict following fixed rules¸ as in formal
education in schools (Hidayat & Machali, 2012). Because non-formal
education is generally carried out not in a physical school environment, non-
formal education is identified with out-of-school education. Therefore non-
formal education is carried out outside of school, so the main target is
community members. Therefore, non-formal education programs must be
made in such a way as to be flexible but straightforward, but still attract
the interest of education consumers.
Based on the results of research in the field, that non-formal education is
really needed by members of the community who have not had the
opportunity to attend formal education. Especially in the Pandemic era like
the one that hit today, the condition of formal education activities was really
empty. This means that all formal education is carried out in their respective
homes. Conditions and government policies that force people to limit
activities including formal education. Policies such as Social Distancing, PSBB
(Large-Scale Social Restrictions) that occurred during 2020, starting from the
beginning of the year until today have resulted in paralysis in various sectors
of community life, including educational institutions.
Therefore, alternatives are needed from the impact of the Covid 19
Pandemic. A possible alternative in the education sector is the holding of
out-of-school education (Non-Formal-Informal Education) (Sudarsana,
2016). However, seeing the effectiveness in the educational process when
compared between non-formal and informal education, according to the
researchers, non-formal education has a level of effectiveness in learning,
including in replacing the need for formal education for children in the
community. Because basically non-formal education is organized by an
educator, at least having qualified experience and knowledge. Although in
terms of professionalism it is doubtful because they do not have a Bachelor's
educational background for administrative staff. Then besides that, the
benefits of non-formal education can also facilitate children in assisting
school assignments while schools are closed due to the impact of the Covid
19 pandemic.
In the end, the most important goal of non-formal education is the programs
or even the conditions of problems that occur in society (Miradj & Sumarno,
2014). therefore non-formal education must be in line and integrated with
the development programs needed by the community. To bridge this gap,
the role of non-formal and informal education (PNFI) is very important, it
has even become alternative education for people in the era of
the Covid Pandemic 19.
Volume 1, Number 1, July, 2019
p-ISSN: 2777-0915 | e-ISSN 2797-6068
22 http://devotion.greenvest.co.id
3. Empowerment Approach
One of the most important things in this research is the approach used by
community groups in the empowerment approach through non-formal
education. This means that it concerns policies that can be used as guidelines
in the implementation of empowerment as a whole, comprehensively and
thoroughly. So that the goals, targets and objectives to be achieved in
community empowerment through this non-formal education can be
maximally achieved. Especially in the conditions of the Covid-19 Pandemic,
many problems were faced. Of course, seeing these conditions requires
appropriate, accurate, measurable and effective policies so as to produce
an optimal final result.
4. The Concept of Empowering Non-Formal Education in the Covid Era 19
At this time, education is a very important need. The importance of
education in the Islamic viewpoint even explains that education for humans
is carried out for life. In the era of the Covid-19 Pandemic, implementing or
organizing education is something that is difficult to do (Leoni, 2021). The
government policy regarding the existence of restrictions on activities
(social distancing) resulted in a freeze in the activities of the formal
education world. In this context, the importance of non-formal and informal
education to meet the educational needs of children in the community. The
existence of non-formal education will greatly help the community in terms
of limited activities in social life.
Cempaka Village is one of the villages in the Plumbon District of Cirebon
Regency. Cempaka Village has non-formal education activities which are
engaged in the education of reading and writing al-Qur'an starting from Juz
Ammah to being proficient in reading al-Qur'an. This non-formal education
accepts students from the age of 6 to 17 years. They are required to study
the Koran because according to society, the Koran teacher and their parents
if they want to continue their education to junior high school the
requirement is to be proficient in reading the Koran. Not only does it equip
students to learn to read but the ability to write is taught, even religious
teachers teach reading the yellow book.
In conditions outside the Pandemic, this non-formal education activity has
a fairly busy schedule. Writing and reading al-Qur'an activities are carried
out every day twice a day between 14.30 and bad'da magrib. After the
Pandemic period, activities in non-formal education were only carried out
once, namely ba'da manggrib until 20.00 WIB. The high enthusiasm and
interest in the chanting of the children did not escape the encouragement
Muhammad Fahmi
Community Empowerment Through Non Formal
and direction of their parents and also the children were not disturbed by
their learning activities at school because they were carried out in a non-
formal environment or in the community. Although sometimes the children
look tired but all of that is lost because seeing their friends join the Koran
together, apart from the Koran, they can also meet and play with their peers.
In general, teaching children to read the Qur'an has a different experience
from teaching adults. Generally, it is difficult to teach children because there
are those who are quick to understand the recitation of the al- Qur'an, some
are slow to understand recitation of the al-Qur'an. Because basically, the
childishness of the age described above still tends to be high. The desire to
joke, play with friends and so on is still high. Even so, the experience of
teaching the Qur'an to children has a good impression. And starting with
children's motivation to play and meet their playmates, that motivation can
be directed to positive activities such as reciting and writing the Qur'an. The
Koran teachers in Cempaka Village have a strategy on how to succeed in non-
formal education, in teaching reading and writing the Qur'an. One of them
is a strategy in dealing with the problem of children who are slow to follow
learning materials, this is done by using a special approach and given a
special education so that children are not insecure when they see their
friends who are already proficient in reading the Koran. .
Parents play an important role in the success and development of children
while the duties and responsibilities for this are joint duties between
parents, society, and the child itself, naturally the child is born and raised in
the family, since birth the child has been influenced by the environment
closest namely family. Education that is received before entering formal
education is non-formal education that comes from the family and
community, this is where the character and personality formation of
children begins, but not all environments support children's education, there
are environments that have a negative influence on children that interfere
with the child's learning process.
For the teaching staff in Cempaka-Plumbon Village, understanding
education in the community does not only function as an inculcation of
attitudes but how we are taught their values and norms are also taught
how to be polite to others, be disciplined and also responsible and also have
good morals especially teenagers in Cempaka-Plumbon Village. Then its
application in people's lives so that they understand what should be done
and what should not be done and respect people who are older than us and
also as a substitute for formal education, both for students who
Volume 1, Number 1, July, 2019
p-ISSN: 2777-0915 | e-ISSN 2797-6068
24 http://devotion.greenvest.co.id
have faith in God Almighty, prospering themselves and their families.
Education is a primary and primary need for children, especially reading
the al-Qur'an. Moreover, talking about monotheistic education that must be
taught and instilled in children from an early age to adulthood. In this
context, support is needed from the child's closest factor, namely family.
Family is a factor that influences children's behavior, it is not surprising that
our values, self-concept or personal are influenced by our families and
associations, family is responsible for the socialization process in the
transmission of cultural values and community values. There are two factors
that influence adolescent social behavior, namely internal factors and
external factors. 1). Internal factors are factors that come from within
humans themselves, these factors can be in the form of instincts, inner
motives, attitudes and passions. 2). External factors External factors are
factors that come from outside humans who are influenced and can be seen
from the environment a person lives in.
The Relationship between Research Results and Theory Such as the
Behavioristic theory of social behavior. This theory focuses its attention on
the relationship between the consequences of behavior that occurs in the
community. Where adolescent behavior is a factor that needs to be handled
so as not to disturb the community. Behavioral theory in sociology seeks to
explain the historical relationship between the effects of past behavior that
occurs in the environment, the actor and the current behavior of the actor.
That is, the theory explains that behavior that occurs in the present is the
result of behavior that occurred in the previous period.
Non-Formal Education is an alternative education in the Pandemic Era. Amid
limited conditions, the needs of the community must be served and fulfilled.
It is not only the problem of economic needs that must be fulfilled in the
Pandemic era, but all aspects including education for the community must
be fulfilled. 2020 is a very bad year for the Indonesian people, for one full
year, Covid 19 has plagued this nation.
The impact that occurs as a result of this outbreak is of course fatal to the
process of implementing education for the community. But for the people
of Cempaka Kec. Plumbon, Kab. Cirebon is still well served in education. With
the existence of non-formal education which is carried out regularly by the
community, the needs of children's education problems have been fulfilled.
Even the existence of non-formal education in Cempaka Village is an
alternative education, which can be an answer to educational problems in
the community. As a result of the government's PSBB policy, of course
Muhammad Fahmi
Community Empowerment Through Non Formal
schools are closed, but non-formal education can provide assistance to
children in matters of educational needs, such as in carrying out school
assignments that are given because the school is closed.
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Copyright holder :
Muhammad Fahmi (2019)
First publication right :
Devotion - Journal of Community Service
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