Showkat Ahmad Dar |
Showkat Ahmad Dar
Department of Public Administration
Annamalai University, Tamil Nadu, India
m- Governance,
Capacity, Requirements,
Benefits and Challenges
Mobile governance (m-Governance) has emerged as a new paradigm for
governance in many countries, including India. This study investigates the benefits
and barriers of m-governance in the context of Jammu and Kashmir. The study used
an analytical and documentary method to reach at conclusion. The findings suggest
that m-governance has the potential to enhance citizen engagement and
participation, increase transparency and accountability, and improve service
delivery. The study also highlights several barriers that hinder the effective
implementation of m-governance, including the lack of technological infrastructure
and expertise, low literacy rates, and limited access to mobile devices and network
connectivity, particularly in rural areas. Furthermore, the study identified concerns
related to data privacy and security as a significant challenge to the adoption of m-
governance. The study recommends that policymakers should take a holistic
approach to m-governance by addressing the barriers and challenges while
leveraging the benefits of mobile technology. The study recommends that the
government should prioritize the establishment of technological infrastructure,
providing digital literacy programs, and strengthening data protection laws to
address citizens' privacy concerns. The study concludes that m-governance has the
potential to transform the governance landscape in Jammu and Kashmir by
improving transparency, accountability, and service delivery, but it requires a
collaborative effort from policymakers, government officials, citizens, and private
stakeholders to overcome the barriers and harness its full potential.
As the use of mobile phones spreads more into rural areas, the government has made the
decision to offer a variety of services to the general populace via mobile devices. The
Department of Information Technology (DIT) has provided all other departments with a set of
standards for mobile governance, often known as "m-Governance." It is a requirement that the
websites of all government agencies adhere to the "one web" standard for mobile compatibility.
Mobile governance (m-governance) is a subset of e-governance that uses mobile
technology to improve the delivery of public services and enhance citizen engagement. M-
governance has emerged as a promising strategy for promoting good governance in many
countries, particularly in developing regions where mobile technology is widely accessible.
According to Alshammari and Mahmood (2018), m-governance can enhance the efficiency,
effectiveness, and transparency of public services by leveraging the ubiquity, portability, and
affordability of mobile devices. In the context of Jammu and Kashmir, m-governance has the
potential to address some of the governance challenges faced by the region, such as limited
access to infrastructure, low literacy rates, and conflict.
Volume 4, Number 10, October 2023
e-ISSN: 2797-6068 and p-ISSN: 2777-0915
Vol. 4, No. 10, 2023
[ Exploring The Advantages and Obstacles of Mobile Governance
in Kashmira Comprehensive Study]
2038|Showkat Ahmad Dar
The use of mobile technology in governance can have several benefits for citizens and
governments alike. For instance, m-governance can improve the accessibility and quality of
public services by enabling citizens to access services anytime, anywhere, and on any device
(Alshammari and Mahmood, 2018). M-governance can also enhance citizen participation and
engagement by enabling citizens to provide feedback, make complaints, and participate in
decision-making processes (UNESCAP, 2016). Additionally, m-governance can increase
transparency and accountability by providing real-time information on government activities
and services (Alshammari and Mahmood, 2018).
Despite the potential benefits of m-governance, its implementation can be hindered by
several barriers and challenges. One significant barrier is the lack of technological
infrastructure and expertise, which can limit the availability and reliability of mobile services
(UNESCAP, 2016). Additionally, low literacy rates, limited access to mobile devices and
network connectivity, and concerns related to data privacy and security can impede the
effective implementation of m-governance (Bhat et al., 2017). Furthermore, there may be
resistance to change and a lack of political will among government officials and citizens to
adopt new technologies (UNESCAP, 2016).
This study aims to investigate the benefits and barriers of m-governance in Jammu and
Kashmir, using a mixed-method approach.
In recent years, governments have come to see mobile governance as a powerful tool to
increase citizen participation and alter the ways in which people communicate with one another
and with society at large. Mobile governance is seen as a powerful tool for strengthening
democracies since it increases people participation in government. This has implications for
political decision-making and compels governments to account for their actions.
The researcher chose this topic because he is curious about the effects of m-governance
on citizens and the efforts being made to incorporate it into government institutions in India.
Electronic governance (e-governance) is increasingly seen as essential to effective government
as the field of mobile governance develops.
Review of Literature
The study by Wani, Sofi, and Kumar (2015) examines the challenges and opportunities
of implementing mobile governance in Kashmir. The authors highlight the importance of
improving telecommunication infrastructure, promoting digital literacy, and ensuring data
security and privacy to overcome barriers to mobile governance adoption in the region.
Bhat and Bhat (2016) investigate the potential benefits of mobile governance in Kashmir,
including increased citizen participation in decision-making, improved access to public
services, and enhanced transparency and accountability. The authors suggest that mobile
governance can help to address the socio-economic disparities and political instability in the
Gupta and Verma (2017) explore the role of digital literacy in promoting the adoption of
mobile governance in India. The authors argue that a lack of digital literacy among citizens can
be a significant barrier to the effectiveness of mobile-based services, and recommend targeted
awareness campaigns and training programs to address this challenge.
The study by Khan, Parveen, and Ashraf (2018) examines the accessibility of mobile
governance services for people with disabilities. The authors suggest that designing mobile-
based services with accessibility in mind can help to promote inclusion and equal access to
public services for all citizens.
Kour and Reshi (2019) investigate the role of government and other stakeholders in
promoting mobile governance in Kashmir. The authors argue that a collaborative approach,
involving partnerships between government, NGOs, and private sector actors, is necessary to
overcome the challenges of implementing mobile-based services in the region.
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Tandon and Das (2020) explore the potential for mobile governance to promote
sustainable development in India, including in the areas of health, education, and agriculture.
The authors suggest that mobile-based services can help to improve access to vital information
and services for marginalized populations, and promote more equitable and sustainable
development outcomes.
The study by Lone and Shah (2021) examines the challenges and opportunities of using
mobile governance to promote financial inclusion in Kashmir. The authors suggest that mobile-
based services can help to address the lack of access to formal financial services in the region,
and recommend targeted interventions to promote the adoption of mobile banking and other
digital financial services.
Statement of Problem
The adoption of mobile governance in Kashmir faces several challenges and obstacles
that limit its potential advantages. These challenges include inadequate telecommunication
infrastructure, low levels of digital literacy among citizens, concerns around data security and
privacy, limited access to Smartphone’s and other mobile devices, cultural and linguistic
barriers, political instability and conflict, and limited government investment in
telecommunication infrastructure and digital literacy campaigns. These issues must be
addressed in order to promote the successful implementation of mobile governance in Kashmir
and to realize its potential benefits, including improved accessibility of public services and
information, increased citizen engagement, and cost-effectiveness compared to traditional
governance methods.
Concept Definition
Mobile Governance, also known as m-governance or mobile government, refers to the
use of mobile technologies, such as Smartphone’s, tablets, and other handheld devices, to
facilitate the delivery of public services and information by government agencies to citizens,
businesses, and other stakeholders. It involves the use of mobile devices to improve the
efficiency, transparency, and accessibility of government services and communication
channels, enabling citizens to interact with government agencies and access services at any
time and from any location.
According to Ravi S. Sharma, the author of "Mobile Governance: Opportunities and
Challenges," mobile governance has the potential to transform the way governments interact
with citizens by enabling real-time communication and engagement. Sharma notes that mobile
governance can facilitate access to government services, including healthcare, education, and
financial services, to remote and marginalized communities that might otherwise be excluded.
Mobile governance can be used in a variety of ways, such as to deliver real-time
information on government policies and programs, to collect feedback from citizens on public
services, to issue alerts and notifications during emergencies, and to provide access to e-
government portals and applications.
Mobile governance is an emerging area that has the potential to transform the way
governments interact with citizens. As mobile technologies continue to evolve, it is likely that
we will see further innovations in this field that will enable governments to provide more
efficient, transparent, and accessible services to citizen
Research Objectives
Objective 1: To examine the potential advantages of mobile governance in Kashmir,
including improved accessibility of public services and information, increased citizen
engagement, and cost-effectiveness compared to traditional governance methods.
Objective 2: To identify the barriers to implementing mobile governance in Kashmir,
including inadequate telecommunication infrastructure, low levels of digital literacy
among citizens, and concerns around data security and privacy.
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[ Exploring The Advantages and Obstacles of Mobile Governance
in Kashmira Comprehensive Study]
2040|Showkat Ahmad Dar
Objective 3: To assess the role of government and other stakeholders in promoting mobile
governance in Kashmir, including the need for investment in telecommunication
infrastructure, digital literacy campaigns, and partnerships with local NGOs and
educational institutions.
Objective 4: To provide recommendations for the successful implementation of mobile
governance in Kashmir, taking into account the unique cultural, linguistic, and socio-
economic factors that may impact the effectiveness of mobile-based services in the region
The research methodology used in this study aims to investigate the benefits and
challenges of Mobile Governance in Kashmir. To achieve this goal, a combination of
descriptive and documentary methods has been utilized, allowing for a thorough exploration
of the subject matter. By utilizing a range of data sources, such as academic publications,
government reports, and news articles, the research provides a comprehensive overview of the
impact of Mobile Governance in the region. This methodology enables a deeper understanding
of the advantages and obstacles of Mobile Governance in Kashmir.
Potential advantages of mobile governance in Kashmir
This is a research objective that aims to explore the potential benefits of mobile
governance in Kashmir. The objective focuses on three key areas where mobile governance
has the potential to bring positive change, including:
Improved accessibility of public services and information: Mobile governance can make
public services and information more accessible to citizens, particularly those in remote or
underdeveloped areas of Kashmir. Through mobile-based services, citizens can access a
wide range of government services, including healthcare, education, and social welfare,
without having to travel long distances or face bureaucratic hurdles.
Increased citizen engagement: Mobile governance can promote greater citizen engagement
in decision-making processes, by enabling citizens to provide feedback, participate in
surveys, and voice their concerns on issues that affect their daily lives. This can lead to
more transparent and accountable governance practices, and a greater sense of ownership
and participation among citizens.
Cost-effectiveness: Mobile governance has the potential to be more cost-effective than
traditional governance methods, as it reduces the need for physical infrastructure and
personnel. This can lead to cost savings for the government, which can then be redirected
to other areas of development and public services.
By examining these potential benefits, researchers can better understand the impact of
mobile governance on the governance landscape in Kashmir, and identify strategies to
maximize its potential advantages.
The requirement for mobile government in India
Mobile government, or m-governance, has the potential to transform the way
governments interact with citizens in Kashmir, a region that has faced political instability and
limited access to government services in the past. The following are some of the requirements
for mobile government in Kashmir:
Improved Infrastructure: The government needs to invest in improving the
telecommunication infrastructure in Kashmir to ensure that citizens have access to reliable and
affordable mobile services. According to a report by the International Journal of Advanced
Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering, the current telecommunication
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infrastructure in Kashmir is inadequate, and there is a need to expand the network coverage
and increase the bandwidth to support mobile-based services (Wani et al., 2015).
Digital Literacy: The government needs to promote digital literacy among the citizens of
Kashmir to ensure that they are able to use mobile-based services effectively. This can be
achieved through awareness campaigns, training programs, and partnerships with local NGOs
and educational institutions. According to a study by the International Journal of Computer
Science and Information Security, digital literacy is a key requirement for the success of mobile
government services in developing countries like India (Gupta & Verma, 2017).
Local Language Support: Kashmir has a diverse population with several regional
languages, and it is essential that mobile-based services are available in local languages to
ensure maximum reach and effectiveness. According to a study by the International Journal of
Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering, the use of local languages
is important for the success of mobile-based services in developing countries (Wani et al.,
Security Measures: Mobile government services need to be secure to protect citizens'
personal information and prevent cyber-attacks. The government needs to invest in developing
robust security measures to ensure that citizens' data is protected. According to a report by the
World Bank, security and privacy are key requirements for the success of mobile government
services (World Bank, 2013).
Accessibility: Mobile government services should be designed to be accessible to people
with disabilities, including those with visual, hearing, and mobility impairments. This includes
providing alternative formats for text and audio-based services. According to a study by the
Journal of Accessibility and Design for All, accessibility is a key requirement for the success
of mobile government services (Khan et al., 2018).
Citizen Engagement: The success of mobile government in Kashmir depends on citizen
engagement and participation. The government needs to involve citizens in the design and
implementation of mobile-based services to ensure that they are relevant and effective.
According to a report by the United Nations Development Programme, citizen engagement is
essential for the success of mobile government services (UNDP, 2013).
Mobile governance has the potential to contribute to expanded democracy and green
government, which are two key objectives of modern governance. Expanded democracy refers
to the idea of promoting greater citizen participation and engagement in the decision-making
processes of government, while green government refers to the adoption of environmentally
sustainable policies and practices.
One way in which mobile governance can contribute to expanded democracy is by
enabling citizens to participate in governance processes through mobile-based platforms. For
example, mobile applications can be used to gather citizen feedback on government policies,
conduct surveys on public services, and enable citizens to report grievances and monitor
government performance. This can help to create a more inclusive and participatory
governance system, where citizens have a greater say in the decisions that affect their daily
Moreover, mobile governance can also contribute to green government by promoting
more sustainable governance practices. For instance, mobile-based applications can be used to
encourage the use of public transport, reduce paper usage, and promote waste reduction. In this
way, mobile governance can contribute to the achievement of environmentally sustainable
goals, while also improving the efficiency and effectiveness of governance practices.
Studies have shown that mobile governance has the potential to promote expanded
democracy and green government. For example, a study conducted by Ahmed et al. (2018) on
the use of mobile phones in local governance in Bangladesh found that mobile-based platforms
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[ Exploring The Advantages and Obstacles of Mobile Governance
in Kashmira Comprehensive Study]
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can promote greater citizen participation and accountability. Similarly, a study by Mushi et al.
(2019) on the use of mobile technology for environmental sustainability in Tanzania found that
mobile-based platforms can be effective in promoting environmentally sustainable practices.
Barriers to implementing mobile governance in Kashmir
While mobile governance has the potential to bring significant benefits to Kashmir, there
are also several barriers to its implementation. This research objective aims to identify these
barriers and provide insights into how they can be addressed. One of the main barriers to
implementing mobile governance in Kashmir is the inadequate telecommunication
infrastructure. Kashmir has long suffered from poor internet connectivity, with limited access
to high-speed broadband services and a lack of network coverage in many remote areas. This
makes it difficult to implement mobile-based services and applications, which require reliable
and high-speed internet connectivity. According to a report by the Internet and Mobile
Association of India (IAMAI) in 2018, only 30% of the population in Jammu and Kashmir had
access to the internet, with 2G being the primary mode of internet access for most people.
Another barrier to implementing mobile governance in Kashmir is the low levels of digital
literacy among citizens. Many people in Kashmir, especially in remote and underdeveloped
areas, lack basic digital skills and are unfamiliar with mobile technology. This can make it
difficult for them to access mobile-based services and applications, and to participate in
decision-making processes through digital platforms. According to a survey conducted by the
National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) in 2017-18, only 11% of households in Jammu and
Kashmir had a computer, and only 18% of the population aged 15-29 had received any formal
computer training. Data security and privacy concerns are also a major barrier to implementing
mobile governance in Kashmir. With increasing use of mobile-based services, there is a
growing concern around data privacy and security. This is particularly relevant in the context
of Kashmir, where there are ongoing concerns around surveillance and monitoring of citizens
by the government. According to a report by the Centre for Internet and Society (CIS) in 2016,
the use of surveillance technologies by the government in Kashmir has raised significant
concerns around privacy and human rights.
In addition to these barriers, there are also other challenges to implementing mobile
governance in Kashmir, including the lack of financial resources, political instability, and
social and cultural factors. For example, the conflict and political instability in the region can
make it difficult to implement sustainable and long-term governance solutions. Moreover,
social and cultural factors, such as gender discrimination and caste-based discrimination, can
also impact the effectiveness of mobile-based services and applications. To address these
barriers and challenges, several strategies can be adopted. One of the most important strategies
is to improve the telecommunication infrastructure in Kashmir, by expanding network
coverage and improving internet connectivity. This can be achieved through public-private
partnerships, government initiatives, and investment in telecommunication infrastructure.
Another strategy is to improve digital literacy among citizens, by providing computer training
and digital skills education programs. This can be achieved through partnerships between
government agencies, NGOs, and private sector organizations. Moreover, it is important to
design mobile-based services and applications that are user-friendly and accessible to people
with low levels of digital literacy. To address concerns around data security and privacy, it is
important to adopt robust data protection policies and practices. This can be achieved through
the implementation of strong encryption and authentication technologies, as well as regular
audits and assessments of data security measures. The barriers to implementing mobile
governance in Kashmir are significant, but they can be overcome through a combination of
technological, educational, and policy solutions. By addressing these barriers, it is possible to
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harness the potential of mobile governance to improve the accessibility, transparency, and
effectiveness of governance in Kashmir.
Assess the role of government and other stakeholders
The role of government and other stakeholders in promoting mobile governance in
Kashmir is crucial to its successful implementation. A key factor in this regard is investment
in telecommunication infrastructure, as a reliable and robust network is essential for the
effective delivery of mobile governance services. According to Kaul and Darzi (2020), the
government of India has taken steps to improve telecommunication infrastructure in Jammu
and Kashmir, including the installation of additional mobile towers and the rollout of high-
speed 4G internet services. However, challenges remain, particularly in rural areas, where
network coverage is often limited. In addition to investing in infrastructure, there is a need for
digital literacy campaigns to improve the ability of citizens to use mobile governance services
effectively. A study by Darzi et al. (2020) found that while citizens in Jammu and Kashmir
were generally positive about mobile governance, many lacked the necessary digital skills to
access and use services effectively. As such, efforts to promote digital literacy among citizens
are essential for the success of mobile governance initiatives.
Government and other stakeholders can also play a role in promoting mobile governance
through partnerships with local NGOs and educational institutions. Such partnerships can help
to raise awareness of mobile governance services and provide training and support to citizens
in using them. For example, the Jammu and Kashmir e-Governance Agency has partnered with
NGOs to provide training to women and youth in rural areas on using mobile governance
services (Kaul and Darzi, 2020).
However, there are also challenges and barriers to the involvement of NGOs and other
stakeholders in promoting mobile governance. One issue is the lack of awareness and
understanding of mobile governance services among NGOs and other community
organizations. In addition, there may be concerns around data security and privacy, which may
deter some stakeholders from getting involved in mobile governance initiatives (Darzi et al.,
Overall, the role of government and other stakeholders in promoting mobile governance
in Kashmir is critical to its success. Investment in telecommunication infrastructure, digital
literacy campaigns, and partnerships with local NGOs and educational institutions are essential
for the effective delivery of mobile governance services. However, there are also challenges
and barriers that must be addressed, including concerns around data security and privacy, and
the need to raise awareness and understanding of mobile governance services among citizens
and stakeholders.
Expanding governments’ capacity
Mobile governance has the potential to expand the capacity of governments in Kashmir
to deliver public services, engage citizens in decision-making processes, and improve overall
governance practices. Several authors have explored the role of mobile governance in
expanding governments' capacity in the region. According to a study by Hussain and Bhat
(2020), mobile governance can help to bridge the gap between citizens and government by
providing a platform for citizen participation in decision-making processes. Through mobile-
based services such as feedback mechanisms and public opinion polls, citizens can provide
input and feedback to the government, enabling more responsive and accountable governance
practices. Similarly, Darzi et al. (2020) argue that mobile governance can improve
governments' capacity to deliver public services in Kashmir. By leveraging mobile
technologies such as SMS, mobile apps, and social media, governments can provide citizens
with access to information and services in a timely and efficient manner. This can lead to
improved service delivery outcomes, particularly in remote and underserved areas. Moreover,
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[ Exploring The Advantages and Obstacles of Mobile Governance
in Kashmira Comprehensive Study]
2044|Showkat Ahmad Dar
mobile governance can improve governments' capacity to collect and analyze data on public
services and citizen feedback, leading to more evidence-based policy-making processes. As
noted by Kaul and Darzi (2020), mobile-based data collection and analysis can provide
governments with real-time insights into citizen needs and preferences, enabling more
informed policy decisions. However, the expansion of governments' capacity through mobile
governance in Kashmir is not without its challenges. As noted by Hussain and Bhat (2020),
inadequate telecommunication infrastructure and low levels of digital literacy among citizens
can pose significant barriers to the effective implementation of mobile governance initiatives.
The concept of mobile governance involves the use of mobile technologies to enhance
the delivery of government services and improve citizen engagement with the government.
There are several different types of mobile governance, including G2C (government to citizen),
G2G (government to government), G2E (government to employee), and G2B (government to
G2C refers to the use of mobile technologies by government agencies to deliver services
and engage with citizens. This can include services such as mobile payments, mobile
applications for accessing government information, and mobile-based feedback mechanisms.
G2C initiatives are designed to improve the accessibility and efficiency of government
services, while also promoting transparency and accountability.
G2G involves the use of mobile technologies by government agencies to communicate
and collaborate with other government entities. This can include initiatives such as mobile-
based inter-agency communication platforms, mobile-enabled data sharing, and mobile-based
collaboration tools. G2G initiatives are designed to promote more efficient and effective
government operations, while also improving coordination and collaboration between different
government agencies.
G2E refers to the use of mobile technologies by government agencies to communicate
with and engage their employees. This can include initiatives such as mobile-based training
and development programs, mobile-enabled performance management systems, and mobile-
based employee feedback mechanisms. G2E initiatives are designed to improve employee
engagement, productivity, and satisfaction, while also promoting more effective and efficient
government operations.
Finally, G2B involves the use of mobile technologies by government agencies to
communicate and engage with businesses. This can include initiatives such as mobile-based
business registration systems, mobile-enabled procurement processes, and mobile-based
business feedback mechanisms. G2B initiatives are designed to promote a more business-
friendly environment, while also improving transparency and accountability in government-
business interactions.
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Source: Oui-Suk, 2010
Implications of the study
The exploration of the advantages and obstacles of mobile governance in Kashmir has
significant implications for policymakers, mobile service providers, and the local population.
The study provides insights into the potential benefits of mobile governance, such as improved
access to government services, increased citizen participation, and enhanced transparency.
However, it also highlights the obstacles, including inadequate infrastructure, low literacy
rates, and limited internet access. These findings have important implications for policymakers,
who can use them to develop strategies to address the obstacles and maximize the benefits of
mobile governance. For mobile service providers, the study offers insights into the specific
needs of the population in Kashmir, which can inform the development of mobile services that
are tailored to the region. Finally, for the local population, the study can serve as a valuable
resource, providing information about the advantages and obstacles of mobile governance and
empowering citizens to participate more fully in the governance process. Overall, the
implications of this study are far-reaching, highlighting the potential of mobile governance to
improve governance and the need for targeted efforts to address the obstacles that stand in the
The successful implementation of mobile governance in Kashmir requires careful
consideration of the region's unique cultural, linguistic, and socio-economic factors. Several
recommendations can be made to address these factors and ensure the effectiveness of mobile-
based services in the region.
First, it is essential to develop mobile governance services in local languages to ensure
that citizens can access and use them effectively. This is particularly important in a region like
Kashmir, where multiple languages are spoken. As noted by Darzi et al. (2020), the availability
of mobile governance services in local languages is essential to ensure that citizens are able to
understand and engage with them effectively.
Second, there is a need for greater collaboration between the government and local
communities in the development and delivery of mobile governance services. This can help to
ensure that services are tailored to the specific needs and requirements of local communities.
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[ Exploring The Advantages and Obstacles of Mobile Governance
in Kashmira Comprehensive Study]
2046|Showkat Ahmad Dar
As noted by Hussain and Bhat (2020), community participation in the design and delivery of
mobile governance services is essential to ensure their effectiveness and relevance.
Third, there is a need to address the digital divide in Kashmir, where many citizens lack
access to digital technologies or the skills necessary to use them effectively. This can be
addressed through digital literacy campaigns, as well as the development of low-cost, user-
friendly mobile governance services that are accessible to all citizens. As noted by Kaul and
Darzi (2020), efforts to promote digital inclusion are essential to ensure that all citizens can
benefit from mobile governance initiatives.
Fourth, there is a need to address concerns around data security and privacy in the
development and delivery of mobile governance services. This can be achieved through the
implementation of robust data protection and privacy policies, as well as the use of secure
technologies and protocols. As noted by Darzi et al. (2020), ensuring the security and privacy
of citizens' data is essential to build trust and confidence in mobile governance services.
Fifth, there is a need for ongoing monitoring and evaluation of mobile governance
services to ensure their effectiveness and identify areas for improvement. This can be achieved
through the use of performance metrics and user feedback mechanisms, as well as regular
assessments of the impact of mobile governance services on citizens' lives. As noted by Kaul
and Darzi (2020), continuous monitoring and evaluation are essential to ensure the success of
mobile governance initiatives in Kashmir.
The successful implementation of mobile governance in Kashmir requires careful
consideration of the region's unique cultural, linguistic, and socio-economic factors. The
recommendations outlined above, including the development of mobile governance services in
local languages, greater collaboration between the government and local communities, efforts
to address the digital divide, and ongoing monitoring and evaluation, can help to ensure the
effectiveness of mobile-based services in the region.
In conclusion, the implementation of mobile governance in Kashmir has the potential to
offer several advantages, including increased accessibility of public services and information,
improved citizen engagement, and cost-effectiveness compared to traditional governance
methods. However, there are also several barriers to the successful
implementation of mobile governance, including inadequate telecommunication infrastructur
e, low levels of digital literacy among citizens, and concerns around data security and privacy.
To overcome these obstacles, government agencies and other stakeholders must work together
to invest in telecommunication infrastructure, promote digital literacy, and establish
partnerships with local NGOs and educational institutions. Additionally, the unique cultural,
linguistic, and socio-economic factors that may impact the effectiveness of mobile-based
services in the region must be taken into account when developing and implementing mobile
governance initiatives. By addressing these challenges and leveraging the advantages of mobile
governance, governments in Kashmir can improve the delivery of public services, enhance
citizen engagement, and promote more effective and efficient government operations.
Ultimately, the successful implementation of mobile governance in Kashmir has the potential
to transform the way that government services are delivered and received in the region, leading
to a more engaged, empowered, and digitally-enabled citizenry.
Conflict of interest and Funding
As far as the authors are aware, there are no financial or personal affiliations that could
be perceived as having an impact on the findings and conclusions presented in this manuscript.
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The genesis of this article is owed to the hard work and dedication of numerous
individuals, all of whom we extend our utmost gratitude. Moreover, we would like to express
our appreciation for the researchers and authors whose prior work on a similar topic paved the
way for us to embark on an unanticipated and fruitful journey, ultimately enabling us to bring
this piece to completion with remarkable ease.
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Copyright holders:
Nana Noviada Kwartawaty, Deasy Virka Sari, Resa Nirmala Jona (2023)
First publication right:
Devotion - Journal of Research and Community Service
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