Adji Pramesty, Cahyo Wisanggeni, Muhammad Zeva Ramdhani, Deden, Dukat |
Adji Pramesty, Cahyo Wisanggeni, Muhammad Zeva Ramdhani, Deden,
Agriculture Faculty of Swadaya Gunung Jati University, Indonesia
Rice Plants, Brown Stem
Leafhopper, Nitenpyram
and Pymetrozine.
The issue faced by rice farmers in Cirebon is the brown planthopper pest. Brown
planthopper infestations can lead to crop damage of up to 40%, and many farmers
experience crop failures. This research aims to determine the effect of the
concentration of the active insecticide ingredients Nitenpyram + Pymetrozine in
controlling the brown planthopper pest and the yield of rice plants (Oryza sativa L.)
of Inpari 32 cultivar. The experimental site was at an altitude of approximately 3
meters above sea level. The experimental design used a randomized group design
(RGD). There were 5 levels of insecticide concentration treatments and a control
(no treatment), each repeated 5 times, resulting in 25 experimental plots. The
treatment levels included A (Nitenpyram + Pymetrozine = 1 g/l), B (Nitenpyram +
Pymetrozine = 0.75 g/l), C (Nitenpyram + Pymetrozine = 0.5 g/l), D (Nitenpyram
+ Pymetrozine = 0.25 g/l), and E (control). The experimental results show that the
application of the active ingredient Nitenpyram + Pymetrozine effectively reduces
the intensity of brown planthopper and other pest attacks on Inpari 32 rice plants,
but it does not affect natural enemies. The Nitenpyram + Pymetrozine active
ingredient does not cause harm to the rice plants themselves. Based on the data, the
results for all concentration levels are relatively the same. However, there is the
most efficient concentration, namely the treatment of the active ingredient
Nitenpyram + Pimetrozin 0.25 g/l which is capable of producing dry grain of 12.43
kg/plot or the equivalent of 4.972 tonnes/hectare.
Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is classified as a type of serelia plant that is widely cultivated in
Indonesia on a large scale. Rice is a food commodity whose production and consumption levels
rank first compared to other food commodities. Rice is one of the main food crops consumed
by most of the Indonesian population, so the need for these foods is increasing along with the
increasing population (Umiyati and Widianto 2017). Along with the needs and increasing
population, it is necessary to produce good rice plants with the use of appropriate cultivation
techniques (Deden 2014). Rice in the form of rice is a staple food source for the people of
Indonesia and will continue to increase in demand often with the increase in population
(Rahmah and Aswidinnoor 2014). Rice consumption continues to increase every year as the
population increases, and as a commodity that is widely cultivated (Rasyid 2022). Based on
the Central Statistics Agency, rice production in 2021 was 54.42 million tons, a decrease of
233.91 thousand tons or 0.43 percent compared to rice production in 2020 of 54.65 million tons
(BPS, 2021). According to data from the Center for Agricultural Rice Research and
Development (2019), the problem of rice farmers in Cirebon is planthopper pests. We know
that planthopper pest attacks can cause damage to rice plants up to 40% and not even a few
Volume 4, Number 10, October 2023
e-ISSN: 2797-6068 and p-ISSN: 2777-0915
Vol. 4, No. 10, 2023
[ The Effect of Insecticide Concentration of The Active Ingredient
Mixture Nitenpyram + Pimetrozin on The Intensity of Attacks By
Brown Stem Planthoppers (Nilaparvata lugens) on Rice Plants
(Oriza sativa L) Inpari 32 Cultivars]|Adji Pramesty, Cahyo Wisanggeni, Muhammad Zeva
Ramdhani, Deden, Dukat
who experience crop failure. One of the main pests of rice plants with high attack intensity is
planthopper pests. The use of insecticides requires more knowledge about the content of
insecticides and how to apply them so that they are right on target.
Brown stem leafhopper is the main pest of rice plants whose attack can cause death to
rice plants than other rice pests (Baehaki &; Mejaya, 2014). The initial stage of leafhoppers
comes in rice plants that have begun to grow, namely at the age of 15 days after planting or at
the age of 10-20 days after planting (Firdaus and Haryadi 2022). The development of
leafhopper populations also depends on the host (variety) of rice suitable for its development (
Sembiring and Mendes 2022). Leafhoppers can suck cell fluid on rice stalks, so it can cause
plant growth to be stunted and can cause crop failure or puso (Baehaki &; Mejaya, 2014). BSP
can attack rice plants in all phases of growth, from seedling to before harvest. BSP populations
are commonly found in high numbers and can result in dry rice plants. BSP damages rice plants
by sucking plant fluids, besides that leafhopper pests can act as vectors of viruses that cause
grass dwarf and hapa dwarf disease (Trisnaningsih, 2016). Based on research conducted by
Kadja, (2015), namely in the vegetative phase, it was reported that in this phase there is a high
nitrogen content in rice plants, allowing an increase in BSP.
The use of insecticides requires more knowledge about the content of insecticides and
how to apply them so that they are right on target (Kardinan 2011). One of the new insecticide
active ingredients that has entered Indonesia is Nitenpyram + Pimetrozin. Nitenpyram +
Pimetrozin is a highly effective active ingredient for controlling BSP and is safe for predators
Ophinea nigrofasciata, Cytohinus lividipennis, Paederus fuscipes and Menochillus
sexmaculatus (Ghosh. et al., 2014). Nitenpyram, one of the second-generation neonicotinoid
pesticide families, was introduced in China in 2007 (Liang et al., 2012; Harrop et al., 2018).
Nitenpyram targets nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChR), which inhibit synaptic
transmission in the central nervous system of insects (Bass et al., 2015). Until now, nitenpyram
is considered one of the most important chemicals in rice protection from N. lugens (Khoa et
al., 2018) Pymetrozine is one of the insecticides in the form of granules which in its use must
be mixed using water first, is an insecticide classified as a feeding inhibitor insecticide that is
able to control aphid pests such as mites, thrips, whitefly and aphids. In addition, this
insecticide is also effective for controlling leafhopper pests and larvae on rice plants of the
(Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture, 2016).
This study aims to determine how the effectiveness of the concentration of active
ingredients Nitenpyram and Pimetrozin in pest control of brown stem leafhoppers and rice plant
yields (Oryza sativa L.) cultivar Inpari 32. This research is expected to be useful as a science
and consideration for all parties in need in pest control of brown stem leafhoppers and
cultivation of rice plants (Oryza sativa L.) Inpari 32 Cultivars.
This research was conducted in Cempaka Village, Kedawung District, Cirebon Regency,
West Java Province. The location of this experiment is at an altitude of ± 3 meters above sea
level. This trial will be carried out from June to September 2023.
The experimental design used was a randomized group design (RGD). The study
consisted of 5 treatments of various doses of insecticide and control (without treatment) each
[ The Effect of Insecticide Concentration of The Active Ingredient
Mixture Nitenpyram + Pimetrozin on The Intensity of Attacks By
Brown Stem Planthoppers (Nilaparvata lugens) on Rice Plants (Oriza
sativa L) Inpari 32 Cultivars]
Vol. 4, No. 10, 2023
Adji Pramesty, Cahyo Wisanggeni, Muhammad Zeva Ramdhani, Deden, Dukat |
of which was repeated 5 times so that there were 25 experimental plots. The planting pattern
uses monoculture with a planting distance of 25 cm x 25 cm. The size of the treatment plot is
5 m x 5 m with a distance between plots of 50 cm. The variety used is the inpari 32 variety
commonly used by local farmers. The age of transplanting seedlings used is 21 days after
sowing, the number of seedlings per hole planting 2-3 seedlings. The treatment used several
A. Nitenpyram + Pimetrozin = 1 g/l
B. Nitenpyram + Pimetrozin = 0,75 g/l
C. Nitenpyram + Pimetrozin = 0,5 g/l
D. Nitenpyram + Pimetrozin = 0,25 g/l
E. Control
The method of application of insecticides is carried out at intervals of 5. The first
application is carried out one week after the discovery of moths or clusters of brown leafhopper
eggs, but when the brown leafhopper population has reached the control threshold, the
application is carried out one day later. The last application is carried out a maximum of two
weeks before harvest. Application times are made at 28, 35, 42, 49 and 56 DAP. Preliminary
observations were conducted a week before the first application at the age of 21 DAP, then
observation after application was carried out at intervals of 1 wait after application (WAA) or
one day before the next application (34, 41, 48, 55 and 62 DAP). The observation method is
carried out by calculating the intensity of BSP pest attacks, with the following formula :
𝐼 =
𝑛 𝑥 𝑣
𝑁 𝑥 𝑉
𝑥 100%
I = Intensity of disease
n = Number of plants in each attack category
v = Scale value of each attack category
V = Scale value of the highest attack category
N = Number of plants observed
The attack scale value (v) is determined as follows:
0 = no infection
1 = Attack Intensity 1-20%
2 = Attack Intensity 21-40%
3 = Attack Intensity 41-60%
4 = Attack Intensity 61-80%
5 = Attack Intensity 81-100%
Formula Phytotoxicity :
0 =
No poisoning , 0 5 % abnormal leaf shape or color, and or abnormal plant growth
1 =
No poisoning , > 5 - 20 % abnormal leaf shape or color, and or abnormal plant growth.
2 =
No poisoning , > 20 - 50% abnormal leaf shape or color, and or abnormal plant growth.
3 =
No poisoning , > 50 75% abnormal leaf shape or color, and or abnormal plant growth.
4 =
No poisoning , > 75% abnormal leaf shape or color, and or abnormal plant growth until
the plant dies.
Vol. 4, No. 10, 2023
[ The Effect of Insecticide Concentration of The Active Ingredient
Mixture Nitenpyram + Pimetrozin on The Intensity of Attacks By
Brown Stem Planthoppers (Nilaparvata lugens) on Rice Plants
(Oriza sativa L) Inpari 32 Cultivars]|Adji Pramesty, Cahyo Wisanggeni, Muhammad Zeva
Ramdhani, Deden, Dukat
1. Brown Stem Planthopper (BSP) attack intensity (%)
Based on Table 1, it can be seen that Nitenpyram + Pymetrozine treatment has a
significant effect on the intensity of planthopper pest attacks (Table 1).
Table 1. The Effect of Insectiside Concentration of The Active Ingredient mixure
Nitenpyram + Pymetrozine on the intensity of BSP pest attack (Nilaparvata lugens) at the
age of 34, 41, 48, 55 and 62 DAP (%)
Intensity of Palanthoppeer Attaks (%)
41 DAP
48 DAP
55 DAP
62 DAP
A Nitenpyram + Pimetrozin = 1 g/l
0,02 a
4,04 a
6,20 b
2,40 a
2,60 a
B Nitenpyram + Pimetrozin = 0,75 g/l
1,20 a
6,40 b
3,21 a
1,68 a
4,66 a
C Nitenpyram + Pimetrozin = 0,5 g/l
1,20 a
2,20 a
5,23 b
4,08 a
D Nitenpyram + Pimetrozin = 0,25 g/l
4,20 a
4,20 a
5,85 b
3,42 a
0,09 a
E Control
8,60 b
8,40 b
9,44 c
7,27 b
7,63 b
Remarks : The average value followed by the same letter in the same factor and column shows
an unreal difference in the Duncan test level 5%.
Table 1 shows that on average all levels of insecticide treatment of Nitenpyram +
Pimetrozine active ingredients generally show a significant difference in planthopper pest
attacks. The active ingredient insecticide Nitenpyram + Pimetrozine showed lower attack when
compared to the control treatment until the observation age of 62 DAP. These results prove
that Nitenpyram + Pimetrozin is able to suppress planthopper pest attacks, even at
concentrations of 1 g / l suppress attacks up to 0% or no planthopper attacks. This is in line
with (Effendi et al. 2016) that the active ingredient pimetrozine insecticide, is able to suppress
the intensity of planthopper attacks, because the insecticide active ingredient pimetrozine is a
contact poison that kills directly within a few hours after application that hits the target or
2. Phytotoxicity
The experimental results showed that the application of insecticide Nitenpyram +
Pymetrozine between 0.25 to 1 g / l concentration level did not cause symptoms of
phytotoxicity or poisoning for rice plants (Table 2).
Table 2. The Effect of Insectiside Concentration of The Active Ingredient mixure
Nitenpyram + Pymetrozine on Phytotoxicity of Rice Plants at the age of 34, 41, 48, 55 and
62 DAP (%)
Fhytotoxicity (%)
A. Nitenpyram + Pimetrozin = 1 g/l
0,00 a
0,00 a
0,24 a
0,28 a
0,02 a
B. Nitenpyram + Pimetrozin = 0,75 g/l
0,01 a
0,02 a
0,27 a
0,10 a
0,09 a
C. Nitenpyram + Pimetrozin = 0,5 g/l
0,02 a
0,02 a
0,20 a
0,20 a
0,70 a
D. Nitenpyram + Pimetrozin = 0,25 g/l
0,02 a
0,01 a
0,05 a
0,09 a
0,00 a
E. Control
0,00 a
0,00 a
0,00 a
0,00 a
0,00 a
[ The Effect of Insecticide Concentration of The Active Ingredient
Mixture Nitenpyram + Pimetrozin on The Intensity of Attacks By
Brown Stem Planthoppers (Nilaparvata lugens) on Rice Plants (Oriza
sativa L) Inpari 32 Cultivars]
Vol. 4, No. 10, 2023
Adji Pramesty, Cahyo Wisanggeni, Muhammad Zeva Ramdhani, Deden, Dukat |
Remarks : The average value followed by the same letter in the same factor and column shows
an unreal difference in the Duncan test level 5%.
Based on the calculation of the results from (Table 2) it appears that there are no
symptoms of poisoning (phytotoxicity) due to the application of various doses of active
ingredients Nitenpyram + Pimetrozin to rice plants. So it can be concluded that the active
ingredients Nitenpyram + Pimetrozin are safe for rice plants. According to (Syahputra 2010),
there are no symptoms of phytotoxicity of a plant due to the treatment of the active ingredient
Nitenpyram + Pimetrozin in the tested plants, because the strong toxic properties of the mixture
only reduce its insecticidal activity (antagonism).
3. The intensity of the attack of other pests (%)
The experimental results showed that the application of insecticide Nitenpyram +
Pimetrozin affected the intensity of attack by other pests besides the main planthopper pests
(Table 3).
Table 3. The Effect of Insectiside Concentration of The Active Ingredient mixure
Nitenpyram + Pymetrozine on the Intensity of Other Pest Attacks on Rice Plants at the
age of 34, 41, 48, 55 and 62 DAP (%)
Intensity of Attaks by Other Pest (%)
A. Nitenpyram + Pimetrozin = 1 g/l
1,44 a
1,22 a
2,43 ab
B. Nitenpyram + Pimetrozin = 0,75 g/l
0,60 a
1,47 a
C. Nitenpyram + Pimetrozin = 0,5 g/l
0,40 a
4,08 b
0,68 a
D. Nitenpyram + Pimetrozin = 0,25 g/l
3,23 b
5,47 bc
3,43 b
E. Control
7,41 c
8,21 c
Remarks : The average value followed by the same letter in the same factor and column shows
an unreal difference in the Duncan test level 5%.
Table 3 shows the effect of the active ingredient Nitenpyram + Pimetrozin insecticide on
pest attacks other than leafhopper pests that are the main target. These results indicate that the
active ingredient of the insecticide Nitenpyram + Pymetrozine in addition to controlling
leafhoppers can also be used to control other pests on rice plants
4. Intensity of the number of natural enemies (%)
The experimental results showed that the application of insecticide Nitenpyram +
Pimetrozine did not affect the natural enemies of Curinus coeruleus in rice plants (Table 4).
Table 4. The Effect of Insectiside Concentration of The Active Ingredient mixure
Nitenpyram + Pymetrozine on Natural Enemies of C. coeruleus in Rice Plants at the age
of 34, 41, 48, 55 and 62 DAP (%)
Natural Enimes C. coeruleus (%)
34 DAP
62 DAP
A. Nitenpyram + Pimetrozin = 1 g/l
0,25 a
0,20 a
0,20 a
0,60 a
0,03 a
B. Nitenpyram + Pimetrozin = 0,75 g/l
0,70 a
0,20 a
1,90 a
0,82 a
0,44 a
C. Nitenpyram + Pimetrozin = 0,5 g/l
0,38 a
0,70 a
0,80 a
0,65 a
0,65 a
D. Nitenpyram + Pimetrozin = 0,25 g/l
0,10 a
0,82 a
0,20 a
0,23 a
1,92 a
Vol. 4, No. 10, 2023
[ The Effect of Insecticide Concentration of The Active Ingredient
Mixture Nitenpyram + Pimetrozin on The Intensity of Attacks By
Brown Stem Planthoppers (Nilaparvata lugens) on Rice Plants
(Oriza sativa L) Inpari 32 Cultivars]|Adji Pramesty, Cahyo Wisanggeni, Muhammad Zeva
Ramdhani, Deden, Dukat
E. Control
0,96 a
0,56 a
1,27 a
0,46 a
1,24 a
Remarks : The average value followed by the same letter in the same factor and column shows
an unreal difference in the Duncan test level 5%.
Based on the analysis of the results in Table 4, it appears that there is no influence on the
presence of natural enemies C. coeruleus due to the application of the active insecticide
Nitenpyram + Pimetrozin. So it was concluded that the active ingredient Nitenpyram +
Pimetrozin is safe for the existence of natural enemies. According to previous research
conducted by (Rasyid 2022), Nitenpyram is a compound classified as neonicotinoids, which
works by damaging the central nerve in certain insects (Nilaparvata lugens). So Nitenpyram
+ Pimetrozin has no effect on natural enemies (C. coeruleus).
Table 5. The Effect of Insectiside Concentration of The Active Ingredient mixure
Nitenpyram + Pymetrozine on Natural Enemies of Cephaloleia interstilialis in Rice
Plants at the age of 34, 41, 48, 55 and 62 DAP (%)
Natural Enimes C. interstilialis (%)
A. Nitenpyram + Pimetrozin = 1 g/l
0,10 a
0,04 a
0,00 a
B. Nitenpyram + Pimetrozin = 0,75 g/l
0,30 a
0,07 a
0,00 a
C. Nitenpyram + Pimetrozin = 0,5 g/l
0,60 a
0,00 a
0,00 a
D. Nitenpyram + Pimetrozin = 0,25 g/l
0,36 a
0,00 a
0,00 a
E. Control
0,94 a
0,00 a
0,00 a
Remarks : The average value followed by the same letter in the same factor and column shows
an unreal difference in the Duncan test level 5%.
As in C. coeruleus, the presence of natural enemies C. interstilialis is also not affected
by the application of the insecticide Nitenpyram + Pimetrozin. According to (Hudaya and
Jayanti 2013) the mechanism of action of the active ingredient pymetrozine by damaging the
digestive process in the homoptera order such as feeding inhibitors in certain insects.
Table 6. The Effect of Insectiside Concentration of The Active Ingredient mixure
Nitenpyram + Pymetrozine on Natural Enemies of Pardosa pseudoannulata in Rice
Plants at the age of 34, 41, 48, 55 and 62 DAP (%)
Natural Enimes P. Pseudoannulata (%)
A. Nitenpyram + Pimetrozin = 1 g/l
0,00 a
0,20 a
0,06 a
B. Nitenpyram + Pimetrozin = 0,75 g/l
0,00 a
0,00 a
0,00 a
C. Nitenpyram + Pimetrozin = 0,5 g/l
0,20 a
0,00 a
0,00 a
D. Nitenpyram + Pimetrozin = 0,25 g/l
0,00 a
0,00 a
0,02 a
E. Control
0,00 a
0,40 a
0,02 a
Remarks : The average value followed by the same letter in the same factor and column shows
an unreal difference in the Duncan test level 5%.
As in C. coeruleusn C. interstilialis and P. pseudoannulata, the presence of natural
enemies P. fuscipes is also not affected by the application of the insecticide Nitenpyram +
[ The Effect of Insecticide Concentration of The Active Ingredient
Mixture Nitenpyram + Pimetrozin on The Intensity of Attacks By
Brown Stem Planthoppers (Nilaparvata lugens) on Rice Plants (Oriza
sativa L) Inpari 32 Cultivars]
Vol. 4, No. 10, 2023
Adji Pramesty, Cahyo Wisanggeni, Muhammad Zeva Ramdhani, Deden, Dukat |
Pimetrozin. According to (Hudaya and Jayanti 2013) the mechanism of action of the active
ingredient pymetrozine by damaging the digestive process in the homoptera order such as
feeding inhibitors in certain insects.
Table 7. The Effect of Insectiside Concentration of The Active Ingredient mixure
Nitenpyram + Pymetrozine on Natural Enemies of Paederus fuscipes in Rice Plants at
the age of 34, 41, 48, 55 and 62 DAP (%)
Natural Enimes P. Fuscipes (%)
A. Nitenpyram + Pimetrozin = 1 g/l
0,20 a
0,00 a
0,20 a
0,20 a
0,40 a
B. Nitenpyram + Pimetrozin = 0,75 g/l
0,00 a
0,40 a
0,60 a
0,20 a
0,00 a
C. Nitenpyram + Pimetrozin = 0,5 g/l
0,00 a
0,20 a
0,00 a
0,00 a
0,40 a
D. Nitenpyram + Pimetrozin = 0,25 g/l
0,40 a
0,00 a
0,00 a
1,00 a
0,00 a
E. Control
1,20 a
0,20 a
1,40 a
0,80 a
1,00 a
Remarks : The average value followed by the same letter in the same factor and column
shows an unreal difference in the Duncan test level 5%.
As in C. coeruleusn C. interstilialis and P. pseudoannulata, the presence of natural
enemies P. fuscipes is also not affected by the application of the insecticide Nitenpyram +
Pimetrozin. According to (Hudaya and Jayanti 2013) the mechanism of action of the active
ingredient pymetrozine by damaging the digestive process in the homoptera order such as
feeding inhibitors in certain insects.
5. Milled Dry Grain Harvest Results (Kg/Plot)
The experimental results showed that the application of insecticide Nitenpyram +
Pimetrozin affected the intensity of attack by other pests besides the main planthopper pests
(Table 3).
Table 8. The Effect of Insectiside Concentration of The Active Ingredient mixure
Nitenpyram + Pymetrozine on milled dry grain harvest results in Rice Plants at the age
of 34, 41, 48, 55 and 62 DAP (%)
Mild Dry Grain
A. Nitenpyram + Pimetrozin = 1 g/l
12,79 b
B. Nitenpyram + Pimetrozin = 0,75 g/l
12,72 b
C. Nitenpyram + Pimetrozin = 0,5 g/l
12,54 b
D. Nitenpyram + Pimetrozin = 0,25 g/l
12,43 b
E. Control
10,75 a
Remarks : The average value followed by the same letter in the same factor and column shows
an unreal difference in the Duncan test level 5%.
The application of insecticide active ingredient Nitenpyram + Pimetrozin has a
significant effect on the yield of dry milled grain of rice cultivar invari 32. All concentration
levels applied showed significantly different results when compared to controls. This is
suspected because the application of the active ingredient insecticide Nitenpyram + Pimetrozin
is able to suppress the intensity of leafhopper attacks and other pests, so that the growth of rice
plants is not disturbed. Undisturbed growth by pest attacks will make rice plants grow normally
Vol. 4, No. 10, 2023
[ The Effect of Insecticide Concentration of The Active Ingredient
Mixture Nitenpyram + Pimetrozin on The Intensity of Attacks By
Brown Stem Planthoppers (Nilaparvata lugens) on Rice Plants
(Oriza sativa L) Inpari 32 Cultivars]|Adji Pramesty, Cahyo Wisanggeni, Muhammad Zeva
Ramdhani, Deden, Dukat
and be able to photosynthesize properly, so that the filling of rice grains can be maximized
(Iswanto 2020). Based on the data, all levels of concentration results are relatively the same,
namely from the treatment of the concentration of active ingredients Nitenpyram + Pimetrozin
1 g / l which is able to produce dry grain of 12.79 kg / plot or equivalent to 5.116 tons / hectare,
0.75 is able to produce dry grain of 12.72 kg / plot or equivalent to 5.088 tons / hectare, 0.5 is
able to produce dry grain of 12.54 kg / plot or equivalent to 5.016 tons / hectare, and 0.25 is
capable of producing dry grain of 12.43 kg/plot or equivalent to 4.972 tons/hekta
The application of active ingredients Nitenpyram + Pimetrozin is able to suppress the
intensity of planthopper attacks and other pests on rice plants cultivar inpai 32, but does not
affect natural enemies. The insecticide active ingredient Nitenpyram + Pimetrozin does not
cause poisoning of its main plant (rice). The application of insecticides of the active ingredient
Nitenpyram + Pimetrozin has a noticeable effect on the yield of dry milled grain. The
concentration of active ingredients Nitenpyram + Pimetrozin 1 g / l which is able to produce
dry grain is 12.79 kg / plot or equivalent to 5.116 tons / hectare.
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[ The Effect of Insecticide Concentration of The Active Ingredient
Mixture Nitenpyram + Pimetrozin on The Intensity of Attacks By
Brown Stem Planthoppers (Nilaparvata lugens) on Rice Plants (Oriza
sativa L) Inpari 32 Cultivars]
Vol. 4, No. 10, 2023
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Copyright holders:
Adji Pramesty, Cahyo Wisanggeni, Muhammad Zeva Ramdhani, Deden, Dukat
First publication right:
Devotion - Journal of Research and Community Service
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