Rizal Ahmad Fauzi, Mohamad Alwi Syaefullah, Muhammad Fachri Dwitama, Deden,
Dukat | http://devotion.greenvest.co.id
AGAINST Anthracnose DISEASE (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides) IN
CHILI PLANTS (Capsicum annuum L.)
Rizal Ahmad Fauzi, Mohamad Alwi Syaefullah, Muhammad Fachri Dwitama, Deden, Dukat
Swadaya Gunung Jati University, Indonesia
Email: deden@ugj.ac.id
Red Chili Plants,
Fungicide; Anthracnose
and Colletotrichum
The numerous benefits and uses of chilies have led to a constant increase in demand
as the population of Indonesia grows. Anthracnose is a disease that often affects
chili peppers and is caused by the fungus Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. Farmers
typically use fungicides to control anthracnose. Common active ingredients applied
for anthracnose control include Mancozeb, Chlorothalonil, Propineb, and copper
hydroxide. The research was conducted in the village of Ambit, Waled District,
Cirebon Regency, West Java Province. The study took place over three months,
from July to September 2023. The research method used a Randomized Group
Design (RGD) consisting of five treatments with different active fungicide
ingredients and a control (without treatment), repeated five times, resulting in 25
experimental plots. The treatments were A (Copper hydroxide active ingredient), B
(Mancozeb active ingredient), C (Chlorothalonil active ingredient), D (Propineb
active ingredient), E (Control /no fungicide). The fungicide concentration used was
2 ml/liter. The experimental results showed that the various active fungicide
treatments had a significant effect on the intensity of anthracnose disease
(Colletotrichum gloeosporioides) and other diseases like gemini virus. The
Chlorothalonil active ingredient showed the lowest intensity of disease anthracnose
when compared to the other treatments, even with other active ingredients that were
tested. Fungicide treatments had a significant impact on chili yields per plot
compared to the control treatment without fungicide. The Chlorothalonil active
ingredient treatment yielded higher chili harvest results compared to other
treatments, reaching 15.97 kg/plot or 15.97 tons/ha.
Red chili plants are one of the important commodities in Indonesia. Its needs continue to
increase along with population growth and rapid economic development. The many benefits
and uses of chili cause the demand for chili always increases along with the increasing
population in Indonesia (Prasetyo, 2014). The Directorate General of Horticulture of the
Ministry of Agriculture (2022), reported that chili production in Indonesia from 2020 to 2021
has decreased. In 2020, national chili production was 2,772,594 tons, while in 2021 it was
2,747,018 tons. The low production of chili is suspected of pest and disease problems in plants
(Warisno &; Kres Dahana, 2010). One of the important diseases that attack chili plants is
anthracnose disease (Putro et al., 2014).
Anthracnose disease is a disease that attacks the chili fruit caused by the fungus
Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. Colletotrichum gloeosporioides fungus is a fungus that has a
cylindrical spore shape, blunt spore tip, spore size 16.1 x 5.6 um with a growing rate of 12.5
mm per day (Su et al., 2018). Early symptoms of anthracnose of fruit caused by
Colletotrichum gloeosporioides are characterized by oval, slightly watery patches, forming
sunken lesions on the surface of the fruit that will develop into necrosis, and death in tissues
Volume 4, Number 10, October 2023
e-ISSN: 2797-6068 and p-ISSN: 2777-0915
The Effect of Various Active Ingredients of Fungicides Against
Anthracnose Disease (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides) in Chili
Plants (Capsicum annuum L.)
Vol. 4, No. 10, 2023
Rizal Ahmad Fauzi, Mohamad Alwi Syaefullah, Muhammad Fachri Dwitama, Deden,
Dukat | http://devotion.greenvest.co.id
(Patel et al. 2005). Efforts that are often made by farmers to control anthracnose disease are
by using fungicides (Protection et al., 2020). Fungicides are chemical compounds that have a
role in controlling plant diseases caused by fungal fungi (Hartini, 2014). Active ingredients
commonly applied by farmers in the field for anthracnose control include Mancozeb,
Chlorothalonil, Propineb (Suganda et al. 2001), and Copper Hydroxide (Widiastuti et al.,
Mancozeb is a contact fungicide that functions to prevent fungal infections by inhibiting
the germination of spores attached to the surface of plants (Djojosumarto, 2008). According to
MAFF in Hajijah et al., (2022), Chlorothalonil is a nonsystemic fungicide that works to affect
enzymes and disrupt metabolic processes, thereby inhibiting spore germination and becoming
toxic to fungal membrane cells. Propineb is a type of active ingredient that works in contact
(contact poison) (Astuti et al., 2014), used to control fungi / fungi in fruit (Syarifudin et al.,
2021). Copper hydroxide is a pesticide known to effectively control Colletotrichum sp., which
can inhibit fungal growth (Widiastuti et al., 2011). Besides having a role in controlling disease,
the use of unwise fungicide active ingredients can cause environmental problems (Suryanto,
This study aims to determine the interaction of several active ingredients of fungicides
against anthracnose disease (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides) attacks on chili plants
(Capsicum annuum L.).
This research was conducted in Ambit Village, Waled District, Cirebon Regency, West
Java Province. The implementation time lasts for 3 months (July to September 2023). The
method used in this study used Randomized Group Design (RGD). The study consisted of 5
treatments of various active ingredients of fungicides and controls (without fungicides)
repeated 5 times so that there were 25 experimental plots. Plot size 1 m x 20 m, distance
between plots (gutter width) 50 cm, Length between replicas 50 cm, using plant spacing 40 cm
x 50 cm and the number of plants per plot is 48 plants. The treatment uses several fungicide
and control active ingredients, with the following design:
A = Active ingredient Copper hydroxide
B = Active ingredient Mancozeb
C = Active ingredient Chlorothalonil
D = Active ingredient Propineb
E = Control (without fungicides)
Fungicides are applied by spraying using formulations according to treatment (Deden, et
al., 2023). Fungicides active ingredients Copper hydroxide, Mancozeb, Chlorothalonil,
Propineb are applied using a sprayer with a formulation of 2 ml / liter. Spraying is carried out
on chili plants and carried out in the morning. Spraying begins at the age of 28 days after
planting with a frequency of once every 1 week then the age of 35, 42, 49, 56 DAP. The
observation time is carried out every 1 week after application. The observation method is
carried out by calculating the intensity of disease attacks:
𝐼 =
𝑛 𝑥 𝑣
𝑁 𝑥 𝑉
𝑥 100%
I = Intensity of disease
n = Number of plants in each attack category
v = Scale value of each attack category
Vol. 4, No. 10, 2023
[ The Effect of Various Active Ingredients of Fungicides Against
Anthracnose Disease (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides) in Chili
Plants (Capsicum annuum L.)]
http://devotion.greenvest.co.id|Rizal Ahmad Fauzi, Mohamad Alwi Syaefullah,
Muhammad Fachri Dwitama, Deden, Dukat
V = Scale value of the highest attack category
N = Number of plants observed
The attack scale value (v) is determined as follows:
0 = no infection
1 = Attack Intensity 1-20%
2 = Attack Intensity 21-40%
3 = Attack Intensity 41-60%
4 = Attack Intensity 61-80%
5 = Attack Intensity 81-100%
Formula Phytotoxicity :
0= No poisoning , 0 5 % abnormal leaf shape or color, and or abnormal plant growth.
1= No poisoning , > 5 - 20 % abnormal leaf shape or color, and or abnormal plant growth.
2= No poisoning , > 20 - 50% abnormal leaf shape or color, and or abnormal plant growth.
3= No poisoning , > 50 75% abnormal leaf shape or color, and or abnormal plant
4= No poisoning , > 75% abnormal leaf shape or color, and or abnormal plant growth
until the plant dies.
1. Anthracnose Disease Attack Intensity (%)
Based on the data from the analysis in table 1. shows that there is an effect of fungicide
active ingredient treatment on the intensity of anthracnose disease (Colletotrichum
Table 1. The effect of various active ingredients of fungicides on the intensity of anthracnose
attacks (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides) on red pepper plants aged 34, 41, 48, 55 dan 62
DAP (%).
Fungicide Treatment
Average Intensity of Disease Attacks (%)
34 DAP
41 DAP
48 DAP
55 DAP
62 DAP
A (Copper hydroxide)
1,42 ab
1,33 a
0,15 a
0,23 a
0,12 a
B (Mankozeb)
0,41 a
1,42 ab
2,30 ab
1,24 a
0,29 a
C (Klorotalonil)
0,52 a
0,36 a
0,22 a
0,31 a
0,32 a
D (Propineb)
1,41 ab
0,31 a
1,42 a
1,26 ab
0,14 a
E Control
2,74 b
2,58 b
3,47 b
2,27 b
1,34 b
Remarks : The average value followed by different letters in the same factor and column shows
a noticeable difference in the Duncan test.
In (Table 1) shows that the average treatment using active ingredients fungicide has a
significant effect when compared to control treatment. The intensity of the attack on the control
is greater when compared to the treatment given the active ingredient of the fungicide. From
the data above, it shows that treatment with the active ingredient Chlorothalonil shows the least
attack intensity when compared to other control treatments. So it can be said that the active
ingredient Chlorothalonil is more potent when compared to other active ingredients to control
the intensity of anthracnose attacks at all observation ages (34, 41, 48, 55 and 62 DAP). It is
suspected that the active ingredient Chlorothalonil is able to penetrate the cell wall and cell
membrane owned by fungi, enter the cytoplasm and damage the cell and inhibit 50% of the
growth of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides fungi (Hajijah et al., 2022).
The Effect of Various Active Ingredients of Fungicides Against
Anthracnose Disease (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides) in Chili
Plants (Capsicum annuum L.)
Vol. 4, No. 10, 2023
Rizal Ahmad Fauzi, Mohamad Alwi Syaefullah, Muhammad Fachri Dwitama, Deden,
Dukat | http://devotion.greenvest.co.id
2. Intensity of attacks of other diseases (%)
Based on the data from the analysis (table 2) shows that there is an influence of fungicide
active ingredient treatment on the intensity of other disease attacks.
Table 2. The effect of various active ingredients of fungicides against the intensity of attacks
of other diseases on red pepper plants aged 34, 41, 48, 55 and 62 DAP (%)
Fungicide Treatment
Average Intensity of Other Disease Attacks (%)
34 DAP
41 DAP
48 DAP
55 DAP
62 DAP
A (Copper hydroxide)
0,38 a
1,63 a
0,36 a
1,07 a
1,90 ab
B (Mankozeb)
2,06 ab
0,81 a
1,22 ab
0,18 a
0,98 a
C (Chlorothalonil)
1,09 a
0,46 a
0,62 a
0,94 a
1,71 a
D (Propineb)
1,58 ab
0,35 a
1,23 ab
0,19 a
1,09 a
E Control
3,24 c
2,42 b
2,78 c
3,00 c
2,55 c
Remarks : The average value followed by different letters in the same factor and column shows
a noticeable difference in the Duncan test.
In (Table 2) treatment A (Copper Hydroxide), B (Mancozeb), C (Chlorothalonil), D
(Propineb) had a significant effect compared to the control treatment (without fungicide). The
intensity of jaundice virus disease attack in the control was greater than the treatment of the
active ingredient fungicide, treatment with the active ingredient Propineb showed the intensity
of jaundice virus disease attack gave the best results when compared to other treatments at all
observation ages (34, 41, 48, 55 and 62 DAP). This is suspected that Propineb is highly
effective in suppressing yellow virus due to its ability to inhibit the germination and dispersion
of fungal conidia (Tiancang et al, 2008).
3. Intensity of pest infestation (%)
Based on the data from the analysis (table 3) shows that there is no effect of fungicide
active ingredient treatment on the intensity of pest attacks.
Table 3. The effect of various active ingredients of fungicides on the intensity of pest attacks
on red pepper plants aged 34, 41, 48, 55 and 62 DAP (%)
Fungicide Treatment
Average Intensity of pest Attck (%)
34 DAP
41 DAP
48 DAP
55 DAP
62 DAP
A (Copper hydroxide)
0,14 a
0,54 a
0,51 a
0,78 a
0,55 a
B (Mankozeb)
0,51 a
0,52 a
0,31 a
0,26 a
0,77 a
C (Chlorothalonil)
0,61 a
0,65 a
0,37 a
0,67 a
1,37 a
D (Propineb)
1,05 a
0,00 a
1,07 a
0,65 a
0,97 a
E Control
1,72 a
0,93 a
1,05 a
1,52 a
1,48 a
Remarks : The average value followed by the letter is the same in the factor and column and
the same shows an unreal difference in the Duncan test.
In (Table 3) shows that the average treatment using active ingredients fungicides does
not have a noticeable effect on the intensity of pest attacks. Pests that attack many trust plants
are fruit caterpillars (Heliothis armigera). The absence of influence on the intensity of pest
attacks is thought to be because fungicides function more to control diseases such as fungi,
while fruit caterpillar pests will be more effective using insecticide active ingredients.
Vol. 4, No. 10, 2023
[ The Effect of Various Active Ingredients of Fungicides Against
Anthracnose Disease (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides) in Chili
Plants (Capsicum annuum L.)]
http://devotion.greenvest.co.id|Rizal Ahmad Fauzi, Mohamad Alwi Syaefullah,
Muhammad Fachri Dwitama, Deden, Dukat
Insecticides are biocides designed to be toxic to groups of pest organisms (Kaimudin, Sumbono
&; Istikomah, 2020).
4. Phytotoxicity
Table 4. Effect of various fungicide active ingredients against phytotoxicity in red chili plants
aged 34, 41, 48, 55 and 62 DAP (%)
Fungicide Treatment
34 DAP
41 DAP
48 DAP
55 DAP
62 DAP
A (Copper hydroxide)
0 a
0 a
0 a
0 a
0 a
B (Mankozeb)
0 a
0 a
0 a
0 a
0 a
C (Chlorothalonil)
0 a
0 a
0 a
0 a
0 a
D (Propineb)
0 a
0 a
0 a
0 a
0 a
E Control
0 a
0 a
0 a
0 a
0 a
Remarks : The average value followed by the letter is the same in the factor and column and
the same shows an unreal difference in the Duncan test.
Based on the calculation of the results from (Table 4) it appears that there are no
symptoms of poisoning (phytotoxicity) due to the application of the active ingredient fungicide
to red chili. So it is concluded that the active ingredients Mancozeb, Chlorothalonil, Propineb
and copper hydroxide are safe for chili plants at a dose of 2ml / liter. Wati et al., (2021) stated
that phytotoxicity is a property that shows the potential for fungicides to cause poisoning
effects on plants characterized by abnormal growth after fungicide application.
5. Yiled Harvest Per Plot (Kg)
Based on the data from the analysis (table 5) shows that there is an effect of fungicide
active ingredient treatment on the yield of Kg/sample plot.
Table 5. Effect of various fungicide active ingredients on crop yield harvest per plot (Kg).
Fungicide Treatment
Yiled Harvest Per Plot (Kg)
A ((Copper hydroxide)
14,16 b
B (Mankozeb)
13,08 b
C (Chlorothalonil)
15,97 c
D (Propineb)
13,47 b
E Control
10,05 a
Remarks : The average value followed by different letters in the same factor and column shows
a noticeable difference in the Duncan test.
In (Table 5) shows that the yield of various kinds of fungicide active ingredients has a
significant effect when compared to control treatment. The yield of the control sample is
smaller when compared to the treatment given the active ingredient fungicide. From the data
above, it shows that treatment with the active ingredient Chlorothalonil gives the highest yield,
which is 15.97 kg / plot or 15.97 tons / ha compared to other active ingredients. In this case,
the active ingredient Chlorothalonil can increase crop yields because it can control the
development of fungi and prevent infection by inhibiting spore germination or fungal mycelia
(Djojosumarto, 2008).
The Effect of Various Active Ingredients of Fungicides Against
Anthracnose Disease (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides) in Chili
Plants (Capsicum annuum L.)
Vol. 4, No. 10, 2023
Rizal Ahmad Fauzi, Mohamad Alwi Syaefullah, Muhammad Fachri Dwitama, Deden,
Dukat | http://devotion.greenvest.co.id
Treatment of various active ingredients of fungicides has a noticeable effect on the
intensity of attacks of anthracnose disease (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides) and other diseases
such as yellow virus (gemini virus). The active ingredient chlorothalonil showed the lowest
intensity againts anthracnose results up to an observation age of 62 DAP when compared to
other treatments even with other active ingredients tested. Fungicide treatment has a significant
effect on chili yields per plot when compared to treatment without fungicide control (control).
The chlorothalonil active ingredient treatment gave a higher chili yield than other treatments
even when compared to all fungicide active ingredients tested, reaching 15.97 kg/plot or 15.97
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Copyright holders:
Rizal Ahmad Fauzi, Mohamad Alwi Syaefullah, Muhammad Fachri Dwitama,
Deden, Dukat (2023)
First publication right:
Devotion - Journal of Research and Community Service
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0