Muhammad Erizal Nurwansyah, R.Rahaditya |
Muhammad Erizal Nurwansyah, R.Rahaditya
Universitas Tarumanagara, Indonesia
Sanctions, Notary,
Forgery of Deed of
Transfer of Land Rights
The Law on the Position of Notaries does not regulate the existence of criminal
sanctions for the actions of notaries. This does not absolve the notary from criminal
liability. Notaries can be held criminally liable if their actions contain a criminal
element, where the relevant Notary can be summoned by the Notary Honorary
Council. The problem is how to apply legal sanctions to a notary who falsifies the
deed transferring land rights in Supreme Court Decision Number 139 k/PID/2016?
And what is the responsibility of the Notary who falsified the deed of transferring
land rights in Supreme Court Decision Number 139 K/PID/2016? The research
method used is normative juridical. The results of the research are that the Notary
concerned cannot be held responsible when elements of fraud and error are
committed by the parties, because the Notary only records what is conveyed by the
parties to be included in the deed, this is often known as partij deed. False
information submitted by the parties is the responsibility of the parties. This means
that a notary is only responsible if the fraud originates from the wishes and/or
desires of a notary. In the UUJN which regulates sanctions for violations committed
by a notary, the deed made by a notary does not have the power of an authentic deed
but only has the power of a private deed. In relation to the actions of notaries who
commit criminal acts of forgery of deeds or criminal acts of false statements
committed by parties, the UUJN does not specifically regulate criminal provisions
because they are based on the principle of legality which are the principles in the
Criminal Code.
In general, humans are recognized as social beings, where in every life they lead, they
will need the presence of others to interact, starting from the moment they are born into the
world until ultimately returning to the divine. During their life journey, humans are also
inseparable from the existence of law. "Ubi societas ibi ius," as stated by the famous
philosopher from Rome, Cicero. Ubi Societas Ibi Ius translates to "Where there is society, there
is law" in Indonesian. Law exists to regulate human behavior (Mertokusumo, 2008).
The relationships between individuals are also governed by the law, such as in
agreements like marriage contracts, employment contracts, lease agreements, and other
contracts formed based on the law (Mertokusumo, 2008). Article 1313 of the Civil Procedure
Code (hereafter referred to as KUHPER) explains that "An agreement is an act by which one
or more persons bind themselves to one or more other persons." (Subekti & Tjitrosudibio,
This provision is a reference and requirement for parties to make a valid agreement, as
stipulated in Article 1320 of KUHPER. During the agreement's execution, the parties will
Volume 4, Number 11, November 2023
e-ISSN: 2797-6068 and p-ISSN: 2777-0915
[ Analysis of The Application of Sanctions Against Notaries Who
Forgery Deeds of Transferring Land Rights (Study of Supreme
Court Decision Number 139 K/Pid/2016)]
Vol. 4, No. 11, 2023
Muhammad Erizal Nurwansyah, R.Rahaditya |
produce evidence to demonstrate the validity of the agreement by using a deed (Anand, 2018).
For parties wishing to enter into an agreement, they can freely choose the form of the deed they
want to create. There are two forms of deeds: authentic deeds and private deeds. Both types of
deeds have differences that impact the stages of their formation. An authentic deed is made in
the presence of an authorized officer who has the right to create such a deed. On the other hand,
a private deed is created by the parties involved without involving an authorized officer (Naja,
Another difference lies in the legal strength concerning proof in a court of law. An
authentic deed carries strong legal evidence, while a private deed lacks perfect evidentiary
power, making it easier to challenge by one of the parties (Anshori, 2009). Hence, it's necessary
to involve a public officer or an authorized institution to create an authentic deed, and this is
where the notarial institution comes into play.
The notarial institution, represented by a "Notary," emerged from the need in human
interactions, desiring legal proof in their civil law relations. A Notary is a public officer
authorized to create authentic deeds or transcripts and other powers (Article 1 paragraph (1) of
Law Number 2 of 2014 concerning Notary Positions, hereafter referred to as UUJN). The
Notary's role is significant in ensuring legal certainty and protection for the parties involved in
an agreement, and they are appointed by the Minister. Before assuming their position, a Notary
must take an oath according to their faith in front of the Minister, which mandates them to
abide by the laws governing the Notary position.
Notaries play a significant role in creating authentic deeds or transcript deeds. Every deed
issued by a Notary follows legal regulations (Anshori, 2009). A Notary cannot independently
determine the form and content of an authentic deed, ensuring certainty, order, and legal
protection for the parties. As an instrument whose form and content are determined by the law,
a Notary must draft deeds in compliance with the requirements stipulated by the law (Adjie,
Considering a Notary is entrusted with the power and mandate to declare the existence
of a legal relationship between the parties or to record a legal event in a deed, they bear
significant responsibility for the deeds they issue. In their work, Notaries are expected to adhere
to the Professional Code of Ethics, ensuring correctness, diligence, and avoiding negligence or
deliberate misconduct. Thus, the authentic deed can provide legal protection and certainty to
the parties involved (Gunadi & Efendi, 2016).
The Law concerning Notarial Positions regulates the acts of a Notary. If a Notary violates
the regulations, they could face civil penalties such as cost reimbursement or compensation
due to an inadequately prepared deed, administrative sanctions like warnings or dismissal, and
ethical sanctions imposed by the Notary Supervisory Council. While the Law concerning
Notarial Positions does not explicitly regulate criminal sanctions for a Notary's actions, it
doesn't absolve a Notary from criminal liability. If a Notary's actions involve criminal elements,
they can be held accountable and called upon by the Notary Honorary Council. Sanctions set
by laws and regulations illustrate that a Notary is not immune to the law (Darus, 2017).
Criminal punishment is often a subject of public debate in the context of criminal law.
The severity of punishments can vary significantly compared to the committed offenses
(Kanter, 2001). Judges, based on inquisitorial law, decide and impose sentences considering
legal aspects and social considerations. In relation to the previously discussed aspects, the
author is interested in examining a case involving a Notary who breached professional ethics
by fabricating a deed regarding the transfer of land rights due to a dispute with their neighbor,
Mardiana Oemar (Sulihandari & Rifiani, 2013).
[ Analysis of The Application of Sanctions Against Notaries Who
Forgery Deeds of Transferring Land Rights (Study of Supreme
Court Decision Number 139 K/Pid/2016)]
2198|Muhammad Erizal Nurwansyah, R.Rahaditya
The case involves the defendant, Hendri, S.H., M.Kn., a Notary, in the wrongful takeover
of a 600-square-meter land parcel. The defendant forged a document, seeking an employee in
his office to create a document for the transfer of land rights. Furthermore, the defendant also
asked another fellow Notary, purportedly Henny, S.H., M.Kn., to sign the forged document
and registered it as an official transaction. This transaction, seemingly between the parents of
the victim and the defendant's father, was valued at Rp. 20,000,000.00 (Twenty million Rupiah)
and was signed by Henny, S.H., M.Kn. As a result, Mardiana Oemar, the victim, experienced
a loss of Rp. 700,000,000.00 (Seven hundred million Rupiah) due to the defendant's land
Consequently, the defendant was sentenced by the Palembang District Court to one year
of imprisonment. However, the defendant Hendri didn’t have to serve the prison term unless
within one year and six months, they received a legally binding sentence. At the Palembang
High Court level, the judge found the defendant's actions to be unlawful and reduced the prison
sentence to one year and six months, to be served in state detention (RUTAN). The Supreme
Court upheld this decision, finding that the lower court judge did not err in their judgment
(Lumbuan Tobing, 1999).
This incident contradicts the ethical obligations that a Notary should uphold, namely
honesty and fairness. The case began when the defendant, Hendri, S.H., M.Kn., a Notary
domiciled in Palembang, became involved in a dispute over a 600-square-meter land with the
victim, Mardiana Oemar. In light of the aforementioned discussions, the author aims to address
a thesis proposal titled: "Analysis of The Application of Sanctions on a Notary Falsifying a
Land Rights Transfer Deed (Study On Supreme Court Decision Number 139 K/Pid/2016)."
Based on the background discussion above, the Problem Identification in this study is 1.
How is the application of legal sanctions against a notary who forges a deed of passing land
rights in Supreme Court Decision Number 139 k / PID / 2016? 2. What is the responsibility of
Notaries who commit forgery of land rights deed in Supreme Court Decision Number 139 K /
PID / 2016? And the purpose of this study is to explain and know 1. Application of sanctions
in the case of forgery of land rights deed of operant in Supreme Court Decision Number 139 k
/ PID / 2016. 2. Responsibility of Notaries who forged land rights deeds in Supreme Court
Decision Number 139 k / PID / 2016.
The method in this study focuses on collecting, processing, analyzing, and concluding
data in accordance with the legal issues studied. Peter Mahmud Marzuki defines legal research
as an attempt to discover the truth of the relationship between the rule of law, legal norms, legal
principles, and relevant individual behavior.
This research uses qualitative methods, which emphasize a deep understanding of legal
issues. This research covers the issue of decision-making procedures that are considered unfair,
which also considers the judge's reasons in his decision. This research focuses on the
application of legal sanctions for violations of notary law, to obtain legal certainty, accuracy,
and accountability of notaries in carrying out their duties (Fajar & Achmad, 2019).
Data sources consist of primary legal material (laws and judges' decisions) and secondary
legal material (legal doctrine from books, journals, and the internet). Non-legal data is obtained
through interviews with related parties. Qualitative analysis methods are used to explore and
structure data from existing sources. This data analysis was conducted before, during, and after
the study, focusing on deciphering, understanding, and concluding the research data for
appropriate conclusions. The research focused on understanding the obligations and
prohibitions of notaries in accordance with the Notary Position Law and the Notary
[ Analysis of The Application of Sanctions Against Notaries Who
Forgery Deeds of Transferring Land Rights (Study of Supreme
Court Decision Number 139 K/Pid/2016)]
Vol. 4, No. 11, 2023
Muhammad Erizal Nurwansyah, R.Rahaditya |
Professional Code of Ethics, as well as the application of appropriate sanctions to the cases
studied, with the aim of achieving fairness in legal proceedings.
A. Research Analysis Results
In this study will discuss decision number 139 K / PID / 2016. In this judgment Defendant
Hendri, S.H., M.Kn.bin M. Usman on Saturday, February 27, 2010 at approximately 10.15
WIB or at least at another time in 2010 at the Notary Office of Henny Meikarinda, SH, M.Kn.
Jalan Kamil No. 1041 RT. 020 RW. 003 Sukabangun Village, Sukarami District, Palembang
or at least in a place that is still included in the jurisdiction of the Palembang District Court,
ordered to insert false information into an authentic deed about a matter whose truth must be
stated by the deed, with the intention of using a deed as if the description were in accordance
with its truth. Which act was committed by the Defendant in the following manner:
Starting from the Defendant who works as a Notary in Palembang City will make a deed
of passing land rights covering an area of approximately 600 m2 claiming that his property
comes from the inheritance of his parents M. Usman A. Gani located on Jalan Pipa Reja, Pipa
Reja Village, Kemuning District, Palembang, then the Defendant when he was in his office
told Septiana Freedom Yani, one of the Defendant's employees, to type the Deed of Passing
Rights to the piece of land with an explanation, among others, that: there has been a rights
transfer from witness Kasiem Binti Ahmad Syarbini as the first party (seller) to M. Usman A.
Gani as the second party (buyer) with a price payment of Rp20,000,000.00 (twenty million
rupiah) witnessed by witnesses Deddi Kurniawan Bin Aswan Nyoto and Septiana Freedom
Yani and explained that the parties had faced Notary Henny Meikarinda, S.H. M.Kn., The
deed with Deed Header is written from Notary Henny Meikarinda, S.H., M.Kn. after the deed
was completed the Defendant asked witness Deddi Kurniawan Bin Aswan Nyoto to meet
witness Henny Meikarinda, S.H., M.Kn. Binti H. Asli Amardi, S.H. at his office by bringing
the deed of operation of rights that had been made at Jalan Kamil No. 1041 RT. 020 RW. 003
Sukabangun Village, Sukarami District, Palembang and witness Deddi Kurniawan Bin Aswan
Nyoto met directly with witness Henny Meikarinda, S.H., M.Kn. binti H. Asli Amardi, S.H.
by submitting the deed document; - That between the Defendant and witness Henny
Meikarinda, S.H., M.Kn. Binti H. Asli Amardi, S.H. an agreement was reached in which the
Defendant instructed witness Henny Meikarinda, S.H., M.Kn. Binti H. Asli Amardi, S.H. to
make or sign the Deed of Passing Rights requested by the Defendant and by witness Henny
Maikarinda, S.H., M.Kn. Binti H. Asli Amardi, S.H. was registered in register book No. 04
dated February 27, 2010.
The preparation of Deed of Passing Rights Number 04 dated February 27, 2010 made at
the Notary Office of Henny Maikarinda, S.H. M.Kn. is in fact not in accordance with the actual
facts of the incident because it was not carried out at the Notary Office of Henny Meikarinda,
S.H., M.Kn. including:
1. Witness Kasiem Bint Ahmad Syarbini as the first party (seller) to M. Usman A. Gani
as the second party (buyer) never came to the office or faced;
2. There has never been a sale and purchase transaction worth IDR 20,000,000.00;
3. The signing of the Minuta was not done in his presence;
4. The witnesses, namely witnesses Deddi Kurniawan Bin Aswan Nyoto and Septiana
Freedom Yani are employees of the Defendant's office who should be witnesses are
employees of Notary Henny Meikarinda, S.H., M.Kn.; However, witness Henny
[ Analysis of The Application of Sanctions Against Notaries Who
Forgery Deeds of Transferring Land Rights (Study of Supreme
Court Decision Number 139 K/Pid/2016)]
2200|Muhammad Erizal Nurwansyah, R.Rahaditya
Meikarinda, S.H., M.Kn. Binti H. Asli Amardi, S.H. still signed it and registered it in
the register book in his office because it was at the request of the Defendant.
The Deed of Passing Rights Number 04 dated February 27, 2010 has been used by the
Defendant as proof of ownership or control over the piece of land in question and the Defendant
has registered it at the Office of the National Land Agency (BPN) Palembang city, but the
Defendant's application was rejected because on the piece of land there was a Certificate of
Ownership in the name of Mardiana Oemar Number 895 with Measuring Letter Number 103 /
Pipa Reja / 2013 dated December 13, 2013.
Even though the Defendant works as a Notary and has known that the piece of land has
an owner and has been issued a certificate in the name of Mardiana Oemar from the Office of
the National Land Agency (BPN) Palembang City, the Defendant still controls the land on the
basis of ownership of Deed of Passing Rights Number 04 dated February 27, 2010. The
defendant's actions have cost the witness Hj. Mardiana S. Binti Saidina Oemar
Rp700,000,000.00 (seven hundred million rupiah) or at least more than Rp250.00 (two hundred
and fifty rupiah). The actions of the defendants in the first indictment, namely Hendri, S.H.,
M.Kn. Bin M. Usman as regulated and threatened with crime in Article 266 Paragraph (1) of
the Penal Code. In the second indictment of the Acts of Defendants Hendri, S.H., M.Kn. Bin
M. Usman as regulated and threatened with crime in Article 264 Paragraph (1) of the Penal
Code juncto Article 55 Paragraph (1) 1st of the Penal Code and in the indictment of the acts of
Defendants Hendri, S.H., M.Kn. Bin M. Usman as regulated and threatened with crime in
Article 385 Paragraph (1) of the Penal Code.
The Supreme Court read the criminal complaint of the Public Prosecutor to the
Palembang District Attorney on May 25, 2015 as follows:
1. Declaring that the Defendant Hendri, S.H., M.Kn. Bin M. Usman has been validly
proven guilty of committing the crime of "Mail forgery" as stipulated and threatened
with crime in Article 266 paragraph (1) of the Indonesian Civil Code in the First
2. Imposing a prison sentence therefore against the Defendant for 2 (two) years reduced
while the Defendant is in temporary detention with an order that the Defendant be
detained in the State Detention Center (Rutan);
3. State evidence in the form of:
• 1 (one) legalized copy of the deed of passing rights of Notary Henny Meikarinda,
S.H., M.Kn. dated February 27, 2010;
• Remain attached to the case file;
• Charge the Defendant with a case fee of Rp2,000.00 (two thousand rupiah).
Read the decision of the Palembang District Court Number 135 / Pid.B / 2015 / PN.Plg.
dated May 27, 2015 which is complete as follows:
1. Declaring Defendants Hendri, S.H., M.Kn. Bin M. Usman legally and conclusively
guilty of committing the crime of "jointly forging authentic certificates";
2. Sentenced Defendant Hendri, S.H., M.Kn. Bin M. Usman to 1 (one) year imprisonment;
3. Stipulate that the sentence does not need to be served by the Defendant unless before
the expiry of 1 (one) year and 6 (six) months the Defendant has also been sentenced
based on the decision of the Judge who has permanent legal force for committing a
criminal act;
4. State evidence in the form of: Photocopy of Notarial Rights Passing Deed Henny
Meikarinda, S.H., M.Kn. No. 4 dated February 27, 2010, remains attached to the case
[ Analysis of The Application of Sanctions Against Notaries Who
Forgery Deeds of Transferring Land Rights (Study of Supreme
Court Decision Number 139 K/Pid/2016)]
Vol. 4, No. 11, 2023
Muhammad Erizal Nurwansyah, R.Rahaditya |
5. Charge the Defendant to pay the cost of the case in the amount of Rp5,000.00 (five
thousand rupiah);
Reading the decision of the Palembang High Court Number 85 / PID / 2015 / PT. PLG.
dated September 10, 2015 which is complete as follows:
1. Declaring Defendant Hendri, S.H., M.Kn. Bin M. Usman legally and conclusively
guilty of committing the crime of "Jointly forging an Authentic Deed";
2. Sentenced Defendant Hendri, S.H., M.Kn. Bin M. Usman in the form of imprisonment
for 1 (one) year imprisonment;
3. Order that the Defendant be detained;
4. State evidence in the form of: Photocopy of the deed of passing rights of Notary Henny
Meikarinda, S.H., M.Kn. No. 4 dated February 27, 2010 remains attached to the case
5. Charge the Defendant to pay the costs of the case in both levels of court which in the
appeal level is Rp. 5,000.00 (five thousand rupiah).
Recalling the deed regarding cassation application No. 31/Akta.Pid/2015/PN.Plg. made
by the Registrar at the Palembang District Court which explained, that on October 20, 2015
Defendant Hendri, S.H., M.Kn. Bin M. Usman filed a cassation application against the
Palembang High Court decision. Taking into account the memory of cassation dated October
22, 2015 from the Defendant as a Cassation Applicant received at the Registrar of the
Palembang District Court on October 27, 2015.
Read the letters in question. The decision of the Palembang High Court was notified to
the Defendant on October 8, 2015 and the Defendant filed a cassation application on October
20, 2015 and the memory of his cassation has been received at the Palembang District Court
Registrar on October 27, 2015, thus the cassation application along with its reasons has been
submitted within the grace period and in a statutory manner, Therefore the application for
cassation is formally acceptable.
Considering, that the reasons for the cassation application filed by the Cassation
Applicant/Defendant are essentially as follows:
1. The Palembang High Court, which heard and decided criminal case No.
85/Pid/2015/PT.Plg. has erred in applying the law, at least not applying the law properly
therefore the decision of the Palembang High Court No. 85/Pid/2015/PT.Plg. dated
September 10, 2015 which was requested for cassation must be annulled;
2. The dictum of Palembang High Court decision No. 85/Pid/2015/PT.Plg. dated
September 10, 2015 No. 1 reads: "Declaring Defendant Hendri, S.H., M.Kn. Bin M.
Usman legally and conclusively guilty of committing the crime of "jointly forging
authentic deeds";
This decision is an incorrect verdict because the word "together" means that the crime
was committed by more than 1 (one) person, while in this case only the Cassation Applicant
himself was tried, there were no other defendants. Nor is it mentioned together with whom the
Cassation Petitioner commited, if the trial is separate or the file is separate should be mentioned
in the indictment or indictment, it turns out that it is not mentioned by the Public Prosecutor at
all. So actually the Prosecutor's indictment is legally flawed, it should have been rejected;
3. The panel of judges of the Palembang High Court, who heard and tried case No.
85/Pid/2015/PT.Plg. has increased the sentence of the Defendant/Cassation Applicant
from suspended sentence to imprisonment without giving the legal basis, why the
sentence was aggravated. In other words, the panel of judges of the Palembang High
Court who examined and tried case No. 85/Pid/2015/PT.Plg. did not give sufficient
consideration (Divendunde gemetiveer).
[ Analysis of The Application of Sanctions Against Notaries Who
Forgery Deeds of Transferring Land Rights (Study of Supreme
Court Decision Number 139 K/Pid/2016)]
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According to the permanent jurisprudence of the Supreme Court of the Republic of
Indonesia, a Court decision that is not sufficiently considered or the Panel of Judges does not
give sufficient consideration, then the decision must be annulled.
The reasons for the appeal of the Cassation Petitioner/Defendant are of the opinion of the
Supreme Court:
The reason for the cassation application from the Cassation Applicant / Defendant cannot
be justified, because the Judex Facti / High Court decision which corrects only the length of
the crime imposed in the Judex Facti / District Court decision is that the Defendant was
sentenced to imprisonment for 1 (one) year, which previously in the Judex Facti / District Court
decision was sentenced to parole in the form of imprisonment for 1 (one) year provided that
the sentence does not need to be served unless it was before the past within 1 (one) year and 6
(six) months the Defendant has been convicted based on the decision of the Judge who has
permanent legal force for committing a criminal act, is a decision that does not misapply the
law that has considered precisely and correctly the juridically relevant legal facts as revealed
in the trial, namely the Defendant is legally and conclusively proven guilty of committing a
criminal act: "Jointly forged an authentic certificate", violating Article 264 paragraph (1) of
the Penal Code juncto Article 55 paragraph (1) 1st of the Penal Code according to the charges
of the Two Public Prosecutors, as well as the Judex Facti/High Court adequately considered
the grounds for the criminal conviction of the above Defendant in accordance with Article 197
Paragraph (1) letter (f) of Law Number 8 of 1981.
The reason for the application for cassation cannot be justified also because with regard
to the length of the sentence imposed against the Defendant, in addition to having given
sufficient consideration to the basis of the reasons for the conviction in the Judex Facti / High
Court decision, it is also the authority of Judex Facti whose examination is not subject to the
level of cassation.
Based on the above considerations, it is also evident that the Judex Facti decision in this
case is not contrary to the law and/or the law, then the cassation application from the Cassation
Applicant/Defendant must be rejected. Since the appeal of the Cassation Applicant/Defendant
is rejected and the Defendant is convicted, the Defendant must be burdened to pay the costs of
the case at this level of cassation.
Taking into account Article 264 Paragraph (1) juncto Article 55 Paragraph (1) 1st of the
Penal Code, Law Number 8 of 1981, Law Number 48 of 2009, and Law Number 14 of 1985
as amended and supplemented by Law Number 5 of 2004 and the second amendment by Law
Number 3 of 2009, as well as other relevant laws and regulations.
The verdict is to reject the cassation application from the Cassation Applicant/Defendant
HENDRI, S.H., M.Kn., Bin M. USMAN.
B. Discussion
1. Application of legal sanctions against a notary who forged a deed of transfer of
land rights in Supreme Court Decision Number 139 K / PID / 2016
The application of legal sanctions against a Notary who forges a deed of passing land
rights, as stipulated in Supreme Court Decision Number 139 k / PID / 2016, is closely related
to legal principles that mandate certainty, order, and legal protection with authentic written
evidence. Notaries, as general officials in providing legal services, have an important role in
civil law. Through authentic deeds, Notaries provide legal support to the community.
Notaries are required to carry out their duties and obligations in accordance with
applicable legislation. In Article 16 paragraph (1) letter (a) of UUJN, Notaries must act
trustfully, maintain honesty, and protect the interests of parties involved in legal actions. Any
[ Analysis of The Application of Sanctions Against Notaries Who
Forgery Deeds of Transferring Land Rights (Study of Supreme
Court Decision Number 139 K/Pid/2016)]
Vol. 4, No. 11, 2023
Muhammad Erizal Nurwansyah, R.Rahaditya |
act of violation or action that violates the Notary code of ethics is subject to administrative
sanctions in accordance with the UUJN.
Violations committed by Notaries may result in administrative sanctions, such as verbal
warnings, written warnings, suspension, honorable dismissal, or dishonorable dismissal.
However, in situations where Notaries refuse to make deeds without a clear reason, the
sanctions imposed still depend on regulations that have not expressly regulated the type and
form of Notary refusal in making deeds and corresponding sanctions.
In certain cases, the Notary's refusal to make an authentic deed without a reason justified
by law may harm society. People who need an authentic deed can feel hampered because they
have to find another Notary who is willing to make a deed, which in turn can have an impact
on time, energy, and costs. The presence of the Regional Supervisory Panel is important in
handling reports or allegations of Notary violations.
A special case related to forgery of a deed of passing land rights shows the legal
consequences of the actions of Notaries who commit forgery in authentic deeds. Law
enforcement related to this case reflects legal considerations involving the validity of written
evidence, the credibility of the Notary, and the legal responsibilities attached to the position.
Legal sanctions against a Notary who forges a deed of land rights transfer, as stipulated
in Supreme Court Decision Number 139 k / PID / 2016, highlight legal principles that
emphasize certainty, order, and legal protection using authentic written evidence. Notaries, as
guardians of the validity of legal documents, have an important role in providing legal services
to the public through authentic deeds.
Notaries are expected to carry out their duties in accordance with applicable regulations,
especially in Article 16 paragraph (1) letter (a) of the UUJN which affirms the Notary's
responsibility to act trustfully, honestly, and protect the interests of parties involved in legal
transactions. Violations of the code of ethics or Notary regulations are subject to administrative
sanctions regulated by UUJN.
Administrative sanctions for Notaries who violate the provisions may be in the form of
oral, written warnings, temporary suspension, dismissal with or without honor. However, in
situations where Notaries refuse to make deeds without a clear reason, the sanctions imposed
still need further clarification, because legal regulations have not specifically regulated the type
of Notary's refusal to make deeds and appropriate sanctions.
Notary Public's refusal to make an authentic deed without a reason justified by law can
have an impact on people who need such legal documents. This can make it difficult for them
to get legal services and can affect aspects of time, cost, and effort spent. The role of the
Regional Supervisory Board is important in handling reports and alleged violations committed
by Notaries.
The specific case involving the forgery of the deed of passing land title reflects the legal
action against the Notary Public who committed forgery in the authentic deed. Such cases
highlight the issue of authentic written evidence, the reputation of the Notary, as well as the
legal responsibility attached to the office of Notary Public.
2. Responsibility of Notaries who Forged Deed of Passing Land Rights in Supreme
Court Decision Number 139 K / PID / 2016)
The responsibility of a Notary engaged in falsifying a deed of transfer of land rights, as
outlined in the Supreme Court Verdict Number 139 K/Pid/2016, is a legal issue emphasizing
the notary's liability in the criminal legal process and the significance of authentic deeds in
legal transactions. The Notary is accountable for the deed they have created in the event of
disputes arising later, compelling the notary to provide testimony regarding the formal and
[ Analysis of The Application of Sanctions Against Notaries Who
Forgery Deeds of Transferring Land Rights (Study of Supreme
Court Decision Number 139 K/Pid/2016)]
2204|Muhammad Erizal Nurwansyah, R.Rahaditya
material aspects of the deed in legal proceedings. In the criminal legal process, the notary's
responsibility is faced with strong legal evidence. According to Article 66 of the Notary Law
(UUJN), investigators and prosecutors must seek permission from the Notary's Honorary
Council before summoning a notary in an investigation process involving issues concerning
deeds they created. This is intended to offer legal protection to the notary as a public official,
especially if there's no initial evidence suggesting the notary's involvement in any criminal
deed related to the deed they produced.
A notary is criminally responsible if, during the proof process, it is proven they
committed an error or a criminal act. In criminal law, "error" consists of several elements,
including the capacity to be responsible, intent or negligence, and the absence of excuses. Error
can also refer to actions contrary to the law due to lack of knowledge, ignorance, or violation
of existing rules. Regarding the act of forgery or false information in a deed involving a notary,
the law does not specifically govern criminal sanctions. The Notary Law and notary's code of
ethics focus on civil and administrative sanctions, not directly touching upon criminal
responsibility regarding the deed the notary created. However, if proven involved in a criminal
act, a notary can face sanctions under criminal law regulated in the Criminal Code (KUHP).
However, the notary is not responsible for fraud or mistakes made by other parties in
deed creation. The notary merely records information presented by the involved parties, known
as partij akta, so if false information is provided by the parties, their responsibility lies with
those parties. The notary is only responsible if involved in that fraud or false information.
Legal accountability is governed by several principles in the law, including principles of
responsibility based on error, presumption of always being responsible, presumption of not
always being responsible, absolute responsibility, and responsibility with limitations. This
relates to the principle of legal responsibility for a notary in creating a deed containing false
information, which is the main subject of Supreme Court Verdict Number 139 K/Pid/2016. In
this verdict, the defendant Hendri, S.H., M.Kn, son of M. Usman, is proven to have been
engaged in the forgery of deeds collectively. This confirms that in cases of forged deeds,
criminal sanctions can be applied if a notary is proven to be involved in a criminal act related
to deed creation. The content you've shared is a text discussing the responsibility of a Notary
engaged in falsifying a deed of transfer of land rights, with reference to the Supreme Court
Verdict Number 139 K/Pid/2016. It illustrates the notary's accountability in the criminal legal
process and the importance of authentic deeds in legal transactions. Please note that this text
contains specific information detailing legal principles and the responsibilities of a notary in
situations related to the falsification of deeds.
Based on the discussion above, the conclusions are as follows: 1. The application of legal
sanctions against a notary who falsifies a deed of transfer of land rights in Supreme Court
Verdict Number 139 K/PID/2016 indicates that the appeal grounds cannot be justified due to
the length of the defendant's punishment. Moreover, sufficient consideration has been provided
regarding the basis of the criminal sentence in the Judex Facti/High Court decision, which falls
under the authority of the Judex Facti and is not subject to cassation. Considering the
aforementioned considerations, the Judex Facti's decision in this case does not contradict the
law or regulations. Therefore, the appeal of cassation from the Appellant/Cassation Defendant
should be dismissed. The verdict dictates rejecting the cassation appeal from the
Appellant/Cassation Defendant HENDRI, S.H., M.Kn., Son of M. USMAN, and orders the
defendant to pay the appeal costs at the cassation level amounting to Rp2,500,00 (two thousand
five hundred Indonesian rupiah). 2. The accountability of a Notary involved in falsifying a deed
of transfer of land rights in Supreme Court Verdict Number 139 K/PID/2016 can be observed
[ Analysis of The Application of Sanctions Against Notaries Who
Forgery Deeds of Transferring Land Rights (Study of Supreme
Court Decision Number 139 K/Pid/2016)]
Vol. 4, No. 11, 2023
Muhammad Erizal Nurwansyah, R.Rahaditya |
in that the Notary Law and the notary's code of ethics do not specify the notary's criminal
responsibility for deeds they've produced if proven to violate criminal law. The Notary Law
only regulates civil and administrative legal sanction provisions. However, "Notaries are
criminally accountable if they are proven to commit a criminal act." Should a criminal violation
be committed by a notary, they can face criminal sanctions under the Indonesian Criminal Code
(KUHP). The notary cannot be held accountable when fraud and errors are committed by the
appearing parties, as the notary merely records the information presented by the parties, known
as partij akta. False information provided by the parties remains the responsibility of those
parties. In essence, a notary is only accountable when fraud is sourced from the will and/or
desire of a notary. Regarding the law regulating sanctions for a notary's violations, deeds
created by a notary do not hold the power of an authentic deed but only hold the power of a
private deed. Concerning a notary's criminal acts of falsifying deeds or false statements made
by the parties, the Notary Law does not specifically regulate criminal provisions due to the
principle of legality, a principle within the Indonesian Criminal Code. The Judge's panel, in its
verdict, rejected the cassation appeal from the Appellant/Cassation Defendant HENDRI, S.H.,
M.Kn., Son of M. USMAN.
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Copyright holders:
Muhammad Erizal Nurwansyah (2023)
First publication right:
Devotion - Journal of Research and Community Service
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