The case involves the defendant, Hendri, S.H., M.Kn., a Notary, in the wrongful takeover
of a 600-square-meter land parcel. The defendant forged a document, seeking an employee in
his office to create a document for the transfer of land rights. Furthermore, the defendant also
asked another fellow Notary, purportedly Henny, S.H., M.Kn., to sign the forged document
and registered it as an official transaction. This transaction, seemingly between the parents of
the victim and the defendant's father, was valued at Rp. 20,000,000.00 (Twenty million Rupiah)
and was signed by Henny, S.H., M.Kn. As a result, Mardiana Oemar, the victim, experienced
a loss of Rp. 700,000,000.00 (Seven hundred million Rupiah) due to the defendant's land
Consequently, the defendant was sentenced by the Palembang District Court to one year
of imprisonment. However, the defendant Hendri didn’t have to serve the prison term unless
within one year and six months, they received a legally binding sentence. At the Palembang
High Court level, the judge found the defendant's actions to be unlawful and reduced the prison
sentence to one year and six months, to be served in state detention (RUTAN). The Supreme
Court upheld this decision, finding that the lower court judge did not err in their judgment
(Lumbuan Tobing, 1999).
This incident contradicts the ethical obligations that a Notary should uphold, namely
honesty and fairness. The case began when the defendant, Hendri, S.H., M.Kn., a Notary
domiciled in Palembang, became involved in a dispute over a 600-square-meter land with the
victim, Mardiana Oemar. In light of the aforementioned discussions, the author aims to address
a thesis proposal titled: "Analysis of The Application of Sanctions on a Notary Falsifying a
Land Rights Transfer Deed (Study On Supreme Court Decision Number 139 K/Pid/2016)."
Based on the background discussion above, the Problem Identification in this study is 1.
How is the application of legal sanctions against a notary who forges a deed of passing land
rights in Supreme Court Decision Number 139 k / PID / 2016? 2. What is the responsibility of
Notaries who commit forgery of land rights deed in Supreme Court Decision Number 139 K /
PID / 2016? And the purpose of this study is to explain and know 1. Application of sanctions
in the case of forgery of land rights deed of operant in Supreme Court Decision Number 139 k
/ PID / 2016. 2. Responsibility of Notaries who forged land rights deeds in Supreme Court
Decision Number 139 k / PID / 2016.
The method in this study focuses on collecting, processing, analyzing, and concluding
data in accordance with the legal issues studied. Peter Mahmud Marzuki defines legal research
as an attempt to discover the truth of the relationship between the rule of law, legal norms, legal
principles, and relevant individual behavior.
This research uses qualitative methods, which emphasize a deep understanding of legal
issues. This research covers the issue of decision-making procedures that are considered unfair,
which also considers the judge's reasons in his decision. This research focuses on the
application of legal sanctions for violations of notary law, to obtain legal certainty, accuracy,
and accountability of notaries in carrying out their duties (Fajar & Achmad, 2019).
Data sources consist of primary legal material (laws and judges' decisions) and secondary
legal material (legal doctrine from books, journals, and the internet). Non-legal data is obtained
through interviews with related parties. Qualitative analysis methods are used to explore and
structure data from existing sources. This data analysis was conducted before, during, and after
the study, focusing on deciphering, understanding, and concluding the research data for
appropriate conclusions. The research focused on understanding the obligations and
prohibitions of notaries in accordance with the Notary Position Law and the Notary