Wenny Novita Sari, Mustaqim, T. Irfan Fajri | http://devotion.greenvest.co.id
Wenny Novita Sari
, Mustaqim
, T. Irfan Fajri
Universitas Islam Kebangsaan Indonesia
Email: mustaqimt48@gmail.com
Mobile Services,
Livestock Diseases, App
Implementation is the process of carrying out new ideas, programs, or a set of
activities with the expectation that others can accept and make changes, conveying
several messages, ideas, or concepts through the process carried out by an individual
in the sense of human relationships or what is called human relations. Mobile
services are one of the implementations that can be applied to livestock information
and health management programs. The objective of this research is to determine the
implementation of the Integrated Mobile Livestock Service Program at the
Livestock and Animal Health Department of Aceh Province. The research approach
used in this study is qualitative, which examines the object and reveals existing
cases contextually through collected data. Each district surveyed includes 50 people
for this mobile cow service program. The observed aspects of this program include:
Public complaints about livestock diseases through the application, Interest in using
health service information on the application, Public satisfaction with the
application. The research results indicate that the complaints found in the
community are about scabies and FMD (Foot-and-Mouth Disease). However, these
complaints are obtained directly from the community, and only a few come through
the application. The average application visitors in Pidie district are 29.87, Bireuen
district 29.03, Aceh Utara district 27.47, Aceh Timur district 30.77, and Langsa city
29.33. User satisfaction with the application is assessed through questionnaires
given directly to the community. The survey results show that, on average, people
still have a limited understanding of the application's usage and are not very
With the development of technology and information, as well as the demand for good
services, innovation for local governments becomes a necessity in efforts to advance the region,
improve the welfare of the community, and facilitate services for the local population. Since
the output of local government implementation is the acceleration of community welfare
achieved through community empowerment, community participation, and the improvement
of the competitiveness of both the community and the region. To encourage central and
regional agencies to focus more on directed, in-depth, and sustainable public service
innovation, in 2014, the Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform (PANRB)
initiated a competition for public service innovation within ministries/agencies/local
governments. This is also seen as a factor that can stimulate various innovations in the public
sector carried out by both central and regional government agencies (Suprapti, 2015).
Several regions in Indonesia have proven to bring progress to their communities and
regions through various innovations. These innovations include direct services such as online
licensing services, hospital governance, and smart city programs in various regions of
Indonesia. The results of these innovations demonstrate that regions implementing innovations
Volume 4, Number 12, December 2023
e-ISSN: 2797-6068 and p-ISSN: 2777-0915
[ Implementation Of An Integrated Mobile Livestock Service
Program At The Livestock And Animal Health Department Of
Aceh Province]
Vol. 4, No. 12, 2023
Wenny Novita Sari, Mustaqim, T. Irfan Fajri | http://devotion.greenvest.co.id
in public service have been able to have a positive impact on development and progress in the
area, both in terms of governance and the improvement of the welfare of the community.
Theoretically, the concept of innovation, according to Tang Abdullah (2016), in the
context of public administration, became a major issue when the new public management
(NPM) paradigm rapidly developed. One of the principles of the NPM paradigm is
competitiveness. Public organizations can only survive and excel in this era of competition
when they can present creative and more effective ways to address increasingly complex public
issues through innovation. As known, innovation should be at the core of all activities in the
public sector.
The definition of innovation summarized by Mulyadi et al., (2016) from various sources
includes: a. The process of thinking and implementing an idea that has elements of novelty and
expediency. b. A response to all problems within the organization. c. New discoveries that
differ from what already exists or is known (ideas, methods, or tools). d. An idea, practice, or
object considered new by individuals or other adopting units. In general terms, innovation is a
creative idea that is implemented to solve the pressures of a problem (Suprapti, 2015). Ami
Rahayu (2015) states that innovation represents the discontinuity of past conditions. This
discontinuity becomes a characteristic that distinguishes innovation from change. Furthermore,
innovation is the introduction of new elements into the organizational service in the form of
new knowledge, new organizations, new management, or new process skills.
Pugh, as cited by Rahayu (2015), states that innovation is an introduction of new features
in an organization. Innovation is reflected in new products and production processes,
advancements in communication technology, new organizations, and new services in the public
and non-profit sectors. Ami Rahayu (2015) states that organizational innovation is related to
the adoption of a new idea or behavior that is new to the organization adopting it. Specifically,
innovation is defined as the initial use of an idea by an organization with the same goal. This
understanding implies that innovation adds value due to the novelty it brings to the
Based on these facts, this research attempts to explore an innovative product/program
carried out by the Sinjai Regency government through the Department of Livestock and Animal
Health (DPKH) with the Integrated Mobile Livestock Service (LA SAPI) program. This
program is interesting to study, considering that its creation utilizes mobile service applications
as a communication tool between livestock farmers and the Sinjai Regency Department of
Livestock and Animal Health (DPKH). This was inspired by numerous SMS scams that were
prevalent in the community (JPPN.com, 2019).
The use of information technology is consistently regarded as the basis for the birth of
innovative products. This is because, by leveraging information technology, besides facilitating
service processes, its presence has become a necessity for almost all sectors, both in
government and in society. Therefore, the LA SAPI program tries to capitalize on this
momentum to launch the program.
However, since this program is an innovation in improving livestock services in Sinjai
Regency, it certainly requires an in-depth study to understand the extent to which this program
impacts the target community (livestock farmers). Because a true innovation has certain
characteristics, a service or program can be considered an innovation. These characteristics
include relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, trialability, and observability (Roger,
1983). Additionally, it is important to assess the extent to which the program has truly met
specific criteria (indicators) and has become best practices that can be emulated and applied by
other regions (Prasojo et al., 2004).
[ Implementation Of An Integrated Mobile Livestock Service
Program At The Livestock And Animal Health Department Of
Aceh Province]
http://devotion.greenvest.co.id|Wenny Novita Sari, Mustaqim, T. Irfan Fajri
These questions underpin this research so that they can be identified and answered
through an in-depth study related to the Integrated Mobile Livestock Service (LA SAPI)
program. Therefore, the main problem examined in this research is how the LA SAPI program
impacts the target community (livestock farmers) and the innovation indicators embodied in
the program.
The research will take place from August September 2023 at the Livestock and Animal
Health Office of Aceh Province by implementing it in 5 districts, namely Pidie, Bireuen, North
Aceh, East Aceh, Langsa.
The type of research used in this study is a qualitative approach, which examines objects
and reveals existing cases contextually through the collection of data obtained. Data related to
the categorization of characteristics in the form of statements or in the form of narratives. Each
district recorded 50 people for this cellular cattle service program.
By looking at the elements as interrelated units of study objects then describe them. The
reason for using qualitative methods is because the problems are still very diverse, so to identify
urgent problems, further deepening is needed. This method was used in research to obtain data
and information on the Integrated Livestock Mobile Service Innovation (La Sapi).
The type of research used is a case study approach at the Livestock and Animal Health
Office of Aceh Province which describes in detail the object of research and analyzes data or
information about the Integrated Livestock Cellular Service Innovation (La Sapi).
Data collection is done through observation, interviews and documentation. Research
instruments are the researchers themselves, interview guidelines, field notes, and supporting
devices. The data analysis used is the data analysis model Miles et al., (2014) explained there
are 4 stages, namely: data collection, data condensation, data presentation, and conclusion. The
things that are observed from this program are:
1. Public complaints about livestock diseases through the application
2. Interest in using Healthcare information in the application
3. Community satisfaction with the application
Community Complaints About Livestock Diseases Through the Application
In this research, it is observed that the complaints from the community are primarily
related to scabies and FMD (Foot-and-Mouth Disease). However, these complaints are mostly
received directly from the community, with only a small portion coming through the
Table 1. Farmers' Complaints About Diseases Through the Application
Aceh Utara
Aceh Timur
[ Implementation Of An Integrated Mobile Livestock Service
Program At The Livestock And Animal Health Department Of
Aceh Province]
Vol. 4, No. 12, 2023
Wenny Novita Sari, Mustaqim, T. Irfan Fajri | http://devotion.greenvest.co.id
Survey data from each district involving 50 people each show that, on average, people
are more inclined to express their complaints directly to local extension officers rather than
using the application. This is attributed to the low understanding of livestock farmers regarding
the use of applications via smartphones.
Interest in Using Health Service Information on the Application
Research data indicates a low interest in using the application among farmers. Out of 50
farmers in each district, the survey results show an average of application users in Pidie district
as 29.87, Bireuen district 29.03, Aceh Utara district 27.47, Aceh Timur district 30.77, and
Langsa city 29.33. This data is obtained from daily application visitors, visible directly on the
admin account. It indicates the overall low technological literacy among livestock farmers in
each district.
Community Satisfaction with the Application
User satisfaction with the application is evaluated through questionnaires given directly
to the community. Survey results show that, on average, people still have limited understanding
of the application's usage and are dissatisfied. This is due to the community's limited
knowledge of technology and a preference for simplicity.
Figure 1. Application Satisfaction
5 10
Sangat Puas Puas Kurang Sangat Kurang
User satisfaction
[ Implementation Of An Integrated Mobile Livestock Service
Program At The Livestock And Animal Health Department Of
Aceh Province]
http://devotion.greenvest.co.id|Wenny Novita Sari, Mustaqim, T. Irfan Fajri
Figure 2. Community Reasons
Survey results indicate that the community is still dissatisfied with the existing
application, choosing to stick with their existing habits. Looking at the reasons for community
dissatisfaction with the application, it is evident that people, on average, lack understanding of
technological advancements, even after training on application usage.
The livestock sector in Aceh is one of the most important sectors in the economy of
Acehnese people. The livestock sector has a significant role in providing food sources in the
form of meat and milk, as well as a source of income for farmers. However, livestock health
problems, especially diseases, can hinder livestock growth and productivity, which impacts
birth and mortality rates in livestock. The application of innovation in the livestock sector is
one of the efforts to be made to increase productivity in the livestock sector. Rugh in Rahayu,
(2015), states that innovation is an introduction to new features in the organization. Innovation
is reflected by new products and production processes, advances in communication
technologies, new organizations and services in the public and non-profit sectors. Daft in
Rahayu, (2015), states that organizational innovation is related to the adoption of an idea or
behavior that is new to the organization that adopts it.
Table 1 shows that the average community relies heavily on complaints directly to local
extension workers. Local people are not used to technological advances, where the average
person uses his cellphone to communicate and see news on social media. The application of
applications to livestock actors is still very common for the community, there are even several
application programs from the government regarding livestock are also neglected by animal
husbandry. This is because the community continues to race on existing resources, so that the
technology that enters for the development of the livestock sector is simply ignored. The
average farmer in Aceh relies on complaints by calling directly to local extension workers or
meeting directly, so that the management of livestock health reporting does not run according
to procedures. Every implementation or provision of public services must have standardization
in its services. Furthermore, the stadarization of public services needs to be published so that
they can be accessed or known by the public as users of public services so that the innovations
implemented run according to plan (Riskasari, 2021).
Sudah Mengerti Belum Mengerti Tidak mau ribet
People Reason
[ Implementation Of An Integrated Mobile Livestock Service
Program At The Livestock And Animal Health Department Of
Aceh Province]
Vol. 4, No. 12, 2023
Wenny Novita Sari, Mustaqim, T. Irfan Fajri | http://devotion.greenvest.co.id
The speed and ease of access to information and technological developments make
interaction between individuals easier, without being limited by space and distance. One of the
uses of technological developments in the livestock sector is a cellular service system. Cellular
service is a service that makes it easier for farmers to transact without the need to come to the
extension office or team. In other words, farmers can consult or see information anywhere and
anytime. Mobile services include livestock health services, prevention of diseases of livestock
and treatment of diseases of livestock. Digital technology is one way to have a positive and
negative impact on society (ALshubiri et al., 2023); (Maria & Widayati, 2020). Apart from the
emergence of new problems in society due to the development of digital technology, in reality
digital technology is able to provide new breakthroughs that are more positive and innovative
for people in all sectors (Hermawan, 2020). The development of digital technology today
greatly affects social life to the economy (Wibowo, 2018), where all kinds of economic
activities can be facilitated by involving digital technology such as promotions, transactions,
and even transportation activities to health (Nugroho, 2021).
Results show the use of mobile service applications in each district is very low. Based on
the survey, it shows that the average person still lacks knowledge about technology, and
technological knowledge that can improve the economy of the community itself. Entering the
present era with globalized technological advances has affected various aspects of life both in
the fields of politics, economics, culture, art and even in the field of education (Maritsa et al.,
2021). The level of willingness to develop the livestock community is classified as difficult,
because the average livestock community does not want to use the application that has been
provided to facilitate livestock problem services. (Cintamulya, 2015), people in rural areas have
the following limitations: (1) Low knowledge and competence from the community; (2) Low
economic level of the community; (3) Low quality of public health; (4) Limited access to
finance both for access to funding, as well as other financial services such as money transfers;
(5) Limited access to marketing of local products.
According to Zerrer and Sept (2020), rural digitalization is an implementation of digital
social innovation. Digital social innovation is a type of social innovation and collaboration
from rural communities that use digital technology to jointly create knowledge-based products
or services as solutions to the needs of rural communities (Zerrer & Sept, 2020). Thus, rural
digitalization can be said to be an effort from rural communities to empower the potentials that
exist in rural areas both natural resources, human resources, production factors, knowledge
through digital technology to overcome the limitations found in rural areas.
One of the performance indicators of the program of activities in the field of innovation
and technology is the increase in public or user satisfaction in accessing the necessary
information. Satisfaction is a function of the difference between perceived performance and
expectations. If the performance is below expectations, then the community will be
disappointed. When the performance is in line with expectations, the community will be
satisfied. Meanwhile, if the performance exceeds expectations, the community will be very
satisfied. Information technology is a combination of computer technology and communication
technology used to process data, including processing, obtaining, compiling, storing in depth
various ways to produce quality information, namely relevant, accurate and timely information,
which is used for personal, business, and government purposes and is strategic information for
decision making.
The results showed that public satisfaction with this mobile service application was still
not satisfied, where the survey showed 165 people said they were not satisfied with the
application, this was due to the reason that as many as 127 people did not understand this
application, and 114 people chose not to bother in overcoming their animal health. This data
[ Implementation Of An Integrated Mobile Livestock Service
Program At The Livestock And Animal Health Department Of
Aceh Province]
http://devotion.greenvest.co.id|Wenny Novita Sari, Mustaqim, T. Irfan Fajri
shows that the average farming community needs training on the use of technology for future
development both in terms of economy and knowledge of the local community.
The success and benchmark of an application is not only from the ease of public services
but also satisfaction with public services. An application technology can be said to be
successful when the technology can be accepted by users or the community (Hartatik &
Budihartanti, 2020). Technology must have the function of usefulness, convenience, attitude
and also intention. Satisfaction with the use of technology or technology can be received by
users as evaluation material for innovation in the future (Afni & Akil, 2017).
Public satisfaction is based on Evidence of Service Quality (Tangibles), Service
Reliability (Reliability), Service Responsiveness (Responsiveness), and Service Assurance
(Assurances). Related to the quality of service referred to (Servqual) the results of measurement
through surveys are presented in the following table about respondents' satisfaction with
service quality as a result of measurements on tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, and
assurance as the following table (Sagai et al., 2018).
The results of this study can be concluded that people in several districts, namely Pidie,
Bireuen, North Aceh, East Aceh, and Langsa still need more optimal training for the
development of technological advances, where many people are still unable to use the Cellular
Service application as a tool to see about livestock health, livestock health complaints and read
information on prevention of livestock diseases.
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[ Implementation Of An Integrated Mobile Livestock Service
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Aceh Province]
Vol. 4, No. 12, 2023
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Copyright holders:
Wenny Novita Sari
, Mustaqim
, T. Irfan Fajri
First publication right:
Devotion - Journal of Research and Community Service
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0