shows that the average farming community needs training on the use of technology for future
development both in terms of economy and knowledge of the local community.
The success and benchmark of an application is not only from the ease of public services
but also satisfaction with public services. An application technology can be said to be
successful when the technology can be accepted by users or the community (Hartatik &
Budihartanti, 2020). Technology must have the function of usefulness, convenience, attitude
and also intention. Satisfaction with the use of technology or technology can be received by
users as evaluation material for innovation in the future (Afni & Akil, 2017).
Public satisfaction is based on Evidence of Service Quality (Tangibles), Service
Reliability (Reliability), Service Responsiveness (Responsiveness), and Service Assurance
(Assurances). Related to the quality of service referred to (Servqual) the results of measurement
through surveys are presented in the following table about respondents' satisfaction with
service quality as a result of measurements on tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, and
assurance as the following table (Sagai et al., 2018).
The results of this study can be concluded that people in several districts, namely Pidie,
Bireuen, North Aceh, East Aceh, and Langsa still need more optimal training for the
development of technological advances, where many people are still unable to use the Cellular
Service application as a tool to see about livestock health, livestock health complaints and read
information on prevention of livestock diseases.
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