Volume 1, Number 2, January, 2020

p-ISSN: 2777-0915 | e-ISSN 2797-6068


Aen Fariah

Universitas Sangga Buana

Email: [email protected]



digital village, ICT, optimization Article Info Accepted:

January, 5th 2020

Revised: January, 12nd 2020


January, 14th 2020

Abstract This research examines the optimization of the Village Profile Information System Empowerment (PRODESKEL) in Sepat Majalengka Village, towards a digital village. This research is based on the village government's vision to pursue digital village targets. Through this research, it will be illustrated to what extent is Sepat Village's readiness in pursuing the digital village targets. This study used a qualitative descriptive method, with data collection instruments in the form of interviews, questionnaires and observations from a number of primary sources in the village government. The results showed that: first, Sepat Village is a newly developing village so that the fulfillment of prodeskel-based information services is still very limited in terms of facilities, but in fulfilling the points demanded in the prodeskel program for 2020 have been maximally fulfilled. So that the village of Sepat is in a position of self-sufficiency; second. Sepat village has responded very well to the West Java governor's policy regarding digital villages, so that Sepat Village has aspirations and a direction for its development towards a digital village. It's just that the obstacles faced in getting to a digital village are still very many, most importantly the availability of human resources and infrastructure; third, the obstacles faced in the field to get to a digital village include the availability of human resources, the availability of facilities and infrastructure as well as the

limited level of public awareness in the field of education


Technological progress is something that cannot be avoided in this life, because technological progress will run in accordance with scientific advances. Every innovation is created to provide positive benefits for human life (Ngafifi, 2014) At present, most people increasingly feel information as one of the basic needs in addition to the need for clothing, food and shelter (Maharsi, 2000).

At present, in Indonesia we can see the great influence of technological progress on cultural values adopted by society, both urban and rural communities (modernization) (Setyo & Sukmasari, 2014). Developments in all lines of life are happening faster. Advances in information technology are an inseparable part of today's society. The rate of information and knowledge moves so fast without any obstacles (Suryani & Nurani, 2019).

The words technology and information have a number of terminologies. This term is often used in education as technology education, educational technology, information technology, information and communication technology, education technology, new education technology, information skills, illiteracy information, and learning information according to Liliweri in (Setiawan, 2018).

Human life in the world has entered the era of globalization. This era of globalization cannot be separated from information technology in the form of the internet whose users are also expanding (Wijaya, Anggraeni, & Bachri, 2013).

Information technology is something that is familiar to the public. Information technology today plays an important role, both in the fields of education, economy, social, culture, geography, religion and various other fields (Riwayadi, 2013).

Increasingly advanced technology affects all lines of life, one of which is information technology. Information technology also develops in line with the development of human civilization. The development of information technology includes infrastructure developments, such as hardware, software, data storage technology, and communication technology according to Laudon (Noviari & Akuntansi, 2007).

Information technology is something that is familiar to the public. Information technology at this time plays an important role, both in the fields of education, economy, social, culture, geography, religion and also various other fields (Ameliola & Nugraha, 2015). The development of information and communication technology from the effects of globalization is very pronounced in everyday life where all human activities can now be done through digital media such as shopping, ordering hotels or train tickets, ordering food and so on.

Changes in human behavior that are created as a result of changes in today's development, of course, have both positive and negative impacts on human life. Technological advances are currently integrated with people's lives and their influence from time to time varies based on their sophistication, so that all events that occur in this world or any information are immediately spread through the unlimited internet (Rais, Dien, & Dien, 2018).

Information technology that is currently developing has now reached the village, and villages are required to adapt to the times. The village has now started to innovate. Village innovation is the process of developing knowledge, skills and experience gleaned from the work of villages in implementing existing or recent village development in the form of goods or services that can provide added value in a sustainable manner, either through infrastructure development, human resource management, economy and socio-culture (Rokhman, 2018).

Law No. 6/2014 on villages is a breath of fresh air for the life of rural communities. Village communities who have been used only as objects of development for regional governments are now given the right to determine the direction of village development themselves. Through this law, it is also hoped that it can create a spirit of village independence according to Budhirianto in (Hariyanto, 2016).

Currently there are many rural development information system applications developed by both the government and non-profit organizations. Based on the author's investigation, there are at least four applications that have been introduced to the public, namely: (1) Village and Sub-District Profiles (Prodeskel);

(2) Village Information System (SID); (3) Village Partners; and (4) Rural Administration and Information System. Apart from the four, there are actually many other applications, but due to data limitations, the author does not discuss in this article. One of the applications that we will discuss is prodeskel.

One of the real forms of scientific advancement is technology which is manifested in a variety of products. The results of this technology are used for various purposes, depending on the needs of each institution and individual, one of which is to make work easier (Mulyadi, Zulkarnain, & Laugu, 2019).Indonesia has sufficient capacity to apply this digital village concept. To start with, the District Community and Village Empowerment Service (DPMD) is obliged to encourage villages to make partnerships with startups engaged in e-commerce. The Office of

Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises can be collaborated to direct what products are suitable for sale and product labeling. More than just institutional coordination is needed to realize this digital village concept (Suyatna, 2019).

The Village Profile Information System (Prodeskel) was developed by the Directorate General of Village Government Development (Ditjen Bina Pemdes) of the Ministry of Home Affairs. This application is for the preparation and utilization of village/profiles in order to provide relevant, valid and comprehensive primary data and information as a reference for planning and implementation of development and empowerment of village / communities.

The information in the Village profiles is basic data that is used as a reference in supporting several policies, programs and development activities that focus on empowering village and sub-district communities as well as empowering village and sub-district government officials at each stage starting from planning, organizing, implementing, controlling, evaluating. Up to the preservation of policies, programs and activities.

Furthermore, it can be said that the functions and benefits of the Village and Profiles are a source of information on the potential of villages and sub-districts that must be provided, distributed and utilized optimally by various parties mentioned in detail in the two articles mentioned above to achieve the objectives of policies, programs and activities accordingly. What is needed and expected by the community as the object of development policy recipients.

Research Method

This research uses descriptive qualitative method. In this study, researchers obtained data using interview and observation methods from valid sources, namely the head of Sepat village, part of the Sepat village prodeskel team. So that this research can get valid data and focus on the main problem being studied regarding the preparation of data collection instruments, the preparation of village / sub-district profile working groups, data collection implementation, data processing and village and village profile data publication.

Result and Discussion

(Permendagri, 2007) states that the Village and Profiles are a comprehensive picture of the character of villages and sub-districts which include basic family data, natural resource potential, human resources, institutions, facilities and infrastructure as well as progress and problems faced by villages and sub-districts The organization implementing the Village and Profiling activities is a Working Group (Pokja), each of which is located at the village / , sub-district, district / city to provincial level.

  1. Utilization of Prodeskel in Sepat Village in 2020

    1. The Village Government’s Response About the Prodeskel Program

      Pemdes Sepat considers that the existence of Prodeskel is able to assist village officials in inputting big data from the community because Pemdes only enters data into the sub menu that already exists in the Prodeskel. The village government also considers that this is a new breakthrough for the central government to find out the potential and human resources in the village. However, this breakthrough is a new thing so that it is still constrained by human resources, both village officials and the community. Because the lack of understanding of Prodeskel is one of the main triggers in data entry.

    2. Availability of Facilities and Infrastructure to Support Prodeskel Program Availability of Computer Devices

      In an era of all technology like today, the existence of computers is very important. The benefits of computers are considered as a multifunctional tool and are well known by many people. Both from small children, teenagers and even adults though. Computers will be very much needed in the scope of the world of work such as offices, making computers a vital device that is used by almost all levels. In processing prodeskel programs, computers are the main means of storing data, processing data, inputting data and so on.

      So far Pemdes Sepat already has two computer units, this is actually still lacking, the problem is if one computer is used for financial management activities and the other for daily community service activities at the Village hall, the implementation of the prodeskel program will be neglected, each position should be facilitated with one computer so that each program for each part is compiled, stored and

      published via a computer into the Village management information system so that the direction towards digitizing the village can be achieved optimally.

      Another infrastructure that is needed is internet facilities. This is due to the importance of the internet in supporting communication and sending / input data. Based on the results of the interview, the Sepat Village Office has been connected locally via the Internet network with a maximum speed of 20 Mbps / user. Internet access with a speed of 10 Mbps is optimal enough for 2 active users to access the internet with 3-4 devices, either in the form of smart phones, PCs / laptops or tablets. The suitable types of usage are browsing and streaming.

    3. Availability of human resources who master information technology

      Human resources (HR) play an important role for the success of a job. The advancement of science in the era of information technology will mean nothing without the readiness of human resources. In this era of globalization, information and communication technology (ICT) has become a fundamental need, especially for everyone in supporting their daily activities. Moreover, carrying out jobs in offices or government institutions, for example in village government which every day has to serve various administrative needs, whether coming from the community or from local, provincial or central government institutions.

      Based on the information from the Village Head, Sepat Village only has 1 person who is an expert in the field of IT, while in the preparation of Prodeskel it is necessary to have a team consisting of people who master information technology, therefore, from here we can see the location of the problem. faced by the village so that the optimization of the Prodeskel Program can be hampered.

    4. The 2020 Prodeskel Management Model

      Decree of the Governor of West Java Number: 140 / Kep.327-DPM-Desa / 2017 Concerning Working Group Profiles of Villages and Sub-Districts in West Java Province stipulates that the village profile Pokja (working group) has the task of facilitating collection and processing, analysis, publication, reporting and utilization of village and sub-district profile data in the area of West Java

      Province, to be used as a reference in planning programs and activities of Regional Apparatus, and materials for analyzing village / rural development policies in the Regional Government of West Java Province, thus everything related to profile data the village is the responsibility of the Village Profile Working Group Team.

    5. Achievement of Prodeskel Management

    In 2020 Sepat Village has filled in potential data and development data in the economic sector with a value of 0.44, education 0.78, health 1.00, security and order 1.00, sovereignty and politics 1.00 and community participation in development 0.44. While the index data with a value of 0.78. then these values indicate that the data has not been completely filled in so that it is included in the self-employment classification.

  2. Feasibility / Readiness of Sepat Village in Welcoming Digital Village

    1. Understanding of the Village Problem Pemdes Digital

      Digital village is community empowerment through the use of digital technology and the internet in developing village potential. Later, all public services will be digitized using internet access. So that people can see developments in the village whenever and wherever.

    2. The Village Government's Response to the Governor's Ideas About Digital Village

      This idea is an innovation that is engaged in technology and communication. This is good, but the village has not been able to optimally carry out this idea. Because the Village Government does not have qualified human resources to turn Sepat village into a digital village in the near future. The village government takes a long time, but the village government believes that Sepat village can become a Digital Village.

    3. Steps of the Village Government in Welcoming the Digital Village

      1. Preparation of HR (Human Resources)

      2. Availability of facilities and infrastructure to prepare a digital village

      3. Budget allocation for welcoming a digital village

  3. Constraints faced by the Village in Realizing a Digital Village

The obstacles faced in turning the village into a digital village include: the lack of qualified human resources in handling this program. There are only two units of supporting media such as computers and unstable internet access so that the handling of the digital village is still far from ready.

Support from the community can still be said to be minimal, this can be proven from the cooperation offered by the Pemdes in filling out Prodeskel. Harmony in collaboration between communities and Pemdes has not been created properly. This occurs due to a lack of communication between the two of them so that the realization of the digital village is not good.


The results showed that: first, Sepat Village is a newly developing village so that the fulfillment of prodeskel-based information services is still very limited in terms of facilities, but in fulfilling the points demanded in the prodeskel program for 2020 it has been maximally fulfilled. So that Sepat Village is in a position of self-sufficiency; Second, Sepat Village responds very much to the West Java governor's policy regarding digital villages, so that Sepat Village has aspirations and a direction for its development towards a digital village. It's just that the obstacles faced in getting to a digital village are still very many, most importantly the availability of human resources and infrastructure; third, the obstacles faced in the field to move towards a digital village include the availability of human resources, the availability of facilities and infrastructure as well as the limited level of public awareness in the field of education. So that these three aspects become development priorities to get to a digital village.


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Copyright holder: Aen Fariah (2020)

First publication right: Devotion - Journal of Community Service

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Optimization of production programs towards a digital based village 83