59 http://devotion.greenvest.co.id
Volume 1, Number 2, January, 2020
p-ISSN: 2777-0915 | e-ISSN 2797-6068
Oriza Aditya
Ridwan Institut
Salted Fish,
Article Info
January, 4
January, 12
January, 14
Abstract The Covid-19 pandemic has changed many aspects of life,
one of which is in the economy. This has an impact on economic
instability, one of which is the impact of MSMEs, such as the
occurrence of abnormalities in the supply of raw materials, consumer
interest and marketing. This study aims to describe the marketing
strategies that must be carried out by MSME actors so that they can
survive and become more responsive to changes when Covid-19
occurs. In this study using qualitative methods with interview
techniques in Kesenden, Cirebon. From the results of the research
conducted, it can be concluded that the Covid-19 pandemic can
provide opportunities and can also provide threats (Treath) to
MSMEs, marketing strategies in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic,
namely by improving the quality of products and services, customer
relationship marketing, and e-commerce.
The Indonesian MSME industry is currently facing such a difficult situation amid
the changing business environment which is increasingly complex (Wibowo, Arifin,
& Sunarti, 2015) Since the Covid-19 pandemic that hit Indonesia in March 2020,
many life arrangements have changed. Starting from the education, tourism and
economy sectors. This pandemic is changing people's behavior so they always
keep their distance (social distancing) and don't crowd. The public is increasingly
afraid of the spread of this virus and to break the chain of spreading Covid-19, the
government has issued a Large-Scale Social Restriction (PSBB) regulation in areas
with high cases. National economic development is not only the responsibility of
the government, but also a shared responsibility(McGee, Brenneman, & Spector,
1977). The development of the internet also has influenced economic
development (Kurniawati & Arifin, 2015).
With the existence of this PSBB, many people experienced layoffs (PHK), which
made them have no financial income and chose to save expenses because they did
not know how long this pandemic would last. This condition weakens the nation's
economy due to decreasing public purchasing power, this puts pressure on
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period in Kesenden, Cirebon 60
producers and sellers. Many companies or entrepreneurs do not survive in this
situation and some choose to stay even though there are few or no buyers.
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) are an important part of the
economy of a country or a region, including in Indonesia. Sector development
(Wibowo et al., 2015). Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) are an
important part of the economy of a country or a region, including in Indonesia.
Sector development (Jamil, Kurnia, & Jalaludin, 2020).
Based on a study by the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu), Covid-19 poses negative
threats to the economy, such as a decrease in people's purchasing power, a
decline in company performance, threats to the banking and financial sectors, and
the existence of MSMEs. In the aspect of MSMEs, the existence of this pandemic
has caused a decline in performance from the demand side (consumption and
purchasing power of the community) which ultimately has an impact on the supply
side, namely termination of employment and the threat of non-performing credit
payments (Pakpahan, 2020).
According to the Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises,
there are around 37,000 MSMEs who report that they are very seriously affected
by this pandemic, marked by around 56 percent reporting a decrease in sales, 22
percent reporting problems in the aspect of financing, 15 percent reporting
problems with distribution of goods, and 4 percent reporting difficulty getting raw
materials (Riska, 2020).
According to data from the Ministry of Cooperatives, Small and Medium
Enterprises (KUKM) in 2018, the number of MSME players was 64.2 million or
99.99% of the number of business actors in Indonesia. The absorption capacity of
the UMKM workers is as much as 117 million workers or 97% of the absorption
capacity of the workforce of the business world. Meanwhile, the contribution of
MSMEs to the national economy (GDP) was 61.1%, and the remaining 38.9% was
contributed by large business actors, which amounted to only 5,550 or 0.01% of
the total business actors.
The challenge for MSMEs during this pandemic condition is a decrease in demand,
as experienced by salted fish MSMEs in RW 11 Kesenden Village, Kejaksan District,
Cirebon City. Changes that occur are quite impactful, but
Volume 1, Number 2, January, 2020
p-ISSN: 2777-0915 | e-ISSN 2797-6068
61 http://devotion.greenvest.co.id
adjustments must be made to these conditions so that MSMEs can continue to
survive despite a decrease in income, limited marketing, and reduced availability
of raw materials.
The majority of people who live in RW 11 Kelurahan Kesenden work as fishermen
and makers of salted fish. The manufacture of salted fish comes from fresh fish
which is then processed into salted fish. The selling price of salted fish varies
depending on the type and the scarcity of raw materials.
Before entering the market, producers must know information about market
conditions, target markets such as high consumer demand or not because this
affects their production and marketing strategies. In the production process, the
quality of the products produced must be good and the service to consumers must
also be satisfying because this will affect customer trust so that it will increase
customer loyalty.
During this pandemic, there were many abnormalities such as supply of raw
materials, consumer interest and marketing. Based on this, the author wants to
examine what MSMEs can do to be able to maintain their business during the
Covid-19 pandemic. This study aims to describe the marketing strategies that must
be carried out by MSME actors so that they can survive and become more
responsive to changes when Covid-19 occurs.
Method Research
This study uses a qualitative method that intends to explain a phenomenon in
depth by collecting data as deep as possible, which shows the importance of the
depth and detail of the data being studied (Oky, 2020).
The data collection technique used in this study was interviews. Interviews can be
used as a data collection technique if the researcher finds a problem that must be
studied, and the researcher wishes to know more deeply about the things related
to the informant. Interviewing is a data collection technique to obtain information
extracted from direct data sources through conversations or questions and
answers. Interviews in qualitative research are in-depth because they want to
explore information holistically and clearly from informants (Ayudha, 2015).
In this study, data sources are divided into two, namely, primary data and
secondary data. Primary data in the form of data obtained from empirical research
results through in-depth analysis of parties directly related to the management of
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Marketing strategy analysis of asin asked MSMEs in the covid-19 pandemic
period in Kesenden, Cirebon 62
salted fish MSMEs in economic empowerment. Meanwhile, secondary data in this
study are reference sources such as scientific books, knowledge books, journals,
the internet and other media that can be used as references. The analysis used is
descriptive analysis and SWOT analysis. The research was conducted in Kelurahan
Kesenden with the object of research in the form of Salted Fish UMKM.
Result and Discussion
1. Profile of Salted Fish Business in Kelurahan Kesenden
Production is the activity of producing goods or services or activities that add value
to the use or benefits of an item. In the book Production Operations Management
(2020) Andy Wijaya and friends, production is the process of producing something
in the form of goods and services in a period of time and has added value for the
company (Welianto, 2020).
One of the factors that determine success is the raw material. The raw materials
in the process of making salted fish are fresh and salt fish, there is also the
manufacture of unsalted fish using ice cubes. The drying process takes 4 days if it's
raining and 2 days when it's hot.
The types of fish that are processed into salted fish are bilis, tigawaja, snapper,
grouper and mixed fish. These fresh fish are obtained from areas around the
production site and can reach out of town such as in Indramayu, Gebang, and
For the price of salted fish the most expensive is bilis, which reaches Rp. 80,000 -
Rp. 100,000 / kg, for tigawaja fish Rp. 70,000 / kg and mixed fish Rp. 60,000 / kg.
The sales system is by ordering via telephone and is marketed in Cirebon to
2. Analysis SWOT
a. Strenght
The strengths in the MSME business of salted fish in Kelurahan Kesenden,
District Kejaksan are:
Volume 1, Number 2, January, 2020
p-ISSN: 2777-0915 | e-ISSN 2797-6068
63 http://devotion.greenvest.co.id
1) Raw material
Raw materials are obtained from fresh fish and processed in a good process.
The more raw materials, the faster the production process.
2) Packaging
Good packaging will be able to maintain product quality.
b. Weakness
The weaknesses in the salted fish UMKM business in Kelurahan Kesenden,
Kejaksan District are:
Raw materials can also be a drawback if they are difficult to find, such as
c. Opportunity
The opportunities in the salted fish UMKM business in Kelurahan Kesenden,
Kejaksan District are:
1) market demand is too high
The marketing of salted fish in Kelurahan Kesenden is not only in the Cirebon
area, but has also left cities such as Bandung and Garut. Seeing this condition,
it means that this salted fish product is favored and trusted by the outside
community and it is possible that it will expand again to several cities.
2) Digital marketing
With the entry of industry 4.0 and due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the average
sales are made online through the marketplace and promotion via social
media, but these MSMEs have not made online sales.
d. Treath
The threats in the MSME business of salted fish in Kelurahan Kesenden, District
Kejaksan are:
1) Higt rainfall
High rainfall is a threat to salted fish, especially if it has entered the rainy season.
The drying process will take longer and marketing is also hampered.
2) Pandemic Covid-19
As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, all activities were limited to leaving the
house, causing a decrease in sales in the market. In addition, production activities
are also disrupted due to the difficulty of accessing raw materials outside the city.
3. Marketing Strategy During the Covid-19 Pandemic
a. Product and Service Quality Improvement
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The occurrence of the Covid-19 pandemic has made consumers more careful in
choosing types of food, consumers will choose a healthy diet so that the body's
immune system is immune to viruses. Not only diet, but the quality of the selected
product must also be of high quality. The quality of a product can also increase
consumer confidence, for that MSME actors of salted fish are required to make
improvements to product quality and inform these advantages with the aim of
increasing consumer confidence.
Research (Haryanto, 2013) states that product quality has a significant effect on
customer satisfaction. For this reason, salted fish SMEs need to pay attention to
product quality to increase consumer confidence during the Covid-19 pandemic
The aspect that needs to be considered regarding the product is the quality of the
product. Kotler and Armstrong (2004: 283) state product quality as "the ability of
a product to perform its functions. Its includes the product's overall durability,
reliability, precision, ease of operation and repair, and other valued attributes ”.
This means that product quality is closely related to the product's ability to
perform its functions, including the overall product, reliability, accuracy, ease of
operation, repair and other valuable attributes. So product quality is a set of
features and characteristics of goods and services that have the ability to meet
needs, which is a combined understanding of reliability, density, convenience,
maintenance and other attributes of a product.
The products offered by each business entity will be different and definitely have
characteristics that differentiate the product from competing products even
though the types of products are the same so that the product has uniqueness,
features, excellence in reaching the targeted market(Shandy Widjoyo Putro dan
Hatane Semuel, 2014).
In addition to improving product quality, salted fish SMEs must also improve the
quality of services, such as delivery services or purchases via hotlines. With
advances in technology today, it is easier to obtain a wide market. Business actors
can take advantage of this method in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic
situation, which forces them to keep their distance and stay at home. Therefore,
improving product quality is not only in product content but also on packaging to
Volume 1, Number 2, January, 2020
p-ISSN: 2777-0915 | e-ISSN 2797-6068
65 http://devotion.greenvest.co.id
maintain durability and safety during delivery.
b. Customer Relationship Marketing
In the Covid-19 pandemic situation, it might be difficult if you want to get new
customers. Therefore, one way to maintain the salted fish MSME business is to
maintain existing or loyal customers. Then to create long-term relationships with
customers, it must maintain a mutually beneficial relationship between service
providers or products and customers so that customer loyalty is created or what
is called the concept of Customer Relationship Marketing.
According to Farida's research in (Hardilawati, 2020) customer relationship
marketing has a positive and significant effect in improving the marketing
performance of MSMEs through improving the quality of relationships and
entrepreneurial orientation. The better the quality of the relationship between
MSME actors with consumers, suppliers and others, the better the ability to
improve their marketing performance.
In addition, business actors who dare to take risks, already have experience in
business and are flexible towards business, can increase networks and foster trust
from consumers, so that consumers will survive. Different research results were
obtained in research (Hardilawati, 2020) which obtained results that customer
relationship marketing had a positive but insignificant effect on improving the
performance of MSMEs. This is because SMEs have limitations and have not been
maximal in carrying out customer relationship marketing.
c. E-Commerce
E-Commerce in general can be defined as buying and selling transactions
electronically through the internet media. In addition, e-commerce can also be
interpreted as a process of doing business using electronic technology that
connects companies, consumers and the public in the form of electronic
transactions and the exchange or sale of goods, services and information
electronically (Hardilawati, 2020).
According to research (Helmalia, 2018), e-commerce has a significant effect on
revenue. Meanwhile, according to (Tiandra, 2019) the use of e-commerce does
not have a significant effect on the performance of MSMEs. Although e-commerce
does not have a significant effect on the performance of MSMEs, the presence of
e-commerce is one of the marketing alternatives used to reach more customers.
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UMKM can do promotions anywhere and anytime for 24 hours without stopping.
This transaction model allows transactions across regional boundaries much more
easily and in a cost effective manner than traditional trading.
The Covid-19 pandemic situation that occurred is very beneficial for business
actors who take advantage of e-commerce. Consumers are reluctant to leave
because of the danger of the Covid-19 virus, so they take more advantage of e-
commerce to meet their needs. This is one way for Salted Fish MSMEs to expand
market share and increase sales in this situation. Examples of e-commerce taking
off in the midst of a pandemic are Vegetable Box, Go-Daily, Etanee, TaniHub and
Happy Fresh (Aderianti, 2018).
The conclusion from the analysis of the marketing strategy of salted fish Micro,
Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) during the Covid-19 pandemic in the
Kelurahan Kesenden, District Kejaksan, Cirebon City is as follows: Production is an
activity to produce goods or services or an activity that adds value to the use or
benefits of an item. One of the factors that determine success is the raw material,
This Covid-19 pandemic can provide opportunities and can also threaten (Treath)
to salted fish MSMEs, depending on how to respond and try to adapt to the
situation that occurs, Marketing strategies in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic,
namely by improving the quality of products and services, customer relationship
marketing, and e-commerce.
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Oriza Aditya (2020)
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Devotion - Journal of Community Service
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