So that the average vulnerability value is 3 + 2 + 3 = 8 divided by 3, with a value of 2.67
(close to high).
• C ; Capacity; the ability of the community and government institutions is low with value;
1.Then R of D (Disaster Risk) = 3 x 2.67 = 8.01 (> 5), which means the road National
Tapan – Sungai Penuh has a High Risk.
By entering qualitative observation data which is quantified using scale and weighting,
it can be determined that the Tapan – Sungai Full National road section, which has high
economic value in the agriculture, plantation, fishery, building and trade sectors, has a HIGH
Disaster Risk with a value of 8.01.
To related institutions, in order to minimize disaster risk, because this road section has
national status which has high economic value with a distance of only 65 km, with alternative
sections having a distance of over 300 km and turning around to the city of Padang, it is hoped
that the handling will be as follows; 1. Designing the road surface layer with Reinforced
Concrete Cement construction. 2. Holding Road Shoulders. 3. Set up Guatd Rail 4. Make
Pontoons (retaining walls) on the cliff walls of hills and ravines. 5. Procure and make all
elements of road equipment.
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Copyright holders:
Fidel Miro (2023)
First publication right: