Ketenagakerjaan program. The law also specifies the registration procedures and requirements
for employers and workers. Additionally, detailed registration procedures are outlined in
derivative regulations. According to the BPJS Ketenagakerjaan law, companies with 10 or
more employees or a total monthly wage payment of IDR 1 million must enroll every worker
in the BPJS Ketenagakerjaan program. The payment of BPJS Ketenagakerjaan contributions
for employees is the responsibility of the company (Farhansyah, 2023).
Based on BPS (Statistics Indonesia) publication in November 2021, the workforce in
August 2021 was 140.15 million people, an increase of 1.93 million from August 2020. The
percentage of workers in the informal sector was 59.45%, totaling 77.91 million people, a
decrease of 1.02% from August 2020. The open unemployment rate in August 2021 was
6.49%, a decrease from 7.07% in August 2020. In light of economic growth, BPJAMSOSTEK
(now BPJS Ketenagakerjaan) was tasked by the government to protect 70 million active
participants by 2026. To achieve this target, BPJAMSOSTEK formulated a strategy:
1. First, explore partnerships and collaborations with central and local governments.
2. Second, partnerships with employers' associations, other communities, and exploring
existing employer sectors, including reviewing compliance as well as the ecosystem
and supply chain of participating companies.
3. Third, BPJAMSOSTEK continues to simplify the registration and payment process
through the JMO application and agency cooperation schemes, including launching
New UShield to increase participant acquisition.(Consulting, 2023)
The responsibility of BPJS Ketenagakerjaan in providing protection to workers is
significant. This is the responsibility of the state, regulated through several laws, namely Law
Number 40 of 2004 concerning the National Social Security System (SJSN), Law Number 24
of 2011 concerning Social Security Organizing Bodies (BPJS), and Presidential Regulation
Number 25 of 2020 concerning the Governance of Social Security Organizing Bodies. All these
regulations provide a clear mandate to BPJS Ketenagakerjaan to implement employment social
security with the aim of realizing welfare and enhancing the competitiveness and productivity
of workers (Bahri, 2023).
BPJS Ketenagakerjaan must ensure that participants feel secure about the protection
benefits provided when they are actively working or when they are no longer productive, along
with their families. Additionally, efforts to expand participation are a focus, even though the
country is not entirely welfare-based, with the hope that every worker, whether formally or
informally employed, can become a participant in BPJS Ketenagakerjaan with the right to
social protection. To achieve protection for 70 million workers by 2026, a significant challenge
faced by BPJS Ketenagakerjaan lies in a stronger marketing strategy to optimize membership
expansion (Ketenagakerjaan, 2016).
Marketing strategy refers to the description of how a brand or product achieves its goals.
According to Ulyah, (2016), marketing strategy is a series of marketing programs designed to
dominate and retain target market segments. This can be understood as the primary instrument
applied by a company to achieve its goals. Marketing strategy determines the components of
the marketing mix. The marketing mix is a marketing tool used by companies to reach their
target markets, including price, promotion, distribution, and product. Thus, the marketing mix
can be considered as marketing elements managed by the company to achieve its goals in the
target market, consisting of the "4P" concept (Sinuhaji & Novita, 2022).
The goal of companies in marketing strategy is to influence consumers to choose and
purchase products or services offered by the company when consumers need them (Pratiwi &
Suriani, 2017). Before engaging in marketing activities, companies must understand consumer