Sitti Fatimah Said Martandu, Chairul Muriman Setyabudi |
Sitti Fatimah Said Martandu
, Chairul Muriman Setyabudi
, Basir S
Police Science Study Program, Postgraduate Program, University of Indonesia
School of Strategic and Global Studies, Graduate Program, University of Indonesia
Email: fatimahmar[email protected],,
Organizational Culture,
Leadership, Performance
of Police Personnel
The behavior of individuals in the Cimanggis Police Station organization greatly
affects the organization directly or indirectly. different abilities of individuals in the
face of their tasks or activities. Consistent personnel performance is seen in
organizations that pay attention to the environment of personnel carrying out their
duties with colleagues, leaders, and the work atmosphere, which can affect a
person's ability to carry out their duties. The study aims to determine whether
competence and organizational culture mediated by leadership can affect the
performance of the Cimanggis Police Station in Depok Jakarta, Indonesia. Using
quantitative research cross-sectional study approach. The sample was the entire
population of 104 respondents. Data were analyzed using multiple linear regression,
hypothesis testing using partial t-test, and simultaneous F-test. The results showed
that competence and organizational culture have a significant effect on
performance. Competence and organizational culture have a significant influence
on leadership. Leadership has a significant effect on the performance of Cimanggis
Depok Police personnel, leadership mediates the significant influence of
competence on performance, and leadership mediates significantly the influence of
organizational culture on performance. The results of the F test simultaneously
show that leadership and competence have a significant simultaneous effect on the
performance of Cimanggis Depok Police Personnel. It is very necessary to have a
clear communication pattern, give appreciation or appreciation to personnel, and
provide opportunities for personnel members to make good working relationships,
leaders and personnel can jointly provide mutual enthusiasm for work.
The police have a role in realizing security in the Indonesian state which includes the
maintenance of public security and order, order and law enforcement, the implementation of
protection, protection and community services, and the building of community peace by
upholding human rights. This is in principle the regulation of the provisions of Article 2, article
4, and article 13 of Law Number 2 of 2002 concerning the National Police of the Republic of
Police in this sense, can be seen organizationally and personally, the organizational
aspect looks at the institution of the police itself, while the personal aspect looks at police
members who carry out roles, functions, duties, and responsibilities, accountability from the
form of vision, mission, duties, authorities, positions, and functions of the Police
organizationally. To support the success in achieving the Depok City Vision 2022, the Depok
Volume 4, Number 12, December 2023
e-ISSN: 2797-6068 and p-ISSN: 2777-0915
Vol. 4, No. 12, 2023
[ Analysis of Factors Affecting the Performance of Cimanggis
police Personnel, Depok Metro Police, Jakarta, Indonesia]
2354|Sitti Fatimah Said Martandu, Chairul Muriman
City Cimanggis Police Station sets the Vision, Mission, Goals, Objectives, and Policy
To realize the vision and mission of the Cimanggis Depok Police Station, it is necessary
to determine priority policies and programs that will be implemented. In line with technological
developments, in addition to advancing the field of communication, building and developing
technology- and information-based infrastructure in the context of distributing security and
order services and law enforcement, improving the quality of service and protection for the
community and police members.
As an element of the main task of the police function in the sub-district area under the
Chief of Police, the Polsek is the spearhead of the National Police organization in maintaining
public security and order, law enforcement, providing protection, protection, and services to
the community, as well as other Polri duties within the jurisdiction of the Cimanggis Police by
the provisions of laws and regulations.
As the spearhead of the National Police, excellent performance is certainly very
necessary to achieve the objectives of the implementation of tasks within the scope of police
functions in the Cimanggis Police Area. One of the national problems faced today is the
handling of the low quality of human resources. A large amount of human resources if used
effectively and efficiently, will be useful to support the pace of sustainable national
If the organization wants to have reliable human resources, it needs quality education,
provision of various social facilities, and adequate employment. Weaknesses in the provision
of these facilities will cause social unrest that will have an impact on community security.
Currently, the ability of human resources is still low both in terms of intellectual ability and
technical skills (Sinambela, 2019).
Personnel performance is a condition in which personnel achieves achievements for a
particular organization as well as his goals and desires to maintain the existence of personnel
in the organization (Sun et al., 2021). When an organization makes it very difficult to find
employees who have excellent qualifications in doing their jobs, organizational performance is
one way to determine personnel who have qualifications, loyalty, and good performance.
Personnel competence is the ability or capacity of a person to perform various tasks in a
job (Robbins et al., 2019), Where the ability is determined by intellectual and physical factors.
Competence is not only about one's knowledge or abilities but the willingness to do what is
known to produce benefits.
Specifically, the culture in the organization will be determined by the conditions of
teamwork, leadership, and organizational characteristics as well as the prevailing
administrative processes. (Lewis, 2019). Organizational culture matters, according to Smircich,
(2019) Because they are habits that occur in the organizational hierarchy that represent the
norms of behavior followed by the members of the organization. A productive culture is a
culture that can make the organization strong and the company's goals can be accommodated.
Human resources will appear successful if they get employee commitment. If employee
commitment has been obtained, loyal employees will be obtained, working as well as possible
for the benefit of the organization. Organizational commitment is an attitude regarding the
loyalty of employees to their organization and is a continuous process by which the members
of the organization express their concern for the organization, the success of the organization,
and its welfare (Luthan et al., 2018).
Performance that is still not good must be completed appropriately, this requires
leadership that is able and willing to provide motivation or encouragement to personnel so that
their performance increases. Improved employee performance at the Cimanggis Depok Sector
Vol. 4, No. 12, 2023
Sitti Fatimah Said Martandu, Chairul Muriman Setyabudi |
Police Station. What cannot be ignored is the work competence of personnel in the
organization. Personnel in carrying out their duties has high competence. Work competence is
one of the factors that determine a person's performance. The Cimanggis Sector Police Station
is currently led by the Chief of Police, a Wania Police (Polwan). The profession of
policewoman who is included in the elements of the Indonesian National Police or POLRI
serves as law enforcement officers, protectors, and community protectors. According to
Rahmawati & Christin, (2021), Every member of the Polwan is expected to be an example by
carrying out applicable rules, maintaining peace, and law enforcement by their duties. Polwan
should work professionally, in the work policewomen are required to have good morals,
maintain their image, and always develop themselves well.
Policewoman who have a humanist nature has an important role in maintaining and
maintaining Kamtibmas to remain conducive. Female police and male policemen have the
same duties and responsibilities. Being a policewoman must always be ready wherever the
policewoman is because immediately there is a call from the commander to serve, it must be
carried out regardless of time and place. In this case, Polwan is required to have the same rights
and obligations as other members of the Police. This is in line with Presidential Instruction No.
9 of 2000 (dalam UU Kepolisian, 2010) explained that: every member of the Police in
providing services to the community always provides the best service, is respectful to anyone,
and does not recognize the rest periods for 24 hours, or does not recognize holidays. The task
of the leader is to encourage subordinates to have competence and opportunities to develop in
anticipating every challenge and opportunity at work. Research results Prahara, (2020) shows
that Organizational Culture has a positive effect on organizational performance even though it
affects indirectly.
This research uses survey techniques, deductive approaches, and quantitative (Yuliawan,
2021). The deductive approach aims to test theories by collecting data from respondents and
then applying and observing with statistical tests. Quantitative methods focus on collecting
data according to the problem and population size and data analysis. This study is hypothesis
testing, which aims to explain the nature of the relationship between two or more variables, in
this study also tests the hypothesis of analysis of Competence and Organizational Culture on
the Performance of the Cimanggis Depok Police Station mediated by Leadership. In this study
is survey research, Wulandari et al., (2020) by gathering information from or about individuals
to be described, compared, or described about knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors.
Research data can be carried out based on considerations of cost, greater accuracy, faster
collection time, or availability of population elements (Vermeulen et al., 2018). According to
Sekaran & Bougie (2016), In general, sample numbers greater than 30 and less than 500 are
the most relevant used in research.
The analysis is used to describe existing data, both data in the form of tables and graphs
from empirical results from the results of respondents' answers. Multiple linear regression
analysis is used to predict the state (rise or fall) of the dependent variable if two or more
independent variables are manipulated predictors. Multiple regression analysis will be
performed if the number of independent variables is at least two (Sugiyono, 2017).
The coefficient of determination (R
) is a measure that describes how far the model can
explain the variation of the dependent variable (Ghozali, 2015). R
values have an interval of
0 to 1 (0 ≤ R2 ≤1). The greater R2 (close to 1), the better the results for the regression model,
and the closer to 0, the independent variable as a whole cannot explain the dependent variable.
A small value of R
means that it explains the dependent variable very limitedly. A value close
Vol. 4, No. 12, 2023
[ Analysis of Factors Affecting the Performance of Cimanggis
police Personnel, Depok Metro Police, Jakarta, Indonesia]
2356|Sitti Fatimah Said Martandu, Chairul Muriman
to 1 means that the independent variables provide all the information needed to predict the
dependent variables (Ghozali, 2018). There is regression if there is more than one independent
variable, if assumptions 1-5 are met by the value of the estimator β
(Beta), the estimator is a
linear function against the dependent variable Y (Tri Basuki, 2016).
The difference in the multiple regression t-test with more than one independent variable
lies in the magnitude of the degree of freedom (df) value, where the regression is n-k and
depends on the number of independent variables plus constants. If the calculated value > the
critical value then Ho is rejected or accepts Ha, and vice versa if the calculated value < the
critical value then Ho is accepted or rejected Ha.
Multiple Linear Regression Analysis
Multiple linear regression analysis was used to determine the influence between two
independent variables in this study, namely competence variables, organizational culture, and
leadership intervening variables with dependent/bound variables, namely personnel
Table 1. The output of multiple linear regression results from variables Competence,
organizational culture, leadership, and performance of Cimanggis Police Personnel
Depok, Indonesia
Std. Error
Total Competence
Total Organizational
Total leadership
a. Dependent Variable: Total Performance
The results of multiple linear regression analysis in Table 2 obtained a constant value of
-4.457, a competency regression coefficient value (X1) of 0.416, an organizational culture
regression coefficient value (X2) of 0.505 and a leadership regression coefficient value (X2)
of 0.675. The following are the results of the statistical f test in table 4.3 as follows.
Table 2: Test Hypothesis with t-Test
Std. Error
a. Dependent Variable: TOTAL_PERFORMANCE
The results of this study obtained a t-count value for the Competency variable of 3.496
greater than the t-table of 0.7500 and a significance value of 0.001 smaller than 0.05. Based on
the results obtained, H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted for the competency variable, with such
Vol. 4, No. 12, 2023
Sitti Fatimah Said Martandu, Chairul Muriman Setyabudi |
results, the competency variable has a positive and significant effect on the performance of
Cimanggis Depok Police personnel. This is because personnel has an adequate level of ability
at work, personnel can be open to any type and form of criticism or input, personnel knowledge
about their work is considered good have a good level of focus, and can adapt to every job
given, benchmarks of good performance have also been shown by each personnel. On this, a
conclusion can be drawn that the better the competence of personnel, the better the performance
of Cimanggis Depok Police personnel.
Test the Hypothesis with the F Test
The results of Test F or the simultaneous significance test are used to determine whether
the independent variables have a significant effect on the dependent variable can be seen in
Table 3 below.
Table 3: Test the Hypothesis with the F Test
Sum of
a. Dependent Variable: TOTAL_KINERJA
b. Predictors: (Constant), TOTAL_ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE,
Based on Table 3, shows that the F-count value is 60.257 and the significance is 0.000 <
0.05. This means that competence and organizational culture simultaneously have a positive
and significant effect on employee performance, so the third hypothesis is acceptable. This
means that the leadership possessed by Cimanggis Depok Police personnel is very good. If
Depok Police personnel have high performance, it means that the competencies provided can
improve the performance of Depok Police personnel accompanied by a high organizational
culture that can improve employee performance at the Cimanggis Depok Police Station.
Adjusted R Square
The results of the Adjusted R Square Test to determine how much influence the
independent variables together have on the dependent variable can be seen in Table 4 below.
Table 4: Adjusted R
Value Results
Model Summary
R Square
Adjusted R
STD. Error of the
a. Predictors: (Constant), Total_ Organization Culture, Total
Competence, Total Leadership
Table 4 shows that the independent variables i.e., competence, organizational culture,
and leadership together exert an influence of 36.2% on the dependent variable performance.
The Influence of Leadership on the Performance of Cimanggis Police Personnel
Vol. 4, No. 12, 2023
[ Analysis of Factors Affecting the Performance of Cimanggis
police Personnel, Depok Metro Police, Jakarta, Indonesia]
2358|Sitti Fatimah Said Martandu, Chairul Muriman
The results of this study obtained a t-count value for the Leadership variable of 0.422
smaller than the t-table of 0.7500 and a significance value of 0.674 greater than 0.05. Based on
the results obtained, H0 was rejected and H5 was accepted for leadership variables on
performance, with such results, leadership variables had a positive and significant effect on the
performance of Cimanggis Depok Police personnel. This is because the leadership of a
policewoman can control and nurture personnel well, leaders can motivate themselves at work,
leaders can weigh or empathize with Cimanggis Depok police personnel, and establish good
relationships with attitudes and behaviors to personnel so that they can be well established. The
conclusion is that the wiser the leadership in the Cimanggis Depok Police Station, the more it
will improve the performance of Cimanggis Depok Police personnel to increase. This supports
the opinion of Keller (1992) who says that leadership style practices can improve performance
for employees due to higher employee needs such as self-esteem and self-actualization needs.
In addition, the results of this study also strengthen the opinion of Nicholls (1994), Pawar, and
Eastman (1997) that the practice of transformational leadership style can bring more
fundamental changes such as values, goals, and needs of employees and these changes have an
impact on improving employee performance due to the fulfillment of higher needs.
The results of this study accept the hypothesis that states leadership style has a positive
effect on employee performance. Leadership style is a leadership style that inspires employees
by having a profound and extraordinary effect on their employees. Leaders with
transformational leadership styles provide more opportunities for their employees to be creative
through autonomy because leaders with this style are more flexible than leaders with other
leadership styles. Providing more opportunities for employees to be creative causes these
employees to be better able to create and develop their ideas for the benefit of the organization
so that employees will make a greater contribution to the organization. As a result, employee
performance has improved. Leadership styles can transform and empower employees to
understand the value of deliverables and to give importance to organizational interests rather
than personal ones. Research conducted by Supriyani (2017) leadership has a positive effect
on the professionalism of the work of the National Police. This means that the higher the
members of the National Police feel the spirit of a good leader, the higher the performance of
members of the National Police.
The Effect of Competency on Personnel Performance Mediated by Leadership
The significant value of the F test in this study is 0.000 which means it is lower than the
maximum significant limit value of 0.05. The results of the coefficient of determination test
also showed the influence of leadership, mediating competence on personnel performance at
the Cimanggis Depok Police Station by 34.9% with Std. An error of the Estimate of 1.19%.
From these data, it can be concluded that Together, the independent variables of organizational
culture and competence Based on descriptive analysis, competence obtained an average level
of respondents' agree and strongly agree scores of 34.9%. The results of the t-test show that
competence has a significant effect on the performance of -.416 with a significant value of
0.001 even though the performance variable increases or decreases if the competency variable
rises or vice versa. The Cimanggis Depok Police Chief has given high enthusiasm for his
personnel to work with a strong desire. Facilities and infrastructure in the office can support
work productivity. This section is quite high opinion from respondents with an average of
41.63% The environment and workplace work strongly encourage the morale of Cimanggis
Depok Police personnel.
This study supports the opinion of Moeheriono (2014) &; Wibowo (2016) state
competence is a characteristic that underlies a person related to the effectiveness of individual
performance in his work or basic characteristics of individuals who have a causal relationship
Vol. 4, No. 12, 2023
Sitti Fatimah Said Martandu, Chairul Muriman Setyabudi |
or as a cause and effect with the criteria used as reference, including the ability to carry out or
perform a job or task that is based on skills and knowledge and supported by a work attitude
that demanded by the job. The results of this study are supported by research by Yenni Hartati
et al (2020) that competence as a human characteristic is related to the effectiveness of work
achievement, where this characteristic can be seen in the form of styles of acting, behaving,
and thinking. The better the competence of the officer, the better the performance.
The Influence of Organizational Culture on Personnel Performance Mediated by
Based on descriptive analysis, Leaders obtained an average level of approval and strong
approval of respondents of 39.61%. The results of the t-test show that Leadership has a
significant effect on Performance with a significant value of 0.000. The organizational culture
at the Cimanggis Depok Police Station. such as understanding the pattern of Polwan leadership
at the Cimanggis Depok Police Station. has the largest respondent approval value of 4.03%,
Leaders have high creativity. Personnel at the Cimanggis Depok Police Station.ini support each
other. Personnel are encouraged to innovate or try new things following the progress of science
and technology. Leaders always develop creativity in carrying out their duties, meaning that
the organizational culture at the Cimanggis Depok Police Station is very good. The leader of
the Debriefing as a coaching event also received high marks from respondents at the Cimanggis
Depok Police Station, with an average of 39.00%. who consider the Polwan Leadership at the
Cimanggis Depok Police Station good for them.
Leaders must have a clear communication pattern so as not to confuse personnel, and
always provide clear and good direction to personnel so that the targets worked on are exactly
what has been planned. Leaders always give appreciation or appreciation to personnel at work
so that personnel have commitment and encouragement in achieving targets and surviving at
the Cimanggis Depok Police Station. Supervisors understand the instructions given and provide
opportunities for employees to make good working relationships to achieve even better
performance. Leaders and personnel can jointly encourage each other for the progress of the
Cimanggis Depok Police Station Supervisors provide opportunities for career or position
advancement to personnel so that they can be maximized in achieving and working for a better
future. Furthermore, with good leadership, competencies that are carried out fairly create a
good organizational culture in the Cimanggis Depok Police Station and strengthen Personnel
Performance to do the best for the Cimanggis Depok Police Station and create a positive
organizational culture so that it can provide maximum performance in the future.
The authors declare no conflict of interest. The authors would like to thank the University
of Indonesia for their support and all Polres Cimanggis Depok employees who have been
willing to become respondents
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Copyright holders:
Sitti Fatimah Said Martandu, Chairul Muriman Setyabudi (2023)
First publication right:
Devotion - Journal of Research and Community Service
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0
Vol. 4, No. 12, 2023
[ Analysis of Factors Affecting the Performance of Cimanggis
police Personnel, Depok Metro Police, Jakarta, Indonesia]
2362|Sitti Fatimah Said Martandu, Chairul Muriman