Muhammad Faqih Ahkam, Ayi Tarya |
Muhammad Faqih Ahkam
, Ayi Tarya
Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
Banda and Arafura Sea,
Large pelagic Fish,
VGPM, Primary
The Banda and Arafura Sea possesses significant potential for the fisheries and
fishing industry in the country. The large pelagic fish production data studied were
derived from satellite imagery data in the Banda and Arafura Seas (2002-2022). The
data of chlorophyll-a content, sea surface temperature and Photosynthetically
Available Radiation (PAR) derived from AQUA MODIS satellite images were used
to estimate the value of primary productivity with the Vertically Generalised
Production Model (VGPM). The results showed that the biomass of large pelagic
fish fluctuated seasonally, with the Banda Sea and Arafura Sea having high average
fish biomass values in the eastern season. With the highest fish biomass peak in
August and the lowest in December. The high value of fish biomass in the Banda
Sea and Arafura Sea is caused by upwelling events where sea surface temperatures
are low but chlorophyll is high. in the Arafura Sea the value of fish biomass is higher
than the Banda Sea, this is due to the large amount of nutrient input from large rivers
in the area.
The Banda Sea possesses significant potential for the fisheries and fishing industry in the
country. WPP 5, out of the total 9 fisheries management areas (WPPs) in Indonesia,
encompasses the Banda Sea. External factors like ENSO, Indonesian Throughflow
(ARLINDO) and Season impact the Banda Sea. The Indonesian monsoon current or Armondo,
is resulting from the seasonal monsoon winds, which leads to monsoon ocean currents within
the Indonesian Archipelago. The monsoon system impacts the current circulation in the Banda
Sea. During the Southeast monsoon (June-August), the surface water is pushed from the Banda
Sea towards the Flores Sea, Java Sea, and South China Sea (Sukresno & Kasa, 2008). The
Arafura Sea is included in WPP 718 with environmental characteristics around the Arafura Sea
that are very diverse influenced by coastal and terrestrial structures and seawater masses from
surrounding waters (Ditjen Perikanan Tangkap, 2009).
Primary productivity is the most important thing in the survival of biota in aquatic
ecosystems. The value of primary productivity can be used to determine the level of fertility in
a body of water (Kemili & Putri, 2012). The food chain starts from phytoplankton as primary
producers who are at the first trophic level, the second trophic level is herbivores or primary
consumers who eat phytoplankton directly, the third trophic level is carnivore 1 or secondary
consumers who utilise the energy produced by herbivores through primary consumers. The
fourth trophic level is a larger carnivore or tertiary consumer that utilises energy from
phytoplankton through secondary consumers. The same process also occurs at the next trophic
level up to the top carnivore. Trophic levels that occur in the water are related to food habit and
Volume 4, Number 12, December 2023
e-ISSN: 2797-6068 and p-ISSN: 2777-0915
[ Estimation of The Potential of Large Pelagic Fish Fisheries Using
Satellite Data in The Banda and Arafura Seas]
Vol. 4, No. 12, 2023
Muhammad Faqih Ahkam, Ayi Tarya |
feeding habit. Food habit is the food commonly eaten by fish while feeding habit is the eating
habits of fish. Feeding habit includes how, when and where to eat. Information on feeding habit
is useful for fishing businesses in order to determine fishing areas, planning the time of fishing
operations and planning fishing technology (Simbolon, 2019).
The level of primary productivity can affect the size of the fishery potential of a water
body. Fisheries potential is the ability of the ecosystem to produce fish resources in a certain
unit of time. This is important to know in aquatic resource management efforts. The large
potential of fisheries resources in Indonesia, of course, requires special attention in the
management process. fishing activities carried out by humans without paying attention to
sustainable principles will cause many problems in the future. FAO, (2022), also explained that
the management of fisheries resources can encourage the process of preserving and conserving
fisheries resources and ecosystems, as well as providing facilities for sustainable use. Remote
sensing technology can determine water areas that have the potential for favourable fish
resources to determine the distribution of fish biomass. Satellite observations of primary
productivity help in accurately assessing the photosynthetic process. Net primary productivity
and fish biomass distribution can be estimated using remote sensing data. One of the satellite
images that can be used to estimate the net primary productivity and distribution of fish biomass
in the Banda and Arafura Sea is the Aqua satellite with the MODIS (Moderate Resolution
Imaging Spectroradiometer) level 3 sensor with a resolution of 4 km. By applying geographic
information systems, the three data were processed to produce new information on the
relationship of seasonal variability to the horizontal distribution of primary productivity and
fish catch areas in the the Banda and Arafura Sea.
The data used in this study are SST, chlorophyll and PAR from the NASA satellite. The technique used in this method uses visual analysis
based on spatial and temporal. Spatial here means conducting research based on the scope of
space or regional boundaries, namely the Banda and Arafura sea area. While temporal in the
scope of a certain time in a span of 20 years, namely 2002 to 2022.
Vertically Generalised Production Model (VGPM) is used to calculate column primary
productivity from satellite-derived Chlorophyll-a, sea surface temperature and daily sea surface
photosynthetically active radiation (PAR). The VGPM formula can be written as follows
(Falkowsky, 1980):
Primary Productivity = 0.66125 x P
opt x (
) x CSAT x Zeu x D
Zeu =
= 󰇫
opt =
opt = 1,2956 +(2,749 x 10
.x T)+( 6.17 x 10
.x T
)- ( 2.05 x 10
.x T
)+ ( 2.462 x 10
)- ( 1.348 x 10
.x T
)+ ( 3.4132 x 10
.x T
)- ( 3.27 x 10
.x T
Primary productivity is the integrated daily carbon fixation at euphotic depth derived
from the chlorophyll equation (mg/Cm-2d-1)
T = sea surface temperature in degrees Celsius
= sea surface chlorophyll concentration (mgchl/m-3)
= optimal daily carbon fixation rate in the water column [mgCmg Chl)-1h-1 as a
function of sea surface temperature
[ Estimation of The Potential of Large Pelagic Fish Fisheries Using
Satellite Data in The Banda and Arafura Seas]
2340|Muhammad Faqih Ahkam, Ayi Tarya
Zeu = deep euphotic depth (metres)
E0 = sea surface daily light intensity (mol quanta m-2d-1)
DIRR = daily photoperiod calculated in decimal hours for the middle of the month
Estimating the potential of large pelagic fish fisheries
Pauly and Christensen (1995) stated that the fish production model can be estimated
through the energy transfer relationship between the lower and upper levels of the food chain.
If it is assumed that primary productivity is 100%, because the average transfer efficiency
between food chain levels is 10%, then the transfer of energy due to predation processes at the
upper level is only 10% and so on.
Following the theory of energy transfer through the food chain process, fisheries
production or fisheries potential in the Banda and Arafura Seas can be approached using the
following equation:
FP = PP x (TE)
(TL 1)
Dimana :
FP : Fish Production (mg C/m2)
PP : Primary Production (mg C/m2)
TE : Transfer Efficiency (10%)
TL : Trophic Level
By using a conversion factor from carbon weight to mass with a ratio of 9 : 1, then the
potential of fisheries in units of mass can be estimated by the following equation:
FB = FP x 9
FB : Fish Biomass ( in tons)
Correlation Analysis
Correlation is used to determine the relationship between 2 variables, in this study the
relationship between primary productivity and fish catchment area. Correlation can be
calculated with the formula as written in Wirasatriya et al.(2017) :
Information :
r = correlation coefficient
x = first variable
y = second variable
N = data
The correlation relationship between two variables is classified in several levels as
written by Sudjana (2005) in Table 1
Tabel 1 . The value of the strength of the relationship as a result of the correlation coefficient
Coefficients and Correlation
Relationship Interpretation
0 - 0,2
Very low
0,2 0,4
0,4 0,7
0,7 1,0
Very High
[ Estimation of The Potential of Large Pelagic Fish Fisheries Using
Satellite Data in The Banda and Arafura Seas]
Vol. 4, No. 12, 2023
Muhammad Faqih Ahkam, Ayi Tarya |
a) Sea surface temperature
Graph1. Monthly Variation of Climatological Sea Surface Temperature
Sea surface temperatures undergo monthly fluctuations. The elevated range of
temperatures in the Banda and Arafura seas oscillates between 27°C and 31°C. Moreover, the
highest monthly average SST of 30.54°C transpires in December, whereas the lowest
temperature of 26.93°C typically happens in August. By October, temperatures experience an
uptick with the sun's southward movement, consequently, intensifying the irradiation's
During the second transitional season, sea surface temperatures gradually increase from
September to November and reach an even distribution by November. Sea surface temperatures
during the second transitional season in November typically range between 27°C and 30 °C,
which is higher than during the first transitional season. This increase is due to the
accumulation of cold water masses starting from September and October, with temperatures
reaching up to 30.5075 °C. This phenomenon is believed to result from the weakening of
southeast monsoon winds passing through the waters of Arafura and Banda Sea, along with the
insolation process that takes place during the second transition month.
During the West season (December-February), the sea surface temperature in the Banda
and Arafura Seas remains consistently high. The monthly average values for December,
January, and February are 30.54539°C, 29.78859°C, and 29.842620°C, respectively. Notably,
the temperature is at its highest in December. Additionally, the SST in the West season
generally peaks in December and remains high throughout the year. From January to February,
the sea surface temperature experiences a slight decline, with values dropping below 29
C in
[ Estimation of The Potential of Large Pelagic Fish Fisheries Using
Satellite Data in The Banda and Arafura Seas]
2342|Muhammad Faqih Ahkam, Ayi Tarya
some areas, primarily in the central portion of the Banda Sea. Tristianto et al., (2021), posit
that the high sea surface temperature is likely caused by low wind speeds and evaporation rates
in December, with potential impacts on wind speed, cloud cover, and precipitation during the
rainy season. It is noteworthy that sea surface temperatures were higher during the late March
During Transitional Season I, the sea surface temperatures in the waters of Arafura and
Banda Seas were recorded to be between 28-31.0°C, indicating a decline in temperatures over
time. From the observations, it is evident that the temperature was at its peak in March 2016,
while it was at its lowest in May.
During the East season (June-August), the sea surface temperature in the Banda and
Arafura seas experienced a decrease. The average monthly sea surface temperature values for
June, July, and August were 28.09088
C, 27.15805
C, and 26.93688
C, respectively, with an
equal distribution in August. This cooling trend gradually extended to the waters of Southeast
Aru towards eastern Tanimbar. It is worth noting that June to October usually exhibits cooler
temperatures compared to other months. In June, sea surface temperatures persist to be warm
as they are impacted by the initial transitional season. The temporal cold water mass proves, as
indicated by Riupassa & Wattimuri, (2016) that cold water masses are sourced from not only
northern Australia but also the coast of Papua. While temperatures in northern Australia
decrease as seasons change, they continue to remain warmer in June as a result of rapid
warming. The decrease in temperature becomes more pronounced in July and August as the
cold water mass shifts from the coast of Australia. This low temperature then gradually spreads
to the waters off Southeast Aru and the eastern part of Tanimbar.
b) Chlorophyll
Chlorophyll values fluctuate every month. The highest monthly average chlorophyll
occurred in August with a value reaching 0.73541 mg Chl/m
and the lowest average
chlorophyll was in December with a value of 0.44272 mg Chl/m
Graph. 2 Monthly Variation of Climatology Chlorophyll
[ Estimation of The Potential of Large Pelagic Fish Fisheries Using
Satellite Data in The Banda and Arafura Seas]
Vol. 4, No. 12, 2023
Muhammad Faqih Ahkam, Ayi Tarya |
Graph 3 Monthly Climatologic Fluctuations of Sea Surface CO2 Partial Pressure with
Temperature and Chlorophyll in the Java Sea
Temporally when chlorophyll decreases in the west season, followed by a decrease in
primary productivity and fish biomass, in the first transition season the chlorophyll value still
decreases because it is influenced by the previous season. During the eastern season,
chlorophyll values increased followed by an increase in primary productivity and fish biomass.
In the second transitional season, the chlorophyll value decreased.
Generally, the maximum changes in chlorophyll-a concentrations in the Banda and
Arafura Seas occur in August. The concentration of chlorophyll-a in the Banda Sea decreases
as you head south. The concentration of chlorophyll-a in the Banda Sea decreases as you head
south. Chlorophyll-a concentrations remain relatively stable throughout the rest of the Banda
Sea. This is particularly noticeable in the northern area of the Banda Sea. This suggests that
upwelling intensity is greater in the northern part of the Banda Sea. The concentration of
chlorophyll-a in the Banda Sea decreases as you head south.
The chlorophyll concentration in the Aru Sea is higher than that in the Banda Sea. This
is considered to be due to the area's higher susceptibility to heavy rain, which results in greater
discharge of river water and subsequently affects the nutrient input in the sea. Rosyadi, (2018),
suggests that coastal chlorophyll-a concentrations are significantly influenced by rainfall, as it
brings nutrients through river flow or run off. The infusion of these nutrients into the sea
promotes increased fertility in the waters. The elevated concentration of chlorophyll-a is
typically more pronounced in coastal waters than in the open sea. Moreover, the increased
levels of chlorophyll in the Arafura Sea are a result of the influx of nutrients discharged from
large rivers.
During the coastal upwelling in the eastern monsoon, noticeable conditions occur on the
Arafura shelf. According to Westeyn et al., (1990), the waters of the Aru Basin infiltrate
towards the east over the shelf floor from a depth of 100-150 metres until roughly 40-50 metres,
in both the northern and southern regions of the Aru Islands. The high levels of chlorophyll-a
found in the Aru Sea are not caused by river flow but are instead due to the enrichment of
nutrients in the upper layers as a result of vertical mixing with nutrient-rich water found in
deeper layers. During the Northwest monsoon, nutrient concentrations are significantly
reduced when compared to those during the Southeast monsoon.
In contrast, throughout the West monsoon period (December-February), chlorophyll
levels in the Arafura sea are consistently higher than those in the Banda sea. The monthly
average for chlorophyll climatology during December, January, and February is 0.44272 mg
, 0.47864 mg Chl/m
, and 0.48118 mg Chl/m
, respectively. Notably, the chlorophyll
value in December was lower than that in January and February. During the second transitional
season, the chlorophyll value was lower compared to the first transitional season. In April, the
[ Estimation of The Potential of Large Pelagic Fish Fisheries Using
Satellite Data in The Banda and Arafura Seas]
2344|Muhammad Faqih Ahkam, Ayi Tarya
chlorophyll value was 0.48218 mg Chl/m
, while in November of the second season, it was
0.48394 mg Chl/m
. In the Western season, chlorophyll levels remained low and reached their
minimum peak for the entire year in December. In January and February, chlorophyll levels
slightly increased, and in some areas, the value was above 0.48 mg Chl/m
, particularly on the
Southwest coast of Papua. According to Tubalawony et al., (2015), during the Western season
(December-February) in the waters of the Banda Sea, there is a northwest munson wind that
causes a slight lift in water masses from the thermocline layer. This results in low chlorophyll
During the first Transitional Season, chlorophyll concentrations in waters of the Arafura
and Banda Seas varied between 0.4-0.6 mg Chl/m
and demonstrated an overall increase over
time. The highest temperature was recorded in March 2016, whereas the lowest temperature
was observed in May.
In the East season (June-August), chlorophyll levels in the Banda and Arafura seas rose
significantly, with the average monthly concentrations for June, July, and August being
0.62605 mg Chl/m
, 0.71078 mg Chl/m
, and 0.73541 mg Chl/m
, respectively. These values
were uniformly distributed throughout August. During the second transitional season
(September-November), there was a gradual decline in chlorophyll levels, which became
evenly distributed by November. Chlorophyll values tend to be higher between June and
October, with the highest concentrations recorded in June, July, and August reaching 0.45 mg
, as reported by Ratnawati et al. (2016), There was an upwelling phenomenon in
multiple locations, including the west and south of Buru Island, south of Seram Island, and east
of the Banda Sea. The influx of nutrients in the surface layer, supported by the adequate
penetration of light, enhances photosynthetic activity of phytoplankton in the Banda Sea and
consequently increases water fertility owing to an increase in the chlorophyll-a quantity
contained in phytoplankton. Aside from this, winds that run parallel to the coastline next to
Buru Island also contribute to the upwelling process, particularly towards the northwest. SPL
and chlorophyll-a are significantly impacted by wind speed. When wind speed is high,
chlorophyll-a levels increase, while SPL decreases(Nurafifah et al., 2022).
During the second transitional season (September-November), chlorophyll levels begin
to decline and reach a uniform distribution by November. In this season, chlorophyll values
range from 0.4 to 0.7 mg Chl/m
. The chlorophyll value is higher than that of the first transition
season. At the onset of the second transition season in November, it stands at 0.48394 mg
. The increase in chlorophyll value is attributed to the carry-over effect from the
preceding season, specifically the Eastern season.
c) Primary Productivity
[ Estimation of The Potential of Large Pelagic Fish Fisheries Using
Satellite Data in The Banda and Arafura Seas]
Vol. 4, No. 12, 2023
Muhammad Faqih Ahkam, Ayi Tarya |
Graph 4. Climatological Monthly Variation Primary productivity
Overall, there is a peak in primary productivity concentration in August in the Banda and
Arafura Seas. Specifically, this is most pronounced in the northern section of the Banda Sea,
with a decrease in concentration towards the south. This suggests a stronger upwelling intensity
in the northern part of the Banda Sea. The concentration of primary productivity is greater in
the Aru Sea than in the Banda Sea, possibly due to higher rainfall leading to greater discharge
of river water and affecting nutrient input into the sea.
The Arafura Sea experiences high primary productivity as a result of numerous nutrients
entering the sea via large river estuaries. Taufiqurrahman, (2004)reports that thirty rivers drain
into the Aru and Arafura Seas. Several estuaries drain into the Aru Sea, including the Pomako
River Estuary, Ajkwa River Estuary, Amapare River Estuary, and Digul River Estuary.
Meanwhile, the Maro River Estuary in Merauke empties into the Arafura Sea. Of these, the
Digul River Estuary has a significant impact on salinity levels in the Aru Sea. The salinity
distribution of Aru Sea waters is significantly influenced by the Digul River Estuary due to the
immense discharge of freshwater, which expels low salinity from the area surrounding the
estuary. This occurrence arises from excessive rainwater and flowing water from multiple
rivers, which enter in large quantities into the Digul River Estuary.
During the western season, primary productivity concentrations varied between 100-200
mg C/m
. The areas with the highest primary productivity concentrations were around the
waters of Southwest Maluku to the waters of the Tanimbar Islands Regency. In December, the
Banda Sea Waters exhibited low primary productivity concentrations due to high sea surface
temperatures and low chlorophyll values.
In Transitional Season I, primary productivity concentrations ranged from 100-400 mg
. High primary productivity concentrations are observed in the months of March and April
in the waters around Wetar Island. However, the overall primary productivity concentration
pattern in the Banda Sea waters remains low. This is attributed to the high water temperature
resulting from the position of the sun, which is still on the equator. The chlorophyll
concentration pattern altered in May. While March and April witnessed high concentrations in
Wetar Island's waters, Tanimbar Island's vicinity observed them in May due to the onset of the
southeast munson wind.
During the East season (June-August), primary productivity concentrations in the Banda
and Arafura seas increased. The monthly average primary productivity concentrations for June,
July, and August were 395.2 mg C/m
, 459.5 mg C/m
, and 470.1 mg C/m
, respectively, with
an even distribution in August. Chlorophyll values tended to be higher from June to October
compared to other months. The considerable primary productivity observed during June
indicates that the abundance of chlorophyll-a in the Banda Sea's east season (June-August)
[ Estimation of The Potential of Large Pelagic Fish Fisheries Using
Satellite Data in The Banda and Arafura Seas]
2346|Muhammad Faqih Ahkam, Ayi Tarya
impacts the primary productivity in these waters. This relationship is suggested by the Banda
Sea's low water temperature values recorded during this period (Uneputty et al., 2022).
During the second transitional season (September-November), there was a decline in
primary productivity concentration that was evenly distributed by November. During the
second transitional season (September-October-November), the values for primary
productivity concentration varied between 150-500 mg C/m
. The concentration of primary
productivity was higher during this season compared to the first transitional season, reaching a
value of 196 in November.
According to Kemili & Putri (2012), the impact of ENSO is clearly evident in the primary
productivity of the Banda Sea. The upwelling process (Wyrtki, 1961) was identified as the
factor which initiates the increase of Net Primary Productivity (NPP) from June to September
in the eastern season. In this season, the eastern munson wind blows, leading to the movement
of the Banda Sea's surface water mass towards the west and the consequent creation of a void.
Nutrient-rich water masses are raised from the deep layers to the surface layer to fill this void
(Gordon & Susanto, 2001). Technical term abbreviations such as "upwelling" and "deep layers"
are explained upon first usage.
d) Fish biomass
Graph 5. Climatological Monthly Variation Large pelagic fish biomass
Fish biomass levels vary on a monthly basis. The outcomes of analyzing fish biomass
demonstrated a monthly minimum average of 4,000,000 tons in March and a maximum of
7,480,300 tons in August.
During the West season (December-February), the Arafura Sea's fish biomass is
consistently higher compared to the Banda Sea's. The monthly average of fish biomass values
in December, January, and February are 2,739,900 tons, 3,031,100 tons, and 2,930,400 tons,
respectively. It is noteworthy that the fish biomass value in December was significantly lower
than that of January and February. During the second transitional season, the fish biomass value
decreased compared to the first season. At the beginning of the first transitional season in April,
the fish biomass value amounted to 2,849,900 tons, whereas in November, at the beginning of
the second transitional season, it was 2,973,600 tons. The Western season, occurring in
[ Estimation of The Potential of Large Pelagic Fish Fisheries Using
Satellite Data in The Banda and Arafura Seas]
Vol. 4, No. 12, 2023
Muhammad Faqih Ahkam, Ayi Tarya |
December, experienced the lowest recorded peak of the year for fish biomass. Although fish
biomass increased marginally in January-February, it continued to move westward in the Aru
Sea and Arafura Sea. Fish stocks in these waters are replenished by fish from the Banda Sea.
Moreover, once they arrive in the Aru and Arafura Sea areas, some of the fish will migrate
south and eventually exit into the South Pacific Ocean through the Torres Strait.
Fish biomass concentrations in Transitional Season I are high in March and April in
Wetar Island waters but overall Banda Sea waters still have a low fish biomass concentration
pattern. This is due to the high water temperature caused by the position of the sun still at the
equator. The pattern of chlorophyll concentration in May changed, if in March and April high
concentrations were seen in the waters of Wetar Island, then in May the concentration of high
fish biomass patterns was seen in the area around Tanimbar Island, this is because in May the
southeast munson wind began to blow. During Transitional Season I, the circulation of surface
fish biomass is dominated by currents from the South Pacific Ocean. This fish biomass moves
from the South Pacific Ocean westwards to the Arafura Sea. Furthermore, the fish biomass in
the Arafura Sea moves northwards to the Banda Sea and westwards to the Timor Sea. While in
the Sea, the fish biomass still has the influence of the Northwest Season which causes the
surface fish biomass to move eastward from the west.
In the East season (June-August) the concentration of fish biomass in the Banda and
Arafura seas increases, the value of the average monthly fish biomass concentration of June,
July, August sequentially is 636,050 tons, 638,770 tons, 748,030 tons and evenly distributed
in August. the circulation of surface fish biomass is entirely influenced by currents from the
South Pacific Ocean moving from the southeast to the northwest. Then the fish biomass in the
Aru Sea and Arafura Sea will move northwards to the Banda Sea and also westwards to the
Timor Sea. During this season there is upwelling in the Banda Sea and Arafura Sea which fish
biomass will flow into western Indonesian waters.
Entering the second transitional season (September-November), the concentration of fish
biomass began to decline and was evenly distributed in November. From June to October,
chlorophyll values tend to be higher than other months. In the second transitional season
(September-October-November), the value of fish biomass concentration ranged from
4.000.000-7000.000 tons. The value of fish biomass concentration was higher than the first
transitional season where at the turn of the second transitional season in November it was
5.054.600 tons. According to (Wyrtki, 1961), circulation is influenced by part of the wind that
moves to the southeast and moves to the northwest. In the Arafura Sea there is a meeting of
two masses of water from the South-Pacific Ocean moving westward, with the mass of water
from the Timor Sea moving eastward. While in the waters of the Aru Sea began to occur
currents that move westward and there is a weakening of the current that moves to the east will
result in the occurrence of olakan in the waters of the Aru Sea.
Temperature affects the presence, survival, and distribution of fish in the waters. Each
type of fish has a different optimum temperature for its metabolic needs (Simbolon, 2019).
according to Elasari et al., (2022), the temperature preferred by large pelagic fish ranges from
28°C to 29°C with salinity levels of 29-33‰. In the Banda and Arafura Seas the temperature
ranges from 27-31°C, the temperature is favoured by large pelagic fish to grow and reproduce.
The fertility of a body of water is a reflection of its phytoplankton content. The
chlorophyll-a content is quite large in April and May, so it will fertilise the waters. Chlorophyll-
a concentrations above 0.2 mg/m3 indicate the presence and life of plankton sufficient to
sustain or maintain the development of commercial fisheries (Jamal et al., 2014). Plankton
(phytoplankton) which is the main producer of the marine food web, contains chlorophyll-a
which is able to convert sunlight energy, inorganic materials such as nitrogen, and carbon
[ Estimation of The Potential of Large Pelagic Fish Fisheries Using
Satellite Data in The Banda and Arafura Seas]
2348|Muhammad Faqih Ahkam, Ayi Tarya
dioxide (CO2) dissolved in carbohydrates especially in open waters (Saraswata & Subadjo,
The total biomass of phytoplankton is greater than all marine animals (zooplankton, fish,
etc.) The presence of phytoplankton in the water causes light to be absorbed and diffused, and
makes the sea surface layer warmer. Phytoplankton use CO2 from the atmosphere to grow,
which is absorbed into the ocean. When they die, some parts of the plankton from the sea
surface fall to the bottom and become seafloor sediments, so there will be carbon transfer in
the system (Jamal et al., 2014).
correlation between parameters
Table. 2 pearson coefficient table between parameters
Sig. (1-
Sig. (1-
Sig. (1-
Sig. (1-
** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 (1-tailed)
The results of the correlation analysis showed that the four variables were related.
Climatologically, the correlation value and significance between SST is -0.95 primary
productivity is 0.986, chlorophyll is 0.986, fish biomass is 0.986. The negative Pearson SST
coefficient value means there is an inverse relationship between SST and other parameters.
According to Wirasatriya et al. (2017), the Pearson coefficient is included in the very high
category in the relationship between parameters.
The Banda and Arafura seas have high average fish biomass values in the eastern season.
With the highest peak of fish biomass in August and the lowest in Desember. The results of the
correlation analysis showed that the four variables were related. Climatologically, the
correlation value and significance between SST is -0.95 primary productivity is 0.986,
chlorophyll is 0.986, fish biomass is 0.986. The negative Pearson SST coefficient value means
there is an inverse relationship between SST and other parameters. The high value of fish
[ Estimation of The Potential of Large Pelagic Fish Fisheries Using
Satellite Data in The Banda and Arafura Seas]
Vol. 4, No. 12, 2023
Muhammad Faqih Ahkam, Ayi Tarya |
biomass in the Banda and Arafura Seas is caused by upwelling events where sea surface
temperatures are low but chlorophyll is high. in the Arafura Sea the value of fish biomass is
higher than the Banda Sea, this is due to the large input of nutrients from large rivers in the
Thanks are due to the Korea-Indonesia MTCRC (Marine Technology Cooperation
Research Centre) Scholarship for funding the research. Also, thanks to Copernicus Marine
Service and NASA Oceancolour for providing and accessing the data used in this research
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Elasari, N., Perdanawati, R. A., & Mauludiyah, M. (2022). Analisis Korelasi Parameter
Oseanografi Terhadap Hasil Tangkapan Jaring Purse Seine di Perairan Kranji, Kecamatan
Paciran Kabupaten Lamongan. Jurnal Perikanan Dan Kelautan, 27(3), 371.
Falkowsky, P. G. (1980). Primary Productivity in the sea. plenum press.
FAO. (2022). The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2022. In In Brief to The State of
World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2022.
Gordon, A. L., & Susanto, R. D. (2001). Banda Sea surface-layer divergence. Ocean Dynamics,
52(1), 210.
Jamal, M., Hasrun, & Ernaningsih. (2014). Tingkat Pemanfaatan Dan Estimasi Potensi Ikan
Cakalang ( Katsuwonus Pelamis ) Di Kawasan Teluk Bone. 24(2), 2028.
Kemili, P., & Putri, M. R. (2012). Influences of Upwelling Duration and Intensity Based on
Sea Surface Temperature Anomaly Toward Primary Productivity Variability in
Indonesian Waters. Jurnal Ilmu Dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis, 4(1).
Nurafifah, U. O., Zainuri, M., Wirasatriya, A., Oseanografi, D., Perikanan, F., & Diponegoro,
U. (2022). Pengaruh ENSO dan IOD Terhadap Distribusi Suhu Permukaan Laut dan
Klorofil-a Pada Periode Upwelling di Laut Banda. 04(03), 7485.
Ratnawati, H. I., Hidayat, R., Bey, A., & June, T. (2016). Upwelling di Laut Banda dan Pesisir
Selatan Jawa serta Hubungannya dengan ENSO dan IOD. Omni-Akuatika, 12(3), 119
Riupassa, Y., & Wattimuri, J. (2016). Variabilitas Musiman Suhu Permukaan Laut Dan Angin
Di Laut Arafura.
Rosyadi, M. I. (2018). Variabilitas Konsentrasi Klorofil-a di Laut Aru Tahun 20032016.
Tugas Akhir Sarjana Program Studi Oseanografi, FITBITB.
Saraswata, A. G., & Subadjo, P. (2013). Pengaruh Monsun Terhadap Distribusi Suhu
Permukaan Laut Dan Klorofil-A. 2, 7987.
Simbolon, D. (2019). Daerah penangkapan ikan: perencanaan, degradasi, dan pengelolaan.
PT Penerbit IPB Press.
Sukresno, B., & Kasa, I. W. (2008). Dynamic Analysis of Banda Sea Concering With El Nino,
Indonesian Through Flow and Monsoon. Ecotrophic, 3(2), 8791.
Taufiqurrahman, A. (2004). Studi Variasi Temperatur dan Salinitas di Perairan Digul Irian
Jaya. Universitas Padjajaran.
Tristianto, G., Wulandari, S. Y., Suryoputro, A. A. D., Handoyo, G., & Zainuri, M. (2021).
Studi Variabilitas Upwelling di Laut Banda. Indonesian Journal of Oceanography, 3(1),
Tubalawony, Purnanama, & Ferdinandus. (2015). Penentuan Daerah Potensial Upwelling dan
kaitannya Dengan Pengolaan Laut Banda. Seminar Nasional-Pembangunan Kelautan
[ Estimation of The Potential of Large Pelagic Fish Fisheries Using
Satellite Data in The Banda and Arafura Seas]
2350|Muhammad Faqih Ahkam, Ayi Tarya
dan Perikanan Berbasis Laut Banda. Ambon.
Uneputty, B. A. S., Tubalawony, S., & Noya, Y. A. (2022). Klorofil-a dan kaitannya terhadap
Produktifitas Primer Perairan Laut Banda pada Fenomena La Nina Chlorophil-a and
their related to Primary Productivity in Banda Sea Waters in The La Nina Phenomenon
mengetahui daerah potensial penangkapan ( Mustikasari et . 2(1), 5765.
Westeyn, Gordon, I., & Baars. (1990). Nutrient distribution in the upper 300 m of the eastern
Banda Sea and northern Arafura Sea during and after the upwelling season. Journal of
Sea Research, 4(25), 449464.
Wyrtki, K. (1961). Physical Oceanography of the Southeast Asian Waters. Scientific Results of
Marine Investigation of the South China Sea and the Gulf of Thailand 1959-1961, 2(Naga
Report), 195.
Ditjen Perikanan Tangkap. (2009). Statistik Perikanan Tangkap di Laut Menurut WPP.
Elasari, N., Perdanawati, R. A., & Mauludiyah, M. (2022). Analisis Korelasi Parameter
Oseanografi Terhadap Hasil Tangkapan Jaring Purse Seine di Perairan Kranji, Kecamatan
Paciran Kabupaten Lamongan. Jurnal Perikanan Dan Kelautan, 27(3), 371.
Falkowsky, P. G. (1980). Primary Productivity in the sea. plenum press.
FAO. (2022). The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2022. In In Brief to The State of
World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2022.
Gordon, A. L., & Susanto, R. D. (2001). Banda Sea surface-layer divergence. Ocean Dynamics,
52(1), 210.
Jamal, M., Hasrun, & Ernaningsih. (2014). Tingkat Pemanfaatan Dan Estimasi Potensi Ikan
Cakalang ( Katsuwonus Pelamis ) Di Kawasan Teluk Bone. 24(2), 2028.
Kemili, P., & Putri, M. R. (2012). Influences of Upwelling Duration and Intensity Based on
Sea Surface Temperature Anomaly Toward Primary Productivity Variability in
Indonesian Waters. Jurnal Ilmu Dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis, 4(1).
Nurafifah, U. O., Zainuri, M., Wirasatriya, A., Oseanografi, D., Perikanan, F., & Diponegoro,
U. (2022). Pengaruh ENSO dan IOD Terhadap Distribusi Suhu Permukaan Laut dan
Klorofil-a Pada Periode Upwelling di Laut Banda. 04(03), 7485.
Ratnawati, H. I., Hidayat, R., Bey, A., & June, T. (2016). Upwelling di Laut Banda dan Pesisir
Selatan Jawa serta Hubungannya dengan ENSO dan IOD. Omni-Akuatika, 12(3), 119
Riupassa, Y., & Wattimuri, J. (2016). Variabilitas Musiman Suhu Permukaan Laut Dan Angin
Di Laut Arafura.
Rosyadi, M. I. (2018). Variabilitas Konsentrasi Klorofil-a di Laut Aru Tahun 20032016.
Tugas Akhir Sarjana Program Studi Oseanografi, FITBITB.
Saraswata, A. G., & Subadjo, P. (2013). Pengaruh Monsun Terhadap Distribusi Suhu
Permukaan Laut Dan Klorofil-A. 2, 7987.
Simbolon, D. (2019). Daerah penangkapan ikan: perencanaan, degradasi, dan pengelolaan.
PT Penerbit IPB Press.
Sukresno, B., & Kasa, I. W. (2008). Dynamic Analysis of Banda Sea Concering With El Nino,
Indonesian Through Flow and Monsoon. Ecotrophic, 3(2), 8791.
Taufiqurrahman, A. (2004). Studi Variasi Temperatur dan Salinitas di Perairan Digul Irian
Jaya. Universitas Padjajaran.
Tristianto, G., Wulandari, S. Y., Suryoputro, A. A. D., Handoyo, G., & Zainuri, M. (2021).
Studi Variabilitas Upwelling di Laut Banda. Indonesian Journal of Oceanography, 3(1),
[ Estimation of The Potential of Large Pelagic Fish Fisheries Using
Satellite Data in The Banda and Arafura Seas]
Vol. 4, No. 12, 2023
Muhammad Faqih Ahkam, Ayi Tarya |
Tubalawony, Purnanama, & Ferdinandus. (2015). Penentuan Daerah Potensial Upwelling dan
kaitannya Dengan Pengolaan Laut Banda. Seminar Nasional-Pembangunan Kelautan
dan Perikanan Berbasis Laut Banda. Ambon.
Uneputty, B. A. S., Tubalawony, S., & Noya, Y. A. (2022). Klorofil-a dan kaitannya terhadap
Produktifitas Primer Perairan Laut Banda pada Fenomena La Nina Chlorophil-a and
their related to Primary Productivity in Banda Sea Waters in The La Nina Phenomenon
mengetahui daerah potensial penangkapan ( Mustikasari et . 2(1), 5765.
Westeyn, Gordon, I., & Baars. (1990). Nutrient distribution in the upper 300 m of the eastern
Banda Sea and northern Arafura Sea during and after the upwelling season. Journal of
Sea Research, 4(25), 449464.
Wyrtki, K. (1961). Physical Oceanography of the Southeast Asian Waters. Scientific Results of
Marine Investigation of the South China Sea and the Gulf of Thailand 1959-1961, 2(Naga
Report), 195.
Ditjen Perikanan Tangkap. (2009). Statistik Perikanan Tangkap di Laut Menurut WPP.
Elasari, N., Perdanawati, R. A., & Mauludiyah, M. (2022). Analisis Korelasi Parameter
Oseanografi Terhadap Hasil Tangkapan Jaring Purse Seine di Perairan Kranji, Kecamatan
Paciran Kabupaten Lamongan. Jurnal Perikanan Dan Kelautan, 27(3), 371.
Falkowsky, P. G. (1980). Primary Productivity in the sea. plenum press.
FAO. (2022). The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2022. In In Brief to The State of
World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2022.
Gordon, A. L., & Susanto, R. D. (2001). Banda Sea surface-layer divergence. Ocean Dynamics,
52(1), 210.
Jamal, M., Hasrun, & Ernaningsih. (2014). Tingkat Pemanfaatan Dan Estimasi Potensi Ikan
Cakalang ( Katsuwonus Pelamis ) Di Kawasan Teluk Bone. 24(2), 2028.
Kemili, P., & Putri, M. R. (2012). Influences of Upwelling Duration and Intensity Based on
Sea Surface Temperature Anomaly Toward Primary Productivity Variability in
Indonesian Waters. Jurnal Ilmu Dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis, 4(1).
Nurafifah, U. O., Zainuri, M., Wirasatriya, A., Oseanografi, D., Perikanan, F., & Diponegoro,
U. (2022). Pengaruh ENSO dan IOD Terhadap Distribusi Suhu Permukaan Laut dan
Klorofil-a Pada Periode Upwelling di Laut Banda. 04(03), 7485.
Ratnawati, H. I., Hidayat, R., Bey, A., & June, T. (2016). Upwelling di Laut Banda dan Pesisir
Selatan Jawa serta Hubungannya dengan ENSO dan IOD. Omni-Akuatika, 12(3), 119
Riupassa, Y., & Wattimuri, J. (2016). Variabilitas Musiman Suhu Permukaan Laut Dan Angin
Di Laut Arafura.
Rosyadi, M. I. (2018). Variabilitas Konsentrasi Klorofil-a di Laut Aru Tahun 20032016.
Tugas Akhir Sarjana Program Studi Oseanografi, FITBITB.
Saraswata, A. G., & Subadjo, P. (2013). Pengaruh Monsun Terhadap Distribusi Suhu
Permukaan Laut Dan Klorofil-A. 2, 7987.
Simbolon, D. (2019). Daerah penangkapan ikan: perencanaan, degradasi, dan pengelolaan.
PT Penerbit IPB Press.
Sukresno, B., & Kasa, I. W. (2008). Dynamic Analysis of Banda Sea Concering With El Nino,
Indonesian Through Flow and Monsoon. Ecotrophic, 3(2), 8791.
Taufiqurrahman, A. (2004). Studi Variasi Temperatur dan Salinitas di Perairan Digul Irian
Jaya. Universitas Padjajaran.
Tristianto, G., Wulandari, S. Y., Suryoputro, A. A. D., Handoyo, G., & Zainuri, M. (2021).
[ Estimation of The Potential of Large Pelagic Fish Fisheries Using
Satellite Data in The Banda and Arafura Seas]
2352|Muhammad Faqih Ahkam, Ayi Tarya
Studi Variabilitas Upwelling di Laut Banda. Indonesian Journal of Oceanography, 3(1),
Tubalawony, Purnanama, & Ferdinandus. (2015). Penentuan Daerah Potensial Upwelling dan
kaitannya Dengan Pengolaan Laut Banda. Seminar Nasional-Pembangunan Kelautan
dan Perikanan Berbasis Laut Banda. Ambon.
Uneputty, B. A. S., Tubalawony, S., & Noya, Y. A. (2022). Klorofil-a dan kaitannya terhadap
Produktifitas Primer Perairan Laut Banda pada Fenomena La Nina Chlorophil-a and
their related to Primary Productivity in Banda Sea Waters in The La Nina Phenomenon
mengetahui daerah potensial penangkapan ( Mustikasari et . 2(1), 5765.
Westeyn, Gordon, I., & Baars. (1990). Nutrient distribution in the upper 300 m of the eastern
Banda Sea and northern Arafura Sea during and after the upwelling season. Journal of
Sea Research, 4(25), 449464.
Wyrtki, K. (1961). Physical Oceanography of the Southeast Asian Waters. Scientific Results of
Marine Investigation of the South China Sea and the Gulf of Thailand 1959-1961, 2(Naga
Report), 195.
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Muhammad Faqih Ahkam, Ayi Tarya (2023)
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Devotion - Journal of Research and Community Service
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