Volume 1, Number 2, January, 2020

p-ISSN: 2777-0915 | e-ISSN 2797-6068


Dedy Setiawan UIN Sunan Kalijaga

E-mail : [email protected]


Social Media, Tempe Chips, MSMEs

Article Info Accepted: January, 5th 2020 Revised:

January, 12nd 2020 Approved: January, 14th 2020

Abstract The marketing strategy of the tempe chips MSME in the village of Mulyasari does not yet have modern marketing skills. This has greatly affected business development, because if rely solely on sales by leaving it in small shops, it is feared that the sustainability of business will be threatened. The purpose of this research is to develop social media such as youtube, instagram, facebook, twitter and whatsaap to increase the income of MSME tempe chips in Mulyasari village. The research method used in this activity is Participatory Action Research. Researchers did social media design, implemented social media, and analyzed MSME tempe chips using existing social media. The results of the study found that the income of these tempe chips MSME obtained an increase of 36.05% from the previous profit. Initially, the monthly income of tempe chips MSME earned around Rp. 1,803,000. However, after using a modern marketing strategy using social media so that the tempe chips MSME business can earn a monthly profit of around Rp. 2. 453,000, then the income of this tempe chips MSME will increase by Rp. 650,000.


The information system is one of the important components in supporting activities to process or convert data into useful information according to Dea Yuzistin, Dindo Fiqri Aji in (Mahendra, 2021). The MSME program carried out by the residents of Mulyasari village is quite rapid, one of the MSMEs that is currently developing is the production of tempe into processed products in the form of tempe chips. One of the tempe chips entrepreneurs in Mulyasari village is Mr. Rusdi, who was previously a bank employee.

However, with the reason that he wanted to get a bigger income from the employees so that Mr. Rusdi became an entrepreneur of tempe chips MSME. The tempe chips business, which is run by Mr. Rusdi, started running in 2018. The idea for the tempe chips business is because his wife's family has been running the

rengginang business for a long time. So that Mr. Rusdi took the initiative to develop tempe chips because he saw the rapid development of rengginang(KPM DR Mulyasari, 2020)

"R-3 Snack" is a business label initiated by Mr. Rusdi. The label is a business label consisting of tempeh and rengginang chips snacks. This tempe chip packaging label has only been around since 2020. However, the production business initiated by Mr. Rusdi does not yet have a BPOM permit. So that the marketing carried out by Mr. Rusdi is still limited (KPM DR Mulyasari, 2020).

Before going deeper, I will explain about marketing. Marketing is one of the important lines in business, how a product is introduced until it is distributed to consumers (Hariyanti & Wirapraja, 2018)Marketing is also one of the business activities that are directly related to consumers (Haryanto, Pebriyanto, & Banjarmasin, 2020) The digital era like now marketing already uses technology. The development of digital technology allows MSME players to market their products online and make transactions through the online banking system as well (Wardhana, 2015).

Development and economic development of developing countries such as Indonesia are highly dependent on “Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises” (MSMEs) ((Sunardi, Lesmana, Rudi, Kartono, & Hasbiyah, 2020). The development of economic development based on broad community participation as business actors is the government's commitment to current economic development (Susanti, 2018) Economic growth in Indonesia is driven by several sectors, one of the sectors that has a very strategic role is the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises sector or MSMEs according to Hafsah in (Kholidah & Hakim, 2018).

The rapid development of technology, the digital world and the internet certainly has an impact on the world of marketing (Purwana, Dedi, Rahmi, Aditya, & Shandy, 2017) The development of technology, the digital world and the internet have had a strong impact on the world of marketing. The marketing system that was originally traditional (offline) has now shifted to digital (online). Digital marketing is a marketing strategy that utilizes internet technology with the website as the mediator (Susanti, 2018).

Marketing srategy of tempe crypics to increase income for MSME group in

Today's technology continues to evolve and the benefits of using the internet are felt for its users. Some people feel dependent on the internet, including the activities of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in utilizing information technology to run their business (Febriyantoro & Arisandi, 2018).

There are several weaknesses of MSMEs in Indonesia such as management, organization, technology, capital, operational and technical in the field, limited market access, licensing constraints, and non-technical costs in the field that are difficult to avoid (Lestari, 2016). free trade competition and globalization, the market share needs to be expanded by MSMEs. When the market share is wide, the creation of core competencies is a key strategy to win the competition.

The marketing that was carried out by Mr. Rusdi was still ineffective, especially in the modernization era like now which all uses technology, including in terms of marketing. The marketing of tempe chips is carried out by Mr. Rusdi by entrusting it to stalls in Mulyasari Village and stalls in Losari District. The farthest marketing for tempe chips is in Gebang District. The marketing activities were carried out directly by Mr. Rusdi himself. Mr. Rusdi does not have the skills on modern marketing strategies. This has greatly affected business development, because if you rely solely on sales by depositing in stalls, it is feared that the sustainability of your business will be threatened (KPM DR Mulyasari, 2020).

One of the goals of MSMEs is to find as many consumers and distributors as possible to get profits that are as expected and can meet the needs of life (Jonathan & Lestari, 2015). Based on the description of the problems faced by the MSME entrepreneurs above, a media is needed to be able to help promote Mr. Rusdi's tempe chips MSME in Mulyasari village so that social media for small and medium enterprises is needed for marketing tempe chips products.

Method Research

The research method used in this activity is Participatory Action Research. The research activity was carried out by making direct observations by participating in Mr. Rusdi's MSME activities in Mulyasari Village and collecting data related to the tempe chips MSME obtained from interviews with the owners of the tempe chips MSME in Mulyasari Village. Then the researchers did social media design, implemented social media, and analyzed MSME tempe chips using existing social media.

Result and Discussion

After making direct observations by participating in Mr. Rusdi's MSME activities in Mulyasari Village, there were problems faced by tempe chips MSME, namely Mr. Rusdi did not have the skills about modern marketing strategies. So it is necessary to implement the use of the social media system on MSME for tempe chips to help market products and increase MSME income.

The marketing strategy carried out is to use a modern marketing strategy by utilizing information technology, namely through social media YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp. Through this social media, the tempe chip MSME entrepreneurs can more easily market their products to customers and increase the income of MSMEs The use of social media such as YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp has increased the income of tempe chips MSME. Initially, the monthly income of tempe chips MSME used the traditional marketing model, namely by entrusting it.

Tempe chips to stalls and shops earn a profit of around Rp. 1,803,000. However, after using a modern marketing strategy using social media such as YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp, this tempe chip MSME business can earn a monthly profit of around Rp. 2. 453,000, then the income of this tempe chips MSME will increase by Rp. 650,000. The researchers observed this change in income when the tempe chips MSME used social media in early December 2020 to early January 2021.

Marketing strategies through social media have become the main choice for business actors, especially MSME entrepreneurs. On average, MSME entrepreneurs use social media such as YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp. This fact is supported by the results of research conducted by Dellia Mila Vernia in 2017, that internet usage in Indonesia is increasing every year, and there are 3 social media that are frequently visited, namely Facebook, Instagram and YouTube (Vernia, 2017).

Likewise, research conducted by Toto Sukarnoto in 2020, that social media such as YouTube, Instagram and Facebook can be an effective promotional media in the industrial world 4.0 (Sukarnoto, 2020). The marketing strategy applied by

Marketing srategy of tempe crypics to increase income for MSME group in

researchers at tempe chip MSMEs in this study refers to some of the results of previous research, namely the use of social media for product marketing. So that the use of social media such as YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp is applied to these tempe chips MSMEs in order to continue to exist following the current trend of product sales, especially to help product marketing and increase MSME income.

The use of social media, youtube, instagram, facebook, twitter and whatsaap on MSMEs, tempe chips are very effective in helping to market products and increase the income of MSMEs. The marketing method with social media is by creating interesting content for the introduction of tempe chips products, such as the tempe chips product catalog, the location of the tempe chips supplier shop, tempe chips consumer testimonials and others. This method has been tested to increase sales of tempeh chips after using social media such as YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp. The income of these tempe chips MSME got an increase of 36.05% from their previous profit when sales were still using the method of entrusting them to stalls and shops.

The results of the increase in MSME income of tempe chips by 36.05% indicate that social media has an influence on the sales of tempe chips. The results of this study are in line with previous research on the use of social media for product marketing, namely research conducted by Nuraeni and Suryawardani in 2017, that Instagram social media is effectively used to attract consumer interest (Nuraeni & Suryawardani, 2017) The effectiveness of the use of social media is evidenced by the increase in the income of these tempe chips MSME which increased by Rp. 650,000.


Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that the use of social media such as YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp has increased the income of tempe chips MSME. Initially, the monthly income of tempe chips UMKM was around Rp. 1,803,000. However, after using modern marketing strategies using social media, the tempe chips MSME business can get a monthly profit of around Rp. 2. 453,000, then the income of this tempe chips MSME will increase by Rp. 650,000. The income of these tempe chips MSME increased 36.05% from the previous profit.


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Copyright holder: Dedy Setiawan (2020)

First publication right: Devotion - Journal of Community Service

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Marketing srategy of tempe crypics to increase income for MSME group inMulyasari Village, Losari District 74