Elis Minawati, Firman Hadi Rivai, Ridwan Rajab | http://devotion.greenvest.co.id
Elis Minawati, Firman Hadi Rivai, Ridwan Rajab
Politeknik STIA LAN Jakarta, Indonesia
Email: elisminawati[email protected]
Human Resources,
Career Development,
Civil servant
This study aims to analyze career development for civil servants and strategy based
on merit system at Depok Metro Resort Police of Metro Jaya Regional Police. The
research method uses qualitative research. Data collection is carried out through
interview techniques and document review. The results showed that (1) the ideal
merit- system-based career coaching strategy at the Depok Metro Resort Police of
Metro Jaya Regional Police must include 4 important aspects in career development
of civil servants using HR management theory from Sutrisno (2019) which includes
aspects of planning, organizing, actuating and controlling. (2) In order to realize the
civil servant career development strategy, Indonesian National Police must first
compile types of structural and functional positions specifically intended for civil
servants to clarify the position of career paths for civil servants in Indonesian
National Police by applying 3 (three) other aspects according to Mondy's theory
(2005) which includes educational qualifications, competencies and optimal
performance to ensure that the management of civil servants resources in Indonesian
National Police is carried out properly. In order for the Depok Metro Resort Police
to implement a career development strategy, by prioritizing qualification,
competence and performance for all civil servants, supported by the budget to
improve the civil servants quality of Depok Metro Resort Police. With the
improvement of the quality of civil servants evenly, organizational goals can be
realized effectively and efficiently.
The Indonesian National Police (Polri) has undergone a paradigm shift in service,
focusing on substantial reforms and enhancing professionalism. Polri is expected to be a
protector, guardian, and servant of the community. Within the Polri environment, there is a
push to improve professionalism with a focus on career development management. Career
development (Binkar) at the Metro Depok Police Resort of the Jakarta Metropolitan Regional
Police seeks to enhance the quality of personnel services through improvements in
infrastructure, facilities, and programs such as human resources development. Despite the
desire for change, there is an imbalance between police officers and Civil Servants (PNS), with
a higher number of police officers. A comparison with police forces in developed countries
shows differences in the percentage of Polri personnel and civilian employees.
Civil servants in the police force in the United States have a higher number of job
positions than in South Korea and Polri. The placement patterns and job formations for civilian
employees in Polri show differences, with civilians able to fill police positions, but not vice
versa. The focus of this research is on the career development of civilian employees in the
Metro Depok Police Resort of the Jakarta Metropolitan Regional Police. There is a low interest
among civilian employees in Polri to participate in specialized development education
Volume 4, Number 11, November 2023
e-ISSN: 2797-6068 and p-ISSN: 2777-0915
[ Analysis of Civil Servant Career Development at Depok Metro
Resort Police of Metro Jaya Regional Police]
Vol. 4, No. 11, 2023
Elis Minawati, Firman Hadi Rivai, Ridwan Rajab | http://devotion.greenvest.co.id
(Dikbangspes) and national leadership education (Diklatpim). This condition reflects a
mismatch between job placements and the education that has been undertaken.
The appointment of civilian positions in the Metro Depok Police Resort of the Jakarta
Metropolitan Regional Police does not entirely align with the PNS career development policy.
Data shows a low level of educational background and professionalism among civilian
employees, impacting the overall professionalism of PNS. The suboptimal implementation of
career development in the Metro Depok Police Resort of the Jakarta Metropolitan Regional
Police can affect the motivation of civilian employees to develop their competencies. The
research highlights the mismatch between career development policies and their
implementation in the field, emphasizing the importance of aligning job placements and
civilian education. Based on these facts, the author is interested in addressing the research title
on the Analysis of Career Development for Civil Servants in the Metro Depok Police Resort
of the Jakarta Metropolitan Regional Police.
Identified issues include the suboptimal implementation of career development,
inappropriate job placements based on competencies and education, low interest among
civilian employees in Polri to develop competencies, and career opportunity inequalities,
especially in rank IV/b and IV/c. Problem formulations involve career development strategies
based on a merit system. The research aims to understand the career development of civilian
employees and formulate merit-based career development strategies at the Metro Depok Police
Resort of the Jakarta Metropolitan Regional Police. The benefits of the research involve a
positive contribution to the development of management science related to the governance of
the organization's main assets, providing references for further research, and offering input to
Polri leaders in implementing more prospective and appropriate career development for civilian
employees in the area.
Several previous studies involving aspects of civil servant career development in various
contexts, such as governance patterns of Polri civil servant careers, implementation of
professional ethics codes for Thai civil servants, development of the civil servant performance
assessment system in China, implementation of career development policies for Civil Service
Police Personnel in Lombok Tengah Regency, a model policy for the implementation of
structural officer recruitment in Bolaang Mongondow Utara Regency, and evaluation of career
development in the Ministry of Law and Human Rights environment. Each study reflects
challenges and issues in civil servant career development, although methods and research
locations may differ. This research aims to explore insights and formulate merit-based
strategies related to the career development of civil servants in the Metro Depok Police Resort
of the Jakarta Metropolitan Regional Police.
In general, the themes used in previous research are related to civil servant career
development, making them a reference for this study. Among these twelve previous studies,
none have the same locus as this research, even though all of them are related to career
development. The novelty of this research lies in the analysis of the causes of the suboptimal
implementation of career development for civilian employees in the Metro Depok Police
Resort of the Jakarta Metropolitan Regional Police and the formulation of more prospective
career development for civilian employees in Polri, which has not been previously studied.
This is the reason for the necessity of conducting this research. The contextual differences in
these previous studies will influence and differentiate the analysis results that will be produced
through the upcoming research (Sinambela, 2021). A concrete understanding of the causes of
the suboptimal implementation of career development for civilian employees in the Metro
Depok Police Resort of the Jakarta Metropolitan Regional Police and the formulation of more
prospective career development for civilian employees in Polri is the expected goal of this
[ Analysis of Civil Servant Career Development at Depok Metro
Resort Police of Metro Jaya Regional Police]
http://devotion.greenvest.co.id|Elis Minawati, Firman Hadi Rivai, Ridwan Rajab
The research method employed in this study is a qualitative method using an in-depth
analysis approach. The objective of this research is to analyze issues related to the
implementation of Civil Servant (PNS) career development in the Metro Depok Police Resort
of the Jakarta Metropolitan Regional Police. The qualitative research method was chosen to
obtain more accurate results and reveal more facts related to the implementation of PNS career
development. In this study, the researcher used a case study method, which is a descriptive
approach conducted intensively, in detail, and in-depth on a particular organism, institution, or
phenomenon. This case study involves data collection through archives, interviews,
questionnaires, and observations (Sugiyono, 2018).
The reason for choosing the case study method is that this strategy is suitable when the
core research questions are related to "how," and the research focus is on contemporary
phenomena in real-life contexts. The case study was conducted on PNS at the Metro Depok
Police Resort of the Jakarta Metropolitan Regional Police to gather information about the
implementation of career development, particularly regarding the suboptimal implementation
of career development, the mismatch of job placements with competencies, and the lack of
interest among Polri civilian employees to develop competencies (Suharsimi, 2013).
The data collection technique used involves interviews as the main method, focusing on
key informants with in-depth knowledge of the implementation of PNS career development.
Interviews were conducted using a semi-structured interview technique, ensuring that all topics
related to the research issues were covered. The research locus focused on the Human
Resources Division of the Metro Depok Police Resort of the Jakarta Metropolitan Regional
Police. In addition to interviews, secondary data collection was also carried out through field
notes and literature studies. Field notes include interview results, photos, diagrams, voice
recordings, and other notes. Literature studies were used to support the research concepts and
provide background information on the phenomenon under investigation.
The selection of key informants was done using purposive sampling technique, and
informants consisted of Polri officials/personnel as well as Polri civilian employees. This
research involved 7 key informants representing various positions and ranks of civilian
employees. The interview schedule was carefully arranged, covering different times and places
for each key informant. The data obtained from interviews and observations were then
processed and analyzed interactively. Descriptive qualitative data analysis includes four stages:
data reduction, data presentation, conclusion/verification drawing, and data validity. The
researcher also used triangulation techniques to ensure data validity, involving source
triangulation and technique triangulation (Moleong, 2014).
The main research instrument is the researcher themselves, supported by interview
guidelines, observation guidelines, and recording tools. Interviews were conducted in-depth,
and the researcher played the roles of planner, executor, data collector, analyst, data interpreter,
and research results reporter. Through this method, it is hoped that a deep understanding of the
implementation of PNS career development at the Metro Depok Police Resort of the Jakarta
Metropolitan Regional Police can be obtained, as well as identifying factors or obstacles that
affect its success.
Results and Analysis
PNS Career Development at Polres Metro Depok
Civil servants of the Indonesian National Police (Polri) are civil servants placed to carry
out duties within the Polri environment, and their career management is regulated by Polri.
[ Analysis of Civil Servant Career Development at Depok Metro
Resort Police of Metro Jaya Regional Police]
Vol. 4, No. 11, 2023
Elis Minawati, Firman Hadi Rivai, Ridwan Rajab | http://devotion.greenvest.co.id
However, other regulations regarding civil servants, as stipulated by the National Civil Service
Agency (BKN), also apply to Polri civil servants. Based on the research analysis referring to
the framework of thinking, theoretical concepts, and policies, the researcher will present and
discuss the data from interviews and document reviews conducted in the field. These data have
been assessed and correlated from various sources of information, including key informants
and documents related to career development in the Metro Depok Police Resort, covering the
implementation of career development programs and the design/strategy of the career
development model program.
According to the interview results, some informants have diverse understandings of the
definition of a career. Career is defined as work that someone wants to do within a specific
time frame as a result of training and/or education (inf.1). It is also seen as the achievement of
accomplishments by an individual (inf.2). Career is pursued because it holds value in helping
a person grow in skills, success, and job fulfillment, whether paid or not (inf.3). It can be
concluded that informants have partial understanding regarding the definition of a career, and
the information provided supports each other.
Based on the results of interviews, several informants had a mixed understanding of the
definition of career. Some informants define careers as people or employees who have
competent, superior performance that are ready to be developed as revealed by Informant 1
"A career is a job that people want to do in a certain time as a result of training and/or
Education. Career can also be defined as activities throughout the span of one's work
that are integral and give position and meaning in one's curriculum vitae as a pattern of
work-related experiences (e.g. job position, duties obligations, subjective decisions and
interpretations of work-related events" (Interview, August 2023)
The importance of understanding about careers is very important and meaningful so that
the Depok Metro Police can identify the best civil servant careers that deserve to be developed
and maintained their achievements. The career concept consists of five, namely career is a row
of jobs during the working life of an employee, the level of work occupied by employees who
form a position model in work sequentially, the target position in the job to be achieved
throughout one's career, job projections in order to choose goals or positions to be achieved in
work including efforts to improve work with the aim of achieving career targets personally
(Veithzal, 2011).
Career development of civil servants at the Depok Metro Police has a fairly long process
through educational qualifications, basic and advanced competency development and
performance appraisal of civil servants. Management aspects were analyzed using qualitative
approach methods through in-depth interviews with 8 key informants who are officials carrying
out the career development function of civil servants at the Depok Metro Police and key
informant users, and key informants of civil servants. The results of research that have been
carried out based on career coaching consist of qualifications, competencies and performance,
described as follows:
It is a process of improving the technical, theoretical, conceptual, and moral skills of
employees through education and training tailored to current and future job needs. The results
of research related to qualifications are explained in several aspects of management according
to Sutrisno (2019), as follows:
Planning Aspect
[ Analysis of Civil Servant Career Development at Depok Metro
Resort Police of Metro Jaya Regional Police]
http://devotion.greenvest.co.id|Elis Minawati, Firman Hadi Rivai, Ridwan Rajab
The career development planning of police civil servants related to position placement,
discipline coaching, supervision and maintenance is managed by each of the HR functions at
their respective police stations while the management of civil servant career development
related to civil servant procurement planning, first placement, promotion process, salary
system, training, and dismissal or termination of service for all members/civil servants at the
Depok Metro Police is managed by the Jakarta Metro Police. Furthermore, the researcher
crosschecked with qualitative data by conducting interviews with key informant 2 related to
understanding career planning as follows:
"The career plan is obtained from the personal improvements that a person makes to
achieve a career plan in relation to existing regulations. The regulation itself already
exists in PerkaP No. 16 of 2017 concerning career development of civil servants within
the National Police, and is used as a guideline for career development plans for civil
servants of the National Police, this has an influence as well". (August 2023 interview).
Based on the statement above, it can be interpreted that the career development planning
of civil servants has been regulated in accordance with Perkap No. 4 of 2013 concerning the
Procurement of Police CPNS, and based on a merit system, so it is better because it is clean,
transparent, accountable, non-discriminatory, or humanist. This is different from the findings
of Kamil's research (2018) which found that the placement of each position has not used a merit
system so it is necessary to build a competency-based HR development pattern in all position
positions to get an overview of positions, positions and paths that can be passed and achieved
by employees (Kamil, 2018).
Organizing Aspects
The order of organizing and shifting the position of civil servants in the Depok Metro
Police horizontally, vertically or diagonally in the position of administrator, functional or high
leadership position is a form of career development organization for civil servants in the
National Police which has been considered not optimal in its implementation. One of the key
informants (key informant 1) states the following:
"If we talk about organizing, yes... Speak professionally. It must be what it was called, I
wanted to talk. So, it's like this. E, e, Professional is synonymous with the function of yes
in an organization. If I think. "The functions of the organization must be filled by
professional people". That person is not professional if it is not his function. Yes, right.
So. It's just a problem with the functions in the police." (Interview, August 2023)
Based on the statement above, it can be interpreted that there has not been optimal
organizing in the implementation of career coaching at the Depok Metro Police Station. To
find out the causes of the lack of optimal career coaching organization, an analysis was carried
out on aspects of human resource management used in the management of civil servant career
coaching at the Depok Metro Police which is most appropriate and used in the career
management of civil servants at the Depok Metro Police and all work units in the Depok Metro
Police Human Resources, namely the theory of human resource management according to Edy
Sutrisno (2019: 9-11) which are elements that can support smooth human resource
management activities, one of which is the element of organizing (Sutrisno, 2019).
[ Analysis of Civil Servant Career Development at Depok Metro
Resort Police of Metro Jaya Regional Police]
Vol. 4, No. 11, 2023
Elis Minawati, Firman Hadi Rivai, Ridwan Rajab | http://devotion.greenvest.co.id
Aspects of Direction and Preparation
Career coaching qualifications based on aspects of direction and procurement obtained
findings that (1) according to the formation they are applying for, especially those in specific
work units such as medicine, psychologists (inf.3); (2) The placement of civil servants is often
not in accordance with the initial planning (inf.4); and (3) Obtain a promotion for which they
do not meet the competency requirements for office ((inf.5). The conclusion obtained from the
interview results that informants have different understandings regarding career coaching
based on aspects of direction and procurement.
Placement of procured or newly recruited civil servants in accordance with the formation
applied for only in functions that provide functional positions such as medicine, psychology
and forensic laboratories. The data findings stated that the direction and procurement of civil
servants was only 57 people or 4% of the number of personnel at the Depok Metro Police
Station. Then of the 57 numbers, only 1 person has fulfilled Duikjur's personal competence as
a Coach or serves as a functional HR section This is supported by the opinion of key informant
3 obtained through interviews that:
"Most civil servants have been placed according to the formation they applied for,
especially those in specific work units such as medicine, psychologists and forensic
laboratories, but some in the coaching function have not been appropriate because the
formation of the position applied for has been filled by members of the National Police"
(Interview, August 2023)
Control Aspect
The results of interviews with several informants obtained findings that (1) The
implementation of civil servant task control at the Depok Metro Police Station was quite good
but not optimal (inf.5); and (2) The mechanism used so that civil servants have good
performance and performance by providing rewards (inf.1). Informants have different
understandings of career coaching based on aspects of control. This is reinforced by the
statement of key informant 5 through interviews who stated that:
"The implementation and control of civil servants' task control at the Depok Metro Police
Station is quite good but not optimal in terms of evaluating the implementation of control
and its follow-up, the implementation of performance control is carried out through
Employee Performance Assessment and Assessment of 13 Competency Components"
(Interview, August 2023).
In line with this research, the results of a study from Rahman, Rahim, & Elfiansyah,
(2018) found that supervision at work has an important role in a company's management to
achieve an important goal (Rahman et al., 2018). Effective supervision in each part or division
of the company, the company's operational activities will run smoothly and the effectiveness
of employee work can be realized.
Competency Aspect
Apparatus competence is more related to the nature or personality of an apparatus which
is used as the basis for the ability to carry out all the tasks given. The focus of competence is
to utilize knowledge and work skills to achieve optimal performance in the organization. Thus,
competence is everything that a person has in the form of knowledge, skills, and other internal
factors of individuals to be able to do a job. In other words, competence is the ability to carry
out tasks based on the knowledge and skills that each individual has.
[ Analysis of Civil Servant Career Development at Depok Metro
Resort Police of Metro Jaya Regional Police]
http://devotion.greenvest.co.id|Elis Minawati, Firman Hadi Rivai, Ridwan Rajab
The results of research related to competence are explained in several aspects of
management according to Sutrisno (2019), as follows :
Planning Aspect
Competency based on planning aspects is very important but difficult to implement
because it must unite two different interests in one organization. This is in accordance with
the findings of research owned by Nazeli and Adisasmito, (2007) that employee recruitment
must have a level of proficiency in job positions and hierarchical levels owned/ranked, transfer
and promotion programs, training, and mentoring from seniors are sources of career coaching
for nurses and field assignments from the suprasystem for military nurses. This is confirmed
by the statement of key informant 1 through interviews who stated that:
"The integration of competencies between organizational interests and individual
interests in the Depok Metro Police is currently good, but civil servants who have
participated in PKN Level II have not been accommodated to be able to occupy echelon
II positions"
Based on the statement above, it can be interpreted that there is still an imbalance of
interests between individuals and the objectives of the National Police institution from the
aspect of competency planning, so that organizational goals that should be able to achieve the
goals so that employee empowerment can help develop the organization, ultimately do not
achieve the goals effectively and efficiently.
Organizing Aspects
In this study, the organizing aspect according to the results of interviews from several
informants was good and appropriate. However, specifically for civil servants who have
participated in PKN II have not been accommodated to occupy Echelon II positions, so that
career development of Police Human Resources is still not stable or optimal. In Husni's
research (2016), it proves that the organizing process should combine individual goals through
career coaching with organizational goals to be aligned. Furthermore, key informant 4 also
adds the following:
"Be honest. So, it is indeed to harmonize what I said earlier that integration must exist in
the organization and indeed we must live by, e, in harmony. In this way, the interests of the
organization go, the interests of individual HR also the way. So, I think it should be both
balanced." (Interview, August 2023)
Aspects of Direction and Preparation
Directing and procuring Police human resources as a strategic aspect in realizing changes
in organizational culture and performance. The development of police human resources is an
important aspect and a priority in realizing superior performance, considering that these
conditions will greatly impact on increasing public confidence in the performance of the
National Police. The development of police human resources is carried out through a system
of recruitment, selection, training and placement as well as police career coaching.
Next, key informant 3 gives the following statement:
"The direction in career coaching is a reference that contains techniques and methods
for preparing career development and coaching using elements including formal
education, education and training, age, length of service and rank. One of the career
coaching management of civil servants that I went through, yes, there was training for
the National Police. During this time I have been following Education and training. For
[ Analysis of Civil Servant Career Development at Depok Metro
Resort Police of Metro Jaya Regional Police]
Vol. 4, No. 11, 2023
Elis Minawati, Firman Hadi Rivai, Ridwan Rajab | http://devotion.greenvest.co.id
Police Education, I attended Prajab Education Group III in 2011, then for Education
and Training Development, First; I attended Government Accounting Training in 2010.
The second; Tested PNS Group III Render Function in 2012, the third; Goods and
Services Certification in 2016, the last Police Analist Training in 2020." (Interview ,
August 2023)
The statement above, explains that there is a mutation implementation in terms of human
resource procurement carried out at the Depok Metro Police Station and adjusted to the
provisions. The development of Police Human Resources, related to improving the competence
of human resources, the estuary is the satisfaction and trust of the customer community. Human
resource development is important and an integral part of the police career coaching system
Control Aspect
The author conducts a career coaching needs analysis based on Mondy's theory (2005)
which states that control in career coaching is a formal approach used by organizations to
ensure that people with the right qualifications, competencies and experience are available if
needed through performance, competence and educational qualifications. The results of
research related to career coaching based on competence are reviewed from the control aspects
as follows:
"Competency control through training and education is a way to develop the competence
of Police Human Resources, so it needs to be done both managerial and specialty. The
survey results show that civil servants at the Depok Metro Police want to get the same
opportunity as members of the National Police to take part in managerial training
(Interview, August 2023)
It is one of the important human resource management functions and is the key to
realizing organizational goals, because without discipline, it is difficult to realize maximum
goals. Discipline, desire and awareness to obey organizational rules and social norms.
Figure 4.3. Performance-Based career coaching
Source: Depok Metro Police HR Bag Documentation
The results of research related to performance are explained in several aspects of
management according to Sutrisno (2019), as follows:
[ Analysis of Civil Servant Career Development at Depok Metro
Resort Police of Metro Jaya Regional Police]
http://devotion.greenvest.co.id|Elis Minawati, Firman Hadi Rivai, Ridwan Rajab
Planning Aspect
Overall, the planning aspect of career development for civil servants at the Depok Metro
Police Station has not been optimal because the placement of personnel is only adjusted to the
needs without aligning with the skills and education of personnel. In fact, civil servants in
general, placement formation will always be adjusted to the education of applicants, even the
TNI has implemented this policy, so that personnel task posts are clear and increase the
motivation of personnel performance. The results of research by Amelia, Poetra, & Putri, show
that academic factors affect employee performance. Employees who have an adequate level of
education certainly have expectations to continue to skyrocket their careers, so employees tend
to have higher work motivation because they have expectations to occupy higher positions.
This is supported by the statement of key informant 4 during the interview which stated that:
"Regarding the discipline of civil servants at the Depok Metro Police is quite good, no
civil servant has ever violated discipline or code of ethics, the organization has a high
discipline culture because the majority of employees consist of members of the National
Police who are trained and educated to have high personal discipline and obey the orders
of superiors and respect seniors, so that the organizational culture that is built is a high
discipline culture that greatly affects the level of discipline of civil servants in one
organization" (Interview, August 2023)
According to an empirical study by Siregar (2015), it proves that work discipline and
work climate factors have a positive and significant (real) effect on employee work
performance. For this reason, discipline must be developed so that order and efficiency also
grow. Without good discipline, do not expect good work performance.
Organizing Aspects
The Depok Metro Police data above, also supported by the results of organizing
interviews through career coaching of civil servants at the Depok Metro Police has gone well
but presents many polemics at the Depok Metro Police, this is evidenced by the results of
interviews with a number of key informants internal and external Depok Metro Police,
expressing the same opinion regarding the organization of civil servants at the Depok Metro
Police, key informant 5 stated: "I am a bit pessimistic in the implementation of career
coaching at the Depok Metro Police, this is because filling positions alone is privacy, closed
and not transparent" (Interview, August 2023)
Based on the interview above, it can be interpreted that although it has not been
maximized, the placement of police civil servants has begun to be adjusted to the needs.
Implementation of the program through Competency Improvement Training for Police Civil
Servants based on the Improvement Program Plan with the team and consultants.
Aspects of Direction and Preparation
According to Hakim & Cahyani's research, it was found that job rotation can affect
personnel work motivation. The higher the position rotation, the higher the personnel work
motivation, conversely, the lower the position rotation, the lower the personnel work
This is in accordance with the interview results from respondents' answers which prove
that Depok Metro Police civil servants have obtained employment rights in terms of career
development. In the organizing aspect, it can then be explained that in general needs such as
employment rights in terms of career coaching, promotion opportunities have been given by
the National Police HR as an element of supervision and management function of the Police
[ Analysis of Civil Servant Career Development at Depok Metro
Resort Police of Metro Jaya Regional Police]
Vol. 4, No. 11, 2023
Elis Minawati, Firman Hadi Rivai, Ridwan Rajab | http://devotion.greenvest.co.id
HR. This is corroborated by the opinion of key informant 5 conveyed through interviews stating
"There are still many civil servants in the Depok Metro Police who have attended
education and training including vocational education who have not received a position
placement, while some civil servants who have not attended education and training have
received promotions where they do not meet the competency requirements to occupy the
position, this needs to be straightened out so that the merit system in human resource
governance can be applied" (Supervisor Interview, August 2023).
Based on the statement above, it can be interpreted that the direction and procurement
have been adjusted to the needs of the rank in a satker, which refers to Government Regulation
No.12 of 2002 concerning Rank. And for its implementation, refer to the Regulation of the
Head of BKN No.12 of 2002 concerning the Implementation of Promotion. This will increase
the effectiveness of performance, where a research study found that (Arifudin & Rusmana,
2020), employee placement has a significant effect on employee work effectiveness.
Control Aspect
The control aspect in the development of Depok Metro Police civil servants in terms of
improving personnel competence is not appropriate because the opportunity to participate in
training for Depok Metro Police civil servants is still minimal, the implementation of training,
both specialization, managerial and vocational. The results of Rahmatiah's empirical study
prove that education and training in accordance with organizational needs have an influence
on improving employee competence. In this study, regarding the control aspect, it was found
"... There is good work control in the organizational environment. In fact, a performance
evaluation has been conducted. This is certainly an indicator that the National Police
organization has carried out one of the elements of organizational management well.
However, it still needs to be optimized because some respondents' answers regarding the
supervision of the Depok Metro Police on personnel performance on a regular basis are
still not optimal, meaning that there are still indications that the control of the Depok
Metro Police is not in accordance with what it should be ." (Interview, August 2023).
The results of the analysis of aspects of human resource management used in analyzing
the causes why the career development governance of police civil servants at the Depok Metro
Police has not been optimal obtained the following results:
1. In the aspect of qualification, there is no balance between opportunities for competency
development of members of the National Police and civil servants, all types of
education and training are dominated by members of the National Police.
2. In the aspect of competence, civil servants at the Depok Metro Police have been given
roles in accordance with their competence in the organization and placement of civil
servant positions at the Depok Metro Police in accordance with their educational
background and the type of development education they have followed, but for civil
servants who have participated in PKN Level II have not been accommodated to be
able to occupy echelon II positions.
3. Performance aspects have been well organized in order to support career coaching and
achievement of organizational goals.
4. Then from the management aspect, namely the lack of optimal planning for the needs
of civil servants at the Depok Metro Police in planning the real needs of the organization
[ Analysis of Civil Servant Career Development at Depok Metro
Resort Police of Metro Jaya Regional Police]
http://devotion.greenvest.co.id|Elis Minawati, Firman Hadi Rivai, Ridwan Rajab
for civil servants because it is not clear the formation of positions specifically made to
be occupied by civil servants.
5. The organization of career development for civil servants at the Depok Metro Police
has not been carried out optimally because structural and functional positions for civil
servants have not been clearly regulated, all existing positions can be occupied by
members of the National Police, but not all positions can be occupied by civil servants.
This is what causes the non-optimal implementation of career coaching for civil
servants at the Depok Metro Police.
6. Briefing and Procurement. The placement of procurement or newly recruited civil
servants in accordance with the formation applied for is only in functions that provide
functional positions such as medicine, psychology and forensic laboratories, while in
other functions it is not appropriate because the position applied for has been held by a
member of the National Police. In terms of directing civil servants to work effectively
and efficiently in helping to achieve organizational goals, it has not been implemented
properly so that there are still many civil servants in the Manausia Resource Staff work
unit who have attended education and training including vocational education who have
not received a position, while some civil servants who have not attended education and
training get promotions where they do not Fulfilling the competency requirements to
occupy the position, this needs to be straightened out so that the merit system in human
resource governance can be applied.
7. In the aspect of employee control, it has been able to be implemented well, but it is
necessary to improve the function of evaluation and control by the leader on its
Based on the points above, the most common problem encountered so that the career
development of police civil servants at the Depok Metro Police has not been optimal is because
aspects of planning, organizing, directing and procurement still need to be improved.
Meanwhile, aspects of control, aspects of caulification, competence and performance, aspects
of maintenance and aspects of stopping its implementation are considered good.
Viewed from a subjective perspective, a career is the sequence of positions held by an
individual throughout their life, while from an objective perspective, a career is a change in
values, attitudes, and motivations that occur as a person grows older. Both perspectives focus
on the individual and assume that each person has some level of control over their fate, allowing
them to analyze opportunities to maximize success and satisfaction derived from their career.
Therefore, a career can be seen as a pattern of experiences based on work-related experiences
that span the entire work journey experienced by each individual or employee and can broadly
be detailed into objective events. Based on different perspectives on the definition of a career,
it is clear that the understanding of a career is not separate from the aspects of development,
employment, position, and decision-making processes. Thus, a career can be concluded as a
person's status or level of work or position as a source of livelihood, whether it is a primary job
or a side job.
According to the research results of Abeng et al., (2016), the study shows that career
development has a positive influence on job performance, meaning that a well-designed career
development program can enhance employee job performance. Career development is an HR
activity that helps employees plan their future careers in a company, institution, or organization
so that both the entity and the employees can develop themselves maximally. According to
Rivai, (2016), career development is crucial for every individual or employee because it is part
of the need to demonstrate self-actualization (in Maslow's hierarchy of needs).
Based on the research results of Chokprajakchat & Sumretphol, (2017), career
development generally comes in two forms: training and development, as well as transfers or
[ Analysis of Civil Servant Career Development at Depok Metro
Resort Police of Metro Jaya Regional Police]
Vol. 4, No. 11, 2023
Elis Minawati, Firman Hadi Rivai, Ridwan Rajab | http://devotion.greenvest.co.id
task reassignments. According to Ida Surya's research (2019), career guidance and
development have a positive impact on employee performance with a strong level of influence,
meaning that the better the career guidance and development, the higher the employee's
performance (Surya, 2019). The following are the stages of the new career development at the
Metro Depok Police Resort.
Career Development Strategy for Civil Servants at Depok Metro Police
Career coaching as an HR management activity basically has the aim of being able to
improve and improve the effectiveness of work implementation by workers in order to be more
able to make the best contribution in realizing organizational goals. Career development is not
only related to organizational characteristics but also related to individual characteristics and
work discipline. This happens because the organization seems to have no clear career role, or
even inferior in the field of position, education and employee training, especially if the
organization does not have a development strategy.
Then according to the main duties of the Depok Metro Police HR Bag as stated in the
Regulation of the Chief of Police Number 2 of 2021 concerning the Organizational Structure
and Work Procedures of Tk. Polres and Polsek, namely: carrying out management functions in
the field of HR development, care and improvement of the welfare of Civil Servants at the
National Police and the implementation of coaching and training. In carrying out its duties, the
HR Bag carries out functions including carrying out career coaching for police personnel.
Public servants in the National Police are described in the Regulation of the Chief of Police,
namely members of the National Police and Police Civil Servants.
The career development strategy of the National Police Civil Servant implemented by
the Depok Metro Police Chiefdm obtained findings that have been identified, including:
a. Proposed Promotion (UKP) PNS Polri.
b. Mutation, appointment and dismissal in the position of Police Civil Servant which is
the scope of the authority of the National Police (Group I, II and III). And for Group
IV, the Depok Metro Police HR Bag proposed to the Metro Jaya Police HR Bureau.
c. Recapitulation and evaluation of performance appraisals of police civil servants.
d. Collection, processing and presentation of data information on the National Police Civil
Servants on a digital basis, through the Police Personnel Information System (SIPP)
application, and the Si SDM application.
Then another finding is that the implementation of the Proposal for Civil Servant Rank
Increase (Usulan Kenaikan Pangkat or UKP) in the Indonesian National Police (PNS Polri), as
identified in the first part, has been regulated by Government Regulation Number 12 of 2002
concerning Amendments to Government Regulation Number 99 of 2000 concerning the Rank
Increase of Civil Servants (Kenaikan Pangkat PNS). For the smooth implementation of UKP,
the Human Resources Division (Bagian SDM) conducts the following activities:
UKP for PNS Polri in Depok, as in other places, carries out rank increases effective on
April 1 and October 1. Therefore, the UKP planning begins by mapping and documenting PNS
Polri who have been promoted in the last 3 years. It involves coordinating and synchronizing
data with the KBO (Chief of Operational Division) and Kaurmin (Head of Personnel and
Administration) of each unit, as well as the Kasium (Chief of Security and Public Order) of
police precincts. This ensures that the UKP can be implemented without delays.
The HR Division of the Metro Depok Police is led by the Head of HR Division with the
rank of AKBP (Chief Commissioner) or Acting Head of HR Division with the rank of Kompol
(Commissioner). The division is assisted by one Kasubbag Binkar (Sub-division Head for Bina
[ Analysis of Civil Servant Career Development at Depok Metro
Resort Police of Metro Jaya Regional Police]
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Karir/Career Development) with the rank of Kompol or Acting Kasubbag Binkar with the rank
of AKP (Assistant Commissioner), one Kaur Binkar with the rank of AKP or Acting Kaur
Binkar with the rank of Iptu (First Police Inspector), along with three members: one handling
UKP, one handling mutations and positions, and one handling applications. If necessary, two
members of Urmin (Personnel) can be assigned to assist the Binkar Subdivision.
The proposal for the Civil Servant Rank Increase (Usulan Kenaikan Pangkat) for PNS
Polri is processed 3 months before the effective date. For the rank increase on April 1, 2024,
the UKP is processed starting from February 1, 2024, and for the rank increase on October 1,
2023, the UKP is processed starting from July 1, 2024. The rank increase for PNS Polri at the
Metro Depok Police is celebrated at the police precinct's field to instill pride in those who are
promoted. This is consistent with the practice during the rank increase of police personnel on
January 1 and July 1.
For internal monitoring and control, the Metro Depok Police involve Kasiwas
(Inspectorate Affairs) and Kasipropam (Personnel and Equipment Security Affairs), as well as
Ur Litpers (Personnel and Legal Affairs) from the Bid Propam (Personnel and Security Affairs)
at Polda Metro Jaya (Metro Jaya Regional Police). After the files are sent to the HR Bureau of
Polda Metro Jaya, the supervision is also carried out by Irwasda (Welfare and Security
Assistant) and Kabid Propam (Head of Personnel and Security Affairs) of Polda Metro Jaya.
Subsequently, if the files have been sent to the Rank Division of the Binkar Bureau of SSDM
Polri, the supervision is carried out by Itwsum (Welfare and Security Assistant) and Kadiv
Propam (Division Chief of Personnel and Security Affairs) of Polri.
According to the Regulation of the Chief of Police Number 4 of 2013 concerning the
Recruitment of Police Civil Servants (CPNS Polri), the recruitment of CPNS Polri consists of
sources from the General Applicant and the Police Officer Candidate (PHL Polri). According
to the Regulation of the Chief of Police Number 16 of 2017 dated October 30, 2017, regarding
the Career Path of Civil Servants in the Police, CPNS Polri, when appointed, is given a rank in
the rank group according to the level of education (graduate of elementary school, junior high
school, senior high school, diploma-3, diploma-4, bachelor's degree, master's degree, and
doctoral degree), namely: Graduates of S3 are projected to PNS Rank IIIC with the highest
rank of Pembina Tk I (IVB). Graduates of S2 are projected to PNS Rank IIIB with the highest
rank of Pembina (IVA). Graduates of S1/D4 are projected to PNS Rank IIIa with the highest
rank of Penata Tk. I (IIID). Graduates of D3 are projected to PNS Rank IIC with the highest
rank of Penata (IIIC). Graduates of SMA are projected to PNS Rank IIA with the highest rank
of Pengatur Tk. I (IID). Graduates of SMP are projected to PNS Rank IC with the highest rank
of Pengatur (IIC). And graduates of SD are projected to PNS Rank IA with the highest rank of
Pengatur Muda (IIA). This projection can exceed the highest rank if they have undergone the
required education and/or competency development training. There are two types of education
and training for PNS Polri: technical, functional, social-cultural, and managerial competency
development training, as well as the cadet school.
According to Government Regulation Number 12 of 2002 concerning Amendments to
Government Regulation Number 99 of 2000 concerning the Rank Increase of Civil Servants,
Article 8 states that regular rank increases for PNS Polri are given up to: Pengatur Muda (IIA)
for those with an elementary school diploma; Pengatur (IIC) for those with a junior high school
diploma; Pengatur Tingkat I (IIB) for those with a Vocational High School diploma; Penata
Muda Tk. I (IIIB) for those with a senior high school diploma, 3-year Vocational High School
diploma, 4-year Vocational High School diploma, Diploma I, or Diploma II; Penata (IIIC) for
[ Analysis of Civil Servant Career Development at Depok Metro
Resort Police of Metro Jaya Regional Police]
Vol. 4, No. 11, 2023
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those with a Special Education Teacher diploma, Diploma III, Bachelor's degree, or Academy
diploma. Penata Tingkat I (IIID) for those with a Bachelor's degree (S1) or Diploma IV
diploma; Pembina (IVA) for those with a Doctor's degree, Pharmacist diploma, or Master's
degree (S2) or equivalent diploma; Pembina Tingkat I (IVB) for those with a Doctor's degree
Additionally, the selection process for rank increase through exams includes: First Level
Rank Increase Service Exam (UDKP Tk. I) and Diploma Adjustment Service Exam (UDPI),
as regulated by the Regulation of the Chief of Police Number 14 of 2006 concerning the
Implementation of UDKP Tk. I and UDPI for Civil Servants in the Police. This is followed by
the Announcement of the Chief of Police Number: Peng/15/IV/Dik.2.2./2023 dated Exam for
the First Level Rank Increase Service (UDKP) Tk. I and Tk. II, as well as the Diploma
Adjustment Service Exam (UDPI) for PNS Polri for the 2023 Academic Year. The
requirements for UDKP II include: PNS Polri with the rank of Penata Tk. I (IIID) and a
minimum Bachelor's degree with a minimum accreditation of B. The requirements for UDKP
I include: PNS Polri with the rank of Pengatur Tk. I (IID) and a high school diploma or
equivalent. The requirements for the Diploma Adjustment Service Exam (UDPI) include: PNS
Polri in Grade I with the rank of Juru (IC) and a Bachelor's degree, as well as PNS Polri in
Grade II with the rank of Pengatur (IIC) with a Bachelor's degree and accreditation B. The
projection can exceed the highest rank if they have undergone the required education and/or
competency development training.
Optional rank increases are given to Civil Servants who have competencies in: occupying
certain structural or functional positions; occupying specific positions appointed by
Presidential Decree; demonstrating outstanding work performance; making new discoveries
beneficial to the country; being appointed as a state official; obtaining a Certificate of
Completion/Degree; carrying out study duties and having previously occupied certain
structural or functional positions; having completed and passed study duties; being employed
or assigned full-time outside their parent agency, appointed in a leadership position with the
determined equivalent level or specific functional position.
Civil Servants who occupy structural positions and whose rank is still one level below
the lowest rank determined for that position can be promoted one rank higher if:
They have been in their current rank for 1 (one) year;
They have been in the structural position they occupy for at least 1 (one) year;
Every aspect of work performance evaluation is at least rated good in the last two
Managerial competency development training includes:
Middle leadership equivalent to Leadership Training Level I (Diklatpim Tk. I).
Primary leadership equivalent to Leadership Training Level II (Diklatpim Tk. II).
Administrator leadership equivalent to Leadership Training Level III (currently
referred to as PKA).
Supervisor leadership equivalent to Leadership Training Level IV (currently
referred to as PKP).
The basis for implementing this training is: National Administrative Institute Regulation
Number 1 of 2020 concerning Amendments to the National Administrative Institute Regulation
Number 6 of 2018 concerning National Leadership Training (PKN) Level I. In its
implementation, the Police issue Announcement Number: Peng/13/VIII/Dik.2.2./2023 dated
August 22, 2023, regarding the Integrated Selection of the Sespimti Polri Education Program
33rd, Lemhannas RI PPRA LXVII, and PKN Level I LAN RI for the 2024 Academic Year.
The duration of Education PKN I is 4 months at the LAN RI Training Center in Pejompongan,
[ Analysis of Civil Servant Career Development at Depok Metro
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Jakarta, with requirements including PNS Polri with the rank of Pembina Utama Muda (IVC)
and a graduate of PKN Level II or equivalent.
National Administrative Institute Regulation Number 2 of 2020 concerning Amendments
to the National Administrative Institute Regulation Number 2 of 2019 concerning National
Leadership Training (PKN) Tk. II. In its implementation, the Police issue Announcement
Number: Peng/4/I/Dik.2.5/2023 concerning the Implementation of Participant Selection for
PKN Level II for the 2023 Academic Year. The duration of Education is 4 months at the Polri
Training and Education Center and several ministries, with requirements for PNS Polri
including at least the rank of Pembina (Grade IVA), occupying Eselon III positions, a minimum
Bachelor's degree with accreditation at least B, a graduate of PKA, and aged at most 53 years.
National Administrative Institute Regulation Number 7 of 2020 concerning Amendments to
Regulation Number 16 of 2019 concerning Administrative Leadership Training (PKA).
Previously known as Diklatpim III, with requirements including PNS Polri with the rank of
Penata (IIIC), at least a Bachelor's degree, having occupied Eselon III positions, and aged at
least 47-53 years.
National Administrative Institute Regulation Number 6 of 2020 concerning Amendments
to Regulation Number 15 of 2019 concerning Supervisory Leadership Training (PKP).
Previously known as Diklatpim IV, with requirements including PNS Polri with the rank of
Penata Muda (IIA), at least a Bachelor's degree, having occupied Eselon IV positions, and aged
at most 53 years.
One of the required documents for the UKP proposal is to include a performance
assessment for the last 2 years. If the performance score is below the standard, the individual
is not eligible for a rank increase. In addition to UKP, the HR Division of the Metro Depok
Police also conducts activities related to transfers, appointments, and dismissals within the
ranks of PNS Polri (Grade I, II, and III). For Grade IV, Metro Depok Police proposes to the
Metro Jaya Regional Police Chief (Kapolda Metro Jaya). Its implementation is regulated by
the Regulation of the Chief of Police Number 16 of 2017 dated October 30, 2017, concerning
the Career Path of Civil Servants in the Police environment.
Based on Wenny's research in 2018, there is a unique career development form for all
librarians under its umbrella. Librarians themselves hold a functional position that is equivalent
to other functional positions such as police, lecturers, doctors, etc. They require guidance to
achieve good results, especially in their career field. The differences in the forms of guidance
for each profession are due to their nature, functions, and needs. Career development is carried
out through four forms: education-based guidance, training-based guidance, job position-based
guidance based on rank, and expertise. To ensure the smooth implementation of career
development, the HR Department of the Metro Depok Police carries out merit-based career
development activities as follows:
The HR Department of the Metro Depok Police conducts mapping based on data
available in the SIPP Polri related to the personal history of Metro Depok Police personnel
based on their rank. The goal is to facilitate the placement of the right person in the right
position according to competence and experience. Additionally, coordination is done with the
Kasipropam and Kasiwas to address personnel issues in the Metro Depok Police, ensuring
correct placements.
The Metro Depok Police organizes the Career Consideration Council (DPK) consisting
of the Chief of Police, Deputy Chief of Police, Head of HR, Kasipropam, and Kasiwas. The
DPK is responsible for determining transfers, appointments, and dismissals within the ranks of
[ Analysis of Civil Servant Career Development at Depok Metro
Resort Police of Metro Jaya Regional Police]
Vol. 4, No. 11, 2023
Elis Minawati, Firman Hadi Rivai, Ridwan Rajab | http://devotion.greenvest.co.id
the Civil Servants at the Metro Depok Police. In preparing the DPK's agenda, the HR
Department is assisted by a Subdivision Head for Career Development with the rank of
Commissioner or Acting Subdivision Head with the rank of Assistant Commissioner, a Section
Head for Career Development with the rank of Assistant Commissioner or Acting Section Head
with the rank of First Police Inspector, and an operator.
The Head of HR at the Metro Depok Police is responsible for preparing the agenda for
transfers, appointments, and dismissals of personnel at the Metro Depok Police, including Civil
Servants. This involves considering proposals from the unit chiefs and police precinct chiefs,
as well as personal history data. Internal meetings are held to discuss the agenda, and the
Deputy Chief of Police leads the DPK meeting with the participation of the Head of HR,
Subdivision Head for Career Development, Kasipropam, and Kasiwas. The results of the
meeting are reported to the Chief of Police of the Metro Depok Police. If there are inaccuracies,
further meetings are held to ensure the right person is placed in the right position. For personnel
placement, including Civil Servants in Grade II/I, considerations are made based on the
percentage of actual personnel compared to the DSP (Police Personnel Data) in a unit and
police precinct, ensuring personnel distribution according to organizational needs. Once
approved, administrative documents for transfers, appointments, and dismissals, such as
decisions, decrees, and letters from the Chief of Police of the Metro Depok Police, are prepared
and signed by the Head of HR. The distribution of these documents within the Metro Depok
Police is carried out, and the information is reported to the HR Bureau of the Metro Jaya
Regional Police and input into the SIPP Polri application.
Supervision and Control
Internal supervision and control at the Metro Depok Police are carried out by the Kasiwas
and Kasipropam. While employee supervision has been implemented well, there is a need to
improve the evaluation and control functions by leaders in terms of career development for
civil servants at the Metro Depok Police. This is due to the lack of clear regulations regarding
structural and functional positions for civil servants. All positions can be filled by police
officers, but not all positions can be occupied by civil servants. This lack of clarity hampers
the optimal implementation of career development for civil servants at the Metro Depok Police.
In the implementation of job mutations, considerations include general education
backgrounds (Ph.D., Master's, Bachelor's, Diploma-4, Diploma-3, High School, Junior High
School, Elementary School), general development education (PKA, PKA, PKN),
special/technical development education, and attended training. According to the Regulation
of the Chief of Police Number 4 of 2013 concerning the Recruitment of Police Civil Servants,
the recruitment of CPNS Polri consists of sources: General Applicants and Police Officer
Candidates (PHL Polri). According to the Regulation of the Chief of Police Number 16 of 2017
dated October 30, 2023, regarding the Career Path of Civil Servants in the Police, it is outlined
as follows:
a. When appointed, CPNS Polri are given a rank in the rank group according to their level
of education (graduates of elementary school, junior high school, high school, D3, D4,
Bachelor's, Master's, and Ph.D.), as follows:
Graduates of S3 are projected to PNS Grade IIIC with the highest rank of Senior
Counselor I (IVB).
[ Analysis of Civil Servant Career Development at Depok Metro
Resort Police of Metro Jaya Regional Police]
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Graduates of S2 are projected to PNS Grade IIIB with the highest rank of Senior
Counselor (IVA). Graduates of S1/D4 are projected to PNS Grade IIIa with the
highest rank of Junior Expert I (IIID).
Graduates of D3 are projected to PNS Grade IIC with the highest rank of Junior
Expert (IIIC).
Graduates of high school are projected to PNS Grade IIA with the highest rank of
Junior Supervisor I (IID).
Graduates of junior high school are projected to PNS Grade IC with the highest
rank of Junior Supervisor (IIC).
Graduates of elementary school are projected to PNS Grade IA with the highest
rank of Junior Assistant Supervisor (IIA).
b. These projections can exceed the highest rank if they have undergone education and/or
competency development training as required. There are two types of education and
training for PNS Polri: technical, functional, socio-cultural, and managerial
competency development training, as well as cadre school
The purpose of personnel job transfers at the Metro Depok Police, including civil
servants, is for career development, improving the abilities of civil servants, and meeting
organizational needs. Mutation types include transfers between work units and territorial units,
inter-agency transfers, and promotions, equivalence, and repositioning of positions. Some
aspects of the existence of civil servants, such as qualification standards, competency
development, understanding of professional commitments, career promotions, welfare, and
bureaucratic ethics, need to be improved. Recruitment and qualification standards for PNS
Polri in force until now do not fully guarantee the inclusion of the best and professional
candidates as expected by the institution. The symptoms of nepotism and the use of facilitation
money are the main obstacles to the establishment of professionalism. Therefore, higher
qualification standards and stricter examination procedures are needed in the recruitment
(selection) process for Civil Servant candidates (CPNS) to be recruited by reviewing the
suitability of qualifications with the needs of the Metro Depok Police. After prioritizing
qualifications, a transitional stage is needed before someone assumes duties and responsibilities
in the office. Formal education on the intricacies of governance, including the basis of the
Indonesian National Police, needs to be provided to instill a strong commitment to service and
dedication to the community. The existing probation program needs to be improved.
Structural positions for Civil Servants in grades 4A to 4E in the administrative field are
peak positions that can be occupied by PNS Polri at the Metro Depok Police and other work
units in the Indonesian National Police. This is because the role of civil servants in the police
organization is to assist in administrative tasks and tasks that require specific expertise
unrelated to the main tasks of the police, which are law enforcement and the maintenance of
public order.
Conclusion in this research on career development based on the merit system at the Metro
Depok Police Resort of the Jakarta Metropolitan Regional Police has resulted in several
conclusions that cover aspects of planning, organizing, directing, and supervising, as well as
education qualifications, competencies, and performance. In the context of planning, there is a
lack of optimization in planning the needs of civil servants, caused by the ambiguity of specific
job positions for them. The organization of career development is also hindered by the lack of
regulation of structural and functional positions for civil servants, resulting in suboptimal
[ Analysis of Civil Servant Career Development at Depok Metro
Resort Police of Metro Jaya Regional Police]
Vol. 4, No. 11, 2023
Elis Minawati, Firman Hadi Rivai, Ridwan Rajab | http://devotion.greenvest.co.id
career development. The placement of civil servants resulting from recruitment is also not in
line with the formation, especially in functions outside specific functional positions.
Furthermore, supervision of employees has been carried out well, but there is a need for
improvement in the evaluation and control functions by leaders. Educational qualifications are
also unbalanced between members of the police and civil servants, with a dominance of police
members in the types of education and training. Although the competencies of civil servants at
the Metro Depok Police Resort are in line with their roles in the organization, civil servants
who have completed Level II PKN have not been accommodated to occupy echelon II
positions. Nevertheless, the performance aspect has been well organized to support career
development and the achievement of organizational goals.
To realize a more effective career development strategy for police civil servants,
recommendations are given for the police to formulate specific structural and functional
positions for civil servants, as well as to implement the four aspects of human resources
management optimally. A more prospective career development stage is also proposed,
involving placement according to educational background, internship processes, performance
evaluations, proposals for promotions, transfers, and a recapitulation of performance
The suggested recommendations include efforts to improve the quality of civil servants
academically and practically, by providing opportunities for further education and training. A
career development strategy prioritizing education, competency, and performance of civil
servants is also needed, with budgetary support to enhance quality uniformly. Strategic
recommendations involve changing the career development process by transitioning to a
digitally-based method, identifying bottlenecks, and developing a comprehensive career
development plan with specific structural and functional positions. Additionally, it is
recommended to revise regulations related to the career development of police civil servants
so that the research findings can be effectively implemented in career management for civil
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Copyright holders:
Elis Minawati, Firman Hadi Rivai, Ridwan Rajab (2023)
First publication right:
Devotion - Journal of Research and Community Service
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