Muhammad Fahmi
Volume 2, Number 2, January, 2021
p-ISSN: 2777-0915 | e-ISSN 2797-6068
Muhammad Fahmi
Green Publisher
Cantol Roudhoh,
Learning Method
Article Info
January, 2
January, 13
January, 14
Abstract The application of learning to read cantol
roudhoh is one of the learning techniques that can
improve children's language skills. This technique is very
suitable for early childhood learning. The results of
research conducted at RA Siti Fatimah, Harjamukti
Village, Cirebon City, showed that the objective
conditions of language learning were studied from the
teacher's perspective, positive responses of children,
teaching and learning processes, and supporting
facilities, using the cantol roudhoh method which was
applied in developing aspects of language, and skills
children's language that can develop as expected. The
implementation of this raudhoh hook method in its
application process at RA Siti Fatimah is to practice in
class A, which is to introduce hooks from her friends in
clothes to her friends, Zahra, after reaching the target of
her friends, Zahra continues on package B, which is
entering the introduction of vocal groups (a, i, u, e, o),
after that they enter the ng (cat) group, then enter the
Koran group (nga, ngi, ngu, nge, ngo) and mosquitoes
(nya, nyi, nyu, nye, nyo ). The last stage is the
introduction of hooks with consonants.
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Application of the cantol roudhoh method to improve student's reading ability in RA
Siti Fatimah 67
Education is a conscious and planned effort to create a learning
atmosphere and learning process so that students actively develop their
potential to have religious spiritual strength, self-control, personality,
intelligence, noble character, and skills needed by themselves, society,
nation and state (Undang-Undang, 2003).
Education, however, is the most urgent thing in human life. Education from
the past until now is still something that must be prioritized over others. As
mentioned in Chapter II, article 1: "National education is based on
Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia".
Conceptually, the basis of this national education contains values that are
unquestionably reliable, very ideal and noble, and by consensus the entire
Indonesian nation has accepted it. Because the essence of the two bases is
philosophically part of Islamic philosophy, meaning that all the contents
and meanings do not conflict with Islamic teachings, and are even reflected
in Islamic teachings.
Therefore, the two basics must be translated and interpreted in an Islamic
way, with a pattern of internalizing Islamic values into the entire content
and meaning of the two bases (Masdudi, 2014). Thus, every state
administration, including the implementation of educational units, will be
filled with values that are increasingly synonymous with Islamic teachings.
Meanwhile, the essence of the function of national education is stipulated
in Article 2 of the National Education System Law, namely: "Developing
capabilities and shaping the character and civilization of a dignified nation
in the context of the intellectual life of the nation". This sentence is simple,
but has a deep and broad meaning (Nurjaman, 2017).
Volume 2 Number 2, January, 2021
p-ISSN: 2777-0915 | e-ISSN 2797-6068
Creative and innovative learning should be carried out by teachers in an
effort to produce creative students (Supriadi, 2018). The level of success of
teachers in teaching is seen from the success of their students so that it is
said that a great teacher is a teacher who can inspire students. The quality
of learning is seen from the activities of students when studying and the
creativity that can be done by students after participating in learning (Sani,
There are three important aspects that are interrelated with each other in
the learning process (Bistari, 2017). The three aspects are the subject
matter being taught, the process of learning the material, and the results
of the learning process (Sinambela, 2017). So far, the focus and attention
of educators has been more devoted to just busying themselves with the
delivery of learning materials and learning outcomes. Some of their time is
consumed just to prepare lesson plans and other learning administrative
tools. Meanwhile, more efforts by an educator to design a good learning
process so that learning objectives can be achieved are actually neglected
(Hidayat, Sa’diyah, & Lisnawati, 2020).
Learning to read requires teachers to be creative because they have to
motivate children to learn (Oktiani, 2017). Reading ability is not only closely
related to the maturity of eye motor movements but also the stage of
cognitive development (Ariyati, 2014; Aryaningsih, Fathoni, & Harini, 2018)
Early childhood education is not required to require children to be able to
read fluently, at least at that age they are introduced to early reading, at
least children know letters while understanding the forms of letters,
making it easier for children to learn to read fluently. The way to make it
easier for children to learn to read is to apply learning methods that suit
the child's needs. Children's education requires an interesting method of
Muhammad Fahmi
Application of the cantol roudhoh method to improve student's reading ability in RA
Siti Fatimah 69
learning to read. The use of media or tools is useful to increase children's
interest in learning, this will provide variety in children's learning so that
children do not feel bored quickly and do not feel burdened by learning to
Research on education has been done by many previous researchers. One
of them is a study that examines the relevance of educators according to
KH. Hasyim Asy'ari with the 2003 National Education System Law which
states that the competence of educators must be in accordance with the
mandate of the law and this is justified by KH. Hasyim Ashari (SOLIKHAH,
2021). Other research on laws has also been studied in the paradigm of
Islamic education from a legal perspective (Muhammad Ghofar, 2018)
related to the cantol raudhoh method has also been studied by examining
the effect of the cantol roudhoh method in measuring early childhood
reading skills. (Budi Utami, 2013) the use of the cantoul roudhoh method
was also studied to determine students' reading beginnings (Tri, 2019) and
an analysis of the effects of the cantol roudhoh method was also discussed
to determine students' literacy skills in early childhood (Lestari, 2018).
In education, the teacher becomes one of the important elements that
cannot be left behind in guiding students, teacher guidance is very helpful
in increasing children's interest in being able to listening and reading. The
implication is that teachers must prepare an interesting and fun learning
environment. Interesting learning is expected to foster interest in reading
and learning, children's curiosity will be seen from their enthusiasm and
concentration when children listen to the material given by the teacher.
The application of learning to read with the cantol roudhoh method is one
of the learning techniques that can improve children's language skills. Thus,
the application of the cantol roudhoh reading technique is suitable for
Volume 2 Number 2, January, 2021
p-ISSN: 2777-0915 | e-ISSN 2797-6068
early childhood. The results of observations made at RA Siti Fatimah,
Harjamukti Village, Cirebon City, the objective conditions of language
learning were studied from the teacher's perspective, the positive
response of children, the teaching and learning process, and supporting
facilities, especially in the development of the language aspect, which
applied the cantol roudhoh reading method, language skills children
develop as expected.
The cantol roudhoh reading method is a learning method that develops
learning to recognize syllables with the hook system which is conveyed
through storytelling, singing, and playing, using props. Storytelling is done
by reading story books based on visual, auditory, and kinesthetic
modalities. In singing, children are taught to sing through CD/DVD songs
using the roudhoh hook method. Playing is conveyed through guessing
words using syllable hook letter cards, hook magnet boards, loop hooks,
and reading cards. With these methods and media, children will remember
and memorize various symbols of letters or syllables.
Research Method
The research method used in this study is a qualitative method with an
analytical descriptive approach where this research method is based on
post positivism philosophy, the condition of the natural object, where the
researcher is the key instrument, the data collection technique is done by
triangulation (combined). This study aims to obtain data on the application
of the cantol roudhoh reading method in improving children's reading
skills. In essence, this research will be studied to obtain data, understand,
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and describe the application of reading cantol roudhoh in improving
children's reading skills in RA Siti Fatimah, Harjamukti Village, Cirebon City.
Result and Discussion
A. Result
In the initial conditions of low learning outcomes, the concentration of
students in participating in cantol roudhoh learning is still lacking, students
do not dare to ask questions, have difficulty practicing questions, do not
dare to express opinions and are less active. This is used as a benchmark to
increase student concentration so that better learning processes and
results are obtained, especially in improving learning outcomes of cantol
Based on the results of the interviews, it can be concluded that the cantol
roudhoh method at RA Siti Fatimah has a positive impact on children, and
provides a stimulant for children to be more active in learning in class.
Because there is no coercion or punishment, it is a game that encourages
them to learn, and teachers can streamline teaching and learning activities,
this method teaches simple reading by using colored pictures.
The application of the cantol roudhoh method in learning at RA Siti Fatimah
received a positive response both for teachers who teach and from
students who are taught because this method is quite simple and easy to
practice in early childhood learning so that the teacher's role is not only as
an educator but also as a facilitator in learning which produces fun and joy
in children learning to read in the RA Siti Fatimah environment, Cirebon
Volume 2 Number 2, January, 2021
p-ISSN: 2777-0915 | e-ISSN 2797-6068
B. Discussion
1) Understanding the Roudhoh Cantol Method
According to (Riana Simbolon Kasiyati, 2013) the cantol raudhoh method is
one of the memorization techniques developed in quantum learning. In its
application, this method is associated (combined) in the equation of sound
and visual form. It is one of the effective memorization methods for
remembering lists. Through this method children can easily memorize
every syllable that is in each hook and is supported by showing pictures
that match the nouns that have been modified based on the child's
The raudhoh hook method is one method that introduces letters and
syllables consisting of a combination of letters assisted by hooks in the
form of pictures using reading cards to make it easier for children to
remember all letters and syllables. Setyono explains that based on 2
principles, namely the use of cantol raudhoh, namely maximizing the ability
of a child's brain to absorb information and the principle of a fast
memorization system, this is the basis for the development of the cantol
raudhoh reading method with a system of singing, playing and telling
stories using props. In its application, the singing system in this method
uses a song with 21 syllable hooks ba-bi-bu-be-bo attached to the word
clothes with the lyrics in the song containing the syllables ba, bi, bu, be, bo
which are repeated until the syllables are repeated za-zi-zu-ze-zo which is
attached with the word zahra with the lyrics in the song contains the
repeated syllables za, zi, zu, ze, zo.
The system plays through the color clock game by reading word cards
consisting of picture cards spiked with syllable variations. The storytelling
system tells the story of Zahra's adventures on the island of reading by
Muhammad Fahmi
Application of the cantol roudhoh method to improve student's reading ability in RA
Siti Fatimah 73
introducing all the variations of syllables and the words they say. This
example is one of the most effective memorization methods for
remembering. In teaching reading, these techniques are needed to make it
easier for children to remember letter symbols. An effective reading
introduction is to introduce all the basic syllable sounds that form words in
The Raudhoh cantol reading method was developed based on the
principles or rules agreed upon by the experts. Both education experts and
experts in the development of children's potential. Based on these
theories, the Raudhoh Reading Cantol Method was developed into a
scientific method and very relevant to the development of child psychology
(Sartika, Arifudin, & Amini, 2018).
2) The principle of the Raudhoh cantol reading method
The principle of the cantol raudhoh reading method is to maximize the
brain's ability to absorb information, and the system to memorize quickly.
These two principles are the basis for the development of the Raudhoh
Cantol Reading Method with a system of singing, playing and telling stories
using props. In the cantol raudhoh method, there are four available media,
namely Song Animation VCD, Guidance VCD, Cantol Circle, and Reading
Card. The tool used in this research is the Reading Card.
3) Steps of the Raudhoh Cantol Method
The following are the steps for applying the cantol raudhoh method as
follows: First, in the core activities, children carry out reading activities
according to the procedures for applying the cantol raudhoh method,
which is directed to first master their memory walkway in the rhythm of
the sound of the same group, namely a, i, u, e, o. Second, after that the
child will know the sound of the group, it is enough if he knows the initial
Volume 2 Number 2, January, 2021
p-ISSN: 2777-0915 | e-ISSN 2797-6068
sound of the syllable group, namely ba, ca, da, and so on. Third, to help the
child as a support in the pattern of thinking, the initial tribe is given hooks
in the form of the names of objects whose initial syllable sound is the same
as the initial syllable sound of each group.
For example, the first group of hooks is "clothes", the second group is
"chilli", and the third group is "dice" and so on. The names of the objects
used as hooks are sought to be known by the children. Cantolan is applied
in the form of cards that are used as props. For example, group one with a
picture of a dress card, group two with a picture of a chili pepper, and so
on. Fourth, then on the hook of group one, namely clothes, the child is
emphasized on the initial syllable, namely "ba". Likewise for "ca" hooks and
so on. If the child has understood the memory walkway of each group,
then automatically each group of syllables will recognize each syllable
through this hook. Fifth, then for the writing ability hook, the child will
write in a checkered book and the child will see the previous reading card.
4) Advantages of the Raudhoh Cantol Method
The cantol raudhoh method is one suitable method to make it easier for
children to remember letter symbols, in introducing syllables, the sound of
each group is the same, namely a, i, u, e, o. If the child is able to catch the
footbridge, this memory is the same as for other syllable groups. Children
can already guess the syllables of other groups that has not been
introduced to him, and when the child knows from a to z the child can
correctly guess the sound of the syllable.
This makes the child will quickly recognize all the sounds of the syllables.
But for children who do not know the letters need a frame of mind that can
help children to remember them easily. This is where the advantage of the
Volume 2 Number 2, January, 2021
p-ISSN: 2777-0915 | e-ISSN 2797-6068
Application of the cantol roudhoh method to improve student's reading ability in RA
Siti Fatimah 75
raudhoh hook method, where the hooks are very effective in helping the
child's frame of mind. In addition, the advantages of this cantol method are
that children can read more quickly and easily in an average of 20-32
hours, foster a high interest in reading, conveyed by playing, singing, and
telling stories.
5) Relationship between Raudhoh Cantol Method and Reading Ability
The Cantol Raudhoh method is a way for teachers to introduce reading to
children using a tool that can convey the learning process will be more
interesting and fun. Meanwhile, reading activities often make children
bored if they are only used by using less interesting media. Therefore, by
using the cantol raudhoh method children will be more active in reading
activities, will increase children's learning motivation, be consistent with
child-centered learning, guide to better learning and accelerate
understanding and help children improve reading skills in early childhood.
Based on the results of the research and discussion that has been
described regarding the application of the cantol roudhoh method in the
development of beginning reading at RA Siti Fatimah Cirebon City, it can be
concluded that the application of the cantol roudhoh method in developing
early reading skills at RA Siti Fatimah Cirebon City is in accordance with the
specified standards. The process of using the roudhoh hook method for
package A is to introduce hooks from her friends in clothes to her friends,
after reaching the target of her friends, Zahra goes on to package B, which
is to enter the introduction of vocal groups (a, i, u, e, o). ), after that they
enter the ng (cat) group, then enter the Koran (nga, ngi, ngu, nge, ngo) and
mosquito (nya, nyi, nyu, nye, nyo) groups. The last stage is the introduction
of hooks with consonants.
Volume 2 Number 2, January, 2021
p-ISSN: 2777-0915 | e-ISSN 2797-6068
The use of the cantol roudoh method which is applied in developing early
reading skills at RA Siti Fatimah, Cirebon City has been carried out well,
seen from students being able to read, understanding in distinguishing
syllable sounds properly and correctly.
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Copyright holder :
Muhammad Fahmi (2021)
First publication right :
Devotion - Journal of Community Service
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