Vito Hafizh Cahaya Putra, Mokhamad Hendayun , Purnomo Yustianto |
software implementation is in the form of coding to create an early warning and river water
monitoring website, as well as configuring the niagahoster cloud hosting, telegram application, and
the twitter website.
After the system prototype is built based on the design form, it is necessary to test using
blackbox testing in accordance with the test design that has been made in advance with the overall test
results that are valid including sending early warnings on the telegram application and the Twitter
social media website. After doing black box testing, user acceptance test can be done to find out the
response from the user, namely DLHK Bandung City after using the system directly, and all responses
that have been collected are calculated using the Likert Scale 5 method which has an average value of
This figure is in the 80% - 100% interval and is included in the category of strongly agree, so it
can be concluded that the existence of an internet of things-based early warning and monitoring
system for river water in the Bandung City Environment and Hygiene Service (DLHK) is classified as
strongly agree. . And there is a guidance consisting of three guidelines which are a follow-up to the
outputs or early warnings that can be carried out by both the Bandung City Environment and Hygiene
Service (DLHK) and the community.
For future development, it is possible to use an all-in-one sensor or all sensors are combined into
one unit, so that they have good resistance and are easier to use. The recommended sensor is the YSI-
600R multiparameter sonde water quality sensor with the advantage of detecting many parameters at
one time and increasing the number of river water locations to implement an early warning and
monitoring system. The recommended location is in river water which is located near the factory area.
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