96 http://devotipn.greenvest.co.id
Volume 2 Number 2 January, 2021
p-ISSN: 2777-0915 | e-ISSN 2797-6068
Retno Purwani, M. Eki Syahrudin
Yatsi College of Health Sciences, Tangerang
Interenting Encourage,
Health School, Basic
English Skill
Article Info
January, 1
January, 6
January, 12
Abstract English teaching quality is not distributed
evenly throughout the region in Indonesia. The
tendency is for students that live in big cities, they get
more qualified English teaching than remote areas. In
other side, Student who come from village are far from
big city. Students expected that study at Health
Education must have good English skill. It effects to
Senior High School student unwilling to study at Health
School because they have less skill in Basic English.
Moreover, they didn’t have enough money to getting
facilities to study more outside of school, although they
need it. Finally their human resource capabilities are
down. So, the Basic English skill need to improve to
improve the human resource capability in the field of
Englis.in this dedication, Basic English trainee will be
given to students of MA Al-Istiqomah that need
increasing of capacity. There are 8 meets by enjoyable
studying, beside pretest and posttest. The result was
English skill increase. But its need seriously study from
the students so the English skill will be increase
significantly. So English Trainee Program for students
can help human resouces in English.
Education is the main factor in the context of educating the nation's life which will
ultimately be able to improve the standard of living of the Indonesian nation and National
Education as stated in Law no. 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System
(Sudarsana, 2016). One of the goals of education in Indonesia is to form capable,
knowledgeable and creative human beings.
Retno Purwani, M. Eki Syahrudin
Basic English Training In an Effort to Instill Student Interest in Entering Health
Schools 97
Language is a tool to achieve goals and solve various problems in real life (Panjaitan,
2013). Language is needed to be able to understand English reading, especially those
related to the meaning of a language itself. There are two skills that must be mastered in
language learning, namely, receptive and productive skills (Syamaun, 2016). Receptive
skills include listening and reading skills, while productive skills include speaking and
writing skills (Widiyarto, 2017).
Speaking is the process of gaining understanding from combinations and words meaning
that speaking is a process of recognizing words and integrating the meaning of words in
sentences and reading structures (Dewasti, 2019).
Students who take part in the training are students who have an interest in entering
health schools with a background of good academic ability based on the school where
they come from but have weak English language skills (Chatib, 2012). They are chosen
from among many students to study. This service is in line with what is done by (Efendi,
Seken, & Artini, 2013) regarding students' perceptions and confidence in English speaking
skills. This program has the following missions:
1. Bringing hope for students who have good academic potential to be able to continue
their education in health schools;
2. Provide access for students who have good academic potential to become human
resources in health schools.
3. Provide opportunities for students who are less able to speak the language to
participate in increasing the nation's competitiveness in the era of global competition.
On the other hand, teaching English has not been evenly distributed in all regions in
Indonesia. The tendency is that students who study in big cities have better English
teaching than remote areas due to the many shortcomings faced by teachers, including
infrastructure, resources for learning, language challenges, thoughts of parents, teacher
shortages and others (Febriana, Nurkamto, Rochsantiningsih, & Muhtia, 2018).
This also has an impact on the readiness of these students in facing English lectures at
universities, they start with a weaker prefix than those from big cities, although this is not
always the case. Furthermore, for students who do not have the capital to get 'additional
learning' or access other language learning facilities related to resources (Permata &
Hadiani, 2018). In the end, it is feared that although they have good academic potential,
because their English skills are low, their competitiveness will be low.
Volume 2 Number 2, January, 2021
p-ISSN: 2777-0915 | e-ISSN 2797-6068
98 http://devotipn.greenvest.co.id
This is because English language skills are one of the important benchmarks in competing
for career opportunities (Purwani, 2021).
Therefore, students' Basic English skills, especially from outside the City of Tangerang,
need to be improved so that they are more competitive (Herawati, 2020). Based on the
situation analysis, the main problems can be formulated, namely:
(1) The English ability of MA Al-Istiqomah Tangerang students who come from
outside the city is still low, due to the lack of exposure to learning in big cities.
(2) Economic disability makes it difficult for students to get additional learning
tools for English.
The above problems require solutions and solutions. Community service activities carried
out at MA AL-Istiqomah Tangerang for students in the form of English language training
activities are a problem-solving effort (Mahayanti & Utami, 2017).
The targets of this activity are:
1. Cultivate interest and motivation to learn English
2. Equip Basic English skills for students who are interested in entering Health School
The outputs of this training activity are:
1. Growing enthusiasm for learning English in students
2. Improved English skills for students who are interested in entering Health School
Increased self-confidence along with their competitiveness in the future.
Method Research
Basic English training activities for students who are interested in attending health
schools are designed to be held in one study group with basic English content
suitable for grade 12 students, and with this target those who most need
improvement in their English skills. The stages of implementing this community
service program are as follows.
1. Lecturer activities are assisted by students, including:
a. Training Socialization The target participants for the training are students
who are interested in attending health schools. The socialization of the
training activities was delivered to MA Al-Istiqomah class, 12 students.
b. Analysis of Student Ability and Target Participants Before the
implementation of language training, a preliminary test is required to
analyze the general ability of students.
Retno Purwani, M. Eki Syahrudin
Basic English Training In an Effort to Instill Student Interest in Entering Health
Schools 99
c. Determination of Training Materials and Methods Used Basic English
training for students who need basic English materials required for Higher
Education level.
2. Implementation steps:
a. This initial test uses a standard question that can be used to analyze
general English skills (Nelson quick test), in addition to writing short essays
in English. Because the training capacity is limited, the selection of training
participants takes into account the aspect of similarity in ability levels and
is specifically for those who have the lowest abilities among others. In
addition, the factor of the similarity of free hours to study B. English which
does not collide with other lesson schedules.
b. Submission of material includes mastery of to be, numbers, alphabet,
several tenses, namely Simple Present Tense, Simple Past Tense, and
Present Continuous Tense.
As for the approach, including the topical based, namely material based on certain
topics, including Introduction, Daily Schedule, My Holiday.
Students are trained to be able to introduce themselves, state the time, spell
words, ask questions, to know simple sentence structures (Fillmore & Snow,
In addition, students are also given the motivation to want to continue to improve
their English skills because it is a necessity in the future, be it a career or high
school (Nguyen, Fehring, & Warren, 2015). Many international hospitals have
been established in Indonesia, that nurses and hospital staff must be able to speak
English language training activities for students are planned in 8 meetings outside
of the Pretest and Post-test (Maulany, 2013). Training activities are carried out in
the afternoon after school activities on Fridays and Saturdays at 16.00-17.00, As
for the training room, it is carried out in the Classroom and Language Lab, after
coordination with the room manager. Training Activities can be seen in Table
Volume 2 Number 2, January, 2021
p-ISSN: 2777-0915 | e-ISSN 2797-6068
100 http://devotipn.greenvest.co.id
Table 1. Training Materials
Meeting to
Number and Address
Telling the Time
Present Time
Daily Schedule
Past Time
Asking Questions
Describing Location
The teaching team of the Training is the Community Service Team as a whole,
where there are permanent English Lecturers who have more than 5 years of
teaching experience at Stikes Yatsi assisted by several students to set an example
and motivate students. Therefore, the training team has the qualifications to
provide training for MA Al Istiqomah Tangerang students..
Result and Discussion
A. Interested in learning English
At the stage of outreach to Bidikmisi Polman Students, 46 students were present.
They received information that Basic English Training would be held for MA Al-
Istiqomah students.
It was informed that interested students were expected to register with the class
12 student representatives, and then take the Pre-test / Placement Test program
which was held in March.
After seeing the schedule of MA Al Istiqomah students' activities which were so
full because of the material deepening period leading to the final exam, an
announcement was made that an initial test was held for students who were
interested in attending Basic English Training. The announcement was distributed
to all 12th graders through the class president.
In organizing the initial test for students, it is carried out in 2 terms because in the
afternoon after regular school, some students have to take part in deepening
activities of other subject matter. The initial registrants amounted to 46 people to
take part in the activity.
Retno Purwani, M. Eki Syahrudin
Basic English Training In an Effort to Instill Student Interest in Entering Health
Schools 101
Figure 1. Fans who take part in the Training
46 students participated in the Pre-test activity with great enthusiasm. This shows
that students are interested in participating in basic English training activities. This
figure is quite high for students who have a busy school schedule from morning to
evening every day (7.00-15.20). Thus it can be stated that MA Al-Istiqomah
students are interested in improving their English skills.
B. Motivation to learn English
Based on the results of the initial test, the score and level of students' ability in
English are announced, including the results of sorting the names of students who
are entitled to take part in English training activities. In the announcement, it was
stated that many students had a low level of English. And the study schedule is
set, which is every Friday and Saturday at 16.00 - 17.00 which is located in Class
Room 12A (Friday) and Lab. Language (Saturday). This announcement was also
copied to class teachers and lab managers.
Figure 2. Training Participants
Volume 2 Number 2, January, 2021
p-ISSN: 2777-0915 | e-ISSN 2797-6068
102 http://devotipn.greenvest.co.id
At the first meeting of the training, 15 students were present. At the first meeting,
in addition to receiving material 1, namely "Introduction", the participants were
given information on the Basic English Learning/Training Syllabus, as well as the
regulations, including informing the reasons for absence. Students look
enthusiastic to learn.
At the second meeting, 28 students were present, which turned out to be the
highest attendance during the training. Students learn material about Alphabet/
Spelling. At the third meeting, only 16 participants were present. And for
subsequent meetings, more than 30 people attended. In the middle of the training
period, many participants were unable to attend because there was an event. In
addition, the reasons for illness and personal leave are also stated by the students.
However, some others did not state the reason for the absence, so they felt it was
more necessary to follow the rules of the older students from the nursing
department. The problem of motivation and discipline to keep learning turns out
to need to be considered more seriously. Lecturers and students make the method
even more fun.
Figure 3. Attendance of Training Participants
The implementation of English training for students requires more binding
regulations, and the atmosphere is made even more fun so that students who take
part in the training can tell they are interesting experiences to their friends who
have not attended the training.
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Basic English Training In an Effort to Instill Student Interest in Entering Health
Schools 103
Figure 4. Lecturer and Student Brother make Presenting a More Fun Method
On the other hand, when viewed from the feedback of the trainees, they realized
that English language skills are important to master to be able to face challenges
in the future.
C. Changes in Enthusiasm for Learning English
After being analyzed, the improvement of Basic English skills carried out in this
service activity was quite good. They were very enthusiastic, and the participants
grew. The total number of class 12 students recorded was 65 people, 70% of the
students who took part in the Pre-test activities. This also shows that 70% of
students are interested in participating in basic English training activities. And until
the end of the activity, it was recorded that more than 50% had participated in the
activity, it can be seen from the following table.
Table 2. Attendance of Participants
Meeting to
Number of Attendees
Number and Address
Telling the Time
Present Time
Daily Schedule
Past Time
Asking Questions
Describing Location
Volume 2 Number 2, January, 2021
p-ISSN: 2777-0915 | e-ISSN 2797-6068
104 http://devotipn.greenvest.co.id
If it is seen from the average value of the post-test questions sourced from the
Training Materials, the average is 74.5 (scale 100).
Figure 5. Comparison of Participants' Pre-Test and Posttest Scores
This indicates that they are at the 'Good' level in understanding the training
material. For student trainees, they need to learn further independently to be able
to improve and maintain their basic English. So, when they face English lectures,
they do not face difficulties in following them and are more confident to enter
Health schools majoring in Nursing, Midwifery, and others.
In the implementation of this service in the form of Basic English Language Training
for Students, there are several conclusions obtained: There is great hope for
students who have good academic potential to be able to continue their studies
at Health Schools; Open access for students who have good academic potential to
become human resources in health schools; There is a great opportunity for
students who are less able to speak the language to take part in increasing the
nation's competitiveness in the era of global competition. Therefore, programs
like this need to be implemented in order to help students to have good
competitiveness and have the confidence to continue their studies in Health
Schools, Nursing majors and others.
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Copyright holder :
Retno Purwani, M. Eki Syahrudin (2021)
First publication right :
Devotion - Journal of Community Service
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