Application Of Pineapple Juice As A Signature Drink In Polytechnic
Of Bintan Cakrawala Through Organoleptic Test
comparison and storage time of fruit juice with pineapple juice has a very
significant effect (P<0.01) and not significant (P>0.05). The results of the research
carried out obtained the best results from the S3L1 treatment, namely treatment
with a ratio of 50% pineapple juice and 50% carrot juice and 0 days storage time
based on parameters for total soluble solid, pH value, vitamin C content, total acid,
total microbial, the hedonic value of taste.
Second, (Haliem, Nugerahani, & Rahayu, 2017) with the title Study of Pineapple
Juice Proportion and Starter Concentration on Chemical and Oeganoleptic
Properties of Pineapple Kefir. Explanation: Different proportions of pineapple juice
have a significant effect on TPT, vitamin C content and alcohol content as well as
the organoleptic properties of pineapple kefir which include preference for color,
aroma, taste and sparkling effect. Different starter concentrations had a significant
effect on TPT, vitamin C content and alcohol content as well as the organoleptic
properties of pineapple kefir which included parameters of preference for aroma,
taste and sparkling effect. The interaction of the two factors, namely the
proportion of pineapple juice and concentration of starter had a significant effect
on TPT, vitamin C content, alcohol content and organoleptic properties of color,
aroma, taste and sparkling impression. The best treatment chosen was pineapple
kefir with the use of pineapple juice without dilution and the addition of 1% starter
(N0S1) with a total value based on the seeding test of 0.95.
Third, (Hassan, Othman, & Siriphanich, 2011) Title: Effect of Concentration of
Pineapple Juice (Ananas Comosus (L.) Merr. cv. 'Smooth Cay-enne') and Low-fat
Milk on Lactic Acid Levels and Organoleptic Properties of Yoghurt Peanut Milk
(Arachis Hypogaea L.) Explanation: The results of this study explain that the
addition of pineapple juice and low-fat milk has a significant effect on lactic acid
levels and organoleptic properties of peanut milk. Yoghurt which had the
combination treatment N10S5 showed the highest yield and could increase lactic
acid levels from 1.08% to 1.98%. Furthermore, the combination of treatments
N0S0, N15S9, N15S3, N10S3, N5S7 showed the highest organoleptic properties of
peanut milk yogurt, with an average number for texture 4.3 (thick), color 3.65
(ivory), aroma 3,35 (lack of flavor), sour taste 4,2 (sour), flavor 3,1 (lack of flavor
and preference 3 (less like).
Research Method
A. Types and Research Design
The data sources in the study are divided into two, namely primary data sources
and secondary data sources
Primary data sources or primary data sources are human sources in the form of
data from the words and actions of the interviewees. Primary data in this study