Application Of Pineapple Juice As A Signature Drink In Polytechnic
Of Bintan Cakrawala Through Organoleptic Test
Volume 3, Number 1, July, 2021
e-ISSN: 2797-6068 and p-ISSN:
Nurul Fitri Handayani, Nelfi Rizka Azzahra Harahap, Dimas Dwi Prasetyo, Emilia
Ayu Dewi Karuniawati
Polytechnic of Bintan Cakrawala
Pineapple Juice,
Organoleptic Test,
Bintan Cakrawala
Article Info
July, 6
July, 9
July, 13
Abstract Generally, fruits are processed into processed
products such as jam, jelly, lunkhead, fruit juice, fruit tea
drinks, syrup, canned fruit, dry or wet candied jam. In
addition to fruit, currently vegetables can also be used in
various forms and types of food because they also have
high nutrients, especially vitamins and minerals. Pineapple
(Ananas comosus) contains many nutrients including
vitamin A, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, sodium,
potassium, dextrose, sucrose, and the enzyme bromelain
(bromelain) is one of the important and useful
components in the pharmaceutical field and food.
Bromelain enzymes can hydrolyze proteins (proteolysis)
and relatively resistant to heat. Pineapple is generally
consumed directly, but in order to remind the economic
value and extend a shelf of life, processing is carried out.
Fruit juice is a liquid that is taken, squeezed or removed
from the fruit by pressing or pressing by other
mechanisms. With this research, the results of processed
pineapple juice are combined with other drinks according
to the composition which used as a signature drink from
Bintan Cakrawala Polytechnic. In this study, it was tested
using an organoleptic test that assessed the physical
quality properties such as color, aroma and flavor. From
the results of this test, the average results were obtained,
namely for flavor with a value of 6.87 for a dose of 75 ml
of pineapple juice, for color with a value of 6.88 for a dose
Application Of Pineapple Juice As A Signature Drink In Polytechnic
Of Bintan Cakrawala Through Organoleptic Test
Nurul Fitri Handayani, Nelfi Rizka Azzahra Harahap, Dimas Dwi Prasetyo, Emilia
Ayu Dewi Karuniawati 33
of 50 ml of pineapple juice and finally for color with a
value of 6.62 for a dose. pineapple juice as much as 75 ml.
Pineapple (ananas comosus) contains many nutrients and nutrients, including
vitamin A, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, sodium, potassium, dextrose,
sucrose, and the enzyme bromelain (bromelain) is one of the important and useful
components in the pharmaceutical and food fields (Ali, Hashim, Abd Aziz, &
Lasekan, 2020). Bromelain enzymes can hydrolyze proteins (proteolysis) and are
relatively heat resistant (Mahmud, Abdullah, & Yaacob, 2018). The main
economically important part of the pineapple plant is the fruit. The taste of
pineapple fruit is sweet to slightly sour, so it is liked by many people (Sun, Zhang,
Soler, & Marie-Alphonsine, 2016).
The structure of the pineapple flesh is yellowish white, soft and tastes sweet and
sour so it is suitable to be processed into drinks (González-Olmedo et al., 2005).
Pineapple is a tropical fruit that is widely cultivated in Indonesia. Pineapple is
generally consumed directly as a table fruit, but in order to remind the economic
value and extend shelf life, processing is carried out. Fruit juice is a liquid that is
taken, squeezed or removed from the fruit by pressing or pressing or by other
mechanisms. According to Makfoeld (1990), what is meant by fruit juice is fruit
juice that is subject to fermentation, obtained from the pressing of fruit
(Komansilan, 2020). To get good juice, fruit juice needs to be separated from the
insoluble parts by a filter (Bump, 1989). Fruit crushing is done with a blender and
extraction is done by pressing manually with a filter cloth or with a press (Berardini,
Knödler, Schieber, & Carle, 2005).
In addition, research in the processing of pineapple juice aims to add distinctive
and economic value itself. This pineapple juice can also be used as a signature drink
or unique/original drink from Bintan Cakrawala Polytechnic. With which Bintan
Cakrawala Polytechnic is one of the private universities in the field of Tourism
located in Bintan Regency, Riau Islands. With this research, it is the result of
processed pineapple juice combined with other drinks with compositions that have
been created by students of the Bintan Cakrawala Polytechnic.
From several previous research results, the researchers applied 3 studies that were
used as a literature review of the research including:
First, Researcher (Berutu, 2019) Title: Effect of Comparison of Pineapple Juice with
Carrot Juice During Storage on Fruit Tea Quality:. Explanation: The effect of
Application Of Pineapple Juice As A Signature Drink In Polytechnic
Of Bintan Cakrawala Through Organoleptic Test
comparison and storage time of fruit juice with pineapple juice has a very
significant effect (P<0.01) and not significant (P>0.05). The results of the research
carried out obtained the best results from the S3L1 treatment, namely treatment
with a ratio of 50% pineapple juice and 50% carrot juice and 0 days storage time
based on parameters for total soluble solid, pH value, vitamin C content, total acid,
total microbial, the hedonic value of taste.
Second, (Haliem, Nugerahani, & Rahayu, 2017) with the title Study of Pineapple
Juice Proportion and Starter Concentration on Chemical and Oeganoleptic
Properties of Pineapple Kefir. Explanation: Different proportions of pineapple juice
have a significant effect on TPT, vitamin C content and alcohol content as well as
the organoleptic properties of pineapple kefir which include preference for color,
aroma, taste and sparkling effect. Different starter concentrations had a significant
effect on TPT, vitamin C content and alcohol content as well as the organoleptic
properties of pineapple kefir which included parameters of preference for aroma,
taste and sparkling effect. The interaction of the two factors, namely the
proportion of pineapple juice and concentration of starter had a significant effect
on TPT, vitamin C content, alcohol content and organoleptic properties of color,
aroma, taste and sparkling impression. The best treatment chosen was pineapple
kefir with the use of pineapple juice without dilution and the addition of 1% starter
(N0S1) with a total value based on the seeding test of 0.95.
Third, (Hassan, Othman, & Siriphanich, 2011) Title: Effect of Concentration of
Pineapple Juice (Ananas Comosus (L.) Merr. cv. 'Smooth Cay-enne') and Low-fat
Milk on Lactic Acid Levels and Organoleptic Properties of Yoghurt Peanut Milk
(Arachis Hypogaea L.) Explanation: The results of this study explain that the
addition of pineapple juice and low-fat milk has a significant effect on lactic acid
levels and organoleptic properties of peanut milk. Yoghurt which had the
combination treatment N10S5 showed the highest yield and could increase lactic
acid levels from 1.08% to 1.98%. Furthermore, the combination of treatments
N0S0, N15S9, N15S3, N10S3, N5S7 showed the highest organoleptic properties of
peanut milk yogurt, with an average number for texture 4.3 (thick), color 3.65
(ivory), aroma 3,35 (lack of flavor), sour taste 4,2 (sour), flavor 3,1 (lack of flavor
and preference 3 (less like).
Research Method
A. Types and Research Design
The data sources in the study are divided into two, namely primary data sources
and secondary data sources
Primary data sources or primary data sources are human sources in the form of
data from the words and actions of the interviewees. Primary data in this study
Application Of Pineapple Juice As A Signature Drink In Polytechnic
Of Bintan Cakrawala Through Organoleptic Test
Nurul Fitri Handayani, Nelfi Rizka Azzahra Harahap, Dimas Dwi Prasetyo, Emilia
Ayu Dewi Karuniawati 35
were obtained by using written notes derived from interviews with research
subjects. The subjects of this research become informants who will provide various
information needed during the research process
Secondary data or sources other than primary data are non-human sources in the
form of written sources. Secondary data or written data in this study were obtained
from documentation. Documentation is data collection through written heritage in
the form of archives, books, agendas and others as evidence that shows events or
activities related to this research.
B. Data Collection Techniques
The data collection used in this study are as follows:
1. Observation
Basically, observation is the main method for obtaining information, where the
researcher sees behavior in a natural setting, sees dynamics, sees a picture of
behavior based on the existing situation. Observation is listening to someone's
behavior for some time without the need for manipulation or control, as well as
recording meetings that allow or qualify for use in the interpretive level of analysis.
The main purpose of observation according to James A. Black and Dean J.
Champion (1992: 285-287) is to observe human behavior as an actual event, which
allows us to view behavior as a process.
2. Interview Method
Is a verbal communication activity with the aim of obtaining information (James A.
Black and Dean J. Champion, 1992: 305-306). The researcher uses a semi-
structured interview technique, which is a combination of interview techniques
with structured and unstructured interview guidelines
3. Documentation Method
According to (Arikunto, 2019) what is meant by the documentation method is to
find data about things or variables in the form of notes, transcripts, books, meeting
minutes, agendas and so on. So documentation is a data collection technique by
learning to read and record what is implied and stated in documents, regulatory
reports and other literature relevant to researchers, such as a list of the quantities
of pandan, ginger and lemongrass harvests that will be needed in this study.
C. Determination of Materials and Manufacturing Process
The pineapple juice drink will later become the signature drink for the Bintan
Cakrawala Polytechnic, the pineapple fruit was chosen because of the abundance
of pineapple plants and plantations in the Bintan environment. The pineapple fruit
used for the experiment was a ripe fruit so that more juice could be taken.
Pineapple fruit is also used to give a natural sour taste to this experimental drink.
The flow of making several samples of pineapple juice drinks through the same
process but in different amounts of fruit juice. In Figure 1, you can see a flow chart
for making pineapple juice drinks.
Application Of Pineapple Juice As A Signature Drink In Polytechnic
Of Bintan Cakrawala Through Organoleptic Test
Figure 1. Production Process Flow
From the diagram, the process of compounding drinks with the same composition,
there is only a difference in the dose of pineapple juice. Here is a recipe for 3
samples of pineapple juice drink:
Tabel 1. Komposisi Bahan
Pineapple Juice
Blue Curacao
Simple Syrup
Soda water
seeds of basil
1 teaspoon
1 teaspoon
1 teaspoon
Nata De Coco
4 seeds
4 seeds
4 seeds
Result and Discussion
A. Evaluation of Organoleptic Test
How to perform organoleptic tests can be grouped into several groups,
namely different tests, preference tests/acceptance tests, scalar tests, description
a. Distinction Test
Discrimination testing is used to determine whether there are differences in
sensory or organoleptic properties between two samples. Although it is possible to
Memotong dan memblend buah nanas
Mencuci Bersih Nanas
Menyaring hasil blend untuk mendapatkan sari buah nanas
Mencampurkan sari buah nanas dengan bahan lain
Application Of Pineapple Juice As A Signature Drink In Polytechnic
Of Bintan Cakrawala Through Organoleptic Test
Nurul Fitri Handayani, Nelfi Rizka Azzahra Harahap, Dimas Dwi Prasetyo, Emilia
Ayu Dewi Karuniawati 37
present a number of samples, there are always two conflicting samples. This test is
also used to assess the effect of several kinds of modification treatments or
processes or materials in food processing of an industry or to find out if there are
differences or similarities between two products of the same commodity. So to be
effective the nature or criteria being tested must be clear and understood by the
panelists. Reliability (reliability of this differentiation test depends on the
recognition of the desired quality trait, the level of training of the panelists and the
sensitivity of each panelist. This differentiation test includes:
1. Paired test (paired comparison or dual comparison)
2. Triangle test
3. Double comparison test (dual standart)
4. Multiple comparative test (multiple standart)
5. Test a single stimulus (single stimulus)
6. Multiple pairs test
7. Single test
b. Preference Test/Acceptance Test
Acceptance test involves a person's assessment of a nature or quality of a
material that causes people to like it. In this test, the panelists expressed personal
responses, namely impressions related to liking or responding to whether or not
they were happy with the sensory properties or qualities being assessed.
Acceptance test is more subjective than differentiation test. The purpose of this
acceptance test is to determine whether a particular commodity or sensory trait is
acceptable to the public. This test is not able to predict acceptance in marketing.
This convincing test does not guarantee that the commodity by itself is easily
marketable. Acceptance test includes a preference test or hedonic test and hedonic
quality test. In the hedonic test, the panelists expressed their personal likes or
dislikes, besides that they also expressed their level of preference. The level of
preference is also known as the hedonic scale. The hedonic scale is transformed
into a numerical scale with increasing numbers according to the level of
preference. With this numerical data, statistical analysis can be done. Meanwhile,
in the hedonic quality test, the panelists stated their personal impression of good
or bad (hedonic quality impression). The impression of hedonic quality is more
specific than the impression of liking or disliking and can be more general.
Application Of Pineapple Juice As A Signature Drink In Polytechnic
Of Bintan Cakrawala Through Organoleptic Test
c. Scalar Test
In the scalar test, the panelists were asked to state the magnitude of the
impression they got. This quantity can be expressed in the form of this quantity
can be expressed in the form of a scalar quantity or in the form of a numerical
scale. Scalar quantities are depicted in the form of a directed straight line with
the division of the scale with the same distance and are depicted in a scalar
band with a leading degradation (such as an example of color degradation from
very white to black). This scalar test includes line scalar test, scoring test, pair
comparison test, multiple comparison test, grading test (sorting or ranking
a. Test Description
Previous tests of sensory assessment were based on one sensory trait, so they
were called “one-dimensional assessments”. This test is a sensory assessment
based on more complex sensory properties or which includes many sensory
properties, because the quality of a commodity is generally determined by
several sensory properties. In this test, many sensory properties are assessed
and analyzed as a whole so as to compile the overall sensory quality. The
sensory properties selected as quality measures are those most sensitive to
changes in quality and the most relevant to quality. These quality sensory
properties are included in the quality attributes
A. Organoleptic Test Results
The method used for organoleptic test in this research is hedonic test. Panelists
were asked to give the impression of very, very much like very, very dislike of
the quality characteristics presented and then continued with their level of
preference. The level of preference on the hedonic scale ranges from very much
like to very much dislike. In the data analysis, the hedonic scale is transformed
into numbers. With this data can be done with statistical analysis. The table of
organoleptic test results below is the result of tests carried out by panelists,
where there is 1 drink menu with pineapple juice with a ratio of pineapple juice
doses in each drink. Each panelist fills out the blanks that have been provided.
1. Organoleptic Test Assessment
A. Dosing and Analysis of Beverage Color
From the table above, the results of the analysis are as follows:
a. Dose
1. 50ml = (P1 to P100) = 6.88
2. 75ml = (P1 to P100) = 6.83
3. 85ml = (P1 to P100) = 6.8
Application Of Pineapple Juice As A Signature Drink In Polytechnic
Of Bintan Cakrawala Through Organoleptic Test
Nurul Fitri Handayani, Nelfi Rizka Azzahra Harahap, Dimas Dwi Prasetyo, Emilia
Ayu Dewi Karuniawati 39
b. Analysis
From the results of calculations taken from the results of organoleptic testing of
pineapple juice drinks by panelists who have been converted into averages, it turns
out that the average with the highest value of 6.88 for organoleptic testing of the
color of pineapple juice drinks is in the color parameter. like the 50ml dose.
B. Dosage and Taste Analysis of Beverages
From the table above, the results of the analysis are as follows:
a. Dose
1. 50ml = (P1 to P100) = 6.22
2. 75ml = (P1 to P100) = 6.62
3. 85ml = (P1 to P100) = 6.54
b. Analysis
From the results of calculations taken from the results of organoleptic testing of
pineapple juice drinks by panelists who have been converted into averages, it turns
out that the average with the highest value of 6.62 for organoleptic testing of the
aroma of pineapple juice drinks is in the taste parameter. like the 75ml dose.
C. Dosing and Analysis of Beverage Aroma
From the table above, the results of the analysis are as follows:
a. Dose
1. 50ml = (P1 to P100) = 6.58
2. 75ml = (P1 to P100) = 6.87
3. 85ml = (P1 to P100) = 6.66
b. Analysis
From the results of calculations taken from the results of organoleptic testing of
pineapple juice drinks by panelists who have been converted into averages, it turns
out that the average with the highest value of 6.87 for organoleptic testing of the
taste of pineapple juice drinks is in the aroma parameter. like the 75ml dose.
Based on the results of the study entitled Application of Pineapple Juice as a
Signature Drink at Bintan Cakrawala Polytechnic Through Organoleptic Tests, it can
be concluded that in terms of color the most in demand by respondents is
pineapple juice which has a dose of 50 ml of fruit juice with the highest average at a
value of 6.88. In terms of taste, the most in demand by respondents is pineapple
juice which has a dose of 75 ml of fruit juice with the highest average value of 6.87.
In terms of aroma, the most in demand by respondents is pineapple juice which has
a dose of 75 ml of fruit juice with the highest average value of 6.62.
Application Of Pineapple Juice As A Signature Drink In Polytechnic
Of Bintan Cakrawala Through Organoleptic Test
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Copyright holder :
Nurul Fitri Handayani, Nelfi Rizka Azzahra Harahap,
Dimas Dwi Prasetyo, Emilia Ayu Dewi Karuniawati (2021)
First publication right :
Devotion - Journal of Community Service
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