59 http://devotion.greenvest.co.id
Vol Volume 3, No. 2, December 2021
p- ISSN 2777-0915 | e-ISSN 2797-6068
Juni Ahyar
, Ikramuddin
, Zulkifli
Malikussaleh University, Indonesia
E-mail : hajuniahy[email protected]
, ikramuddin@unimal.ac.id
Elementary School
Effective Learning,
Article Info
November, 24
December, 4
December, 13
Abstract First, the problem in Meunasah Teungoh
Village, Simpang Keuramat District is about education,
namely where the learning process in schools is still less
effective and efficient. The teaching and learning
process in two schools in Gampong Meunasah Teungoh,
namely SD Negeri 5 Simpang Keuramat still tends to
seem monotonous and boring. The children/students
have not been able to catch what the teachers are
saying, thus causing the process of delivering the
material not to be well received by the
children/students. This of course makes children's
knowledge less and tends not to be able to apply it
directly in society. Therefore, through the service in the
form of effective learning socialization that we will do in
the two schools, it makes the children/students more
enthusiastic in learning and enthusiastic in receiving all
the knowledge that we provide. Second, the problem in
Gampong Meunasah Teungoh is the lack of awareness
of children in cultivating saving from an early age. This
is due to the lack of attention from parents and school
institutions in providing knowledge and teaching about
the importance of saving from an early age. Children
tend to have a desire to spend the pocket money given
by their parents quickly so that when an urgent
situation comes, they have no savings. Therefore, we
will conduct socialization activities on saving from an
early age to children, by providing knowledge through
games to them about the importance of saving from an
early age.
Juni Ahyar, Ikramuddin, Zulkifli
Socialization of Effective Learning and Savings from an Early Age to Elementary
School Students 60
Education has a very important role in human life because, with education,
skilled and qualified human beings will be formed (Adler, 1998). So that they
can compete with other humans. Education is a very basic thing that cannot be
separated from everyone's life (Schultz, 1961). Along with improving the world
of education. The thing that must be done by the world of education is of
course to prepare creative human resources, able to solve actual problems, and
be able to produce new technology which is an improvement from before. This
education can be obtained by learning. The more we learn, the more knowledge
we will gain. Learning requires a process that will provide output. The
knowledge or education we get from study habits can be a powerful tool in
helping us make quality decisions (Cooper & Gurung, 2017). With the ability that
is always perfected, we become wiser in seeing a problem, because we can see
the problem from a wider perspective.
Learning is an activity that is carried out consciously to get some impressions
from the material that has been studied (Sperry, 1968). According to the
psychological understanding, learning is a process of change, namely changes in
behavior as a result of interaction with the environment in meeting the needs of
life (Reeve, 2012). These changes will manifest in all aspects of behavior.
Slameto stated that learning is a process of the effort carried out by a person to
obtain a new change in behavior as a whole, as a result of his own experience in
interaction with his environment (Kim, 1998). Furthermore, Nana Sudjana
defines learning as a process marked by a change in one's self. The changes in
question are in the form of learning outcomes that can be shown in various
forms (Chi, 2013).
In terms of process, learning is considered effective if students are actively
involved in carrying out the stages of learning procedures (Kalyuga, 2009). In
terms of results, it is considered effective if the learning objectives are
completely mastered by students (Koles, Stolfi, Borges, Nelson, & Parmelee,
2010). Effective is one way to increase children's interest in learning.
Effectiveness means achieving the targets set in the plan (Zimmerman, 1990).
So, effective learning is if the implementation includes instruments to measure
success and carry out measurements.
Volume 3, No. 2, December 2021
p- ISSN 2777-0915 | e-ISSN 2797-6068
61 http://devotion.greenvest.co.id
Effective learning can also be seen in terms of processes and results. This is very
necessary considering that day by day the interest in learning of the nation's
children is decreasing. If reviewed, the quality of the nation's children is not
inferior to children from developed countries though. It is proven by the
competitiveness of Indonesian children in the international arena. This is proof
that education in Indonesia can also compete globally.
The learning process occurs because of the interaction between a person and
the environment (Arroio, 2010). Therefore learning can happen anytime and
anywhere. One sign that someone has learned is a change in behavior in that
person which may be caused by a change in the level of knowledge, skills, or
attitudes. If the learning process is carried out formally in schools, it is intended
to direct changes in students in a planned manner, both in terms of knowledge,
skills, and attitudes.
Problems arise with the decline in children's enthusiasm for learning because of
the monotonous learning system. This makes students bored and eventually the
quality decreases. Therefore, an effective learning system is needed and must
be taught as early as possible so that in the future it becomes a good habit for
children. As early as possible teach children and apply good things that one day
can become a habit. Likewise with the problem of saving. Saving is a good
activity to cultivate from an early age because practicing saving can have a
positive impact on future lives (Biswas-Diener, 2010). Therefore, it would be
better to start introducing activities or saving activities from an early age for
children. These activities can be started with small things where the child is
directed to be able to set aside his pocket money and put the remaining pocket
money into a piggy bank (BPR Haneda, 2018). Children will love to save if they
have been taught from a young age how to use money properly without wasting
it. This habit will teach children to spend their money properly and also train
them to be independent, putting in the effort before getting what they want.
The two main issues above can be applied to children during our service period.
To teach good things to reap goodness in the future. This service is carried out
at the location, namely the State Elementary School 5 class VI Simpang
Keuramat. Based on this, of course, the students in this school are remote areas
and often escape from learning monitoring like in cities because of this
dedication, of course, they can apply their way of learning so that they can
become students who have better abilities. The school itself is located in
Meunasah Teungoh Village, Simpang Keuramat District, North Aceh Regency.
Juni Ahyar, Ikramuddin, Zulkifli
Socialization of Effective Learning and Savings from an Early Age to Elementary
School Students 62
Gampong Meunasah Teungoh itself is one of 16 villages in Simpang Keuramat
Research Method
Socialization is one of the means that affect a person's personality (Rodermel &
Stepanova, 2015). Socialization is commonly referred to as role theory. Because
in the process of socialization, the roles that must be carried out by individuals
are taught. Effective learning, Saving today is important thing. Knowledge and
saving have been instilled from an early age by some parents to their children
(Chalimah, Martono, & Khafid, 2019). Because knowledge and savings have an
important role in the future. Saving means setting aside some of the money we
have for saving. Saving is one way to manage money. The easiest way to save is
at home because it can be done at any time.
By applying these positive habits, it is hoped that they can have a positive
impact on children, namely children are taught from an early age to learn to
manage finances, children are taught which priority scales are important and
not important, children are taught to value money more, children are taught to
be independent and consistent to achieve a certain goal.
Having the habit of saving is very useful for our future. Saving to save some
money so that it can be used later if needed. The more money that is saved, the
better. Effective learning is learning without mumbling and without making a
sound. In the learning process, we do not need to mumble and without making
a sound, so that the lessons we learn are quickly absorbed into our brains and
can be easily understood by us. Efficient learning is learning that does not take
up much time. So, in the learning process, we should not think about things that
are not related to the lesson so that the time we use does not just run out of
thinking about something useless.
Socialization activities or implementing saving from an early age are activities
that are quite important so that children can understand and start, where
saving is very useful for the future, making them aware and motivating them to
be able to set aside money or appreciate money from an early age can be done
by giving understanding beforehand (Kremer-Sadlik & Kim, 2007). formerly.
Several steps can be taken such as providing an overview and understanding of
the function or use of money, teaching our children which are the main,
absolute, and urgent needs, present needs, and future needs.
Therefore, early socialization activities are quite important activities to achieve
understanding to children that saving is very beneficial for the future so that it
can motivate children to save and raise awareness of children to be able to set
Volume 3, No. 2, December 2021
p- ISSN 2777-0915 | e-ISSN 2797-6068
63 http://devotion.greenvest.co.id
aside some of their pocket money so that they can be saved. The importance of
understanding the meaning and function of money for early childhood. Saving is
a new thing that can be applied and understood by early childhood. Saving is
something that can be applied and understood by early childhood, depending on
how you provide understanding. you have to do, which is to provide an
understanding of money and its benefits.
Result and Discussion
Community service activities at SDN 5 Simpang Keuramat located in North Aceh
Regency are carried out from October to November in classrooms at the school.
The activities carried out include effective and efficient learning. Effective and
efficient learning activities are carried out through the following stages:
Activity preparation
Preparatory activities include survey activities for community service places,
namely, at SDN 5 Menasah Tengoh Simpang Keuramat, North Aceh Regency,
applying for permits for community service activities to the head of the P&K
service, administrators and Principals of SDN 5 Simpang Keuramat, North Aceh
Regency, administrative management (correspondence), preparation tools and
materials as well as accommodation, and preparation of places for effective and
efficient learning activities, namely using classrooms at the school.
Effective and efficient educational activities
Effective and efficient educational activities include opening and introducing
students to SDN 5 Simpang Keuramat, North Aceh Regency who is the target of
the activity, counseling on the meaning of effective and efficient learning,
characteristics of effective and efficient learning in schools, effective and
efficient learning management, learning management planning effective and
efficient activities that are good and right at school, and discussion/question-
and-answer sessions with participants in effective and efficient learning activities
regarding good early saving.
Closing Activities
Closing activities include giving door prizes to participants (students) who can
answer questions, taking photos together with service activity participants
(students), saying goodbye to the teachers and principal of SDN 5 Simpang
Keuramat, North Aceh Regency, and making reports on community service
Juni Ahyar, Ikramuddin, Zulkifli
Socialization of Effective Learning and Savings from an Early Age to Elementary
School Students 64
Students are given effective and efficient learning education regarding the
meaning of effective and efficient learning, characteristics of effective and
efficient learning in schools, effective and efficient learning management,
planning for effective and efficient learning management that is good and right
in school From the results of service, students understand about the content of
the material, and at the end of the session a question and answer time is given.
To evaluate the level of students' understanding of the content of the
educational activity materials, several questions related to the content of the
educational activity materials are given and students are welcome to answer.
Students who managed to answer the questions correctly were given door prizes
as a sign of appreciation. While the outcomes obtained include the existence of
community service programs in the form of effective and efficient learning
educational activities regarding saving from an early age which is expected to
increase student's knowledge about the meaning of effective and efficient
learning about saving from an early age, the characteristics of effective and
efficient learning in schools. , effective and efficient learning management,
planning for effective and efficient learning management that is good and right
at school. Besides that, it is hoped that it will increase students' awareness of
effective and efficient learning about saving from an early age. Furthermore, it is
hoped that similar activities can have an impact on increasing awareness of the
Indonesian people, especially for students as the younger generation to actively
participate in effective and efficient learning activities.
Community service activities regarding effective learning socialization and
proper saving procedures from an early age have been socialized at SD Negeri 5
Simpang Keuramat and it can be concluded that how to improve the quality of
student learning so that it is effective by adjusting the learning model and
providing motivation and enthusiasm before core learning is carried out. For
students' learning achievement to increase, it is necessary to give them
rewards, awards, or rewards, so that the efforts of students feel appreciated. So
that students want to save from an early age, it is necessary to provide a
warning and give an example to them that it is necessary to live frugally for
future happiness.
Volume 3, No. 2, December 2021
p- ISSN 2777-0915 | e-ISSN 2797-6068
65 http://devotion.greenvest.co.id
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Copyright holder :
Juni Ahyar, Ikramuddin, Zulkifli
First publication right :
Devotion : Journal of Research and Community Service
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