85 http://devotion.greenvest.co.id
187 local transmission countries where CRF data were compared as of July 2020
CFR. 4.6% has decreased. As of March 6, 2021, the country with the highest
number of confirmed cases of Covid-19 was the United States with a total of
28,468,736 cases, while for the Covid-19 case in ASEAN, Indonesia became the
country with the highest confirmed cases of 1,373,836, followed by the
Philippines with 587,704 cases and Malaysia. 310,097 cases. The state of
Indonesia itself began reporting its first case on March 2, 2020. Cases are
increasing and spreading rapidly throughout Indonesia. As of July 9, 2020, the
Ministry of Health reported 70,736 confirmed cases of Covid-19 with 3,417
deaths (CFR 4.8%). As of March 6, 2021, the number of COVID-19 cases in
Indonesia that have been examined amounted to 7,420,374 with confirmed
Covid-19 cases totaling 1,373,836 cases, 1,189,510 people recovered, 37,154
deaths with a CRF of 2.7%.
As explained that at KKP Class II Padang where the Quarantine Control and
Epidemiological Surveillance Section has the task of preparing planning
materials, monitoring, evaluating, compiling reports, and coordinating the
implementation of quarantine, disease epidemiological surveillance, potential
disease outbreaks, new diseases, and emerging diseases (Agustina, Afidah, &
fadhilah Hasanah, 2021). The data generated in a surveillance system is used to
know the picture of the health of a population, take policies that can be applied
in the population, both regarding behavior patterns and disease prevention,
monitor and evaluate health programs implemented in the community conduct
further research related to surveillance data, and identify problems that exist in
the population calls.
The scope of surveillance activities itself is quite broad, ranging from early
detection of extraordinary events/epidemics, prevention of infectious diseases,
to prevention of chronic (non-communicable) diseases that can be carried out
within the period of changing behavior patterns to the onset of the disease
(Peckham, 2016). Surveillance can be used to collect data on various elements
of the disease chain, starting from behavioral risk factors, preventive actions, as
well as program evaluation and unit costs (Haddix, Teutsch, & Corso, 2003). In
other words, a surveillance system is needed to get an overview of the disease
burden of a community, including the number of cases, incidence, prevalence,
case-fatality rate, mortality and morbidity rates, treatment costs, prevention,
epidemic potential, and information on the emergence of new diseases.