125 http://devotion.greenvest.co.id
Volume 3, No. 2, December 2021
dan p-ISSN:
Ahnis Zulkarnain, Rizni Restiana
Polytechnic Penerbangan Medan
E-mail: ahniszulkarnain@gmail.com ,[email protected]om
Covid -19 (Coronavirus disease 2019) affects most aspects of human life
(Adam, 2020) without exception in the education aspect, especially in Indonesia.
The government is also reluctant to quickly respond to these impacts during the
Human Resources,
Article Info
November, 24
December, 4
December, 13
Abstract This research was conducted by using this
literature study to determine: Analysis of HR
Management in Improving Learning Strategies in the
New Normal Era. In this study, the method used is
qualitative with a library research approach. The results
of the study show that: HR management in improving
learning strategies in the new normal era is through
efforts, mature readiness, debriefing both in terms of IT
skills and the habit of virtual learning. The most
appropriate learning strategy in this new normal era is to
follow the rules of the Ministry of Education and Culture
with virtual learning through an agreed platform. For this
reason, it is necessary to carry out 2 main elements of
teaching and learning activities, students and teachers
must be equipped, qualified and know the direction of
filtered learning in order to minimize misunderstandings
between teachers and students. Meanwhile, students at
home study with the help and supervision of their
parents to avoid cheating, laziness and cheating during
exams. So that ethics, values / norms are still upheld in
the realm of academia.
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pandemic, one of which is by releasing a guide book "Organizing Learning in the
Academic Year and Academic Year 2020/2021 During the Coronavirus Disease
(Covid-19) Pandemic" by a joint decision of 4 (four) Ministers including the
Minister of Education and Culture , Minister of Religion, Minister of Health and
Minister of Home Affairs on June 30, 2020. Activities in the learning process in
Indonesia during the COVID-19 pandemic have so far been carried out online.
And in its implementation, it turns out that it still needs some adaptations and
improvements. Based on the quality of the factors supporting the
implementation of the learning process, these supporting factors include
devices, computers, internet connections, and television (Putria et al, 2020).
Consciously, we know that human resource management is a core part of
an association or an educational institution. Not to be missed in this, how the
human resources themselves dedicate themselves to welcoming the transition
from normal (as usual) to a pandemic (because it has hit dozens of countries in
the world) to become a new normal (normal with new habits). Why was the new
normal era chosen instead of the original normal? Because at this time we have
been required to be ready, after several months of refraining like the process of
fasting from leaving the house for things that are not needed. Even some people
are required to remain silent for an undetermined time as a form of endeavor for
the pandemic that may befall those who are not picky/know anyone. Almost
more than 3 months, both government agencies, education and elements that
require too much physical contact have to be temporarily stopped in order to
follow the rules of physical distancing to prevent this fast-growing virus from
spreading (Arafah & Bahri, 2020). Regarding the world of education, where
children have longer holidays than usual, even based on the glasses that are seen
now, boredom and boredom begin to decorate themselves as excuses for
missing, teachers, peers, lessons at school and activities that they usually do.
Indeed, educational institutions also follow a fast-paced path so that they
continue to hold learning that is functioned by the online method.
Learning strategies referring to the new normal era are guided by
following health protocols and triggering teachers as part of the most important
human resources in teaching and learning activities to have precise moves to
manage learning without face-to-face without eliminating the learning essence
itself. As currently circulating on social media, teachers often provide examples
and then share links and ask students to follow them at home, which is an
efficient way to learn in the midst of a pandemic with the new normal era
(Miftah sa'adah & Rakimahwati, 2021).
However, the ineffectiveness of both human resources, in this case
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p- ISSN 2777-0915 | e-ISSN 2797-6068
127 http://devotion.greenvest.co.id
educators, students and parents, found various obstacles with the virtual
method applied to this new civilization of human life. Therefore, HR must be
familiar with its power to improve by innovating with new strategies to smooth
teaching and learning activities in the era that is currently being lived. Experts
have also researched for a long time so that their findings are as stated by
Ni'mah that: there are also obstacles from this E-learning, namely: 1) Electricity
can go out while accessing learning programs 2) Bad internet network 3)
Uncertain commitment from parents 4) Students/students who find it difficult to
learn this way 5) Misunderstanding between lecturers/teachers and
students/students 6) Ignorance of science and technology (Lutfiah, 2020).
Research Method
The main method that became the basis for collecting data in this study
led to the study conducted, namely a literature review, which is a search and
summarize some empirical literature that is appropriate and relevant to the
theme. The literature used is in the form of books, scientific articles from
international and national journals. The literature used is literature relevant to
this study and has been printed or published. The use of inclusion and exclusion
criteria for the entire literature is the selection method.
On the other hand, the form of the data in this journal leads to
descriptive data where the definition of descriptive is: "Descriptive research is
research conducted to determine the existence of independent variables, either
only on one or more variables without making comparisons or connecting with
other variables (independent variables). is a variable that stands alone, not an
independent variable, because if the independent variable is always paired with
the dependent variable. " This method is intended to collect historical data and
observe carefully about certain aspects related to the problem being studied so
that it will obtain data - data that can support the preparation of the analysis
report.This analysis involves the entire population (Nonprobability Sampling).
Result and Discussion
Human Resource Management
Human resource management is not a goal and the end of a process, but
a device or tool to help achieve an overall goal. For this reason, a human
resource management unit/section in an institution is established to serve other
parts of the institution or organization. Human Resource Management is defined
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by Mangkunegara as a processing and utilization of resources that exist in
individuals (Sakban, Nurmal, & Ridwan, 2019). In another sense, it is a planning,
organizing, implementing supervision of procurement, development,
remuneration, integration, maintenance and separation of workers in order to
achieve the goals of an institution. Human resource management in each
institution/organization must be in accordance with organizational goals without
being excessive or not too less. This is because there is an excess or lack of target
application in each institutional unit, indicating that there is wasted or wasteful
use of human resources. Therefore, every institutional unit that manages or uses
human resources must be able to maintain the right balance between the quality
and quantity of their respective resources. In order to be in line with the goals
that have been set. In other words, what is necessary and main in management
in this case are 3 components of human resources, namely teachers as
educators, students as students and the main person as education stakeholders.
And the link to participate between the community and parents is the main thing
that is no less important.
Establishing cooperation between schools and the community is a form of
activity carried out either directly or indirectly. For example, assistance and
support from parties in the education environment (Fatmawati, 2020). Although,
all levels of society have not fully contributed, but educational institutions must
continue to be optimistic and aggressive to carry out socialization and
interrelated activities for optimal goals achieved (Setiana, 2018). As part of the
dominant micro component determining the quality of education, teachers must
be qualified and perform well in globalization by trying to master various
information and communication technologies. This is because the advancement
of information and communication aspects has undergone tremendous changes
in the era of globalization. In the national education system, teachers have a
strategic role in the learning process in particular and the education process as a
whole. Especially in the midst of a pandemic and the new normal transition
period of the current era. It is very important for the 2 main elements above to
share and care with each other to be able to balance the psychological condition
of children who are depressed with limited activities that may have a stressor
impact. So, this can be prevented by minimizing gaps with routines that keep
going with extra supervision from the previous normal era.
Ways of Handling Change
The paradigm shift in managing organizations in an unpredictable and
complex era makes organizations need to make adjustments through a process
Volume 3, No. 2, December 2021
p- ISSN 2777-0915 | e-ISSN 2797-6068
129 http://devotion.greenvest.co.id
of change. Organizational change is an effort to maintain survival in order to
survive in the face of uncertain problems such as Covid-19 (Taufik & Warsono,
2020). Organizations that adapt quickly to environmental changes are
organizations that survive
There are 2 main approaches to dealing with organizational change that
managers can use, as shown below:
The first is a reactive change process, in which the leader reacts to
signs that change is needed, implementing incremental modifications to deal
with certain problems that arise. Second, the leader develops a program of
planned change, often referred to as a proactive process, through making
significant investments of time and other resources to change the way the
institution/organization operates. The first approach is simpler and cheaper than
the second approach. It takes a leader in solving simple (minor) problems and
day-to-day adjustments that are integral to the position.
The second approach, a planned change program involves deliberate
activities to change the status quo. Thimas and Bennis define planned change as
the design and implementation of a new structural innovation, policy or goal, or
a deliberate change in philosophy, climate and operations. This approach is
appropriate when the entire institution/organization has to prepare for or adapt
to change.
This can be seen from the spread of the pandemic that has occurred in
the world, especially in our beloved country, Indonesia with the distinctive
national anthem Indonesia Raya. The relevance is that we really need to react
according to the second approach from the expert opinion above. Because it is
impossible to predict when this pandemic will end completely. Wallahu'alam.
Our task as academics is to always make efforts by entrusting the experts,
namely the medical and the Education Office, who have gone to great lengths to
design or renovate educational reforms that are adapted to the new normal era
which is being gradually implemented in the distribution of 34 provinces of
change (made
before the
changes (done
after a
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One of the efforts is to actively participate in webinars during the
pandemic. From here, we can share directly with designers, initiators and policy
makers in Indonesia, even with a limited time. In line with the Ministry of
Education and Culture's statement, Romi said from the conclusion of the webinar
held on Monday/07/07/2020 that we need to complement each other, teach,
share experiences and collaborate. Similar to Miss Riska, as the manager of the
KAIZEN educational institution, on this occasion also expressed the importance
of collaboration between the school environment and the surrounding
environment in the midst of this pandemic..
HR Capability Development
1. Good service can only be realized if HR management is carried out by
prioritizing the interests of education service users.
2. Communication. Purwanto in his book argues that communication as
an intermediary from conveying one's ideology to others certainly has obstacles
and obstacles that can trigger misunderstandings. Communication inhibiting
factors exist in several ways, including "problems in developing messages,
problems in delivering messages, problems in receiving messages and problems
in interpreting messages". As Rizal also revealed, communication between
educators and students takes place in two directions which is bridged by the use
of media, such as computers, television, radio, telephone, internet, video, and so
3. Global network, this stage started from the mid-1990s. It is called a
global network because companies are connected to a global network of
information technology systems with telecommunications technology via the
internet, which is also popular with information technology systems. In other
ways, emphasis is placed on the application of information9.
4. PDCA (Plan, Do, Check and Act) and SDCA (Standardize, Do, Check, and
Act) cycles (Riniwati, 2016)
Expert expert Edward Deming as the initiator of this cycle, is a cycle to
carry out continuous process improvement and control which includes the
following steps:
Act Check
Plan Do
Volume 3, No. 2, December 2021
p- ISSN 2777-0915 | e-ISSN 2797-6068
131 http://devotion.greenvest.co.id
Steps Plans:
1. Identify the main problem
2. Research the root cause
3. Determine the influential cause.
4. Improvement plan, setting goals
Do :
5. Responsibility and implementation of the plan
6. Evaluation and validation of implementation
Act :
7. Review all feedback, make improvements
8. Improve standard
Initially repair, each new process is usually not stable. Before making
repairs for the next cycle, the new process is stabilized through SDCA which is
maintenance. Here's a picture of SDCA maintenance:
Figure 1. (SDCA Maintenance)
When an irregularity arises in a new process, several questions must be
asked as a correction material, namely whether it occurs because there is no
standard or the standard is not being adhered to, it could be less detailed or not
detailed. After the standard is refined and complied with and brings stability to
the process, it is allowed to move on to the next PDCA cycle. This indicates that
the SDCA cycle applies standardization in order to achieve process stability with a
maintenance function, while the PDCA cycle applies the repair and control
This transition process really has to be prepared, starting from the
services, communication, gliobal networks and cycles offered by Edward Deming
above. Services that are viewed from a new civilization where virtual meetings
are facilities that have been taken by our current educational unit with various
application features provided, the most dominant are: zoom, google-meet, live in
youtube, teacher's room, study room and various kinds other online discussions
Act Check
Plan Do
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that have been held in cyberspace. All of this also has impacts and obstacles as
we know that not all Indonesian students/people hold gadgets, inadequate signal
access for remote areas, large internet quotas that are used in the midst of lack
of income, and a teacher who must be willing to come to his students' homes. in
order to get a proper education. Appreciation is at the same time sad, because
the extra effort and the unsung teacher's motto attached to it have not yet
reached the maximum level in implementation in the field.
Towards the New Normal Transition Era
In this new, unprecedented reality, post-Covid 19, the world is shocked by
the term new normal, which results in restructuring (rearrangement) of people's
lives, and in the near future, there will be debates and discussions about the new
normal. The term "new normal" which means normality or new normal, has been
around for a long time and is not foreign (Siahaya, Arsawan, Kennedy, Dewi, &
Aziz, n.d.). The government's steps to implement the new normal are very
appropriate. As for the madrasa and school community, it is very important to
pay attention to these steps towards the successful implementation of the new
normal by of course paying attention to procedures.
Various terms are used to understand this term, such as a new life order
(says Mr. Joko Widodo), adaptation of new habits (says Mr. Ridwan Kamil),
transitions to welcome a new normal (says Mr. Anies Baswedan and Mr. Bima
Arya), and lifestyle adjustments (says Wiku Asisasmita as the head of the expert
team for the Covid-19 14 acceleration task force. The Ministry of Education and
Culture (Kemendikbud) in its official Instagram account explained that the word
new normal has an Indonesian equivalent, namely the new normal, which is a
new normal that has never existed before15. According to a government
spokesman in accelerating the handling of COVID 19, the new normal is
interpreted as a movement for a new life, a productive and safe life from the
corona virus outbreak. Achmad Yurianto said that we cannot return to the
situation as before (the old normal), therefore we must changed16.
The substance of the new normal should not be considered limited to
easing PSBB and public transportation. Although many were surprised, it was
finally understood as something normal and should work. According to Ridwan
Sanjaya, quoting Paul Glover's opinion in the Philadelphia City Paper 2009 that in
explaining a condition that was originally considered unusual to be something
that is then considered normal, natural, and finally widely accepted, the new
normal accepted by the community becomes something which is then
understood as a condition reasonable. These various changes that continue to
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p- ISSN 2777-0915 | e-ISSN 2797-6068
133 http://devotion.greenvest.co.id
occur create conditions known as "the new normal". The new normal has various
responses from the public. This is natural, as long as it is intended for a better life
and is carried out based on valid research studies.
WHO has set several barometers before the government implements the
new normal, including: ensuring controlled transmission, the health system is in
good condition, guaranteeing preventive measures in the work environment,
preventing imported cases of covid, and ensuring public awareness and
participation18. In line with that, the government has determined three
standards for reducing PSBB, namely by looking at transmission based on the
reproduction rate (R0), the level of health system capacity in responding to
Covid-19 services and the level of mass Covid-19 tests carried out.
Looking at and observing the standards and barometers above, University
of Indonesia epidemiologist Pandu Riono, quoted from You Tube Kompas TV,
Saturday, May 30, 2020, assessed that the new life movement (new normal)
could not be implemented in its entirety, if the health parameters had not been
met, due to thoroughness. or the authenticity of the COVID-19 data, making it
difficult to calculate the reproduction rate (RO)20. According to Jusuf Kalla,
quoted from Akurat. Com, Saturday, May 30, 2020, predicts that the new normal
will last at least 3 (three) years, if a covid 19 vaccine has been found in February
2021 and next is mass production of vaccines in August and September 202121.
Many countries have decided to return to the life movement. new normal, such
as China (China and South Korea but still following health protocols. But in the
end, the country re-imposed social restrictions.
The phenomenon above, agrees with the announcement that is often
conveyed by University of Indonesia epidemiologist Pandu Riono, quoted from
Kompas, 29 May 2020: "If you continue to impose the implementation of the
new normal phase, while the requirements and criteria that have been
determined have not been met, then be prepared to bear the increase. case”22.
The author is of the view that before re-establishing a new life movement
(new normal), it is better to precede the transition stage, which is a stage that
will determine the success or failure of the new normal stage later. There are
two stages of change that can be applied, namely the first stage: the termination
stage, then the second stage, the transition stage, which is a procedure in which
one gets out of the old habit and enters a new habit or begins with a break and
ends with a beginning.
New Normal Era
Transition Process
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The author sees that most have not made it through the first phase,
people are not disciplined in following health protocols, as a consequence it
becomes difficult to enter the next phases, namely the transition phase, let alone
the new normal phase. If the transition stage fails to implement changes, it is
likely that it will fall into the abyss of destruction and it is very difficult to get
back up to the new normal stage, whereas if it succeeds in undergoing the
transition stage, it is not absurd that there will be a very significant increase to
the new normal stage. Therefore, the authors view the importance of preparing
and managing the transition phase as productively and effectively as possible
before undergoing the new normal, as indicators have been approved by WHO
and the government.
Learning Strategies in the New Normal Transition
Controversy among the Indonesian people about the opening of schools
during the transition to the new normal is becoming increasingly resonant and
very dilemmatic. Of course, this has its own arguments. One of the reasons
people are pro-school opening is that the school's treasury is running low, so that
it requires income to pay teachers, especially private schools. While those who
protested, mostly came from the parents/guardians of students. They are afraid
because even though they have entered the new normal transition, Covid-19
cases have not completely stopped. Even if you see positive cases are increasing
because of the extraordinary testing and tracing by the government. According
to the UK, Germany and Vietnam, quoting from detik health on June 04 2020,
these 3 countries have decided to return to the New Normal and open schools,
but still follow very strict health protocols, such as the school hallways are only
used in one direction, mandatory use masks, students in the classroom are
limited, teaching time is divided into two waves, the distance between students
is 1.5 to 2 meters apart and windows are kept open for air circulation.
The Acting Director General of PAUD, Basic Education and Secondary
Education of the Ministry of Education and Culture explained that if the school
year is postponed or pushed back to January 2021, there will be several impacts
and adjustments so that the school year will continue to be carried out in mid-
July 2020 with an online-based learning pattern or not face-to-face learning”
(Purba, nd). In response to this, the Indonesian Pediatrician Association (IDAI)
proposed to the government that schools remain closed and study online27. In
the era of mobile internet, countries around the world have made various
effective efforts in online education, but online education is more of a
complement to school education, and large-scale normal online education does
Volume 3, No. 2, December 2021
p- ISSN 2777-0915 | e-ISSN 2797-6068
135 http://devotion.greenvest.co.id
not have many cases. The “School Out, But Class's on” campaign launched by the
Chinese government during the COVID-19 epidemic created a normal large-scale
online education application28.
On June 15, 2020, the Ministry of Education and Culture, the Ministry of
Religion, the Ministry of Health, and the Ministry of Home Affairs decided to
compile guidelines for the implementation of learning in the academic year and
the new academic year during the COVID 19 period. Principles of Education
Policy in the COVID-19 Pandemic Period with the principles a policy that the
health and safety of students, educators, education staff, families, and
communities is a top priority in setting learning policies. The pattern of learning
patterns for early childhood education, basic education and secondary
education, namely the new 2020/2021 teaching will continue to start in July
2020, for areas that are in the yellow, orange, and red zones, it is prohibited to
conduct face-to-face learning in education units. education in these zones
continues. Learning from Home29 New normal in the education sector is very
different from other sectors of life, so it must be fully alert and careful30.
Based on the situation, general emergency management is the best
solution. An emergency policy initiative called “Suspending Classes Without
Stopping Learning” aims to turn teaching activities into online teaching31.
Distance or online learning has become the norm32. Online learning is very much
needed to balance the development of the world of education which is
supported by information technology that leads to the digital era, both process
and content in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0. With online learning, the
learning process can occur anywhere and anytime flexibly33.
Education in this emergency period needs to be distinguished from the
normal period. The meaning of "Closing classes without stopping learning"
reflects learning in a broad sense, which not only refers to structured learning
from the school curriculum, but also includes learning various content. Such
learning can be carried out in various ways, the purpose of which is to support
student growth. Meanwhile, it was emphasized that knowledge of epidemic
prevention and control needs to be included in addition to the formal national
curriculum, with particular emphasis on popularizing epidemic prevention
knowledge, expressed through life education classes, public safety education and
mental health education34.
Public safety education through policy implementation is very important
to pay attention to starting from a dynamic process, emergency management
system to linking the objectives of all steps, it is appropriate for schools,
(principals, teachers and parents) to collaborate to implement a public
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emergency management system, which is a procedure which enables emergency
decision making and centralized circulation of information, and n a system for
classroom management and multi-level response (Ananda & Banurea, 2017).
Human Resource Management (HRM) in Improving Learning Strategies in the
New Normal Transition Era
Several schools in Indonesia are closed to prevent the spread of COVID
19, so the parties who are most disadvantaged are the entire academic
community, if schools are closed. However, if observed accurately, students are
the ones who feel the most impact. The problem is, if learning stops or is
postponed, the time for carrying out learning activities for a year will be delayed
until an unspecified time limit. Therefore, education that is oriented towards
global relevant needs is very much needed, namely relevant needs (Purba, n.d.).
For this reason, education requires reliable resources, both human
resources and infrastructure for educational efficiency. The existence of Covid-19
has encouraged teachers and school academic staff to take a number of policies
related to learning activities. As a person who is involved in the world of
education, in fact, the author sees the impact of the home-study policy for
students starting this March. The scheduled agenda has become a mess, so like it
or not, educational institutions must also evaluate policies to anticipate the
impact of Covid 19. The abolition of the National Examination, then the final
school exam that must be held via WhatsApp is one of the changes faced. The
management of educational institutions must be able to adapt to this pandemic
and are required to continue to carry out the scheduled routine agenda while
maintaining social and psychological distancing.
When learning in educational institutions stops due to this epidemic,
public opinion towards educational institutions, especially teachers, will become
increasingly positive. In relation to professional competence, the teacher must
master, among others:
1. Materials, structures, concepts, and scientific mindsets that support the
lessons taught.
2. Understand the competency standards and basic competencies of the
subjects/development areas being taught.
3. Elaborating creatively enabled learning materials.
4. Growing professionalism in a sustainable manner by taking introspective
5. Able to use ICT to communicate and develop themselves. (Early, 2021)
Volume 3, No. 2, December 2021
p- ISSN 2777-0915 | e-ISSN 2797-6068
137 http://devotion.greenvest.co.id
It has been mentioned many times above that it is necessary to have
structured collaboration and management, be it teachers, principals and parents,
to be able to present online learning. The principal with such a strategic position
must be able to display effective leadership, good school management must be
accompanied by good teachers, so that the curriculum can be translated into
good learning. The effectiveness of a school in achieving its vision, carrying out
its mission, meeting goals and targets, and in carrying out learning activities
requires the existence of a principal who displays effective leadership.
The forms of school management that can be applied in the new normal era
Teacher self-
teacher support,
teacher resources,
structure learning,
support and
feedback to
students and
profile, status
and needs
during the
pandemic, as
well as family
and curriculum
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Human resource management in improving learning strategies in the new
normal era is through efforts, mature readiness, debriefing both in terms of ICT
skills and the habit of taking virtual learning. The pandemic condition was the
beginning of the rise or the establishment of online learning rules for students
in Indonesia by the Government and the Ministry of Education and Culture
itself, even though previously elite, bona fide schools had already set foot in
learning by utilizing technology, but certainly not as dominant as before the
pandemic occurred. The most appropriate learning strategy in this new normal
era is to follow the rules of the Ministry of Education and Culture with virtual
learning through an agreed platform. For this reason, it is necessary to carry out
2 main elements of teaching and learning activities, students and teachers must
be equipped, qualified and know the direction of filtered learning in order to
minimize misunderstandings between teachers and students. Meanwhile,
students at home study with the help and supervision of their parents to avoid
Controlling Student
with teachers
goes well
Coordinate with
regarding study
learning both
schedules and
according to the
conditions of
parents and
Volume 3, No. 2, December 2021
p- ISSN 2777-0915 | e-ISSN 2797-6068
139 http://devotion.greenvest.co.id
cheating, laziness and cheating during exams. So that ethics, values / norms are
still upheld in the realm of academia. Therefore, this is the basis for the most
appropriate learning strategy in this new normal era, the changing times are so
fast, ready or not, all regions must follow if they don't want to be left behind.
There are big changes and challenges faced by continuing to carry out activities
in the midst of a pandemic, but this is a solution. From here, students can learn
from the pandemic situation, and stay motivated and guided by teachers to be
successful in the future.
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Dialogue: Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Publik, 2(1), 118.
Copyright holder :
Ahnis Zulkarnain, Rizni Restiana
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Devotion : Journal of Research and Community Service
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