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This study aims to determine: 1) The Relationship between Leadership Quality and Employee Work Motivation at SMP Se Kota Gorontalo. 2) The Relationship between Work Climate and   Employee Work Motivation at SMP Se Kota Gorontalo. 3) Leadership Quality Relationships    and Work Climate together with Employee Work Motivation at SMP Se Kota Gorontalo.  The method used is quantitative, with correlational techniques. The technique of collecting data using questionnaires. The results of this study show that Leadership Quality with  Employee Work Motivation  has a significant relationship with  a  correlation coefficient of  0.171 or 17.1  %, 2) Work Climate   with  Motivation   Employee Work  has a significant relationship with a  correlation of  coefficients of 0.221 or 22.1  %, 3)  Leadership Quality and  Work Climate with Work Motivation  Employees have a relationship   that  significant with a correlation coefficient of 0.542 or 54.2%. For this reason, it is recommended: 1) For institutions, this research  is expected to  be useful as information material to add knowledge  and insight so that even in this research  can improve performance  employees. 2) For employees, this research is expected to be able to  understand  ,  understand and have a sense of responsibility  to the work and become a benchmark  in quality  and   The working climate  for the  results of work is in accordance with the expectations of the institution


Employee Work Motivation Work Climate Leadership Qualities

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