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Efforts to preserve traditional culinary are one
form of protecting traditional culinary delights from the
variety of western foods that enter Indonesia, especially in the
Cirebon region. The goal is to preserve food that is rarely
traded, even less demanded, therefore researchers want to
design a right agarma scheme that still exists in the current
era of modernization. This research method with quantitative
methods with the number of respondents classified into 2
categories, namely adolescents 12-21 and adults 22-35 years
so a total of 30 respondents. The results of this study are
adolescent categories, taste, appearance and presentation
are important in choosing a food. Meanwhile, the adult
category chooses taste, appearance, price, distribution,
image and presentation. Traditional culinary interest is an
identity of a region and has a cultural entity, that is, 56% of
respondents in the youth category choose food because there
are cultural values and beliefs in it, and 83% of respondents in
the adult category say the same thing. Overall 67% of
respondents or the majority of respondents chose food
because of cultural values, beliefs. Constraints and the
development of traditional food have been evaluated with the
advice of researchers, one of which is promoting traditional
food with online media, then changing the packaging as
attractive as possible with a trademark as a characteristic,
easy to remember. In conclusion, the dual traditional culinary
mesri and cemplung can still be preserved and developed with
more interesting pamasaran methods


KulinerTradisional Kategori Remaja Kategori Dewasa

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