Main Article Content
The Covid-19 pandemic has changed many
aspects of life, one of which is in the economy. This has an
impact on economic instability, one of which is the impact of
MSMEs, such as the occurrence of abnormalities in the supply
of raw materials, consumer interest and marketing. This study
aims to describe the marketing strategies that must be
carried out by MSME actors so that they can survive and
become more responsive to changes when Covid-19 occurs.
In this study using qualitative methods with interview
techniques in Kesenden, Cirebon. From the results of the
research conducted, it can be concluded that the Covid-19
pandemic can provide opportunities and can also provide
threats (Treath) to MSMEs, marketing strategies in the midst
of the Covid-19 pandemic, namely by improving the quality of
products and services, customer relationship marketing, and
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