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Religious tourism in Makbaroh Ki Gede Madun Jaya
tends to be of little interest, even though there are many
during kliwon Friday nights. However, it tends to decline on
weekdays and needs development. The purpose of this
observation or research is to find out the existing problems
and find efforts to overcome the existing problems. The
method used in this research is descriptive qualitative with
data collection techniques in the form of interviews,
observation, and documentation. Interviews were conducted
with Kuncen Makbaroh, and visitors or pilgrims. The results
found from this study are the findings of joint efforts between
the village government and the community in developing
religious tourism. Based on the results of the above
research, the authors conclude: 1) there is togetherness
between the government and the community to jointly
develop religious tourism as local wisdom in the village of
Guwa Kidul, 2) To commemorate Ki Madun Jaya's
services in the early spread and develop Islamic teachings
in Guwa village South.


Religious Tours Ki Madun Jaya Guwa Kidul

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